Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/381

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Gray, Buchanan, Bible commen- tator iv-uiic

— Catherine Charlotte de IX- U9c

— John, pioneer. See Tatham, John

— John, vicar Apostolic VI-o7Sb; Xni-621c

— John de. Archbishop of Canter- burv, VIlI-792a

—Robert, explorer II-792b; XI- 290b: XV-166d; 563a

— Thomas V-lGTb

— William, Bishop of Lincoln IX- 267b

Gray, W. H. XI-290d

Graye, Richard. See Flower, Richard

Graz, town, Austria XIV-318b; city hall (Ul.) XIV-31SC

—Chureli in: cathedral (ill.) XIII- 672d: Counter- Reformation II-125d; Dominican house II- 123d; Maria-Trost. Convent of XIV-319b; Maria-Trost, Con- vent of (ill.) XIV-319a; revolu- tion of lS48II-129d; seminary II-127C; VII-2d; Vlll-olla

—UNIVERSITY OF VI-733d; I- 14.5d: II-12od; XIV-31&d; XV-l'.l7d

Grazer Volksblatt XI-670a

Grazhdanska \I-57ad

Grazi, Grazio Maria I-394b

Graziani, Giovanni Ev. Galeotto, Bishop of San Scpolcro II- 6S6b

— Rainaldo, Franciscan VI-285d

Grazie, Marie Eugenie delle, writer VI-52Sc

Grazini, Benedetto, See Rovez-

Grazio, Luca, Bishop of Cortona IV-401d

Graziolo, and Dante IV-632a

Grazny, Ivan. Sec Ivan IV

Grea, Adrien, foundation III- 297a

Great Awakening, in New Eng- land n-279d

— Ban, in Manichsean cosmogony IX-592C

—Bear, in Old Testament II-30c; 31a; 31c

—Bible II-142a: XV-376C

— Book, Nasorsean X-706b

— ^Britain, alcohol, consumption of XIV-482b; areaV-60Sc; Baptists, statistics II -281c; Bible Societies, statistics II- 544d

— Church in: abstinence I-70a: address, forms of I-139c; age, canonical I-207b; Bulls III- 50d; catechism V-S7a: chap- lains, militarj- III-o81c; Cis- tercians XVI-2.5C ; f ast3V-790a ; Franciscan tertiaries XIV- 645b; lay trustees XV-71c; Lazarists X-366a; and Propa- ganda XIII-143a; Propagation of Faith, Society for XII-462a; property VII-721a: statistics XII-o02a; temperance move- ment XIV-489b

— History: chronology III-740a; and Congo Free State I V-229c; and Denmark IV-729b; and Mexico XV-175a; and migra- tion X-294b; and Persia XI- 718c: and Samoa XIII-421b; and Seychelles Islands XII- 312c; and Siam XIII-765d; and Sikhs XIII-789b; and Tibet XIV-720b; and Trinidad XII-291b; and United States (1782) I-240d: and Wisconsm XV-66.3a

— Legislation: adoption I-148a; bankruptcy II-255a; compe- tency IV-187a: prisons XII- 433b; punishment, capital H- 114a; XII-569c: suffrage XV-696b: temperance move- ments XIV-4S2b: 4S6d

— Masonry IX-778d; p'ipulation V-60Sc: religious statiatic-s V- 612a; XVI-27Sa; Rolls Series XIII-120a. Sre further under names of countries

— Bulgaria, Mongolian dynasty X-4S2a

— Cannon, Moscow X-595c

— Captain. See OSrdova, Gon- salvo de

— Charter, of Thomas Christians

XIV-6S0d — College, Seville. See Maese

Rodngo — Consistory, of Dutch Reformed

Church XII-710C — Council (Lateran) IX-18b — Council, Jewish. See Sanhedrin —Doctor I-39d

— Elector. See Frederick William — Entrance, Eastern liturgies.

See Entrance, Great —FALLS, DIOCESE OF VI-

734c: X-ol9a: cathedral (ill.)

VI-734: charitable institutions

XIl-247b: Croatian parish IV-

513c: statistics XV-176d — Field, monastery II-323b —Fire, London IX-344C — Fish River, Africa, discovered

IV-775C —Friday. Sec Good Friday — German, party VI-510d; and

Windthorst XV-6o5c Greathead, Robert. See Grosse-

teste. Robert Great Hosanna VII-473a — HumlUation, Bruges III-6a — Illustrious One, Naaorsean X-

706d — Interim. See Leipzig, Interim

of —Khan IV-551b —King I-784d — Laltes, L^nited States XV-

lo7a: mission I-312a; Sulpician

map XIII-379C — Laura. See Mar Saba — Law, Pennsylvania XI-639d — Learning, Book of. See Ta-hio — Litany, Greek Liturgy IV-317b — Lombard X-127c — Malvern. See Malvern Priory,

Great — Meadows, Pennsylvania, bat- tle XV- 1.59a — Mogul, Vicariate Apostolic of,

and Poona XII-230a — Monastery. See Irenaion — Mother, temple of, Rome

Xin-176c — Namaqualand, Prefecture Apos- tolic of XI-2()8b Greatness, Father of. .See Light,

Father of Great Oblation, in East Syrian

Rite XIV-415d Greaton, Joseph, missionary XI-

793c Great Palace, Constantinople

IV-303a: Moscow X-.595d —Plague, London IX-344C — PUin, of China III-664b —Plains, United States XV-157a —Privilege, Flanders III-70a Greatrakes, Valentine VII-605a;

700d Great Russians XIII- 234c; XIV-

48c —Sabbath XI-512d —St. Bernard, hospice II-.TOSc;

III-295b; VII-475d; XIV-

364d — Saturday. See Holy Saturday — Silence, reliRious XIII-790b:

Poor Clares XII-2.54a — Sioux Reservation XIV-21d — Slave Lake, Canada, discov- ered IV-718d: mission V-785d —Spirit IV-6S7b; Nasoraian X-

706d — Splendour, Nasoriean X-706d — Synagogue. See Synagogue —Trek XI-2K7c; XV-20a — Tromenie XII-612b — Unknowable I-2I6b —Vehicle III-31C — WaU, China III-654d; 681c;

(ill.) III-6S2C: Jesuit survey of

VI-4.)2b: XII-720b —Wanderer, deity XIII-671b —Week XI-433a Greaves, Thomas XV-546a Gr6ban, Amoul, mystery VI-

)92d: X-278d; .3isd — Simon, mystery VI-192d Greccio, Italv, St. Francia at

IV-489C; XIII-54a Greco, EI. See Theotocopuli,

Domoniro — Gaetano, and Pergolesi XI-

««7c Grech Delicata, Antonio, Bishop

of C.zo VI-(iS7d Grechetto, II. See Ca.stiglione,

Giovanni Benedetto

Grecielis, Bishop of Llandaff IX-

316a GREECE VI-735b — Art: acanthus I-92a: arch I-

6S8a: bas-relief n-341d:

Gospels, decoration of VI-661C;

sculpture XIII-ti43a; temple

XIV-497d —Church in: II-46c: VI-737d;

742b: XII - 765c; adoration.

ferpctual I-153d; .\postolicity I"43b; VI-737a: archbishops I-691d; bishops II-5S8d: Do- minicans xn-35Sd: 3C8Dd; Donation of Constantino V- 121a: Jesuit missions XIV- 103c: monasteries II - 323c; Propaganda XII-!57b: 457d. See under CJreek Church

— Ctt^toms: ama I-375c; amulets I-143d: 444a; burial IV-481c; diptychs V-22d; funeral feasts I - 201a; mourning I - 776b; shriviTi'^ IT :^'>:^a; shaving of th' Ih-nl \1\ 779a

—/.;,;:„ ,,',,-, \ -J96d; ancient ,1 L-rs IV-llld; and


719d; XII-214c; marriageable age I-20Sc; poor, treatment of III-593c: and population XII- 276c: proselytism Il-46d; slavery XIV-39d: woman XV- 690a

— Lilcrnturr; apnlncetic writings

VI ,"ir T"r' "^^ "r'n Sleepers

of \ ' ' s ancient

IX J i;i5d:and

Ru,"i \lll-266d;

Vat]..,.. ....i,,un,..,,ia II-669C;


— Philosophy XII -31a; XIII- 516d: accident I-OGc: causality Ill-t.Vic: (-nnr-,.,,tnalism XI- 91b; .!'! :'■ ■ \ 'Tiia: eclecti- IV-269d;


— Gtoiiraphy \T - 73ob; .\chaia I-lOlc: Amvcla! I-444d; An- dres XVI-34b: Argos I-706b; area V-608d: .\thpns II-13b: 46c: Athos II-17d: Cardica III-.333a: Carystus III-395d; Chalcis Ill-oSSd; Corfu IV- 362d: Corinth IV-303d; Cv- clades IV-581a: Daulia IV- 638d: Echinus V-270c; Eurcea V-607a: Ionian Islands VIII- 91c; Larissa IX— lb; Lepanto IX-181d: Megara X-146a; MelosJX-169c: Messene X- 212c: Milopotamos X-317d; Pharsalus XI-790c; Polvstv- lum XII-223c; Proconnesus XII-449d; Samos Xin-421d; Serra; XIII-731b; Sparta -XIV- 209d: S\Ta XIV-39.5a: Te- narum XIV-429b; Tanagra XIV-142a; Tenedos XIV- 506d: Thaumaci XIV-.5.56d: Thebes XIV -562c: Thera XI\'-(329a: Thermopyte XIV- 629c; Tinos and Mvkonos XIV-736C: Tricca XV-40c: Valona XV-264b; Zante XV- 750a

— History: agrarian revolution I- 227d: Barth^lemy's work II- 312d; Catalonia III - 428b; coinage XI-lo2a: 153a: coin- age, drachma V-152d: emigra- tion VI - 744d: illegitimacy statistics VII-650b; Indepen- dence, War of I-2.54d: insanity VIII-39a; Ionian Islands IV- 363b: VIII -91d: Jews IV- 776b: VIII-400b; Kingdom of, XV-98c: IVIasonic council IX- 776d; and Patras XI -547c; Persian wars I-784d; XI-713a; Pharsalus XI-790c; prophecy of Daniel IV -622b; Roman conquest XIII - 166d; Sidon Xm-777b: Thasos XIV-.556c; Thessalonica XIV-633c: Turk- ish policy XV-99d

— Language XlII-536a; V-370C; in Africa I-194b; in .Armenia VIII-176a; in Byzantine Em- pire III-97d; 114b: in By- zantine Rite XUI-82C: in Car- lovingian schools III-351b; in catacomb inscriptions VIII- 43b: in Celtic Rite III-499b; in Coptic Liturgy I-306a; Eriu- gena V-520a: Fathers of the Church VI-llc: Irish scholars I-276d: and Latin IX-19C; Xin-70a: Kturgical use I- 319d: III -2.57a: VI -756a; XII-76.5d: xni-68d: 70d; Melchite X-158c: Roman Rite I.X-20a: 792c: XIII-69c; .Sep- tuagint'XIII-724d; New Testa- ment V-fi97b: versions ol the Bible XIV-527c; 52Sd; XV- 367b: Vida XV-415d; Wisdom, Book of XV-667C

— Legislation: abortion I-48c; adultery I - 163d: III-63i)a: as.'wciations II-2a; concubin- age lX-fi94d: divorce V-64c; infanticide Vl-l.Wb; VIII-lc: interest XV -23.5a; interna- tional IX -73c; labour VIII-

V- ;V.s.i • . il \ ...^.Ob: and exege.-..^ V - ("iijii , lii^_Mi' IX -325c: nominalism .\ I *.<lb; r. ;ilism, XI-91b; sccpti. i>ri. VI l.'a — Population V-I.ltsd; Alliauians I-255b; Jews \lll-399c, Mo- hammedans X-426C • — Religion V-297a; ancestor wor- ship IV-687C; anthropomorph- ism I-559a; IV- 684b: apoth- eosis I-630b; ascetics I-772b; divination V-49a: XI - 199a; dreams V-1.54d: eschatology V - 530d; XI - 391d; fatalism V-791d: idolatry X-501a; im- mortality, belief in VII-687d; and morality X-559d; oracles XI-2ti5c; priesthood, female XII -417b; priesthood, public XII -410a; sacrifice XIII- 310b; 318b: 318d: temple XIV- 495d; 496a; Totemism XIV- 789b — religious sects VI-743b; reli- gious statistics XV-278a — SciCHce X II-47b ; astrology II- 20a: astronomy n-25d: 29d; VI-79d; chronology III-738c; chronology, flood IV-705d; cosmogony IV-410d; glass- making XIV-241c; medicine X-122d: palaeography XI- 403d; psychotherapy XII- 549d Greek Alphabet. See Alphabet —CATHOLICS IN AMERICA VI-744d: Altoona I -369a: churches \'I-748a; conventions VI-749C; clerg>' VI-74Sb: dis- tribution VI-747b: Italians VI- 7.52a; press VI- 749c; Rumanian VI-750b: Ruthenian VI-745C; societies VI - 749b: Syrian Catholi.-» VI-7.51b —CHURCH VI-7.52d: I-781c; absolution I-Ood; absolution, burial III-77d; absolution, form of I-6Sa; abstinence I- 70b; Adoration of the Cross, feast of IV - 532b: Advent I-166b; affinity I-179c; agnetz I-215b; Allatius, work of I- 318a — altar I-359b: consecration I- 359d; 365b; material I- 363b —ama I-375c; ambo I-382C; Amen I-409a; Andrew of Lon- jumeau, mission of I-474b; Annunciation, feast of I-543a; Antidoron I-562b; antimen- sium I-348C; antiphons I-575d; apodosis I-615b; ,\postle I- 626c: Apostolicity I-642b; I- 649c; Apparition of the Cross, feast of IV-536C: Arabic By- zantines VI-754b; Archiereus I-69.5b; .\rchimandrite I-695d; artoklasia I-7.56C; .Assumption, feast of II-6c; autonomy VI- 76Sd; baptism II-262c: beard II-363b: bishops I-695c; II- 323b; Blastares II-596b; Bless- ed Sacrament I-153a; Blessed Sacrament. Benediction of I- 7,56d: bread, leavened V-585a; and Bulgarian Church VI- 764c; burial II1-73C; bunal rites III-77d: Byzantium, Pa- triarchate of VI-759d; Cserula- riua. Michael VI-764a: calen- dar III-740a: canons, ancient IU-2S2a: Canon of Old Tes- tament III-273a; canon law IX-6()d; canticles III-.302b; and Catholics VI-7fi8c: 770a: Chalcedon, canon of VI-7o8c; chant IX-305d; chapels I-

1 numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b. c, d, quarter of page.