Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/423

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IX-29d: Machiavelli Vll-.'UOb: and medical science X~129a; Medici VII-539b; Melanch- thon X-153b; Mirandola VII- 539d; and modernism X^lSb; Muret X-642d; Xiccoli VII- S39c; Nicholas V XI-59a: ob- ?r':r:i"':-r ' \'H--541c; pagan I- ^ ' * .I I -A': passions, view ,1 I- 1 ,1 l';ailIIXI-579a; 1 , in, I. I \ 1 i.09d; Petrarch Vll-O.i.Ml, IV-utinger VII-540C; Pfefferkoru VII-541b; Pirk- heimer VII-540C; XII-109a; PiusII VII-540a; Platina XII- 158c; Plethon VII-539b; XII- 166b; Poggio Bracciolini XII- 177d; Politian VII-539d; XII- 213b; and Pragmatism XII- 334d; XV-506b; Prague, Uni- versity of XII-342d; and preaching VII-445a; Puteanus XII-5S4a ; Reformation I-757b ; VII-S41d; XII-701b; Reuch- lin VII-541b; Sadoleto VII- 540a; scepticism V-142d; Schil- ler XII-334d; and Scholasti- cismXII-701d;XIII-549b;and Scripture IV-492C; Sixtus IV VII-540a; Spain VII-542a; at universities I-757b; 75Sb; XV-195a; de Valdes XV- 249c; Valla XV-257a; Vavas- seur XV-317a; Vegio XV-320C; Vergerio XV-353b; Vespasiano da Bisticci XV-3S0d; Vida XV-415C; in Vienna XV-4I7d; Vittorino da Feltre XV-490b; Vives XV^92d; and Voluntar- ism XV-506b; In Westphalia XV-603a; Wimpfeling XV- «49a

Humanite, periodical VI-179c; XIV-t)7c

Humanity* Catholic teaching I- 37(la; in charity III-593b

— Religion of X-719b; Positivism XII-313b

—of Christ V-635a; VII-712a; 716b; Alexander III I-151b; ApoUinaris I-615d; VII-712a; St. Augustine VI 1-7 12a; in Catholic epistles XIV-599a; and Divinity XIII-299a; Duns Scotus V-197c; Hypostatic Union VII-712b; Pauline epis- tles XIV-598d; Precious Blood XII-372d; Rome, Council of I-616a; Sacrifice, XIII-317a; in Synoptic Gospels XIV- 599c; Theodore of Mopsucstia XIV-572d; tradition XIV- 600b

Humann, John Jacob, Bishop of Mainz IX-552d

Human Race. See Race, Human

Humanum Genus* Encyclical of Leo XIII IX-172C; 7S6d; XIV- 72d

Humbaba, Elamite King II-188c; X-741b

Humbaud, Venerable, Bishop of Aux.rre XIII-71Sb

Humbeline, Saint. See Hom- belina

Humbercourt, d*, executed III- 70a

Humbert, Dominican, architect XII-368C

— Cardinal and Cffirularius I- 349c; at Constantinople X- 27.3d; formula of faith II -487c; and Leo IX IX-162a; at Pal- ermo XI-420b; reordinations XII-77.5a; in Sicily XIII-774d; at Silva Candida XII-290C

— Bishop of Hamburg-Bremen VII-121d

— Blessed, Abbot of Igny XII- 729d

—I, King of Italy, tomb XIII- 170b

—Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d

— Archbishop of Lyons IX-473b

— Saint, Abbot of Maroilles III- 210d; XIV-132a

— I, Count of Savoy XII-76d; XIII-492C

— n. Count of Savoy XIII- 492d

— m. Count of Savoy XIV-454b

— n, Dauphin of Vicnnois XII- 368Cb; crusade IV-533c; and Grenoble VII-2Sa; at Reims XII-726b; and Venturino of Bergamo XV-344C

— Albfiric de. Bishop of Reims

XII-72Cb; 72SC — Jean-Joseph-Amable, general



Miribel, Blessed, Bishop of ValriH-c XV-2J0b

—OF ROMANS, BLESSED VII- 542b; IX-477d; XII-355d; 359a; XV-250d; Albertus Mag- nus I-264b; XII-368Ca; cru- sade IV-,551d; Dies Iras IV- 78Sa; on Dominican order XII- 360a; liturgical reform XII- 366d; XIII-75a; 75b; on preaching VII -446b; tract XII-366C

— of St. Scholastica, Abbot of Subiaco XIV-321b

• — of Silva Candida. See Humbert, Cardinal

Humboldt, Alexander von, scien- tist IV-402d; VI-525b; XIII- 599b; 746d; on Albertus Mag- nus I-265c; on St. Brendan, Voyage of II-759a; in Ecuador XIV-204d; expedition V-278c; on Jesuit's Bark, VIII-373a and Mutis X-659c; on Reisch Xn-731b; statue X-310C

— William von, philologist VI- 509d

Hume, Alexander, poet XIII- 62Ba

— Daniel Dunglas. See Home

—David, Xn-28c; 28d; on belief II-40Sd; on Bonner II-676c; at Cambridge III-212b; and Campbell I-622a; causality III-464C; 466c; clergy XII- 419a; and Comte Xll-313a; Deism I-622a; on Elizabethan executions XV-28b; Epistem- ologj' V-508a; on God, exist- ence of XIV-569b; on experi- ence X-228b; free will VI- 261d; good, highest VI-641b; on ideas VII-632c; and im- mortality VII-688d; intellect, theor>- of VIII-67d; and Kant I-216a; 216c; XII-652d; on knowledge II-408d; Liberal- ism IX-212c; and metaphysics X-232a; on Mmd XIV-156b; on miracles X-338c; 340d; .341b; 342d; neo-Scholasticism X-748a; Nominalism XI-93b; and ontology XI-259b; per- sonality, theory of XI-728a; phenomenalism XI-791b; Phy- siocrats XII-215b; psychology XII-546C; Relativism XII- 732b: Sanseverino XIII-4.53b; scepticism III-541a; V-142a; 142b; 170d; XIII-517c; Seal of Confession XIII-660b; sensism V-408a; on the soul I-97a; space, conception of XIV- 168d; on substance XIV-323d; and universality XI-92d; Utili- tarianism XV-241d

Humeral, episcopal. See Ration- ale

Humerale 1-4 29a

HUMERAL VEIL \ll-542c; II- 4r).'ib; colour IV-135b; use XV-3SSb

Humerus V-667d

Humery, Conrad, and Gutenberg Vll-llla

Humieres, Charles, Mar^chal d' VIl-77d; IX-9Sd

Humil., ahhr. I-23a

HUMILIATI VII-543a; II-463c; charitable work III-.599b; St. Charles Borromeo III-619c: 622b; Innocent III Vni-16c; in Middle Ages XII-239b; ori- gin XIV-637b: suppressed III- 622c; as tertiaries XIV-ft41a; and Waldensians XII-250c: XV-529d

Humilis, Fra, trial VI-248a

Humilitas, Saint, oil of XI-229C; pMintinc. Lorenzetti IX-357d

HUMILITY VII-543C; .St. Bene- dict IH3Sa; Bernard VII- 54.3d; Cclsus III-492a; defined XV-473d; St. Ignatius I-769b; and modestv XIV-481d; and prayer XII-.346d; and sanc- ritv XIII-429a; and tempta- tion XIV-504d; St. Thomas VII-.M3d: XV-474a; of Virgin Mar>- XV-467a

— of the Blessed Virgin, monas- ter>- VIII-179b

— of Mary, Institute of Sisters of

the Holy. .S,, Holy Humility of Mary, Sisttrs of

Humilladero, hermitage, Sigii- cnza XlII-TSSc

Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, mu- sician, and Albrechtsberger I- 270b; and Thalberg XIV-554a

— Matthseus VI-267d

Himmelauer, Franz von. Biblical commentator XIV-228a; on Abel I-35d; on Abraham I- 52a; on Biblical commission II-557c; on Eve I-131a; on Judges, authorship of VIII- 548b; on Kings VIII-049C; on Mir}am XV-464Aa; Penta- teuch XI-654a; on priesthood XII-411b

Humoi., abbr. I-23a

Humphrey, Cotmt of Apulia VII- 72d; X-685b

—Abbot of Celestines XVI-20a

— Duke of Gloucester, Cap- grave's life of III-SOSc; and Kemp VIII-616b; library, Ox- ford IX-231d; and Pecock XI- 600b


Humphreys, Dean of Winchester II-Of),sd

— Benjamin G., Governor of Mississippi X-397C


Hums. See Horns

Humta, name X-678b

Humurano Indians IX-541b

Hunab-ku, deity IV-il3b; X- 251d

Hunald, Duke of Aquitaine III- 611b

Hu-nan, province. China III- 664d; 66.'ja; Jesuit map XII- 720c; railways III-6S7a

— Southern, Vicariate Apostolic ofni-677d

Hunautn, Abbot of St-Michel de Tonnorre XIII-97d

Hunbeorht, Saint, Bishop of Elm- ham XI-121d; 122a

Hunberght, Bishop of Lichfield IX-232d

Huncar, deacon III-310b

Hunden, John, Bishop of Llan- daff IX-316b

Hundred Associates, Company of the.- See Cent Associ*S, Com- pagnies des

— Chapters, Council of (1551) XIII-262b

— Days III-,'JS2b

Hundred-Moot, Anglo-Saxon I- 509a

Hundred Years War V-32Ic; VI- 168d; Denifle on IV-720c; Flanders VI-9oc; Froissart's history VI-I92b; Rouen, Eng- lish in XIII-209d

Hundsland, convent XVI-lld

Hunegundis, Saint, of Hombli^res XIV-132b

Huneric (Hunerichi, King of the Vandals; XI-125b; XIl-613b; XV-268d; and An- tonianus. Bishop of Musti X- 6.59a; Boniface XV-255d; Cor- sican legend I-239a; edict of I-192b: and .St. Eugenius of Carthage V-602d; and Leo, Bishop of Sabrata XIII-292b; Longinus, Bishop of Pomerania XII-224a: and Stephanus, Bishop of Ruspe XIII-230b; and Vigilius XIV-556b; Victor Vitensis on XV— 415a

Hunfalvy, Pal, on Mag>*ars VII- .547d

Hunfredus fHunfrid), Arch- bishop of Ravenna XII-666c; and Leo IX IX-l61d

Hunfrith, Bishop of Elmham XI-121d

— Bishop of Winchester XV- 650b


—College, Rome II-126c; XIII- l.S3b; XIV-»19c; and German College VII-2d

—Confession VII-702b

— Reformed Church in New York XII-7nc

— Ruthenians, in United States VI-749a

— UniUrian Church XV-155b


Hungaro-Wallachia, See of VI-


HUNGARY VII-547b; area and population II-121b; blindness, statistics of V-306a

—Church in II-123a: 135b; VII- 548c; abbots I-20b; St. Adal- bert's mission I-127c; ad lim- ina visits II-588d; Blessed Ambrose of Siena, mission I- 388c; archiepiscopal jurisdic- tion I-69Id; Benedictines II- 451a; Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God II-802d; St. Bruno of Querfurt Ill-lSb; catechism V-87d; Christian Brothers VIII-60c; Christian- ity II-122C; VII-548b; con- cursus IV-210a; Counter-Ref- ormation II-126b; VII-554b; Csorna Abbey (ill.) XII-390; Dominicans XlI-35Sd; Gesell- envereine VI-538c; Golden Bull VII-550b; and Honorius

III VII-458b; Josephinism Vll-556b; Kulturkampf VII- S57d; Lazarists X-364c; Lelesz Abbey (ill.) XII-389: Magnus Apostolate IX-537b; mai)s Vll-following 560; metropoli- tan XIV-372a; monasteries II-323C; X-454a; organization II-136b; ^■II-548d; Orthodox Church V-232b; patron XI- 566b; persecution VII-558b; prayer for sovereign III-262a: Premonstratensian abbeys XII-391C; primate of, privi- leges VI - 722d: protopope, office of XII-504a; Reforma- tion II-125a: XII-707d; Ru- manian Greek Rite XII-457b; Ruthenian Catholics IV-38a; St. James of Compostela, Order XIII-353C; Schism. Western VII-551b; Schools. Clerks Reg- ular of the Pious XIII-5S8C; Society of Jesus XIV-90c; statistics XIV-103a; 272b; Ursulines X V-229a ; and Victor

IV XV-412a; St. Vincent de Paul, Sisters of Charity of III-606c: and Wessobrunn Abbey XV-S91C

— Geography, See Austro-Hun- garian monarchy. Geography

—History VII-547C ; Apostolic majesty I-640b; and Austria II-121C; 124d; 132c; and An- jou. House of II-124C; Bak6cz II-214a: and Bosnia II-695d; and Buda VII-554d; and By- zantine Empire \'II-549d; cor- onation mantle V-lOOb; coro- nation mantle (ill.) VII-549b; and Croatia IV-511a; 512d; Crown, Holv (ill.) VII-549c; decline VII-552d; Elizabeth of Hungary- V-389b; and P'reising X-631b: German suzeraintv VII-230a: Havnal.l \Il-li;id"; Henrv III .il i ■ -i: ,i \ l- 488d; Hunyinl' '11 ' ■, I „- dislaus II-12-:i M ' ( mp-

vnnus X-66d: M-mhiI ,ii I VI-498b; MohfKs, battle of (1.526) VII-552d; and Moravia X-561d; Otto III VI-48Sb; papal vicar XIV-372a; and Passau XI-519C; People's P.artv VII-358d; Revolution (1848-49) VII-557b; Rudolph II XIV-64!la: a.ui Huinnnia XIII-22.5C: S, : . of

(1711) VII 111

VI-496C; Sol b;

St. Stephen X I I i li-

en Urosch I Mil 7,!L'd: and Tatars VII - 550b; Thirty Years War XIV-649b; tolera- tion XIV-761C; and Transyl- vania XV-22a; and Turks III- 394a; 627b; VI-496C; 5n.5d; VII-551d; XV-JlSa; and Ven- ice XV-337d; wars of succes- sion VII-550d

— Leainlation: divorce V-66a: juvenile court VIII-588C; mar- riage I-20SC; II-13b: IX-692d; 701c; prison s>stem XII— 1.33c; temperance movement XIV- 4S.5a

—Literature VII-560b; 662a; Kisfaludv VIII-C62d; modern VII-561d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.