Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/436

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pine XII-72a; Poor Catholics XII-250a; Poor Clares IV-5b; XII-252c; Portugal XII-300b; Preachers, Order of XII- 368Ab; 368Bb; on provision, canonical XII-ol6c; Ravenna, XII-664d; Regesta III-50d; and Richard de Wyche XIII- 44a: and Romanovitch XIII- 255a: and Salimbene degli Adami XIII-400d: Servites, Order of XIII-736b: Siena University XIII-782a; "Solet annuere" IV-5b: Studium Curiae XIII-177a; Sylvestrines XIV-372d; and St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-664C; tomb X- 683c: Tivolj XIV-747C; Valen- cia University XV-253b; Win- chester, prior XII-232C INNOCENT V iPETRUS A TAR- ENTASIAl, BLESSED, I'.>pB \lll-lsb; Xll'-'7lb; :iliL'c; SlisAd; XIV-451C; jillb; (iliSb; and Bl. Ambrose of Sienna I-388d: arms (ill.) Vlll-lSb; Augustinian doctrine XII-362C : birthplace XIV^54c: and St. Bonaventure II-650d: Com- pendium" VII-524a: election I-702b: and Jerome of .\scoli VI-282d: and John I, Bishop of Valence XV-250b; Lyons, Council of IX-477b; Lyons, episcopate IX-474a; Ostia and Velletri episcopate XI-346d; at Paris University XI-489b; Scholasticism XIV-o91b: Ser- vites XIII-736C; and St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-665b: Thomism XIV-702b; at Va- lenciennes I-264b; Villanova- nus XV-l30a —VI (ETIENNE ATJBERT) , Pope VIII-18C; XII-274b: arms (ill.) VIII-IS; capitulations III-312a: friars and seculars I-657d; X-185b; and Gil de Albornoz VI-55SC: and Simon of Sudbury XIII-799b: on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-668d; 673a; Toulouse University II- 242a: XIV-797b — Vn (COSIMO DE' MIGLIO- RATI). Pope VIII-19b; XII- 274b: and Alexander VI-2S8C; Aiiima hospice I-514C: arms (ill.) VIII-19b; and Benedict XIII, antipope IX-432d: at Bologna II-640b: election XIII-541C: Jewish policy VIII- 395d: Molos, medal of X-443c: and Perugia University XI- 737c: and Poggio Bracciolini XII-177d; at Ravenna XII- 666d:atRomeXIH-169a;540b: Rome, University of XIII- 177c: Schism, Western XII- 112d; XV-145C: Trani episco- pate XV-17b; and Vergerio XV-353b; and Wycliff VII- 684c — Vin (GIOVANNI BATTISTA CIB6), Pope Vin-19d: XII- 274c: and of Castello I-160d; and Bl. .\ngelo Cat- letti I-484b: arms (ill.) VIII- 19d; Augustinians VII-284C; and Borgia, Csesar I-290c; Byzantine policy V I - 7 70 a ; " Cieremoniale Romanum" III- 538a; capitulations III-312b; censorship of books III-521a: Conception Order II-375d: and Ferdinand, King of Naples X- 686a; Glasgow XIII-331a: Holy Sepulchre, canons of the III-294b: and Julius II VIII- 562b: Lance, Holy VIII-77.3d: IX-97b; 700b: and Leo X IX- 162c; Maflei'slifeof IX-522C; and Maillard IX-539d: and Mantegna IX-elOd; and Mi- randola III-521b; X-352b: monument XII-217a: XIII- 372d: Motuproprio X-602C: and PoUajuolo XII-21fid; Pon- tificale XII-231d:onreferenda- rii XlI-7nob;St.Lazarii.s, Order of III-598d: Sappa Xin^«7d; tStgOenza University XIII- 788d; Toulouse episcopate XIV-79fid: Vatican XV-277a; 282b; 296a; villa III-578b; Waldenses XV-529C; and witchcraft XV-670b

-IX (GIOVANNI ANTONIO FACCHINETTII, Pope VIII- 20b; X1I-274C: arms (ill.) Vni-2l)b: CInlden Rose VI- 629c; ■■Inter fclices" XIII- 426d: portrait VIII-20; ■■Qua ab hac Sede" V-689d; and Schelstrate XIII-526d

-X (GIAMBATTISTA PAM- FILI), Pope VIII 2lld; XII- 274c: and .Mrxaiul.T VII I- 294b: and Alticri Am- brosian Order I-404c: and An- sloI-551a;arms(ill.)VIII-20d: and Arnauld I-745d: ■■Augus- tinns" IV-379b; Avila Uni- versity II-161a: Bernini's bust of Il-olla; Bernini's bust of (ill.) VIII-21: Ca!remoniale episcoporum III-133a; IX- 302c; and Caaanata III-396d; Castro I-109a; Chinese Rites X-556d; and Choiseul VIII- 160c; Cistercians III-783d; and Claude de Lorrain IX- 361d; commendatory abbots IV-156b: Cord of St. Thomas Confraternity IV-358a: "Cum occa3ione"I-742d ;Curia,Rome, XIII-175d; Good Jesus, Clerks Regular of the IV-52c: and Grimaldi VII-35b: heraldic decree VII-247C: and Holste- nius VII-397b: Jansenism I- 128a; III-201b; 202a; 695c; VIII-288a; XIV-609d: Lat- eran baptistery IX-16a; Lat- eran Basilica IX-15a; Maron- ite College. Ravenna IX-687d; Molo's medals X-443b: monu- ment XIII-174a; Nestorians III-560a: and O'Daly XI- 206a; and Palafox y Mendoza XI-414d: and Pallavicino XI- 426d; St. Patrick, Congrega- tion of III-295d; Piarists XII- 755c; portrait Vlll-facing 20; and prisoners XII-431c: Re- ligious, Congregation on State of Xni-142b: and de Retz XII-797b; Saint Thomas Uni- versity XIII-3Sld; and Scar- ampi XIII-515b: Society of Jesus III-671d; XIV-8.5C: St. Ursula, Society of XV-228b: Velasquez's portrait of XV- 326a: and Wadding XV-524b

—XI (BENEDETTO ODESCAL- CHI), Pope VIII-21C; XII- 274c: on adulterv I-164C; and Agreda, M.aria de' I-229c; and Aguirre I-232c; and Alexander Natalis I-297a; and Amelote 1-4 07a; arms (ill.) VIII-21; and Arnauld the Great I- 743b: and Assembly of French Clergy I-797c; on attrition II- 66a: Austria II-126d; Babylon XI-551C; Bartholomites IV- 88c; VII-14na; Bethlehemites II-o36a: XII-758c; birthplace lV-183d: and Caulet III-158d; St. Cecilia school of music I- 88c: Chaldean patriarchate I- 429d: Crown of Christ, feast XlV-706b; diocese Xni-7o9c; dispensations V-^6a; Domini- can Rite XIII-75b; and drag- onnades IX-37.')d; "Dux spir- itualis" XII-009C; election I- 99b; XII-797d; England V- 451d; and Fontana VI-126c; Golden Rose VI-629b: and GonzSlez de Santalla VI-635d; XII-442d: 44.5b; "Injunctum nobis" III-389a; InnsbrOck VIII-24C: Inquisition XII- 304a: and James II I-136b; XIII-8d; and John Sobieski XII-19.5C: and Joseph of Diar- bekir III-.560C; Laxism XII- 442c: and Louis XIV III-695d; VI-354d; IX-374a: XIV-85d; on love IX-397d: and de Luca IX-404b: and Maimhourg IX- 540b: Mexico X-202c; and Molinos X-441d; XIV-254d: and Montfaucon X-.54fla; and Nicole XI-68d: Novarro epis- copate XI-135a: Our Lady of Good Counsel, coronation XI- 361b; and Peter the Great, Czar of Russia XIII-256b; and Petre XI-780C; Probabilism XII-368Ga; 442c: 44.'>b; XIV- 609d: propositions condemned

V-O.SSc; Roman Vacabili reve- nue XIII-150a: Rome, Uni- versity of XIII-178b: Salman- ticenses XIII-402c: on simony XlV-la; Slavonic. Rite VI- 576a; subsidies, episcopal XIV- 467b; on theft XIV-56.5c: tomb XIII-372d: St. Ursula, Society of XV-22Sb: Vatican palace XV-277b: and Verbiest XV-347a: "Vineam Domini" IV-96d; Way of the Cross XV- ,571a

— xn (ANTONIO PIGNA- TELLI), Pope VIII-22d; XII- 274d; arms (ill.) VIII-22d; Blessed Sacrament, Congrega- tion of the II-599a: cardinal protectors XII-755d ; and Charles II, King of Spain I- 230b; IV-29c: Chinese rites III-672a: XIII-38d: and F4ne- lon XI 1-61 Ob; Immaculate Conception, feast VII-6S0c: on imprisonment, ecclesiastical XII-436C: Lecce episcopate IX-108b: Loreto, Congrega- tion of Xin-146b: and Louis XIV IX-374b: and Malpighi II-573d: IX-574b; on -Mass- foundations X-21d: monument (ill.) VIII-23: and Moore X- 553a: Naples archepiscopate X-687a; and nepotism II-159a; on noi-itiate XI-146d; "Nuper a congregatione" VI-158b: Pe- nitentiaria. Sacred XIII-148b; andPetrucci XII-610a: and Po- lignacXII-212c;andPercipiano XII-37Sd: on provincials XII- ol5a: Quietism VII-J6Gd: Reg- ular Discipline. Congregation onXII-755d;XIII-142b:Relig- ious. Congregation on .State of XIII-142b: Scotland XIII- 620d; and Segneri XIII-683b: ■■Speculatores" V-106a: on Theatre XIV-561b; and Urban College XIII-134C; "Vineam Domini" XV-446a: on \ irgin Marv, birthplace of XV- 464Fb; Wav of the Cross XV- 571a

— Xm (MICHELANGELO DEI CONTI), Pope VIU-2:ib; XII- 274d; and Albfroui I-26Ub: ".■\postolici Miuisterii", I- 647d; XII^07a: arms (ill.) VIII-23; and Philip V of Spain XII-293b: portrait VII-23d; Romano. CoUegio XIII-132C; and Tencin XI\'-505d: Vienna XV-419d

Innocent, Russian Bishop of Alaska I-249d

— Bishop of Fossombrone VI- lo5a

— Saint, Bishop of Rouen XII- 209b

—Bishop of Sant' Angelo XIII- 4.59c

— Catholics, in Ireland I-112d

Innocentia, Saint, martyr XIII- 58c

Innocentian Tax. See Taxa Inno-

Innocentius, Bishop of Eudocias

XIV-517d — SAINT, Bishop of Justiniana

VIII-'24b — SAINT, Bishop of Lemans

\IlI-21b: IX-143d: XI-319d -INNOCENTIOS, Bishop of

l!(..l.'z XIV-3:i:ib — I!isli..p of Taranto XIV-451a —SAINT, Bisliop of Tortona

\ lll-24a; XlV-7S.">b — iVeniaminof) I-249C Innocent of the Presentation,

Vicar-Apostolic of Bo:

644d Iimocents, Cemetery of the, Paris

Charnicr I!I-50Sa; Dance of

II-450d: Charles V at III- 628d: churches II-795C; diet II-794b: influence VIII-2.5b: Jesuit college II-125c: XII- 6.54a: XlV-lOla; press XI- 670b: Maximilian, tomb of XIV-773d: Mercy, Sisters of II-795b: rood-loft in Hofkirche (ill.) Xlll-facing 182; seminary II-127C; Vlll-Slla; Speck- bacher, tombof XIV-211C: von Worndle's works XV-709C

—UNIVERSITY VIII-24b; founded II-794b; XV-197d: theological faculty II-794d

Inns of court XI\'-567d

Innuit. .s'fe Eskimo

Innung \'II-69c

Innviertel VIII-612C

Inoculation, in smallpox X-13Cc

In Omnibus, Constitution of Pius V XIlI-148b

Inowroclaw, Franciscan monas- tery XV-6S2a

I. N. P., I-26d

InPace VIII-3.3d

— paradisum, antiphon III-75b



— prsecipuis. Constitution of Pius X XVI-71b

Inq., abbr. I-24c

INQUISITION VIII-26a; XIV- 762d; and St. Augustine VIII- 27a; Belgium. Bunderius III- 59a: Carcasonne. and pilgrim- ages XII-87a: Catharis VIII- 2Sb: and civil authority VIII- 33a; cruelty VII-262a: death penalty VIII-34a: Dominicans XII-36SBb; Donatism VIII- 27a: door of the, Barcelona cathedral n-2S9d

—France XV-2oOd; Albi I-267b: Albigensianism I-269b; Fran- ciscan Spirituals XIV-232b; Ory XI-333a; Palmiers XI- 436a

— Goa VI-505b : imprisonment VIII-33d; and intolerance, re- ligious XIV-766C; Judges VIII-30b; Manichteism VIII- 27a

—Mexico X-262d; XV-7C8b; Morelos X-566b

— monastic, Gregory IX VI- 798a: New Tribunal VIII-30b; oath VIII-32b: origin VIII- 29c; Peru XI-734b: and Peter Cantor Vni-2,8c; Pius V XII- 130b; Poland XII-190d

—Porlugal XII-303b: Malagrida XII-224d; Pombal XII-225a; Vieira XV-416a

— Priscillianism VIII-27b; pris- ons XII-432a; procedure VIII- 31b: punishments VIII-32b; 33b: Reformers VIII-35d

—RoTTtan VII-260d: 722a; VIII- 37c: XIII-136b; 137a; XIV- 34b: abduction I-35a: as- sessor I -799c: banns of mar- riage II-257b: books, super- vision of III -521b; 524c; Bruno III - 17b; Copernican theory VI-344a: and


th IV-iUS

-Holy, .^'('f Holv Innocents -Hospital of, Fli.rence Vl-IlOa; (ill.) Il-342d; VI-109C; bas- relief (ill.) II-343C Innocenzo da Imola. See Iraola, Innocenzo do Pietro Francucci

In nomine Domini, Decree of Nicholas II III-335d; XII- 27 Id

Innsbriick, town, battle VII- 3S2a: Benedictine monastery

docens" XIII-605b: Gal- ileo XII-57d: and heresy XII- 269c: Mariavites XII-196b: marriage IV-3b; 283d; minis- ters protected V-690c: Molinos X-441c: Paul IV XI-581b: Pius V XII-130d: Pius X XII- 13Sd; presidency Xin-136d; spiritism XIV-224a. .Se€ Holy Office. Congregation of the —seal of confession XIII-663C: Sixtus IV .XIV-33b bay II- —SpoJiiih VIII-36c: 178c; XIV- — ^t?3a: 783a: and apostates I- 625a; Carranza III-376d; and English policy I-728a: Illu- minati XVI— 46b; and Jesuits I-109C; Maranos XIV-762c; Medina I-144d: St. Peter of Arbues XI-772d: Pineda XII- lOld; Ponce de Ledn, Bishop XII-15Sa: procedure VIII- 37b; Rioja XVI-71a; Teruel XIV-.5'25d: Thcotocopuli XIV- 628b: Vald«8 XV-249d: Valla- dolid XV-258d: Vesalius XV- 379c; Villanovanus XV-430a; St. Vincent Ferrer XV-438a; Xim(5nei XV-730C

Large type indicates titles of atticles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.