Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/443

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ISRAELITES VI -82a: VIII- l'J3b; Aliraham, sons of I-52d; ami al)atinence l-67d; in Africa 1-lSoc; altars, idolatrous I- 300b; and Amalecites I-377d; and Ammon I— i32a: and Amorrhites I-434b: 433d; and Amos l-135b; Amri (Orari) II-12C; anathema I-45od; angels, mission I-4Slc; Ark of the Covenant I-721b — in Art (.iU) VIII-195; Sistine

chapel XI-400b — Asiongaber I-792c; and Assyria I-432d; n-12c; 13b; Baal- worship II-176a; Barac II- 2SId; blessing I-333a — captivities. See Captivities of the Israelites

reremonics III -697a; and

Chanaau ni-571a; VIlI-lBlib; chronology 111-7338; and Cin- ites III-776C; David, census of IV-644a — in Desert I-3c; angel accom- panying I-479d; Baalam II- 214d; Caleb III-157b; at Cades III-130a; divination V-50d; divorce V-55d; dreams V-155a; as ecclcsia III-744b; in Egypt III-733b; V-339b; VIII-194a: as the elect V- 374a; embroidery V-401a; es- chatology V-531b; Exodus VIII-194C; Ezechias V-737a; first fruits VI-82a; at Gaza VI- 400a; and Hebrews XIII-708a; historical records XI-658c: history I-064d; 665b; Holo- caust, altar of I-360b; Idol- atry VII-637b; and images I- 721c; and Isaias VIII-180a —Israel. Kingdom of VIII-197d; captivity III-315a; chronolog>- III-733d; division VIII-197d; ended II-14a; foundation III- 733b; VIII-347a; Saul XIII- 486d; undivided Vin-197a — Jubilee Year VIII-532a: Juda,

Kingdom of Vlll-SOOa —judges VIII-196d; Debbora

IV-663a; Gedeon VI-402d —kings VIII-655C; 657a; and land organization I -227a; language and literature VII- 176a; legends I-54b; and Madianites IX -514b; and Manna IX-604b; and Mernep- tah V-340C; migration, early VIII-193d; mixed marriages V-39b; and Moabites I-378c; X-tlOa; and Moloch X-443c; Moses, Assumption of I-603b; on Mount Thabor XIV-552a; naturalization III-157C; origin I-51C; pestilence XIV-499b; and Petavius VIII-656a; and Philistines XII-21d; Pillar of Cloud XII-99d; and Plagues of Egypt XII-143b; and priest- hood" III-761d; Ximib; prophecies H36d; at Red Sea XII-6.HSb; reference to, earli- est known X-20Sd; religion I-721C; I-51d; restoration of XV-46-lDc; sacriBcial rites XIII - 31Sd; Semitic Rela- tionship VIII-193b; at Settim II-3H8C; Sichem, capital of XIII-771b; Solomon XIV- 135c; tabernacle XIV-»2.'Jc; as Theocracy XIV - 568c; Tithes XIV-741C; worship, debasement of I-435C. See Jews and Judaism — (Circumcellions) V-125b Israfil, angel X-426C ISSACHAR, sou of Jacob VIII-

20Ib —tribe of VIII-201b; XV-39c:

symbolic stone XIV-.305C Issati, irilje V!I-217a IsseU, Saint XIV-»73d Issoire, France, Austrcmonius, St., relics of II-121a; IV-53d; Maurist monaaterv X-7IC; St. Paul, Cluirch of V-261b Issoudun, France, archconfrater- nilv XIV-124a: pilgrimage II- 726d; religious orders II-721a; Sacr^-Coeur, Xotre Dame du II-720d: Sacred Heart of Jesus Missionaries XIII - 306a; Sa- cred Heart, priests of XII- 421c; treaty (1195) XI-105d

ISSUS VIII-201C; I-790b: XIII- 26c; battle 333 B. C. IV-612a; battle in art, mosaic X-585b; (ill.) X-facing 584 Issy, France, and St-Germain- des-Pr«s XI-482C; Saint Nicho- las, institution II-525a; semi- nary XI-490C; Sulpician novi- tiate Xin-37.Sd —Articles of VI-36d; VII-93C; authorship VI-37a; and Quiet- ism IX-37.5b Istamboul. Srr Stamhoul Istanoz (Isionda) VIII~IS9d Istas, Wilhelmina XII-2.')la Istcha Kara Hissar (Docimium)

V-72C Istemo iEslhamo) VI-4.39a Isten aldd meg \'II-5fUb Isthmian Games IV-17a Isti sunt (Passion Sunday) XI-


Istituto delle Missioni per la

Nigrizia. See Sacred Heart.

Sons of the

Istituto delle Pie Madri IV-152C

Istituto di Diritto Romano I-

is9a Istolacius X1V-I76C Istranin, Stephen, as reformer IV-.')12b: V.rsiim of the Bible XV-3ljyb Istria, Austria, bishops of VI- 782a; Croatian lunvspaper XI- 669d; ecclcsia.^tical organiza- tion I-6Gld; Slovenes in XIV- 50a; Slovenian XI-669d; schism I-661d: 662d Istwegu. See Astyages Isvalles, Pedro de, cardinal XI-

295d Iswalda. See Isolde Isychius (Hesychius) VII-303d ITA, SAINT VIII-201d; lOOc; 627d; XV-566C; and St. Bren- dan II-758b; and St. Fachtna XIII-202C —Saint, of Nivelles VI-o33d; X- 104a; and St. Amandus I-380C — Abbess of Gurk XIII-412a — Abbess of Sant' Ellero XV-

262d Itabyrion. .Set- Thabor, Mount Itala Version, canonical III-2S2C — Version, Scriptural, .\mbro9i- a-Mer I-tOf.b; St. Augiistinc on IX-20b; rhanl VI-TSOc; criti- cism, textual lV-.")00b; in In- troit V!II-s2a: Marian proph- ecy XV-4i;4Bb; New Testa- ment XIV-532d; Psalms XII- 540d; I Peter XI-752d; in Vul- gate revision XV-519d Italia. See Corfinium Italia Reale, periodical XI~684b;

XV-94C Italiano in America, periodical

VIII-20.ic ,

Italiano rigenerato, periodical

XI-RS3C Italians, in Abyssinia I-77b; 78b; in Argentina I -703b; in Aus- tria Hungary II-I21b; in Sand- wich Islands XIII-439b; in Spanish guilds VII-72b ITALIANS IN THE UNITED STATES VIII-202a; charac- teristics VIII-203C; conditions Vin-204d; Connecticut IV- 2.54c; distribution VIII-203d; economic problem VIII-202b; emigrant societies V-404b; Greek Rite VI-745C; Illinois XI-662a; Louisiana IX-.3S2(1; Massachusetts X :.Md; Michi- gan X-282b; Mi-.Mri X :;:iric; Nebraska X-7.;jh r. Iilm-.ih or- ganization \ III -'nr.b, r-ltu'ious statistics VIIlL'lHia; Rhode Island XIII -22b; schools XIII-.584a; statistics VIII- 203a; Virginia XV-1.58b; Wis- consin XV-C.i;3c —in Uruguay XV-232C Italics, in Italy VIII-224a Italic type IX -6.3.3d Italicus, Michael, theologian III-

117d — Silius, MS. XII-17Sa Italic Version. See Itala Version Italioski. Andrew lakovlevitch

Xin-2.57d ITALO-GREEKS vni-206d: V- 2.36b; VI-7.i2a: 7.i.3c; 75.TC; consanguinity, legislation on IV-266d; extreme unction V-

724b; 726a; priest (ill.) XV- 391a; ro.sary Xlll-lSSa; status V-235C Italos (Italus), philosopher I-

717d; VI-767d ITALY VIII-20Sb — Administration and Law: agra- rian reform I-227b; army VIII-239d; codes VIII-236c; conscription VIII-239d; courts Vin-238a; donations V- 117c; electoral VIII- 234d; government VIII-234c; guarantees V-708a; judi- cial establishment VIII-237b; justice VIII-238C; juvenile court VIII-588C; labour, arbi- tration I-685a; 685d; labour organization VIH-229c; mar- riage, age I-208c; marriage, civil IX-692d; 693c; marriage, illegal VII-651C; merchant marine VIII-228d; navy VHI- 240d; penal code Vni-2.37a; 237b; penal code, capital pun- ishment Xn-569c: poor laws XII-255b; postal service VIII- 230d; power VIII-2;Hc; prop- erf, ^ - I- -I i-ii' .1 \n itOb; r.iv" .■ I ■ ■• ■ . \ I II -'.i.ja;

..,.:,] ,,■ MM n.;ib;

t-i- .■ . ;, ^ I I I -■ ilil J /'a; theft \l\ i. Ml \ : :ill x\-:i02b — ,1,; I , ■ ..'„rc; V-2.54d;

\ 111 'I .1 Mi , rii, Leone-Bat- ti-l:i I J>>.:a \lli-Rri (Correg- gin) I :nsb; Alli.ri, Allessandro I-32.M; .\llori, .\ngiolo di Cosi- mo I-32.-)d; Allori. Christofano I-325d; Andrea Pisano 1-4 70a; Angelico, Fra I-4S3b; Bellini family II-416b; Bologna, Gio- vanni da II-641b; Botticelli, Sandro II-70SC; Buonarroti III-.59b; Caldara, Polidoro III-lSSc; Caliari, Paolo III- 169d; Campagna, Girolamo III - 220b; Campi, Bernard- ino III -224b; Campi. Gal- eazzo III-224C; Campi. Giulio III-224d; Campognola, Do- menico nl-220b; Canova. An- tonio in-298c; Castagno. An- drea III-J07d; Castello. Gio- vanni Battista III-409b; Cas- tiglione. Giovanni Benedetto Ill-IlOa; Cellini. Benvenuto III-1S9C; Credi, Lorenzo di IV-476d; Dolci, Cario V-93b; Domenichino V-102c; Dona- tello V-115d; Dossi, Giovanni V-137d; Duccio di Buonin- segna V-181d; Duquesnoy, Francois V-206b ; Farinato, Paolo V-787d; Ferrari, Gau- denzio VI-47d; Feti, Domenico VI-52b; Foppa, Ambrogio VI- 1.33a; Fractio Panis Vl-165a; Franceschini, Marc' Antonio VI-205b; Francia, Francesco Raibolini VI-206a; Franco, Giovanni Battista VI-235a; Gaddi, Agnolo VI-.332d; Giovami VI-332d; Gaddi, Taddco VI-332d; Gaul- li, Giovanni Battista VI-397d; Genga, Girolamo VI— I15c; Genrile da Fabriano VI-421c; Ghiberti VI-544b; Ghiriamlajo VI-.545C; Giordano VI-564b; Giorgione. Giorgio Barbelli VI- 564c; Giotto di Bondone VI- 5fi.5b ; G iulio, Romano V I-572b ; Gothic VI-677b; 678a; 680a; Gozzoli VI-688d; Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco VII-35b; Guardi, Francesco VII - 49c; Juste VIII-571b; Kessels. Mat- thias Vni-629c: Lanfranco, Giovanni VIII -786d; Lippi, FilippinoIX-277b; 278b; Lor- cnzetti, .^mbrogio IX-357d; Lorcnzetri. Pietro IX-,357d; Lotto, Lorenzo I X-367b; Luini, Bernardino I X-4 19c; Maderna, Carlo IX-512d; Maderno, Stc- fano IX-513b; MafTei, Fran- cesco IX-522a; Majano, Bene- detto da IX-556b: Mantegna, Andrea IX-610b; Maratta, Carlo I X-636C ; M archesi. Pom-

?eo IX-643C; Martini. Simon X-730d; Masolinoda Panicale IX-769d; Massaccio.Tommaso IX-76,8a; Matteo da Siena X- .52d; Matteodi DomcnicoXVI-


72c; M;i.'/.,lii,i I ...|..vico X- 95a; lit.. I . Ml .'c; 158d; mediev .1 \ i ' i l.l.>zzo da Fori! .X m.'mI M 1,1, I rancesco X-171d; Ml -sina, Antonello da X-215d; Mino da Giovanni XVI-63d; Montagna, Bartol- omeo X-5I1C; Morigi (Cara- vaggio), Michelangelo X-569c; Moroni, Giovanni Battista X- 576c; Nola, Giovanni Marliano da XI-90a; Parmigiano XI~ 506d; Passignano, Domenico XI-621b; Perugino XI-737c; Peruzzi, Baldassare XI-738C: Pinturicchio XII -103d; Pi- ombo, Sebastin del XII-104d; Piranesi. Giambattista XII- 107d; Pollajuolo, Antonio XII- 216c: Pollajuolo. Piero Benci XII-216C; Pordenone. Gio- vanni Antonio XII-280d; Pozzo, Andreas XII-330d; Querela, Jacopo della XII- 601a: Raimondi, Marcantonio XII-634b: Raphael xn-640d: religious XI-397d; Reni, Guido Xn-771a: Rococo Xlll-lOr.b; Rii.^a. Salvatore IJiisMlino. Ber- nardo X\I-7.'d; Kosselli. Cosi- mo Xin LMI.Ic; li.ivczzano, Benedi-ti.i .la XIII .M2c; San Sepolcrii, I'll. I. i ila Xill; Sarto, Aiiilri a I ii i Mil ITsd; •Sassofcrrali, XIII Is.'ib; Sran- nabecchi. I .iipp"; sculpture Xll 1-11 t.">b; Signor- elli, Luca Xin-7.s7b; .Sodoma XIV-129b: Solari XIV-132d; Tibaldi, PellcBrini, XlV-7I.-.d; Tiepolo, Giovaiim Halti>ta XIV-72.3b: Ti..l..retti, XIV- 737b; Tisio da Cirufalo XIV- 739d: Titian XI\ -7 12b; tombs, modern XI\'-774c; tombs, mural XlV-774a; Torbido, Francesco XIV-7S0d; Uccello XV-117d; Vanni, Andrea XV- 272c; Vanni. Francesco XV- 272d; Vasari. Giorgio XV- 274a; Vecchietta. Lorenzo di Pietro XV-317d; Verrocchio, Andrea del XV-364d: Vinci, Leonardo da XV-440c: window- rose X\'-t553c: wood carving XV-700d — CAaridcs VIII-243b; foundhng asylums VI-160a; insane VIII- 40c — Church: abbesses, election of I-8b; abbots I-20b; Albigenses VIII-16b: American college I- 424c: and Anglo Saxon ritual I-510b; ari l.iiliai-onates I- 693d: aiiilil.ii pipa. II-70d; Augu.stiTiiaii- \II -'s2a; Au- gustiiiiai.-

dictin. - 111 ' .1;

448c : I ■ I

5S4c;< i!i.. -a.

Carmein. - III -.-li > III-43i.a, ( ■aili...iiaU Ill-4.isc; Cathe.lraU, |.riMii.i:es III-

440a: Ci'iiai 1. , III lit; of the III-31.Sc; Clianty. Si..,ters of Ill-r.OOc: Christian Brothers VI I I - 6 Oc : circumscription VIII-236b; Cistercians III- 785d; Concordats IV-263a; VIII-233d; Counter-Reforma- tion IV-439c; 443c; courts, ecclesiastical I-650d; dalmatic IV-608b: dioceses VIlI-236b; 241; ecclesiastical address, forms I-1.38a: Flagellants VI- 90a ; 92a ; Fondo per il cullo VIII-2.36a: and France VIII-2.32d: Franciscans XIV- 643d; and German Empire VI1I-232C; Good Shepherd Convents VI-648a; heraldry, ecclesiastical VII-244C; Hos- pital, Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus VII-4S9a; immunities VII-692C; infallibility, papal XV-30.5d; influence XII-.'.02a; InsUtute of Mary VIII-,54c; Instructio Sacra I-633a; Laura IX-39c: law of guarantees VII-48b; Lazarisis X-361c; 364d; Magdalens, IX-524a; Mantellate XIII-737b; Mis- sion, Congregation of the X- 361c; 364d; missions X-393d;

I \II 2SIa;

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.