Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/445

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cento Vni-247c; Trissino, Giangiorgio XV-61b; Villani, Giovanni VIII-248C; XV- 429b; Vinci, Leonardo da XV-440C ITALY, Music: Adami da Bolsena, Andrea I-135a; Agazzari, Agos- tini I-206b; Alfieri, Pietro I- 308d; Allegri. Gregorio I-319a; Anerio, Felice I-47od; Anerio, Giovanni Francesco I-475d; Animuccia, Giovanni I-530a; Animuccia, Paolo I-530b; Baini Abbate Giuseppe II-209a; Car- issimi, Giacomo III-34Sd; Cas- ali.Giovanni BattistaIII-39Gb; Cassiodorus III-407b; Cher- ubini, Maria Luigi III-64Sc; Colonna, Giovanni Paolo IV- 128a; Croce, Giovanni IV- 513c; Giordani, Tommaso VI- 564b; Giovanelli Ruggiero VI- 568a; Lotti, Antonio IX-366d; Marcello, Benedetto IX-640b; Marenzio, Luca IX-652a; Monteverde, Claudio X-538c: oratorio XI-270C; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi XI-421d; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista XI-667C; Petrucci, Ottavio del XI-782d; Pitoni, Joseph XII- 119b; religious XIV-140c; Rossini. Gioacchino Antonio XIII-204d; Scarlatti, Alcs- sandro XIII-.515d: Spontini, Gaaparo Luigi Pacifico XIV- 235d; Ste£fani, Agostino XIV- 284c; Stradivari family XIV- 311c; Stradivari, Antonio XIV- 311b; Tartini, Giuseppe XIV- 462b; Verdi, Giuseppe XV- 350b; Viotti, Giovanni Bat- tista XV-447c; Zacconi, Lodo- vico XV-741b; Zarlino, Gio- seffe XV-752C; Zingarelli. Nic- olo .\ntonio XV-760a — Religions and Sects: Jews VIII-226a; Methodism X- 240b; Protestants VIII-226a; statistics XIV-27Sa; Walden- sians XV-529d — Statistics: blindness V-306a; 30Sd; illegitimacy VII-650b: masonry IX-77Gd; suicide XIV-327d — temperance XIV-4S2b; 485b Itatines, tribe VII-47d; XIII-

713a Itchagu£. See EtchaguS Itch-tchi, spirit XIII-750C Ite et vos in vineam meam. Bull

of Leo X IV-:i4ob ITE MISSA EST Vni-2o3b; XV-fitia; niid Apolvsis I-623c: and Deo Gratias IV-737c; and Gloria VI-584b

Itenean Indians VII-75Sa Ithaca, island VIII-91d Ithacius, Bishop of Ossanova. and St. Martin IX-733a; and PriscUlianism XII-429c; XIV- 26d Ithamar, Saint, Bishop of Roch- ester IV-760c; VII-4o2b; XIII-102b; relics XIII-102a —son of Aaron l-4a; V-373C Ithamara of Aribi-Yaxeb XIII-

2S5d Itherius, Saint See Itier Ithier, abbot, foundation XV-

3b — G6rard, of Grandmont VI-

72eb Ithnam. Sec Jet Imam Ithobaal. Sec Ethbaal Ithome, Mount X-212C Ithream. .S'.- Jothr.iani Itier, Saint, "f X-77Sb —Pierre, <ar.linal \VI-:!2c ITINERARIA VlII-2.54b: and K*'<>Kraphi<-al research VI-448b ITINERARIUM VIII-255d — Alexandri, discovered IX-

oiiSb — Hierosolymitanum VIII-254b — of Bordeaux Pilgrim VIII-

2.^)4b; \V-4ll,Sa Ito, Hirobumi, Marf|uis, .Shimo- noseki. Treaty of III-684d; writings VIII-314b Itonama Indians, habitation VII-

7.").Sa; language X-606C I'Ts'in-wang, family IlI-66Ca Itta. .Sfc Ita

Ittah Kazin. See Thacasin Ittai. See Ethai

ITTENBACH, FRANZ VIII- 2.5r)b; and Degcr IV-677b: and Muller X-fi29c; St,s. Frederick and Theresa (ill.) Vni-2.5n; ."^ta. Herbert and Elizabeth (ill.) VII-.-.n7 Ittibel, Kinc of Akkad Il-lSlb Itture Sopherim XIV-o27a Itturia, Gregorio, theologian

XIV-320b Itu, Brazil, Jesuit college (ill.) II-

faring 746 Itucale, tribe VII-738a; X-90c Iturbide, Agustin de. Emperor of Mexico X-266b: XVI-45c; and Bustamente III-8Sd; corona- tion VII-43a; and Morelos X- 566a Iturea, Syria VI-432d; 440d;

XIV-4()0a — tril.e I-lil',4d Iturralde, Pedro, Franciscan

Mil l.-,7d — Tomas Antonio, Bishop of

Ibarra VII-H13C Itza, dynasty X-82C

Itzamna, deity IV-413b; X-

82b: S4c Itzocoath, Mexican King X-256d lubilus. See Jubilus lus. Sec Jus

Ivan, Russian Prince XIII-246b Ivan I, Tsar of Russia X-595d —II, Tsar of Russia XIII-245C — m. Tsar of Russia IX-293C; 403b; X-593b; XIII-245d; 76Sb — rv, Tsar of Russia X-S93d; Xin-246b: and King Rathnrv VII-3b; and n.irirniii^ VII- 700c; and r.v,n..iv Mil XI- 4.55c; portrait .\ 1 1 1 _'l.ic; and Posseviniis XII-:>17c; religious poli,-y \V Itdd; and Siberia Ill-liXSa; \lll-768c —I, Asen, Hulgarian T.sar III-

4l)b — n, Asen, Bulgarian Tsar III-

46c —III, Shishman, Bulgarian Tsar

III-4tic —11, Metropolitan of Kicff XIII- L':.4c; 21, Id: and Clement III XIlI-L',-.4d: .■i;7d —the Good Matured. See Ivan

II, Tsar of Russia —the Great, Grand Duke of

Moscow XIII-245d — the Terrible, Tsar of Russia.

See Ivan IV — Veliky, church, Moscow X-

595c Ivane, .\rmenian general XII-

4i>2a Ivanitza. See Kaloyan Ivanoff, Alexander, physician X-

141c Ivar, KiuK of Nr.rthtimbria, and

Dublin V- 172d Ivarsson, Eric X\'I-76a — Gyrder, Bishop of Skalholt

XVI-65C — Thrond XVI-VBc Ivassof, missionar\' I-249b Iveagh, territory V-160d Ivers, WiUiam, priest III-81d Iversen, Danish priest IV-72,5b Iverskay a Bogoroditza, chapel,„w \--.9nd IVES, SAINT, of Kermartin

VIII .',-,i;c: at Paris XI-4S9b;

a( H.tin.s XII-77:ib —Saint, bl^llop, .-hrine XII-638C —See Ivo — J. C, lieutenant, in Santc Fe


XII-495a Iviron, monastery II-48b Iviza, Diocese of. See Majorca

and Iviza Ivo, Bishop of Cracow, and St.


-OF CHARTRES, SAINT III-63Sb; VIII-257a; IX-62b; at Bee II-379d; canonical col- lection III-287a; IV-392b; IX-216b; on extreme unction V-729b; and Hugh of Fleurv VII-519d; and investitures VIII-87d: on Mass IX-792a: Micrologus X-285a; and Pas- chal II XV-629d: and Roscelin XIII-189d; Sanctus beU XIII- 433d

— See Ives

Ivor, Saint. See Ibar

IVORY VIII-257d; (ills.) VIII- facing 258: ambos I-382b; Bible I-o22b: ciborium I-358a; sculpture XIII-642d

Ivory Coast, Geography XVI- 6Sd: Sic; Korogo XVI-68d; Mohammedans X-426a; map I-facing ISO

— Coast, Vicariate Apostolic of XVI-84a


— Marquessare of Xn-76c

Ivry, Castellany of XI-I05d

—Plain of, battle (1590) VII- 79b

Ivry-la-Bataille, monastery X- 71b

Ivy, in Bible XII-154b

Iwannis. Sec .lohn

Iwasa Matabei, artist VIII-314d

Iwayid V-ll>7b

I. X , abbr. I-2l>d

Ixida, Anthony. See Anthony Ixida

Ixion, by Rihera XIII-31d

IxUilxochitI, Fernando VIII- 258c

—FERNANDO DE ALBA VIII- 2.5Sc: and Tlaxcaltecs X- 256d

lya, tribe IX-429b

lyar (lyyar), month II-16a; XV- 461b

lyeyasu, and Christianity X- 668a

lyutha. See Ayisle

Izamal, sacred city X-84b

Izanami, myth VIII-304C

Izam, Saint, abbot IX-716C

Izdbienski, Benedict, of Posen

VI -.-.a lb

Izidkiel, archangel XII-64nb Izmailoff, writer XIII-271C Izquierdo, Gomez, philosopher

X-749b Izraelita, periodical XI-68SC Izumo. See Fujina Izviestija, periodical XIII-274d Izvolski, Procurator of Holy

Synod Xni-263c Izz ed-din Djehan Timur, Chi- nese prince X-481d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.