Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/447

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Jager, Albert, at Maricnbcrg IX- (>a9a

— Friedrich, physician X-141a

— I. M., and Tischcndorf V- 291b

— Johannes. Sfe ('rotus, Johann

— von Jaxthal, Eduard, physician X-Ulc

Jagi£, Vatioslav, pliilologist V- 415c; XIV-41d 47c

Jagi-Sian, ameer IV-516d

Jagow, Matthias ron, Bishop of Brandenburg II-739d; perver- sion II-739C

Jaguar X-607c

Jaguarao, Premonstratensian pri- orv XII-390C

Jagur VI-»41a

Jahala I-523c

Jahangir, Mogul Emperor VIII- 742d

Jahaz. See Jasa

Jahel I-S23c; II-282a; III-475d; 776c; IV-663b; X-676d

Jahelel (Hahleel). Sec Jalcl

Jahn, Jean, Biblical commentator IV-I60d; 493c; and Acker- mann I-105b; on Biblical in- troduction Vlll-Sla; on Jonas VIXI-198a; on Tobias XIV- 752b

Jahonowski, Polish hetman XIV- 62a

Jahrbuch fiir Philosophic und spekulative Theologie, period- ical XIII-5.-.4C

Jahrbiicher fiir Theologie und christliche Philosophie, period- ical X!

Jahve-ilu, on tablet II-lS6d

Jahvist (Jehovist), writer I-52b; 54c; 129c; 130b; II-215c; IV— t93c; 496c; and criticism, Biblical IV-493d

Jahweh. .S't Jehovah

Jahwehism XIII-317C

Jahzeel (Jahziel). See Jaziel

Jaime. .S--^ James

Jaimist, periodical, Spain XI- 690c

JAINISM VIII-269d; IV-684c; VII-728b; ethical tenets VIII- 270c; founder VIII-270a; sta- tistics VII-728C

Jains massacre XIII-383a

Jaipur, India, mission XII-635C air, son of Manasses IX-584b

Jalrus, daughter of IX-676C; and imposition of hands VII-698b

Jaitza. See Jajoe

Jajce, Banat of, freed from Turks II-696b; battle (1521) IV- 512a; battle (1878) II-69fic

JakobssoD, Peter, execution XIV- 349b

Jakusich, George, Bishop of Eger X-634C

Jalabert, Prefect Apostolic of Senegal and Senegambia XIII 716a

Jalapa, Vera Cruz, episcopal resi- dence XV-344d; population X-2.50C

Jaldabaoth, in Gnostic system IV-708C; VI-.i95d

Jalel XV-739C

Jallontz, Doroth^e, abbot XV- 262a

Jaiai, Ain VI-431C

— Nahr el VI-430d

Jaluit, Island of IX-718C

Jama. See Jamna

JAMAICA VIII -270d; 27.3c: aborieines I-fiSOc; VIII-271d; agriculture VIII-274a; Bap- tists II-280C; Catholic revival VIII -272c; climate VIII- 271b; Columbus, landing IV- 148b; commeroe VIII-274a; communication, means of VIII- 274c; currency VIII-274b; de- pendencies VIII-274d; earth- quake of 1907 VIII-274C; edu- cation VIII-273b; English oc- cupation VIII-272a; flora and fauna VIII-271a: geogranhv VIII-270d; histon.- VIII-27IC; Jesuit administration VIII- 272d; XIV-103d; metoorologv VIII-271b: Negro rac- in XII- 627b; population and vital sta- tistics VIII~27Ia: and Propa- ganda Xll-4.57b; shipping VIII-274b; slavery VIII-272b; Spanish occupation VIII~271d: topography VIII-271a

— Vicariate of VII-450a; map IV-folloH-ing 560

Jamalgiri, monasteries, sculp- tures IIl-32d

Jamaon, town VII-.592d



Jambeli, naval battle VI-3Slb

Jambert, Archbishop of Canter- bury. .St-c Jaenbert

Jamblichos, in Ephesus legend V-4y7a

— philosopher. .Sfe lamblichus

Jam dudum, Decree of Leo XIII lll-2:i7d: XII-o97a

James, monk of Coxvnobaphos IX-622d

— I, King of Aragon III— 112c; VII-45Sc;IX-556d; XIV-181d; Balearic Islands II-222a; and S. Bernardo Calvo XV- 40()C: church, benefactions to XIV-182C; conquests III-428d; coronation XIV-460b; Inqui- sition VIII-36C; XIV-183a; and Leonor of Castile XIV- 452d; at Lyons, Council of IX-477C; at Orihuela XI- 31oc; and St. Peter Nolasco XI-770d; seal of confession XIII-664b; at Segorbe XIII- eS4b; at Teruel XIV-525C; and \:,].',.. ' ,, ,;,! XV-2.52c; t .if X-612c;



—IT, Kiiic ..f Aracon III-412C; X-(iS5d; XIII-776a; XIV- lS2a; and Carbonell XII- 234a; and Colonnas II-664a; at Gaeta VI-333c; Iglesias VII-63Sd; Montesa, Order of X-534b; as papal vassal XIV- 513a; in Sardinia III-139c; in Sicily II-663a; as King of Sicily VII - 460a; Templars XIV-182c; Vich, sovereignty of XV-406a; Vienne, Council of IV-425d; and Villanovanus XV^SOa

— I, Margrave of Baden II-194d;

— n. Margrave of Baden XV-4.3C

— rn. Margrave of Baden II- 19.5b; XII-118b; conversion XII-118C

— Prince of Bourbon, Carlist pretender XIV-188b

—I, King of England 1-4 Ic; V- 449d: XIII-i;i3c: (ViOb; and Arundell I-76.ic; baptism VII- 123d; and Barclays II-291b; 292a; and Bellarmine II^12d; 413c

—Bible II-141d; glosses VI-587b

—in Bolton II-64.3d; and Calvert III-19.3a; and Catholics VII- 6b; XIII-124a; and Codex Alexandrinus IV-SOc; Coke, Edward XIII-fi52d; coloniza- tion, patent of XV-157c; con- fession V-7r>4b; coronation XIII-619c; and Dempster IV- 717b; and Dominis V-lI3c; Dort, doctrines of III-20.3d; Duperron V-204a; Edinburgh university V-284d; and Eliza- beth I-7'28b; and Forbes VI- 133c; Glasgow university VI- 578d; Gunpowder plot VII- 81d; hospital VII-484C: Ire- land IV-444b; VIII-102d; and Leslie IX-191d: and Lombard IX-336b; martyrdoms under V-476a: Irish under VIII- 167a: and Matthew X-e.Sc: New Hampshire X-786c: Oath of Allegiance. See Allegiance, Oath of James I ; and Paul V XI-.582C: penal law XI-612d; XIII-572C: and Percy XI- 664a: and Perron XIV-.'in3c; and poor-law XII-255C: Pres- bvterianism XII-393b; and Preston XII-402d; and Puri- tans XI-96a; religion IX-399d; religion, policy V-16.5C; royal free schools XIII-.576b; Scot- land, Church of IV-»n7d: XIII-627d: as King of Scot- land XIII-619d; and Su.irez II-139C; XIV-320a; Thirty Years XIV-64Sc: Ulster Plantation XII-393C: and Van Dyck V-220c; and Vinci, Leonardo da I-394b; and Virginia XV-l.'S.'xJ; Virginia

charter IX-546a; and Wear- mouth Abbey XV-572c; and Westminster Abbey XV-599a; and Whithorn Priory XV- 614c; on witchcraft XV-677a; writings XIII-626a

— n, liing of England V-4.50d; 451c; IX-375d; XI -224c; XIII-620d; and Adda I- 136b; Albany I-256d; and Anderson I-467a; anti-Catho- lic oaths XI-179C; and Arun- dell I-766a; Bassett, Joshua II-344b; and Belasyse II-394b; Bulstrode, Richard III-58d: and Car\-ll III-395C; chapels III-.578d; chaplain V-148d: convent III-91c; conversion I-430a; crown jewels XIV- 316d; declaration XI-613d: and Dougan V-130b; on ex- pulsion II - 141b: and Inno- cent XI VIII-22b; 780c; Ire- land, rule in VIII-104d: and Jesuits XIV-92C; La Trappe IX-35d: Liberalism XII- SOOd; Liber Regalis IV-384a: Moore, Michael X-553a: New Jersey X-790d; 791c; Noncon- formists XI-96d: non-jurors XI-99c: Old Chapter XI- 237a; and Petre XI-780c; poli- cy, colonial V-130c: policy, religious XIII-125c: Porter, Francis XII-285c: prayers, manual of XII-353d; Primer, revision XII-353C: Revolution XIII-7b: Sabran, Louis de XIII-291d; Sarsfield, Patrick XIII-478b: Scotland, Church of XIII-62Sb; in Scotland XIV-93d: and Talbot XIV- 433a; and Talon XIV-139b; Test Oath XI-179C; Windsor Castle XV-655a

— m. King of England. .Sec Stuart, James Francis Edward

—I, Emperor of Haiti. See Des- salines

—King of Majorca XV-214C

— Saint, Epistle of. See James the Less, St., Epistle of

— Saint, Liturgy of. See James the Less, St., Liturgy of

— Duke of Savoy VII-7SC

—I, King of Scotland I-706c: XIII-617b; charterhouse III- 391c: Chaucer XIII-624a

— n. King of Scotland VIII- 616d; XIII-617c; coronation V-2S4C: Glasgow University VI-578d

—in. King of .Scotland VI-719a; XIII-617C: Alcock I-274a; Golden Rose VI-630d; and Lindores IX-270b: marriage VII-423d; .Sixtus IV XIII- 331a

—IV, King of Scotland V-190d: Aberdeen University II-61()a: ecclesiastical policy I-706c; and Foreman Vl-134b; France, alliance with \'l~134c: and O'Donnell VIII-153C; Whit- horn, pilgrimage to XV-614C

—V, King of .Scotland VII-7fic; IX -764a; XIII -61Sa; and Beaton II-372b: and Bcllen- den II-414C: death II-.37.3a; Defender of the Faith XIII- 6I8b; and Henn' VIII II- 372d: minority II-374a; re- ligious policy XII-708d: and Ronsard XIII-lSOc; Whithorn, pilgrimage to XV-614C

— VI, King of Scotland. See .Tames I, King of England

— Dominican missionarj' (1304) III-5.59C

— Eudist missionary V-671d

—Bishop of Busiris III-.87d

— Bishop of Carthage n-428d

—Bishop of Ferentino VI-42d

—Bishop of Gravina VI-733C

—Saint, Bishop of Nisibis XI- S4d: and St. Ephraem V-498b: feast III-163C

— river, Virginia, Avllon at II- 164c: explored XV-455d

—Sculptor XI-505a

— Edward, martyr V-476a: XII- 636b

— Gospel of. .See Protoevangelium Jaeobi

— John Angell, Evangelical union V-642b

—J. D. IV-163b; on Pastoral Epistles XIV-730a; XIV-733a

—John, aids missionaries XI- 793d

— Mar. See Baradffius

— Montague Rhodes, Apocry- phon I-605a; on Uotx XII- 351d

—Robert V-I18c

— Roger, martyr VI-581a; XIII- 47b

— William, on concepts XII- 33.5c; on evil V-652c; on God XII-337b; 337c; on habit VII-102C; as Humanist XII- 29a; intuition VIII-83b; and metaphysics X-232b: on mind X-322b: on Monism X-485C; XII-337a; personality, theory of XI-728b: Pluralism XII- 337a; on Pluralism and Mon- ism XII-336d: on Pragmatism XII-334b; 337c; psychical in- vestigation XIV-223a; on psy- chology XII-33b: 547b; 548c: scepticism XIV -765c; soul, conception of XIV-156c; on truth XV-76a

— and John, Saints, feast, Syrian martyrology XI-751c; Mass, Bobbio Mis.sal III-502a

— bar SaUbi. See Dionysius, Bishop of

— Bianconi, Blessed, relics XIV- 234b

— Borsolari, Blessed VIII-185a

. — Francis Edward Stuart, pre- tender. .Sec .Stuart, James Francis Edward

—Fort (Jamestown) XV-158a

— Hudson, Blessed. See James Thompson

— Kisai, Saint XI-75Sd

— of Aragon, Bishop of Valencia XV-252a; and cathedral XV- 252c


— of Botman. See James of Savaugh

—OF EDESSA VIII-277b: X- 494b: abstinence I-71c; Ana- phora XIV-418C; on Creed IV-479a; and George, Bishop of the Arabians X-494b: and Svriac Bible XV-369a; on Syrian Rite XIV-417a: 418a; and Timothy I-573d; writings XIV-411a

— of Florence, Bishop of Zaitun III-670b

— of Grossoto XIV-363d

— of Hadat, patriarch I X-687c

— of Hoogstraet, theologian XIV- 593a

— of JUlich, Franciscan, impostor VII-699d

— of Milan, "Stimulus Amoris" n-6.Ma

— of Padtia, Franciscan martyr IV-filOc

— of Russano, missionary VI- 294c

—OF SARUGH VIII-278a: Ab- beloos, Jean - Baptiste I-7b; as hvmnodist VII-.W8d; and Jame's of Edessa Vin-278a; on Passion XI-528C: and Stephen bar Soudaili X-493d; writings XIV 41(5b

—of Siena, Saint XIII-781a

— of Siena, Bishop of Wloclawek XV'681c

— of Sierck, Archbishop ' f Trier XV-4.3C

—OF THE MARCHES, SAINT Vni-27.'ic:inarl,rrivelli (ill.) Vlll-facing 2S0; and Hernar- dine. Blessed, of Feltre II- .504d; Bernardine, Blessed, of II-.505b; Franciscan re- form VI-28.5C: Fratirelli VI- 24Sd: and Hussites Vll-iiold; and Nicholas of Osimo XI-64b; on Precious Blood VlII-277a

— of Ulm, Dominican painter XII-368d

— of Viterbo, Blessed VII-285«;

XIV-.592b; XV-487b: at Mgi-

dian School IV-127d; epithet


Jameson, Anna Brownell Murphy

on St. Athanasiiis n-3.^.b James Philippi, Saint, of Faeiiza,

miracles IX-129b —PRIMADICCI VIII-279a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.