Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/468

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K., abbr. I-26d

Ka, in Egyptian eachatology V~

a4(ib; 529c — Island of the V-349d Kaaba X-99c; 424a; in Druze theology V-167b: Madonna, picture of I-672b: pre-Islamite I-672C Ka'b, bishop, and Mohammed

I-673C Kabak, Khan X-4S2a; Islamism

Ill-OSOb KabaUs III-7(iSb Kabasa (Cabasa) III-125d KABBALA Vlll-590a; Agrippa ol XfttMheim I-231d; astrol- ogy II-21d; beryl XIV-30Ua; demonology I-58b; Pico della Mirandola X-352a: Pistorius Xll-llSd; and Rabbinism XII-619a: Scripture, interpre- tation of V-702a; XIV-731c; Sephiroth V-399a; theosophy, Jen-ish XIV-ti26d Kabinda fetishes VI-55C Kaboucie XIII-«s9c Kabfll. See Cabul Kabyles, tribe I-183a; Christian- ity I-lS(ia; classification, eth- nological XII-626C Kach, Brahmans in I-180d Ka-chau, Prefecture of VII-774d Kacim, Bishop of Olmiitz XII-

339c Kaczkowski, writer XII-200b Kadashman-Bel, King of Baby- lonia II-lS2d; 183a Kadashman-Charbe, King of

Babylonia II-llc Kader, Abd-el. .Sec Abd-el-Kader Kaderabek, Jan, philosopher IV-

(JOUc Kadesh (Kadeshbamea) . See

Cades Kadiak Island, mission I-249b; orphanage I-249d: Russian headquarters I-246d; 249b Kadi Keui III-554d; IV-301c; XV- 24a; 97c; Assumptionist institutions Il-lOoa; Pure Greeks VI-75SC Kadikoi. See Kadi-Keui Kadisiyya, battle XI-71Sa Kadlubek, Vincent, Saint. See

Vincent Kadlubek Kadmis, sect XI-509b Kado-Azumamaro, scholar VIII-

314b Kadohadacho, tribe III-129b Kadosh, Masonic order IX-779d;

780c Kadrlya, Mohammedan associa- tion X-422b Kaefstein, Count de IV-2.50d




KAFLRS VlII-i91c: in Basulu- land II-346b; British War XV- 20a; deity IV-088a; ethnologi- cal classification XII-62t)C: and Mora%'ian Brethren I-IS7b

KafrBir'im, synagogue XIV-382a

Kaftan, and Ritschlianism XIII- ssa

Kaful, Hebrew poetry XII-!75b

Kagba, niagi IX-.528C

Kagemme, vui.-r V-349a


Kagoshima, bombardment VIII- 31 2d

KShin XI-2r).->a

Kahlenberg, Vienna XV-418b; church II 123a

KShler, Martin, Protestant theo- logian XI\'-()21a; encyclopedia V 41.';c

Kahn, Ferdinand Helanus, Bish- ..p of Tiraspol XIV-739C

—Joseph, Prince Bishop of Gurk VII-S8d

Eahna, priest XIV-417c Kahnita (Kahneita) IX -303c;

Xly-414c Kahrie-Jami, mosaics of VII-

6(i9d; XI-397C Kaiak (Kajak) VI-778a; VII-

7oOc Kaibals, race XII-626d K*ai-feng (Pien-Iiang), town.

China III-6B4d; OSld; Jews in

III-(i79d Kaiim, Bishop of Olmiitz XI-247c Kaiims, in Turkish Empire XV-

lOOd Ka iing Khristan, periodical V-

53d Kailas, temple, at Ellora XIV-

497d Kaimakam, title, I-790a; VII-

lS5d Kain, John J., Archbishop of

St. Louis XIII -51c; 361d;

XIV-G47C; at Wheeling XV-

60Sc Kaina, tribe II-590d Kainardji, Treaty of XV-9Sb;

99c Kainomero Indians. See Gallino-

Kaires, Theophilos VI-743C; ex- communicated VI-740a Kaisarieh. .s'cf Ca?sarea KAISER, KAJETAN GEORG

VON \Ill-r,9.'b — Peter Leopold, Bishop of Mainz


VI-51Sa; Konrad der Pfaffe

Vni-i;90c Kaiserballe, Speyer VI-392a Kaisersberg, Geiler von. See

Geiler von Kaysersberg Kaiserswerth (Suitberts-Insel)

XIV-32Sd; St. Francis, Sisters

ol tlic Pnnr of Xll-2r,7d; Em-



OF VIII-.')92c; German protec- torate X-784C Kaiser - Wilhelm University,

Strasburg I-343d Kaisheim, church II-78a Kaismof, dj-nasty X-482a Kaissanites, Mohammedan sect

X-425C Kaisum, convent VIII-277c Kait Bey, niosaue of, Old Cairo

(ill.) V-facing 100 Kaiyuh-kho-'tenne, tribe IX-

3ii7d Kajamuaha, Maherero, Herero

chief lV-(illb Kajarnak, conversion VI-779b Kajkauans, Slavic people XIV- Kajsiewicz, Jerome, founder

XlM'.lUb; 794a; XVI-7C Kakii, arrimn VI-59Ba Kakig II, King of Ani I-73,Sd Kakmum, loncjuest VII-I2Sb Kakortok, ruins VI-779a Kakouchac, tribe X-512a Kal., abbr. I-24C Kala, in Indian cosmogony IX-

410b Kala 'at Dibseh (Thapsa) VI-

Itiia Kalabassary X-(ltUc Kalabrytai and Aigialia, See of

\l-74l)d Kalah. See Chalc Kalahari, desert XI-2e8b Kalah-Shergat II-7d Kalaidovitch, writer XIII-265d;

272c Katandbriider. .See Kalands

Hretlircii Kalandran (Charadus) Ill-.' KALANDS BRETHREN VIII-

.^9.^a; 111 r.'.i'.tb Kalapooian Indians, habitation

VII 7.'i4b Kalatchoff, writer XIII-272d Kal'at el Hosn, hill of XIII-


Kal'at el-Husn (Hippos) VII-

3l>2d Kalat-Seman, church windows at

XV-Uo3d Kala 'un, usurper VIII-365C Kalaupapa, Molokai X-J45a; St.

Francis' Church (ill.) X-44.ic;

Franciscan Sisters at X-445d Kalauz. .See Hodegus Kalawao, Molokai, grave of Fr.


VAN Vlll-.i93b Kaldi, George .\\-373c Kaleh - i - Sultanieh (Dardanus)

I\-(134d Kalekas, Manuel, Patriarch of

Coiiatantinople I-.388b Kalemaukion. .Sec Kamelaukion Kalendarium Carthaginense II-

771a Kalendion, Patriarch of Antioch

XIV-3a Kalendis. See Circumcision Kalends, in calendar IV-638a Kalephati, canon, and Selvaggio

XIII-e92d Kalewala, epic XIII-751b Kalhu. See Chale Kali, deity II-734C; III-549d;

IV-68.5a KaUb, King of .\byssinia. See

Elesbaan, St , King of Ethi- opia Kalidasa, dramatist III-6S2a;

VI -359a Kalihi leper hospital X^44d Kalikelah, Diocese of. See Erze-

KaUna, philoloRist XII-200C KaUndaruk Indians,


„ . kingdom VII-724d

KALINKA, VALERIAN VIII- 59.3c; Xll-200b; and Klaczko. Julian Vlll-dOoc

KaUsch, commentator IV-1G2C; on creation, doctrine IV-472a

Kahsh, coii-i.-torv XV-(;S2b; tnalv Xlll-2l9b

KALISPEL INDIANS VIII- 594a; and De Smet IV-752c

KaUsz. .See Kalish

Kalkar, version of the Bible XV- 373b

— Henry de, and Imitation of Christ XIV-6G2C; and Peters- sen XI-775b

— Jan van. See Joest, Jan

Kalkbrenner, Friedrich W., com- poser XIV-6S9b

Kalkhi. See Chale

KaUci, avatar II-14SC

Kalkoff, historian IX-442a

Kallaraght, liospice II-e2c

Kallenbach, writer Xn-200c

Kallikelados, Menas. See Menas Kallikelados

Kallinike, Manichsean XI-583C

Kallipohs VI-739a

Kalloe. .See Caloe

Kallundborg, abbey church XVI- 72a; leper XVI-72a

Kalm, Peter XV-35Bc

Kalman, poet VII-.5(31d

Kahnar. See Calmar

Kalmuks, tribe X-4,S0c; classifi- calion. ethnological XII-62BC; rebellion III-6S2b; religion V-WISd

Kalneh. See Calano

Kalnocky, Count, and Agliardi II i:i:.d

KALOCSA-BACS, ARCHDIO- CESE OF \111 .Wlc; l-22.ic; l\-.-..-|Sb: Vll Kla: XIV-731'.b; XV-22d; cathedral nil.) VIII- .V.lj; foundation VI 721c; Jes- uit observatory VI -453c; li- brary VII-199d

Kaloe. .See Caloe

Kalogeros, monk II-49c

Kalo Limniones (Guod-havens) VI-4.39d

Kalose. See Caloe

Kalou, among Fijians IV-GS9a

Kaloyan, Tsar of Bulgaria III-

4()b Kalta, Bishop of Thebes, Egypt

XIV-5B3b Kalten, Germany, church X-639c Kalthoff, Anton, Abbot of Lies- born IX-237d Kalubo, Vincent. See Vincent

Kadlubek Kaluga, Province of XIII-237a Kalundas, ethnological classifica- tion XII-02(id Kalusowski, Henry Corvinus

XI I- 207c Kalvinska Slovenska Jednota

XIV-5.>d Kalyan iCaUana) XIV-BSlc Kalydna iKalydnos) III-204b Kalykadnos, liver. See Selef Kam. See Shamans Kama, family, Paisis XI-509a — in Indian cosmogony IV-409d;

theosophie doctrine XIV-627C Kamaiakan, Indian chief XV-

732a Kamali of Sabawar, writer XI-

720b Kamal Khujandi, poet XI-720C Kamal - uddin Isfahan!, writer

Xl-72llb Kamant, tribes I-7Gb Kamares XI-5ti:id Kamasins, rare .XII-02Gd Kamateros, Johannes, poet II-

24 b Kambalik i Peking) XII-218b Kambysou iCambysopolis) III-


Kamchatka, the Kuriles and Aleutians, .^ee < f \T-772d

Kamehameba V, King of Hawaii X-444d

Kamel, George Joseph. See

Camel Kamelaukion VI-739c; XV-3S8c;

(ill.) X\-:i91a Kamenetz, Diocese of. See

l.utzk. Zliitoniir, and Kame-

Kamenetz-Litevsk IX-4G.5b Kamenetz-Podolski IX-4G.5b Kamenetz-Podolski, Diocese of

IX-14t;b Kamenski, general Xin-249a

Kamenz, Ci.stercian abbev IX- 2114b; XIlI-791a: .\ugustinian Canons at VII-KS9b

Kamere, Ter, Cistercian convent \TI-95b

KAMERUN. VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF \lll-.596a; geog- raphy \llI-.-.'i(ia; and Ger- nian\ \I-.'ibid; map I-faeing 180; na.-sioliarv stations VI- 329d; Missions. Pious Society of XII-107C; Mohammedans in X-42od; Protestant mission in I-lS7b; lS7c

Kami-busubi, deitv VIH-304C

Kamidana MII-305d

Kamieniec, Turks capture XIV- (lld

Kamilafka XIII-278b

Kaministiquia V-lS8a

Kamloops, town. B. C. mission X\-2i;7c; school II-793a; Shu- swap Indians XlII-7(i4b

Kamloops - Okanagan, Indian agency Xl\-704d

Kamloops Wawa, publication X1117ti4d; facsimile page (ill.) XlII-7t;4d

Kammani, tribe II-14b

Kammin, See of XII-225d; Do- minican monastery XII-225d: St. Otto XI-353d; synod Xll- 22r,b

Kammon. See Cummin

Kamp, Hermann Joseph VIII- 01 Id

Kampe, Vincenz, Bishop of Gar- dar VI-77«a

Kamphausen, Biblical editor IV-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ iUustrationa. 452