Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/495

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ICSb; and Pius IX XII-134d; portrait IX-lG7d; Quod divina sapientia XV-197d: 310b; and Roman College XIV-449b; and St. Thomas of Guiana XIII-3S2c; and Sts. Athana- sius and Vincent, Abbey of XIII-3Slb; on secret societies IX-787b; XIV-72c; and Sem- inario Romano XIII-132b: and Studies, Congregation of XIII- 146a LEO Xm, Pope IX-lG9a; XII- 274d; and Abdul Hamid VIII- 44b: Abercius, epitaph of IX-14b: Accademia di Arche- ologia I-S7c; Accademia de S. Tommaso IX-170a; Actum praeclare III-770c: Xll-lOlb; Ad universam II-341b: IV- .572d: .Eterni Patris I-177a; V-753b; VIII-667b; X-749a; XIII-699b; XIV-591a; 666a; 66Sb; 673a; 702a; and allies I-324d; All Souls I-316a; on almsgi^ang I-329b; and Amer- icanism IX-172b; Anglican Responsio I— I97d; Apostolicse CufiB I-496b; 49Sc; IX-171b; XIII-298C; and Apostolic Chancery I-29d; Apostolicae Sedis I-232b; Apparitor, De- cree on I-6.M)d; Appartamento Borgia, Vatican XV-2S4C; Aquinas, edition of IV-719d; as arbiter XI— 155c; Arcanum I-6S7c; V-5Sc; IX-708a; 712a; Armenian reunion IX-172a: arms (ill.) Vll-facing 246; and Athens, Seminary of II-47b; XII-231b; Auctis adniodum XII-760C; audiences II-69c; and .\ustria II-134a; 135a; and Benedictine college II-4a3b; and Benedictines XII-754C; at Benevento II— 477d; IX- 169b; Biblical commission X\'- .Tl.oc; Bishops, ceremonial of- IX-.302C; on St. Bonaventure II-6.i3b: XIV-618C; Borghese M.SS. XV-297a; Breriary IX- .302a; Brei-iary h>Tnn3 XIII- 292c; and Brigidines XVI-14d; at Brussels IX-169C; Bulls, form of III-57c; IV-321C; as Camorlengo IX-170c; and Capecelatro XVI-17c; on Ca- pitulars III-.^S3b; and Caroline Islands III-372d; and Cavag- nis III-467d; and Ceylon III- SoOd; Chair of (ill.) XV-278a; and Chapelle ni-o79d; church history I-293d; on church and cii-ilization IX-I70c; church and science XIII~603c; and Ciasca III-766c; Cistercians III-784d; and Collegio .\rmeno XIII-133d; Collegio Beda XIII-134C; and Collegio Belga XIII-135a; and Collegio Bocmo XIII-13.5C; and Col- legio Illirico XIII-1.35b; and Collegio Maroniti XIII-135a; and Collegio Pontificio greco XIII-134b; and Collegio Port- oghese XIII-13.-)d; and Col- legio Spagnuolo XIII-1.3.5d; Concordat with Portugal III- IMa; IV-76C; Conditaj a Christo VI-l.->Sb: XI-165b; XII-752C; 7.5Sb; 760a; on con- ferences IV-214a; on confirma- tion I-20Sb; Congress of Catholic servants IV-245b; on Cullen, Cardinal IV-564d; and Dataria XIII-152b; De Con- ditione opificum XII— 46.7d; on democracy. Christian IV-710a; and De Rossi IV-740c; 741b; and ecclesiastical courts XIII-206d; encyclicals V- 414a: IX-172C; and England IX-171b; on Eudes V-.W6b: Ex h4c augusta II-252b; Ex .Supremo VIII-1.54a; XIII- 621d; and Famesian papers XV-28Sd; Felicitate quAdam IV-.346b; VI-287C; Flagellants VI-92a; and Franciscan tcr- tiaries XII-7.i7b; XIV-644d; and French Catholics XHI- 43c; French policy VI-178a; IX-170c; on French Protector- ate XII-491C; and Galleria dei Candelabri XV -282a; and George, Henry I-228b: German

policy IX-170d; Glagolitic Missal XIV~J2a; Graves de Communi IV-70Sd; XII-216b; Gravissimum VIII-762a; and Grottaferrata VII-41b: and Hergenrother VII-264a; His- torico-Liturgical Commission XlII-145b; HunianK Salutis AuctorI-225b;IlI-l.-j4b;Xin- 387a; Humanuni Genu,-) XI\- 72d; lUud in pruiiis X-L'ii<,la; Immaculate Conception \I1- 6S0c: Imruortalc Uci II-Mlb; III-760c; \I-3jrjb: Xll-lind; XIV-764b; 771a; indul- gences \'II-7S4a; Inndt-cnl III, tomb of VIII-1.-,; Iii«-ru- tabili XIV-074a; and Ir.-land IX-171b; Italian jiolicv l.\- 171d; XV-302d; Journal de Rome XI-6S4b; jubilee VIII- .533c; and Kaiser VIII-709a; at Kandy, seminar>- XII-231b; and Lavigerie IX-51d; law, canon IX-172d; law-, Canada on school XIII-570b; and learning IX-172b; legation, American .-Apostolic IX-120a; litany, addition IX-290b; litur- gical commission II-776d; XIII-145b; liturgical week X\'-o76b; Magni Nobis gaudii III-455C; and St. Malachv XII-476C; on Marian sodali- ties XIV-12Sc; on marriage IX-710b; on Masonry IX- 787d; on obligation of ma.s3 III-579b; medal (ill.) XI-59b; and medal, miraculous III- 607c; and M6rode X-209b; mikado VIII-308a; XIV-754d; military chaplain III-581C; and Mirdites I-2S4d; Misericors Dei Filius XIV-<541d; missal IX-300d; X-357b; missions, pious society of XI I- 107c; modernism X-418c; and Car- dinal Morgan XIV-367a; mu- sic, ecclesiastical X-3a; on Naturalism X-714d; and ne- groes XII-629c; and neo- Scholasticism XII-34b; New-- man X-SOOa; and Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro I-583a: and nonExpeditXI-99a; Octo- ber devotions X-542d; and Odescalchi X I-206C ; OfEciorum ac Munerum III-522a; 523a; X-39d; XH-3.54a; XIII-143b; Orientalium Dignitas III-561c; and Our I-adv of Guadalupe VII-44b; Palatine Commission IV-165a; on Pallotti XI-429d; and Papal document I-29c; on Paray-le-Monial XI^77a; Pastoralis officii V-185d; Pa- terna Charitas V-239C; Peipen- sis I-129a; on Perpetual Adora- tion, Religious of XI-698a; and Perugia IX-lfi9d; XI-737a; and Pitra, Jean XII-120a; as poet IX-30a: 32a; on politics, social I-228d; Pontifical, re- vision of IX-301d; XII-231d; on poor-relief XII-237b; por- trait by Chartran (ill.) IX-fac- ing 1 70 ; portrait by Gaillard VI- 33.5c; Prfficlara VI-770c; XIII- 64d; XV-147d; Prefect Apos- tolic, Decree on XII-386C; Providentissimus Deus IV- 496d; V-692c; 697a; 69Sa: 699a; 703a; 706a; VII-274d; VIII-46a; 48a; and Provincial Councils XII-51.5C; Qua- Mari Sinico III— 171a; Quae rei sacrae XVI-50C; Quemadmodum III- 573a; V-24d; XV-697d; Quod jainprideus XVI-oOc; Quod Singular! IV-669d; Rati.sbon Antiphonary I-577a: and Re- demptorists XII-6S.5d; on re- ligious orders II-3d; IX-172c; Rerum Novanim I-328d: 68Sa; II-3c; IV-107a; 183b; 185c; 191a; XII-21Ra; 237b; 464a; 783a; Roman Catechism XIII- 121c; Romanos Pontificcs IV- 61b; XI-502a; XII-470d; XIII-l.Md; rosary XIII-184d; 188b: XV-464C: Rosary, Feast of the Holy XIII-189C; and Ro- sati V-.590a; XIII-301b; on Sacred Heart, devotion to VII- 166d; .Sacred Heart of Jesus, Missionary .Sisters of XIII-

30od: Saint-Simonism XIII- 37Sb; Salve Regina XIII-409d; Sancta Dei Civitas VII— 100a; on Santa Casa di Loreto XIII- 455a; and Satolli, Francesco XIII-486b; and scholasticism IX-172b; XIV-582b; 5U6b; 674b; on schools XIII-5S3d; ,-;c..t.stii XIII-612a: Scotland, lu.-rar.livuf XlII-G13d; on se- rrrt ..,„„.ti,-s IX-787b; XIV- 7oa: aiLil SpMiiiiario Francese XllI 1 ;:.b, ,-, ininario Lom- bar.ln \III 1 i_'d; and Semin- ar!.. \ain,,i,M \lll-132c; Sem- inary l.,,i,vam (ill.) IX-395; .sniKular.- presidium II-324a; and Sistino Chapel, Vatican XV-27ild; on slavery XII- 627c; XIV-.39b; on "Spiritual Exercises" XIV-22Sd; Studies, Congregation of XIII-17SC; Summii cum aninii latitid VI- 146b: on temperance XIV- 491d: Testem Benevolentise V-24d; IX-171C; XIV-537b; 616b: and St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-666b; 673b; Thomism III-147b; XIV-699C; on toler- ance XIV-772b; tomb of XIII- 372d; Trans Oceanum IV- 449d; Trier VII-lOlc; I'bi primum I— I24b; and United States IX-171b; on unity I- S04b; Vacabili XIII-150b — Vatican: archives III-,50c: IV- 544b; 719d; VIII-61d; IX- 172b; XV-290a; collection XV- 295b; conciliar drafts XV- 309b; inscripti.m XV-2,S4d: li- brary XV-294d: nius.-uiTi XV- 283a; Noble taiard XV-.3(X)d; observatory IX-172b: XV- palace XV-277b: nistration of XV-

309d; 310c palac 298d — and Vaugli

Cardinal XV- 314b; VigilanticB II-557c; on woman XV-688C; and Wvart XV-722a; and Zigliara XV- 759b

— I, Byzantine emperor III-99c: XII-204a; XIII-789d; and Chalcedon, Council of VI- 762d; and St. Daniel the Stylite VI-416a

— n, Byzantine emperor III- 99c; IV-381c; XIII-180a; XIV-2C

— ni, the Iconoclast. Byzantine emperor III-104b; 105d; 106c; 107a; IV-30.3a: XI-548C; art XI-397a: and Bulgaria IV- 311c: and ecclesiastical patri- mony XIV-258a; ecclesiastical policy V-235c; and Germanus I VI-484C; and Gregory II VI- 762b: 788c; and Gregory III VI-789a; and Gregory 11 X- 685a: Iconoclast persecution VII-620b: Illyria XIV-634b; II-J5a; and Jews VIII-392b; and St. John Damascene VIII- 459c: papal authority VI-7S9C; and schism VI-762c; in Sicily XIII-774d

- — IV» Byzantine emperor III- 105d; VII-622b

■ — V, Byzantine emperor III- 106a: 107a; VII-623b; XI-51a; death VII-624a; and St. Igna- tius of Constantinople VII- 647b; and Paulicians XI-5S4C; and St. Theodore of Studium XIV-574a; and Sts. Theodonis and Theophanes XIV-577a; and St. Theophanes XIV-623b

— VI, Byzantine emperor III- 107d; 108a; 119d; IV-30.3c; XI-124d; abduction I-3.3a; at Constantinople, Fourth Coun- cil of IV-311b; divorce laws V- 65a; as jurist IX-88b; marriage laws IV-lb; and Nicolaus Mya- ticus VIII-42.5d: Notitia II- 44c; 143a; and Photius IV- 764a; XII-4.5b; on Seleucia Tracha-a XIII-689d; and slav- ery XIV-37d

— n, King of Armenia I-739a; IV-.549b: X-7.54d

— n. Prince of Cilicia. See Leo, King of Armenia

—Cardinal legate III-46b

— Saint, martyr. Bishop of Bay- onne II-360C


—Abbot of St. Bonif.ace VIII-

42Sb: and Alexius XIV-371C — Bishop of Bourges II-720b — Saint, Bishop of (iarentan IV-

4o6b — Bishop of Chalcedon III-554d:

VI-767d — Bishop of Conversano IV-346C — Bishop of Corj'dallus IV-402c — Bishop of Daphnusia XIV-

714b — Bishop of Eumenia V-604d — Bishop of Fano V-7S5a — Saint, Bishop of Ferentino VI-

42c — Bishop of Freising X-632a —Bishop of Gordoa VI-651b —Bishop of Gravina VI-733C —Prince of Halicz IX-14.5a — Bishop of Harpasa VII-14Id — Bishop of Harran XIV-411d ■ — (Leontius), Patriarch of Jeru- salem VIII-361C - — of Juda, Biblical translation

XV-276b — Metropolitan of Kiefif XIII-

261c — Bishop of Limyra IX-265b —Bishop of Linoe IX-272d — Bishop of Muro-Lucano X-

646b — Saint, Bishop of Novaro XI-

135a —Bishop of Ostia X-527d —Bishop of Phocsa XII-41b —Saint, Bishop of Pozzuloi XII-

331d — Bishop of Prseneste IV-607C —Bishop of Prato XII-117d — Bishop of Prusias ad Hypium

XII-519d —Bishop of Sabrata XIII-292b —Bishop of Sagalassus XIII-

324d —Saint, of Samos XIII-422a —Bishop of Sebaste XIII-667C — Saint, Bishop of Sens XIII-

716d —Bishop of Siena XIII-781a —Bishop of Soli XIV-134d — Bishop of Synnada XIV-387d —Bishop of Tarazona XIV-452b — Bishop of Trapezopolis XV-

24a — of Tripoli, at Thessalonica

XIV-633b —Bishop of Trivento XV-63a —Bishop of Trocmades XV-63d — Bishop of Vercelli XV-349b —BROTHER IX-173a; and St. Clare IV-Ca; and Conrad of Offida IV-260b; and St. Fran- cis VI-223c; Franciscan Rule VI-210b; and Portiuneula In- dulgence XII-2S6d; on Stig- mata VI-226a — Heinrich, and Gorres VI-633d — Lionardo Oronzo Salvatore de X-601C; and Scarlatti XIII- 516a — Africaimus. See Africanus — Association Xn'-125d — DIACONUS IX-174d — Gesellschaft XI-670b; and

Pcrnti-r XI-C,97c —House, N.-w York III-534b;

V-4li:-;d: \ l-t,s3c — of Achrida Xni-.i37d; X-273c; and (nnilarius l-104a; and Pope Leo IX X-273C; and schism II-172b — of Germanica. Stx Leo III,

B\-zantin(- emperor — of Saint John, Carmelite III-

361a —Society, Rome VIII-63b — the Armenian. See Leo V, By-

— the Great, Saint. See Leo I, Saint. ro[>

—the Iconoclast. .Sic Leo III. Byzantine emperor

— the Isaurian. Sec Leo III. Byzantine emperor

— the Philosopher. Sec Leo VI. Byzantine emperor

— the Syrian. See Leo III, By- zantine emperor

— the Wise. See Ix!o VI, Byzan- tine emjieror

Leobardus, Saint, at Tours XV- 4b

Leoben, Diocese of II-128a: Xni-<>72b; Redemptorista XII-fi8la: ZUngerle in XV- 750a

Roman numeral indicates volume: arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.