Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/519

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IV -244b; (1900) IV - 24f>d; r hapters and colleges IX-474C; and Dijon IV-794C; Easter V- 226d: Jean de Lorraine, Arch- bishop of VII-"4c;liturg>' IX- 47ob: map Vl-facing ISS; pil- Krimages IX - 47od; primacy XII-424a: and Sens III-I86C; sicRT r,f (l:nol IX-474a LYONS,COUNCILSOFIX-476d; I i7JI Vl-l'lc: (4'.)9i VI-361a; IX-l7ild; i.jlJli .St. Appoli- naris at I-tilOd; (517) VI- .•!()2a; (747) XIII-705C; (1245) IV-423C; VII-521C; IX-369d; 476d: Behaim at II-391b; Boniface of Savoy at II- 672c: crusade proclaimed IV- 551b: Frederick II excommu- nicated VI - 2Sr)d: XIII^12d: Grossetestc at VII-39a; and Innocent IV VIII-17d: and Innocent IV's letter I-127d John of Parma at Vin-475c Bishop Lorenzo at XI-295d (1274) VI-739a: VII-420b 459b: IX-l77b; 725a; XI-56d XIII--99d; 534a; Olfic: 637a XIV-494a; 665c; 666d: Abbot

de Hendred at I-44a; Acropol- itea at III-112c; Acts of reun- ion XV-146C: on admission to Beatitude VIII-551d; Albertus Magnus at I-264c: St. Bona- venture at n-650c: and Car- melites III-355d: and concor- dat with Norway IV-197d; and Dominicans XII-368b: and droit de r^-gale VIII-22a; XII- 713b; Durandus the Elder at V-207b; on ecclesiastical prop- erty XII— lG6d; on the Filioque VI-73c: and Greek Church IV- 304d; VI-765d; Greek profes- sion of Faith IV-653b: Gregory X at VI-798d; on Holy Ghost VII-412b; Innocent V kt VHI- 18b; and John XXI VIII-130b; and mendicant orders VI- 281b: X-lS3b; on papal elec- tions XI-457a: papal infallibil- ity XV-308d: reunion VII- 79Sa; rule of religious orders Xni-73I)C: and St. Thomas, influence XIV-672C; Ubi Peri- culum III-338C: IV-192b; XII- 271d; union of Eastern and Western Churches XIII-538a;

on usury XV-23f>a; William

the Moerbeke at XV-634a;

(1479) XII-761b — Colloquy of, published II-161d — Richard, impeached V-322C — Rite, nature of IX-312C — Society, of African Missions

XVI-USd; Apostolic School

XIII-j.>S7c; at Nigeria XVI-69a Lyra, sequence XII-485d — Louis de, Carmelite X-765a;

and Albi reform III-360d — Nicholas of. See Nicholas of

Lyra Lyraid Meteors, orbit II-27b Lyranus, Nicolaus, hermeneutijit

VII-273b LYRBA IX-47Ka: XVI-56b Lyre, M:iuri...l mi.n.istery X-71b Lyrnessus (Tenedos) XIV-.506d Lys College, Lou vain IX-391d Lysagaht, Ned, poet VIII-127a Lysander, apotheosis IV-684C Lysanias, Tctrarch of Abilene

IX-42Gd — King of the Itureans IX^26d Lyschander, Chronicle 1-4 18b Lyse, Cistercian Abbey XVI-




—orator XIV-397a

— regent of Antioehus Eupator

I-273d; IX-494b; IV-707a:

and Judas Machabseus VIII-

54 Id —tribune of Syria XIII-690c;

and St. Paul XI-571d Lysimachus, high - priest VIII-

348b —King of Thrace XV-63c: at

Colophon IV-128d; and Niciea

XI-43d; at Pergamus XI-6Rflc;

and Philippopolis XII-170d;

and Seleucus I XIII-690b; and

Smvma XIV-60b —Alexander XII-2.3a Lysippus, copies. Vatican Mu-

..•eum XV-2S2d Lysistratus, and Torone XIV-

78 Ic Lyskirchen XV-7.'>4c Lyssius. on -Vcta Pauli XI-561C Lyster, John, Bishop of Achonry

I-103b LYSTRA IX-47SC; VI-441b: and

St. Paul II-301a: XI-570b;

570d; sacrifice of, fresco, by

Raphael XII-645a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d. quarter of page.