Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/531

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Marat, Jean-Paul XI-!0"a: as- sassination xni-13d: and Ca- thwlral of Rodes Xlll-lOSb; and Lavoisier IX-52d

Marathon, hattle XI-713a

—Bee of VI-73Sd

Marathonius, Bishop of Kico- XII-17-ld

Maratinian Indians VII-75Gd

MARATTA, CARLO IX-fi36c; and Au.lnin, Cirard II-71C; Clement IX (ill.) IX-facing 636; Gesil XIII-171C; Head of Christ (ill.) Vlll-facing 384; S. Carlo al Corso XIII-170d; Santa Maria sopra Minerva XIII-172d; S. Maria in Valli- cella XIII-172C

Mar Awgin. See Eugenius, Saint

Marazzani, Camillo, Bishop of Parma Xl-oOI'.b

Marazzone, Pietro Francesco. Sro Mazzurhelli

Marbach, Congregation of III- 290a

—Karl, and Miserere X-353C

— League of \"I-490b

Marbeau, M., and charity XI- 492c

Marbeck, John, Bible concord- ance IV-196C

Marbeuff, Ives Alexandre, Arch- bishop of Lvons IX-474C

Marble, and altar I-340d; 360d; and ambo I-3S2b: -Asia Minor I-783b; sculpture XIII-(J42c; translucent l-244b; in West- minster Cathedral XV-600C

Marbod, King of the Marco- manni II-613b; and Ravenna XII-662d

■ — Bishop of Rennes. See Mar- bodius

MAKBODinS, Bishop of Rennes IX-637a; 31a; at Angers I- 489d; as hymnodist VII-603a; XII-771d; minerals X-12.5d; and Robert of ,\rbrissel XIII- 96c; and St. Thais XIV-553d

Marburg, town, Articles IX— 453b; Church of St. Elizabeth V-390c; (ill.) V-facing 390; colloquy IX— 452b; conference III-26a; diocese IX-49b; hos- pital V-390c; and Redemp- torists XII-684a; Teutonic Knights V-390C

—University of VII-299c; X- 154c; Consensus XIV-384b; and Gudeims \'II-5(ia: Syn- cretism XI\-:!Ma

MARCA, PIERRE DE, arch- bishop I\ li:i7a; l.lib; XIV- .¥J3d; and Haiiot II-203d; and Baluze II-242a; Couserans XI- 436b; and Ciallicanism VI- 3.Wc; Harlay VII-137d; at Paris XI— lH3d; and papal pri- macy XII-2l'i7c; and Riche- lieu" XIII-49b; in Toulouse XIV-796C

— Hispanica III— 12Sc; and Pierre .le Mar. a IX Ii37b

Marcantonio. Sec Raimondi

Marcay, and St. Benedict Labre XII-lMa

Marcel, Abbot of Cisoing XIII-

— Claude, and St. Bartholomew's massacre XIII-335a

— Etienne; and .States- General XI 4.v:(a

Marcella, Saint, martyr, and St. .lerome Xll .-i.Mc; and .St. Paula XI .-).s2d; and Pota- mialia XI-7ll7c

Marcelli, Michelangelo, Augus- tinian Vn-L>s.-,a


Marcellianus, Saint, Bishop of .\lixerri- MII-71sa

MARCELLINA, SAINT IX- 637c; and St. Ambrose I-.384a; .•J87b: VI-.i37b; IX-791b: and Pope Liberius III-726c: VII- 44.3c

— Sisters of St. See Annunciates of I.ombardy

Marcellini, Sanctt, Evangelium, manuscript I-)64b

MARCELLINUS, SAINT, Pope IX-i;:t7d: XII-273a: abdica- tion i-3ld: in art. Veronese III-17f)a; Damasine inscrip- tions VIII -44c; tomb III- S14a; 516c

— Saint, martyr, III-515a; IX-

63Sd; body III-515a; and Seli-

genstadt V-367a — Saint, martyr, Marseilles IX-

716c — Saint, martyr, Scythia XIV-

77od — chronicler VII-374C — Luciferian priest IX— 410d — Companion of St. Lebwin. See

Marrhrli.i — ' ' "' .\ugustine XI- ' 129a; and Do-

— (_,nv,.rni.r oi Ijalmatia XIII-

ISUa — Bishop of Diocsesarea IV-79SC — Saint, Bishop of Embrun VI-

378b — Saint, traditional Bishop of Le

Puy IX-186a — Bishop of Metropolis, and

Council of Chalcedon X-244b — Ammianus, ami panihling VI-

37r,b; manuscripts XII-178a — FLAVIUS IX-i;39b —COMES IX-1-.39C; and Genna-

dnis I Vl-41(ib —OF crVEZZA IX-639d MarceUo, Antonio, Archbishop of



-BENEDETTO IX-lilOb MarceUus, Saint, luurtvr, under

Aui.'lian XIII-728b — Saint, martjr, centurion XIV-

736a — Saint, martyr, and Hugh the

Great VII-526C — Saint, mnrtvr, at Lc6n IX-

17.-.b: XI\'-I77a MARCELLUS I, SAINT, Pope IX-li4lJc; Xn-273a; in art, by Verona III-170a; Damasine inscriptions VIII-44C; and lapsi IX-3a; and St. Lucina IV- 280d; and parishes III-333c; Roman districts I-64b; tomb lIl-.IK.c —II iMARCELLO CERVINI DEGLI SPANNOCHIl, Pope IX-641b; XII-274C; and de L'Orme IV-700d; Gubbio episcopate VII-55d; and Her- vetus VII -298a; and LiUus IX -248a; at Montepulciano X-532a; Micastro episcopate XI-47c; and Palestrina XI- 422b; Reggio dell' Emilia episcopate XII-71Sb; sarcoph- agus of (ill.) IX -641; and Sirleto XIV -27b; at Trent IX-249b; XV-31c; Vatican collection XV-295a; as Vatican hbrarian XV-294b; 296b — at Nola XI-S9d — martyr, at Belley II^lSc — Saint, Abbot of AcoemetEe I-

105c; III-555a —Bishop of Aire I-237a —Bishop of Apamea VII-43.3a — Saint, Bishop of Bourges II-

720b — Bishop of Constantine IX-

638a —Saint, Bishop of Di^ XV-2.tOc — Saint, Bishop of Erabrun VI-

37Sb —Bishop of Kruszwica XV-681b — Saint, Bishop of Paris, cata- combs XI 4slc: tomb XI-4S1C — B.-hop .i[ S.Mlle Xni-744b —Saint, Hi-h..|.of .SoliXIV-134d — Saint, Ui^h'-p of Tarentaise

XlV-4.Vla —Bishop of Waitzen XV-525b — Christophorus, .\rchbishop of

Corcyra III-.5.3.Sb — Claudius, at Syracuse XIII-

774a; XlV-396d — Nonius, Poggio Bracciolini


— Ulpius, and lecialation I-.587b

—OF ANCYRA IX-642a; I-51.3b;

Xni-:,31d; and Acacius XIII-

394b; and Epiphaniusof Sala-

mia XIII-.394b; and Eusehiana

V-624d; and Eusehius V-619c;

G21c: and .Julius I IV-449b;

Vlll-.Wlb: XII-267c; monar-

chianism X-449d: and Photi-

nus XII-43a: and Council of

Sardica XIII-l73a; 69.3b

Marcerata, miaeionarj' VII-46b

Marcesina, Princess, and Blem-

mida II-.596d

March, month, and English Cal- endar IV-637d; devotions for X-542b; and St. Joseph XII- 276a — AUZLAS IX-642C — Earls of. See Mortimer, Ed- mund; Mortimer, Roger (IV) de — Esteban, and Falco V-770b

— John, Bishop of Harbor Grace

VII-134a Marchand, missionary, martyr British Columbia X-383c; XIII-484C

— missionary, mart>T, Indo-China VII-77.-)d; XIV-SOc

— Etieime, and British Columbia n-791'b


—PETER IX-U4;ja; portrait IX- (143b

March Articles (Dollinger) V-9Sb

Marche, Dominic de la, Recollect IV-758C

Marche, Marie de la, abbess XII-253d; at Georgetown II- 232a

Marche, Olivier de la. See Olivier de la Marche

Marchehn, and St. Lebwin IX- 106c

Marchena, Antonio de, and Co- lumbus IV-141b; XI-664d; and Juan Perez XI-664d; at Seville XIII-746C

Marchenti, Luigi, and Belgrade II-407d

Marches, The, province VIII- 219d; annexation XIV-265a; emigration VIII-22ob; Fran- ciscans XIV-231C; and inhab- itants III-320b; and Italy II- 640a; papal mint X-334d; and Sforza XIV-514C

— Confession of the, and Prussia III-203d

Marchese, anrl William of Mar- cillatXII-3i;Sd


Marchesvan, Persian II-227b; and 8abl,atli XIII-28Sb ■ Marchet, Maniurtte II-519c

Marchfeld, battle X-562b; and llttocar II VI-49:id

MARCm, GIUSEPPE IX-l)43d; and archeology I-690c; III- 706d; 766b; and De Rossi I- 690b; IV-740a; and Garrucci VI-389d; and Gregorv- XVI Vll-9b; and St. Hyacinth XII-.504b; and Lateran Mu- seum IX-14a

Marchia, A. de. .See Alexander of San Elpidio

Marchiennes, Abbey of I II -2 lOd ; and St. Pnppo XII-27.5b

— College V-l;i9a; and Richard White V-13Sb

Marchina, Juan Perez de, and Pinzoi. XII- 104b

Marchini, on Biblical introduc- tion Vni-8(ld

Marchio, Enrico V-3I7c

Marchione, Carlo, St. Peter's XIII-371d

Marcbluid, of LlandafI IX -3 Ilia

Marchocka. See Teresa of Jesus

Marci, Marcus, physicist XII- Glc

Marcia, and Commodiis III- 184a; IV-166b; XV-4()8b: and St. Victor I. Pope XV -408b

Marcian, martyr, Vich XV-406b

—priest, and St. Gaudontius Xin-.5Sc

— Saint, -Archbishop of Bcnovento Il-47sb

MARCIAN, Byzantine Emperor IX-044a; I1I-99C; V-20c; at Chalcedon Ill-5.57b; .at Chal- cedon, Coimcil of III-5.").Sc; IV~425b; and Chalcedon, De- cree of X-157d; coronation IV- 381b; death X-lS9d; on eccle- siastical legacies IX-116a; and Euscbiua V-622c; and Eu- tyches; and Eutvchi- anism V-036d ; 637a : and Genna- dius I VI-416a; and St. Juvenal II-6c: .\V-471a; St. Ix?o I- 601a; Ill-lOlb: V-632d; and St. Pulcheria XII-..62b; and shroud of Blessed Virgin Marj' XIV-77.5a; and Thebaid XI- I47d; Tripolis XV-60d


—Bishop of Aries I-23Sa; IX-

472c; and Novatian IV-587b;

VI-39oc; XIV-28Sb; and Pope

Stephen XII-264b ■ — Bishop of Constance IV-287a — Bishop of Lampsacus VIII-

771b; and Pneumatomachi

Xn-174d —Bishop of Marciane IX-645C — Bishop of Philomelium XII-

2.5a — Bishop of Samaria XIII-

416d —Bishop of Sclge XIII-692b —Bishop of Seville XIII-744C — I, Bishop of .S\Tacuse, martyr

XIII-774b; XIV-397a — II, Bishop of Syracuse XIV-

397b MARCIANE IX-643C Marcian Library, and Ambrosian

I-394C; manuscripts IX-619d:

Venice XV-335b MARCIANOPOLIS IX - 645c;

VI-738b Marcianus Capella. See Martia-

Marciari, Niccold, Bishop of Cagli in-140b

Marcigny, convent VII-526b

MarciUac, G. de, and Colldge de France IV- 113d

Marcillot, Guillaume de, S., Maria in Transpontina XIII- 172b

Marcion, heretic I-788a; VI- .594c; .598d; 599b; I.X-646b; XII-12fic; XIV-522b; Anti- nomianism I-565a: and Apelles I-.593a; and apocrypha I-614a; VI-636d: ami BaVdcsanes II- 293b; Christology XIV-600b; and Clement of .Alexandria XIV-630C; and Demiurge IV- 708b; and Galatians. Epistle to VI-339b; and Hermas VII- 269b; and St. Justin Martvr VIII-581d; and Gospel of St. Luke IX— 12.5a; and Marcion- ism VII-340d; IX-64.5d; and papal authority VII-797d; and Pastoral Epistles XIV-733c; Pauline Epistles IX-648d; and St. Polvcarp VII-793C; XII- 219c; 220(1; and Romans. Epistle to XIII-1.5SC; in Rome I-642a; XIII-167C; and Sinope XIV-14b: and Pope St. .Sixtus I IV-447d; and Tertullian V- 71b; XIV-.523a; 630c; and New Testament VI-5d: IX- 648d; XIV-533C; and The- ophilus XIV-62.5b; and II Thrssaloni.ins XIV-632a

Marcionism. >' r Marcionites

MARCIONITES IX-645d; VII- 2.5sa; :.n'l h.ptism IX-64-d; Bible IX-i.l7a; Christology IX-647b; doclrine and disci- pline IX~646d; in the East IX-64.Sb; and Gnosticism VI- 595c; VII-310d; IX-l>47d; his- tory IX-647d; metempschy- cho.sis IX-048a; opponents IX- 649a; and New Testament IX- 648d

Marcius, Saint, and tomb of St. Peter .\ 1 1 -94c

Marck, Adolph de la. Bishop of I.iSce IX -237a: 237b; and Chapcauville ni-.574c

— William de la, and Water- bcEKars X 761 b

Marco, ."^'c .Mark

— Lope, .Abliot of Vcruela XV- 378c

— Caldeira, Blessed, mart\T XIV- 109d

Marcolino Amanin, Blessed VI- 137b

Marcomanni, in Bohemia II- 613b; anil Boiarii II-.3.54C; and Gallienus \I 36l,b: invasions II-109C; .and (Juadi X-561b; war XV-2(18b

Marcondes Homcn de Mello, Jose, Bishon of Siio Carlos do Pinhal XIII-46.5b

Marcone, and Cellini III^89d; St. Benedict Labre II-142a

— Nicholaus, Bishop of Pulati



MARCOPOLIS IX-649C Marco Polo. See Polo, Marco Marcoratus, Saint, mart>T IX- 144a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.