Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/539

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Mary of Help. See Mary de



— of Hungary, Regent of the Netherlands HI-TOc; 626a; and Erasmus V-ol3c: and van Orley XI-321a; and Sonniu3 XIV-H2b

— of James, identit\' IX-749a; Sec .Marv of CIcophas

—of Jesus, Carmelite ni-361d

— of Jesus Crucified, Mother, foundress, Passionist Nuns XI-

— of Lorraine. See Mar>' of Guise

— of Modena, Queen of England in-91d; 92a: VII-r02a; and Caryll Ill-:sn.jd

— of St. Angela, Mother. See Gillespie. Eliza -Maria

— of St. John of God, Mother. See Nagle, Nano

— of St. JuUan, Mother, Irauline XV-22fla

— of Succour, Saint, Superior of Nuns of the Recollection X- 197d

— of the Cross, Mother. .See Maelvillop. Marv

— of the Divine Heart, Mother, Sister of the Good Shepherd VI-648b

— of the Gael. See Brigid. .Saint, of Ireland

— of the Holy Ghost, Sister. See .\ng61ique Roussel

— of the Nativity, Mother. See Jettc, Ro.'^alie

— of the Sacred Heart, Children of. See Children of Mary of the SaiTP.l H.Nirt

Mar Yohannan, Nestorian patri- arrh \-r,:\:ib

MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS IX- 764a; XIII-619b; and Allot I-326a; Babington plot I.\- 76.W; and Beaton II-373a: and Blackwood II-.i91d; and Both- well IX-764d; and Brantome n-742a; and Burleigh IX- 765b; and Catherine de' Medi- ci III-44.3C; Catholic attitude V-448d; chapel roval III- 578d; and St. Charles Borro- meo III-624C; Clouet's por- trait of IV-6Sb; Clouet's por- trait of (ill.) IX-facing 766; coronation XI-4S5a; Crown of Thorns, relic of IV-541b; and Darnley IX-7G4C; Delaroche'a portrait of IV-69]c; at Dun- drennan V-191b; funeral ora- tion II-377a; allied to Guises VII-74a; and Hamilton VII- 123d; and Hay VII-157a; and Henry I VII-76d; at Hol>Tofxi VII— 123d: imprison- ment IX-7G.5C; and James V of Scotland XIII-61Sb; and Jesuits XIV-9Id: 9.3c: Kerv\Ti de Lettenhovc's, hfe of VIII-

• 629b; and Knox VIII-682b; 6S.3a; and Leslie I-467a; IX- 191c; at Lochlcven IX-764d; and Mary of Guise VII-76C; miniature (ill.) IX-76B; Nau's Ufe of XIV-293b; Penal Laws relaxed XI-614C; and Philip II I-727d; and Pius V XII-130d; portraits (ill.) IX-facing 764; at Reims XII-726d; and Rizzio IX-764C; and Ronsard XIII- 180d: and Samerie XIV-89a: Scots College. Paris XIV-9.3d; seminary established X-681a; and Bl. Thomas Percy XIV- 697b; tomb XV-.599b; and Vieta XV-)25c; and Winjcl XV-ur.i)a

—Salome, Saint XV-3.i9c

Mary's Lent. See Lent. Mary's

—Nativity, Feast of I-71c

—Realm, Hungary II-122d

— Stories. See Marienlegcnden

Mary Stuart. -S'ec Mary Queen of


Marysville, Vicariate ApostoUc of Xlll-tllc

MARY TUDOR, Queen of Eng- land I.X-700b; I-492d: III- 7.39a; V-»4.3d: XIV-767d: Au- gustinus. embassy of II-106a: and Bedingfeld U-3S7a; and Bourne II-722c: and Campion V-293C; and Carrania III- 376e; colleges founded I-764a;

and Commendone IV-lSGc; confession, revival of XIII- 6o5a: and Bp. Day IV-647d; Forrest on VI-144b: funeral palls VI-322b: and Gardiner VI-.3S3d; receives Golden Rose VI-630d; and Heywood VII- 319d: and Knox VIII-6Slb; and Bl. Margaret Pole IX- 656c; marriage III-628d; XII- 2d; and Montmorency, Anne de_X-544b: Mor's portrait of 1X-517C: X-555d: RIor's por- trait of (ill.) IX-facing 768; and Paul IV I-159b: persecu- tion V-444a: 448a: and Peyto XI-785b: and Plowden XII- 167d: and Card. Pole XII- 202c; 203c: Primer restored XII-426C: and Ribadeneifa XIII-30b; and Bl. Richard Fetherston XIII-44C; and Ro|>. er XIII-lS:ib; .Supremacv Act. repealed I-SOOc; XI-177b: and Tallis XIV-435b: tomb XV- 599b: Uniformity Acts re- pealed XV-12Sa: and West- cot t XV-592b: and West- minster Abbey XV-59Sd Mar Yurgis, monasterv X-472C Maryvale V-740d; VI-94a; VII-

!; XI-336a: XIII-354d Mary Vincent, Mother. See Kll.-n



Marzanet, Damian. .See Mar-

Marzari, Orazio, Bishop of ,San Severino XIlI-453a

Marzatti, Anselmus, Preacher Apostolic XII-3.54C

Mar Zaya, fast. East Syrian Rite XIV-41GC

Marzewski, John Michael, Bish- op of Wloclawok XV-li.Sld

Marzial, Sir F. T. .\V-431a

Marzo, Lope Gomez XIII-4fi0b

Marzocco iDonatello) V-llOc

Mar - Zutra II, Jewish leader Vlll-:i',)lb

MASACCIO, TOMMASO IX- 76Sa: Braiieacci chapel, fres- coes IX-278c: and Brunellesco III-9a; and Castagno III- 408a: religious painting XI- 399b: S. Clemente Rome, fres- coes in XIII-171a

Masada, fortress, Palestine VIII- 389b

Masai, African tribe I-183a; ethnological classification XII- 626c

Masai, town, Palestine I-77.5a; VI-442b

Masaloth VI-442b

Masanet, Damian. See Martinez, Daniiun

Masafik, Tomas, Bohemian writ- er iv-i;(Kid

Masato, Imlian beverage XII- l(«d; XIV-2.Jd

Masbate, Island of IX-600a; church in .\I-148d

Masbutha, in Nasorieanism X- 707c

Masca, Pandulph, Bishop of Norwich XI-122b; 441a

Mascabruno. .See Canonici

Mascagni, Arsenius, artist XIII- 737c

— Paolo, anatomist X-137a

Mascall, Robert, Bishop of Here- ford

Mascarati, in Genoa VIII-202C

Mascardi, Augustino, author X 1 1- 797b

Mascareigne, island XIII-.344b

Mascarenhas, Garcia de, poet XII-308C

— Jose, writer XI-68,8d

— Pedro, explorer XIII-344b: and Vieira XV-41Ra

Mascaron, Hughes, Bishop of XI-43.5d

— Jules, Bishop of Agen I-209b; XI-274d: Tulle episcopate .XV-8f)d

Maschat, Remy, Piarist VI-.568c

Mascheroni, Lorenzo, mathema- tician .\I-,-,94b

Masci, Girolamo. .See Xicholaa

MASCOUTENS INDIANS IX- 76Sd; 1-31 Ic; X-388a; XII- 320a: and Miami Indians X- 271c

Mas d'Aire, crypt I-237a MasdaU, almoravid XV-252a Masdeu, Jtian-Francisco, histo- rian XIV-200d Masella, papal nuncio VIII-709a — Ehsabetta I.X-359a Masen, Jacob, writer II-S03d;

IX-30a; 31d Masepha. 6ce Maspha Maserephoth VI-142b Maserfeld, battle (642) I-233c;

XI-349C Mas Gamier, monastery X-71d Mashal, in Hebrew verse VII-

99a: .\ II- 175b Mashdotz, .\rmenian liturgical

book IX-304b; .\III-79a Mashonaland, .\friea X-GiOc;

Protestant niis.sions in I-lSSa Mashonas, African tribe XHI-

20a Mashrik, periodical XIV— 406b Mashtots. .See Mesrob Mashya, in Bundahis IV-tOSd Mashyana, in Biimlahis IV-408d Masi, Maria XIV-4:iod Masia, Jose, Bishop of Loja I.X-

332c Masias, Blessed .\IV-781a Masih, Abdul, Cliaklean Cathohc

mi^sioTiarv Masini, G., lii.iizi's statue by

(ill.) xni-.wb Masinissa, KiiiK of Xumidio

XlV-71llb: XV-249b Masius, Guillaume, Biblical com- mentator lV-li;(ld: on Penta- leu.h Xl-i..-..>d — Mount VIl-lD.ia Mask, lake XV-7'.id Maskegon Indians IV-477d MaskeU, W. M., writer XI-13b —William V-l.")3d: conversion

Xl-377b Maskelyne, Nevil, astronomer

XII-72d Maskhijta, Tell el-(Phithom) VI-

443d Maskoki, Creek tribe IV-479d Maskuaro, Canada X-382b Maslama, .-irab general XI-667a Mas-Latrie, Jacques- Marie- Jo- seph-Louis de, historian V-22a Masma, .\rahian tribe I-604d Masmiinster, charitable institu- tions I-34.ia Masnafto, of .Maronites IX-0.S4C Masnou, John, Lazarist X-367c Maso, C. Vittorino, Bishop of C.astellammare di Stabia III-


— Gentile da Fabriano. See Gentile da Fabriano

MASOLINO DA PANICALE IX- 769d; V-734a; Brancacci chap- el, frescoes in IX-278c: and Masaccio IX-768a; religious painting XI-399b

Mason, Arthur James, on .Angli- can orders I-493b: on Book of Common Prayer II-679b; on Cranmer II-681b

— Charles, astronomer IV-692c

— George, statesman, Virginia XV-45fib

— James Murray, senator V-672d

— John, Venerable, martyr V- 47lib: 477c; XV-.VSla; 611d

—John, of New Hamp- shire X-7stib

—RICHARD ANGELUS a S. FRANCISCO lX-770d; and John I'onee XIl-22,Sa

— WiUiam, p.iet I-746C

Masona, Bishop of .Merida VII- 4.S2b

Mason and Dixon's Line IV- ii92d: .\I-040b; XV-169d

MASONRY IX-771a: aims IX- 78.3a; and American Revolu- tion I.\-778a; atheism IX- 774c: Austro-Hungarv II-127d; Baltimore decree II-240a: Bar- nicl on II-3I0b: Belgium II- 400c; Benedict XIV TI-)34b: Blue IX-780a: Carbonari III- 3.30d; and CathoHcity I.X- 78.5b; 780d; Charles XIII. Order of XIV-347d; and Christ IX-782b: Christianity IX-774a; and Church I.X- 7S6c; Clement XII IV-31d; XIV-72C; Cuba III-770d: Des- champs on IV-748C: England I.\-775c: France IX-7S2b; and French Revolution IX-781a:


XIII-9a: geomatic IX-772b; and governments IX-785d; lUuminati VII-661d; initiation IX-77Sd; Italy XIV-265c; and Kulturkampf L\-7,sld: La Franc on I\'^.-,(;c: and law IX-777C: Leo XII IX-16Sd: Leo XIII XV-.;ii',ib I.,„„l.,n XlV-72b: Mari;, I!.;,,, i\- 664c; Mexico .\ ji.hc, rrnne and definition I.\ 771b IX-7S0b: officials I.\-777a- "Old Charges" I.\"-772d; or- ganization IX-776d; origin IX- 771d; and papacy IX-783d; Pius IX XII-I36b; Poland IV- 3Sb: XII-192a: principles and spirit IX-772C: propagation and evolution IX-77.5b: reh- gion IX-773a: and Rosicru- cianism XIII-194a; rule IX- 777b;. Scottish lX-77ta; secrets IX-7S7a; and SneiMism XIV- r-h,..,:.| ,-:,:, ,,nr!,,„,,esIX- 7^i.l> I 'I II. - I\ 77i;d; 778c; ^M I ■ I \ . ."-'l iheophi- hinilir.,|,iMii .\l\ ..jld: Turk- ish IX 7Mb; I nited States IX-776d: unity IX-778b; un- sectarianism lX-779d: work, inner IX-778d; work, outer IX-7S0d

Masorah. See Massorah

Masot, Salvator, Vicar Apostolic of Fu-kien III-n7Sb

Masovians \n' i';,i

Maspero, r,,, t ., n -Camille- Charies, ( , .• XI-



SI,;,in;iniMn .\lll-7.")lb

MASPHA l.\ 7Nsd


—OF BENJAMIN lX-789b; IIl-31i;d; \ 1 U2b; VlII-648a

—OF GALAAD IX 7ssd; VI- 332b. .s'.. l;;in,, Calaad

— OF JUDA I.\-7s.ld; \I-442b

—OF MOAB lX-790a; VI-442b: VlII-3t4d

Masphath (Maspha). See Mas- pha

Masreca (Masrekah) \'I-442c

Masrouq, King of Himyar I- (;72d; i;73a

MASS, CHAPTER AND CON- VENTUAL lX-79ub: origin I.\-792b; and Requiem XII- 77Sb

—LITURGY OF THE IX-790d; 306d: XIII -292d: abbrevia- tions I-2Ic; 22c: acolytes I- 106d; additions IX -797a; Advent I - 105c; VI -394b; African I-194d: 195c: Agnus Dei I-221a; Alcuin's Missal I- 279b: aliturgieal days I-314a; All Souls' Day I-31fia: altar

1 -MVJh- nhrr rnrh 1 - 351b;

■i'- ■ ' -I I -'■.] i!iar-cur- I .' ■ ■ \ ■ ■ \' .imps I-

' ■ • • I ii.^.i.ii l4nob:

■ nghean XIII-

iiim I-.5(i3d:

nt.itions IX-


s'l, I. ■ ■,■••■ I .,,,T 111-

I'l-l- . I! : h .ii-elll- s;li I. , , I . \ I , ,i.b;ealen- a.ii l.\ 7aK,..,i,.;l,.- Ul-247b; Canon IIl-2iid; IX-79.5c: Capuchin XIII-77a: Carmehte XIII-7.3b

—of Calechiimens I- 195c; III- 431a: IX-794d; Addeus and Maris, Liturgj- of I-136d; 13-a; Antioehene I-,571b; St. James, Liturgy of I-.572c; and Office. Divine XI-2I9C

—celebrant IX-799b: Celtic III- 498c: Ceremonial III-538C; chaplain III-.5S0b; cha.suble III-039b; Christmas III-727d: ciborium I-3.58a: Cistercian XIII-74c: Clementine I-037b: Clovesho decree IV-G9a; Col- lect IV-10.3a: commemoration IV-l.j.5c; Communion IV- lG9d; eoncelebration IV-I90a; IX-797C; Confitcor II-751a; IV-222C: Creed IV^79b; cru- cifix I-3.52d; dalmatic IV- 608a: deacon IV-«49b; Deo Gratias IV-737b: diptychs V- 23d; of doctors V-7Sb; Domini- can XIII-76b; dry IV-54c;

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.