Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/548

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MELITENE X-166a; III-108d; XlV-Ua; Church of XIII- 774<i; statistics 1-79 Ic; synod of V-62Sd

Melitius. See Meletius

MELITO, SAINT, of Sardis X-166C; I-o87c; o94d; VII- 341c; XIIH72b; XIV-633d: on Christ, nature of Vn-712d; hermeneutist VII-272d: at Jerusalem VII-42oc; and Mil- lenarianism X-30Sd; on Pas- sion XI-52Sb: on Testament, Old III-271d; XIV-S26b; 530c

Meliton, Bishop of Cydonia IV- 5Slc

Melius, John Peter, reformer VII-560d

Melizan, Andrew Theophilus, Archbishop of Colombo IV- 124d; at Jaffna III-550C; VIII- 269c

Melk, Hungary ll-122d

—ABBEY AND CONGREGA- TION OF X-167a; I-27(la; 11- 446b; 4S0c: VI-.531d: VII- 363c; arms of (ill.) VII-244b; librarj' II-45Sa

— Heinrich von. See Heinrich von Melk

Melkart (Melkarth), deity I- 3Sla; II-176C; X-147b; temple of XII^lc; XIII-772d; XIV- 741c; XV-llOb

Melkites. .See Melchites

Mella, Saint, at Ballaghameehan Vni-644a

Mellano, Leonardo, Archbishop of Wrapoly XV-345d

MeUeck, battle XIV-2Ub

MELLERAY, abbey, Brittany X-167d; III-78od; VI-541b; XVI-25d

— Mount, Ireland, Cistercian ab- bey VIII-U3d; X-168a; XVI- 25d; foundation X-167d; semi- nary Xin-578b; 700b; and Weld XV-57Sd

—New V-180b; VIII-95d; X- 16Sb

MeUicensis, patrologist VI- 15c

MelUcum. See Melk

MeUifiuous Doctor lll-786a


Mellini, Francesco, Bishop of Sinigaglia XIV-13d

— Pietro, bust of, by Benedetto da Majano IX-556b

— Savo, cardinal, and Bethlehem- ites II-536a

Mellino, Alexander, choir master Xni-7:i7c

MELLITUS, SAINT X-168d; I- 506a; II-83d; 462c; IX-342a; 347b; and St. Augustine VII- 242a; and Boniface IV n-661a; at Canterbury III-299d; and Gregory the Great X-llld; and St. Lawrence IX-91a: and Virgin, Blessed XV^62c

MeUo, fortress VIII-340C; 351b; and Solomon VIII-347a

— Diogo de, at|Damao IV-610b

- — Guillaume de. Abbot, at V^ze- lay XIII-7I9b

— Guy de. Bishop of Auxerre XIII-718C

— Francisco Manuel de, play- wright XII-309b

— Joao de. Bishop of Vizeu XV- 497b

— Manoel Pedro de. University of Coimbra IV-96b

Mello e Castro, Diniz de. Bishop of Vizeu XV-497b

Mellon, Saint, Bishop of Rouen XIII-2()9a

Melloni, Macedonius, astronomer XI-431d

Melmoth, Charlotte, in Brooklyn I I -800b


Melodia. See Sequentia

Melodico X-6Ud; 613b

Melodies, Ambrosian I-389d; diatonic VII-139d; illustra- tions I-390b; of antiphons I- 575b: chant, plain I-.577d; liturgical I-389d; VII-139c; primitive I-578b; 579c

Melodus, Saint. See Homanus

Melon, in Bible XII-154d

Meloria, battle VII-57d; XII- 11 la

Meloriantius, Gregorious, Spo- leto cathedral XIV-232d

Melorius, Saint, in Brittany XII- 612c

MELOS X-169c; IV-5Slb; See of VI-74.3a

Melothi VI-442C

MELOZZO DA FORLI X-169d; 624c; Angel playing X- facing 168; and Frederick of Urbino XII-640d; fresco, Vatican XII-158d; Head of Christ (ill.) Vlll-facing 384; Music (ill.) X-170b; S. Marco, painting XIII - 174c; Santi Apostoli, frescoes XIII-170d; Sixtus IV (ill.) XlV-facing 32; Vatican, paintings XV-283b; 296a

MELROSE, ABBEY OF X-170d; architecture VI-676d; St. Cuthbert at IV-578b; and David, King of Scotland XIII- 615c; foundation XVI -25c; (ill.) X-171


Melroy, Johann Baptist, Baron Van Velde de. See Van Velde de Melroy

Melruan, Saint. See Maelruan

Meisa. See Meaux

Melsat, Nikolaus, in Russia VI- 295a

Meltenburg, Benedictine monas- tery II-451a

Meltitz, Carl von, and Tetzel XlV-.540a

Melton, WiUiam de XV-734b

Meluhha, and Asshurbanipal I- 665d

Melun, school at, and Abelard I- 37a; assembly I-795d; consul- tation, d'Espence at V-.542a; councils (1216) X-99b; (1225) X-99b; (1232) X-99b; (1300) X-99b

— Armand de, Vicomte, charita- ble works VI-174d; XI-492d; Baunard's Life of II-352b

—Charles de. and Balue II-241d

— Mile, de. Princess de I'Epinov VIH77C

— Notre Dame de pilgrimage X- 99b

Melusine, legend of (von Schnind) XIII-59SC

Melville, Andrew IV-457d; "Book of Discipline" III- 203c; and Glasgow University VI-578d; at St. Andrews XIII- 332a; and Tyrie XV-113a

— David, Earl of Leven, and Mar\', Queen of Scots, portrait IX-766a

— George, and Established Church of Scotland XIII-62SC

— Henry Dundas, Viscount. See Dundas, Henry, Viscount Mel- ville

—James, and Beaton II-373C

—Sir James, Memoirs of XIII- 625c

— Bay, Norse expedition I-420d

Melvin, Andrew. See Melville, Andrew

Melzer, Ernst, philosopher VII- S7b


Mem, letter VII-176C; in Mas- sorah XIV-527a; in Old Tes- tament XIV-528a; 529b


Membidj (Hierapolis),S>TiaVII- 322b

Membhs (Melos) X-169c

Membrana, nature of IX-615a

Membrane, albuminoid, Carney on 1 1 1-37 la

MEMBRE, ZENOBinS, martyr .\-172c; 391b; VII-660c; X- 388c; 3S9c; XI-662a; XII- 592b: Fort St. Louis XIII- 424c; geographic research VI- 451d: and Knskaskia Indians VIII-60.8d; and La Salle IX- 378d: Shea on XIII-753c: and Tacnsa Indians XIV-429d

Memento homo, in funeral ser- vice III-7,5d

— rerum conditor, hymn IX-294d

Memeptah-Siptah, King of Egj-pt V-340d

Memleben, Monastery of, Thur- ingia XIV-712d

Memling, Cornelius X-173a

—HANS X-172d: Adoration of the Magi (ill.) X-facing 174; III-6d; 70d: and Carpaccio lll-374b; Presentation (ill.) X-173; painting of St. Ursula Xn-702d; XV-227d

—Jean X- 17.3a

—Nicholas X-173a

Memmi, Lippo XHI-779a; Ma- donnas of XI-39Sd

Memmi, Simone. See Martini, Simone

Memmiae, martyr of Albano I- 256b

Memmingen, Jesuit establish- ment II-76a; in Smalkaldic League XIV-.58b

Memmius, Saint, Chalons legend III-566b

Memmo, Doge of Venice XV- 336d

Memnon, Bishop of Ephesus, bust II-425d; at Council of Ephesus IV-.594a; V-492b; and St. Cyril V-491a; imprisoned V-494d; and Nestorius V- 493c; protest V-494b

—Bishop of Przemysl XII-S33b

Memnuks, Indian allowances Vn-737c

Memoires de Trevoux XIV- llOd; Bertbier It-519c; Charle- voix III-631d; HuetVII-514c

— d'outre-tombe (Chateaubriand) IH-640d

— du Chevalier Gramont (Ham- ilton) VIII-12.5b

Memoirs of the Apostles, in early Church .X-5Sa

— of the Fatherland, periodical XIII-272C

Memorare, and Claude Bernard II-496d

Memoria, of tomb I-363d; III- 512a: 1V-214C

Memoriae (churches) XI-562C

— martyrum. See Cella

Memorial, Day of, Hebrew feast XV-70d

— brasses. See Brasses

Memoriale fratrum X-734b

— mortuorum X-734b

— Rituum. See Memorial of Rites

Memoriali, Archivi dei, Vatican XV-2S7C: 290a

Memorialis Sanctorum, of Toledo VI I- 100c

Memorial of Rites, contents IX- 302d

Memorial religieux, periodical, France XI-67.5d

Memorials, in East Syrian Rite XIV-416C

— Secretariate of, Vatican XV- 301c

Memorie di Religione, periodical, Italy XI-684C

Memories, in Sarum Rite XIII- 480c

Memorius, Bishop of Capua III- 319d; VIII-557d

—Bishop of Segorbe XIII-684b

Memorus, Saint, relics II-295d

MEMORY X-174c; affective X- 175a; Aristotle on VIII-67b; association of ideas II-4b: X- 175c; Bruno, G. III-17a: in Cartesian system IV- 745c: X-175d: Condillac on IV-211a: development of X- 175b; divisions X-174c: falli- bility ni-542a: Herbart on X-175d: and imagination VII- 672d; and immortality VII- 687b; intellectual X-174c; and knowledge VIII-673d; Leibniz on X-176a: and mind X-.321b; mnemonic methods X-175b; in potentia I-125b: psychological study of XII-54Sd; sensory X- 174c; and soul X-176C; recog- nition X-175d; reproduction X-175d; retention X-175d: theory of X-!; St. Thomas on X"~174d; Inice X-17.=id

—of the Mother of God, in Bv- zaiilirif Uilc IV 31.-IC

MEMPHIS, KKvpt X 176c: V- 3:j6b; anil A.ssfirli.MhloM 11 Ilia: and Assluirha.iipMl 11 ir.c; Bishops of, ami Mcl.-hil.- I'^ilri- arch I-:i02c: lon.h.i of Api.s bulls Xl-:i04c

Memphitic dialect. See Bohairic

mgia .\iv-712d Mempnmc aiaiect. aee oonainc tsia:

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations,

Memra. See Logos

Memramcook, College of III- 237a; 240a; VII-404d; XIII- 569c: XV-199a: Bishop O'Reilly at II-213d; Little Sisters of the Holy Family Vll-lOSb

Memre. See Mlmrd

Men. See Man

Men, deitv XIII-667c

MENA, JUAN DE X-177b; XIV- 198a

—Pedro de, sculptor XIII-646b

Menabrea, Luigi Federigo, min- ister X-702C

Menacherry, John, Vicar Apos- tolic of Trichur XV-41c

Menadhireh, Sheri 'at el, Yar- miik (Hieromax) VI-440C

Meneea. See Menaion

Menage, Gilles, grammarian Vin-738d; and Baillet II-206d; and Madame de S6vign6 XIII- 743d

Menahem, King of Israel. See Manahem

— ben Sarouk, Hebrew gram- marian Vll-lSla

— .Sff Manahem

Menahoth, Talmudic treatise XIV-437b

MENAION X-177c: IV-315d; IX-303b: as Menologium X- 19Ic: Synaxarion XIV-382d

Menakkede, sect IX- 59 lb

Me-nam, river, Asia I-777d; VII-765C

Menan. See Menna

Menander, Gnostic VI-598a; guardian angels, belief in VII- 49d: poems of IX-616a

Menandrians, and Simonians XIII-797b

Men and Women, publication V-417d

Menant, Joachim, researches II- 9c

Menapia (Menevia) IV-641a

Menapii, tribe VI-94c

Menarath Qudhshe, of Bar He- brffius II-29ob

Menard, Blessed, at Troyes XV- 68c

— Herve, liturgiologist XIII- 72b; Maurist general X-71d

— Hugo, "Epistle of Barnabas" I- 102a

—LEON X-178a

— NICOLAS-HnOUES X-178b: H-462C; on Viaticum XV- 398c ,

— RENE, missionarj' X-178C; III-690C; VII-394C: IX-6S9a: X-387d: 391a: XV-662a; and Hurons VII-577b: martyr in Michigan IV-758b; and Seneca Xni-714c

Menardus, Bishop of Ariano I- 710d

Menars, President de, and Li- brary of de Thou XIV-707b

MENAS, SAINT X-178d; and Arius XI-445d; oil of XI-229b; reliquary XII-762b: sanc- tuary, Egypt (ill.) XIIHSOiJ

— companion of Comas Indico- pleustes IV-404d

— Egypt, inscription VIII-44d

— excavations, Ostraka XI- 347c

— Patriarch of Constantinople VI-759d; XV-127C

—Bishop of Eudoxias V-397d

— Kallikelados X-179a

— of Constantinople X-179a

—of Cotyaeus X-179a

— of Mareotis X-179a

Menat, Abbey of IX-144b

Menaul, John, Presbyterian mis- sionar> Xn-.556d

Mencetie, humanist IV-60Sa

Menchero, John, missionarj- X- 720d

Menchokatonx, Indians X-327d

MENCiaS X-179a: in-66,Sa, IV-22.^a: on benevolence IV- 226a: birthplace III-664d; and Clnvang-tze XIV-147C

— Book of IV -225a

Mencken. Anastasius Ludwig, l',us,i,,>, minister XII-525d

MENDANA DE NEYRA, AL- VARO DE .\-179c; ox|)C.lili..n XlV-430a; :iud Marquesas Islands IX-688c; and Solomon Islands XIV-138b