Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/552

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XIII-773d; revolt XIII-776b; Roger I captures X-685b; uni- versity XIII-772C; university, MS. I-572C

MESSINA, ANTONELLO DA X-2I5d: and Bellini n-417a; and Vivarini XV-491d

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X-2I6c: cathedral, Baptismal font and pulpit (ill.) X-facing 216; Christian cemetery XIII-774b; diocese, map (ill.) Vlll-facing 244: Jesuit College XII-654a; XIV-86d; and John XXIII XIII-776b; monastery of San Salvatore I-695d; II-323d; piazza and cathedral (1907) (ill.) X-facing 216; pilgrimage to XII-93d; stations at XV- S70a: Theatines XIV-557C

MESSINGHAM, THOMAS X- 217d; and Irish College, Paris VIII-163b

Messinople, fief of XV-430d

Messmer, Sebastian Gebhard* Archbishop of Milwaukee VI- 481d; X-320b; Catholic Feder- ation VI-i83c; XIV-71C; and Church Extension Society XIV-79b; at Green Bay VI- 777b; and Norbertines VII- 191a

Messys, Qnentin. See Massys

Mestaguerra, Simone, Lord of Fori! VI-137a

Mestizos, in Bolivia II-165a; H29b

Mestrezat XI-491a

Mestune, E., Caliph of Cairo I- ISGa

Mesue the Elder, physician X- 1240

Mesura verissima XIV-500a

Mesy, de. Governor of New France and Laval III-233a; IX-l(ib

Metabolism I -274b: X-139b: and alcoholism I-274d

Metakinesis, theory XI-412d

Metal, altar I-346d; 363b; on altar frontals I-353c: altar screen I-356c; ambo I-3S2b: Aztec use II-171b: chalice and paten I-357b; chancel I-364b: Charpentier's inventions III- 633b; coins XI-152c; font II- 275b; monasticisra, services of X-^B3a; sculpture XIII-642c; in Spain I -413a; tabernacle I-3G4d: Totemism XIV-793c; transmutation I-272d

Metallopolis. See Metellopolis

METAL WORK X-218a; antiq- uity X-21Sb; baroque X- 224d: Byzantine X-219c; bronze doors, Ravello (ill.) X- facing 234; Gothic X-222b; (iU.) X-facing 220; Middle Ages X-219C; patron V-386c; Renaissance X-223d; Roman- esque X-221C; Visigothic X- 220d

Metamorphic races XII-625a: characteristics XII-IJ2ob

Metamorphosis, and Metempsy- chosis VII-U87b

Metania XIII-187d

Metanoia, monastery, Canopus III-297b

Metaphor, source of I-449b

METAPHRASTES, SYMEON X--'2.-)C; l.\-713d; ami Ham- artMlus VI -4.Via; ..n Photius Xll CId; writings X-192a; .\1\' 7-'7c

METAPHYSICS X-226a; St. .AuL-u.-iiiic X-231b; 226c; 227c; 23Uc; Bacon X-231d; Berkeley X-232a: and the Categories X- 233d; Christian philosophy, early X-231a; Creation IV- 470a; Descartes X-229c: 231d; divisions X-227a: Eleatics X- 230a; Epicureans X-230d; Epistemology X-227d; essence and existence X-233b; Fichte X-232a; Greek X-230a; Ham- ilton X-232b; von Hartmann X-232b; Hegel X-232a: Hera- clitus X-230a; Hcrbart VII- 248b: Hindu X-229d; Hume X-228b; 2.S2a; Kant X-228a; 229c; 232a; Leibniz X-231d; Locke X-232a; Materialism X-227d; Mill X-232a; miracle X-338a; modern attitude X-

227d; Modernism X-228a; neo-Scholastics X-232c; object of X-226C; Plato X-230b; Pla- to's Dialectic XII-160c; Posi- tiWsm X-228b; Pragmatism XII -336c; Sche.UngX-232a; Scholastic X-227a; Schopen- hauer X-232a; and science III- 466b; Socrates X-230b; Spen- cer X-232b; Spinoza X-231d; Stoics X-230d: and Summa Theologica XIV-674b; The- odicv XIV-569b; and theology X-228d; as wisdom XV- 472d

METAPHYSICS X-226b; and ac- cident I-96c; actus et poten- tia in I-125a; and Albertus Magnus I-264d: analogy I- 449c; Aristotle I-714c; 715b; 718b; III-460b: Avicenna II- 157d; 158a: St. Bonaventure I- 763c: cause III-4S9b; definition X-226b; Dynamism V-222a; and epistemology V-508d; and ethics V- 557a; Hegelian IV- 772a; history X-229d; and individuality VII -762c; and Kant XII-652d; method X- 229b; Middle Ages X-231b; modern philosophy X-231d; Monism X-4S3b; and necessity X-733b; and neo-Scholasticism X-747b: 747d; Plato. See Dialectic. Platonic XII-26d; and quantity XII-591b; and Renaissance XII-766b; and sciences X-22Sc; term, origin of X-226a

METASTASIO, PIETRO X- 234a; VIII -251d: and the Arcadia I-85d; and Gravina, Giovanni VI-733b; portrait X- 234a

Metatron, KabbaUstic angel VIII-590C

Metawileh, Mohammedan XIV- 401a

Metaxas, Neophytos, Greek Bishop of Daulia IV-638d

Metayer System, and Feudalism VI-64C

Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, Governor General of Canada, and Viger XV-425d

—EDWARD X-234b

Metctmikoff, EUas, bacteriologist X-13Sb; on evil V-652b; on Pessimism XI-740c

Metelen, monastery X-637a

— (.Mitvlene) VI-442C


Metellos, musician VI-571C

Metellus Baleahcus, Quintus Caecihus, and Balearic Islands II-222a

— Creticus, Quintus C£ecilius, and Cydonia IV-581C

— Dalmaticus, Lucius Cscilius, conquest of Dalmatia IV-607a; in Sardinia XIII-474d

— Numidicus, Quintus Caecilius, at Vaga XV- 249b

— Pius Scipio, Quintus Cscilius, Roman general, Damascus, capture of IV-612a; at Venosa XV-343a

METEMPSYCHOSIS X-234d; IV-475d; abstinence I-72c; Alaskan religion I-249b; and Albigenses I-268b; Afiican re- Ugion I-183d; animism I-528b: Aztec II-170d; in Brahminism I-772C; II-731C; X-235d: in Buddhism III-29C; 33b; X- 235d: 480d; China XIII-36d; Christian Ages X-236b; and Clement of Alexandria IV-4(ia; and Creationism IV-475d; and Divine judgment VIII-549d; Dmidical teaching V-163a: and Druzes V-167b: in Egypt X- 235a; in Greece X-235b; and immortality VII-687b; Indian X-235c; and Ireland VIII-99b; 118d; in Jainism VIII-270b; later Jewish teaching X-236a; and Kabbalisra VIII-590d: Karma X-235d; and Marcionism IX-648«; Plato X-23.5b; XII-160C; 161b; Pythagoras X-235b; XII-587d ; savage races X-236c: inSikhism XIII-789C; and Thcosophy XIV -626c: 628a; and St. Thomas Aquinas IX-5Sld: and

Totemism XIV-790b; and Upanishads XIV-626C

Meteora, Greek monasteries VI- 7B7c: X-471a: 471c; Bles.sed Trinity Monaaffry (ill.) X-469

Meteorites, and life I-.">71b

Meteorograph, and Moi<;no VI- 453c; and Secchi VI-453C; XIII-670C

Meteorology, and astrology II- 18d; 19b: 20b: of Denza IV- 736c

Meteors II-27b: cosmogony XV- 187c; and GUii XV-310a; and Themou XII-50b

Meter, measure, and Biot II- 576b


— Thomas, martyr V-477b; X- 237a

Methamanicus, Bishop of Mala- mocco XV-340C

Methca VI-442c

Method, and Srholasticism XIII- .i-lilc

METHODISM X-237b: in Africa I-lS7c; ISSa; X-240c

— African Methodist Episcopal Church X-241c; membership XII-629b: Zion Church X- 241b; Zion Church, membership XII-629b

—African Union Methodist Pro- testant Church X-241c; in Alabama I-243b; in America, deaconesses IV-652d: in Ari- zona, statistics XVI-5c; asceti- cism I-772b; in Asia X-240C: in Australasia X-240c: in Aus- traUa II-115c: H8a: baptism II-264C; and Baptists II-279a; in Bermuda X-240b; Bible Christians X-240d; in the British Isles X-238c; in Canada X-240a: in Canada, statistics III-241b: Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church X-241c: Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church. membership XII-629a; communion of saints IV-173d; Congregational Methodist Church X-241b: Congregation- al Methodist Church, coloured X-241c; in Denmark IV-726b; doctrines X-237b: educational activities X-241d; in England X-238c: in Europe X-240b: Evangelist Missionary' Church X-241c: in France VII-535d: X-240b: Free Methodist Church X-241b: history X- 238c; in Idaho VII-629c; in Illi- nois VII-657d: Independent Methodists X-241b; in India VII-728C; in Indiana VII- 742c; Indian missions XIII- 792a; Irish Primitive Wesleyan Methodists X-240d; Iroquois Missions VIII-170c: in Italy X-240b: in Japan VIi:-309c: in Liberia IX-217a: XIII- 783a: in Louisiana IX-383b; in Madagascar IX-510d; Methodist Episcopal Church, South X-240c: Methodist Episcopal Missionary Society, in Africa I-188a; Methodist New Connexion X-240c; 240d; Methodist Protestant Church X-241a; 241b; in Nebraska X- 733a; and negroes XII-629a; Methodists, New Congrega- tional X-241b; missions. Fiji Islands XVI-40b; in New- foundland X-240a; 782c: in New Hampshire X-789b: and Nonconformists XI-97a; North Carolina XI-llOc; in North Dakota XI-114b; organization X-238a: in Paris XI^91a; pre- destinarianism I-741d; Primi- tive Methodi-st X-240d; Primi- tive Methodist Mission in Africa I-lS8a; Quietistic traces XII-610c: and Reformation XII-709C; in Rhode Island XIII-22b: ritual .Xlll-liSc; so- cial activities X-241d; SciiRish XIV-142d; in ti.)uth X-240b; in South Carolina XIV-160«; in South Dakota XIV-162b; statistics X-242a; in Sweden XlV-SoOb; in Tennessee XIV-510d; in Texas XIV-550b: Union Amer-

ican Methodist Episcopal Church X-241c: United .Meth- odist Free Churches X-241a; in the United States X-2.39c; XIV-280a; in Virginia XV- 451d; in Wales XV-537a; in Washington XV-561d: Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church X-241a; Wesley. John X-238d; Wesleyan Methodist Connex- ion of America X-241b; Wes- leyan Reform Union X-240d; Zion L'nion Apostolic Church X-241C

Methodius, monk, Iconoclasm VII-624b

—I, PATRIARCH OF CON- STANTINOPLE X-242b: IV- 303b: accusation against X~ 244a; and Asbestas IX-159c; birthplace XIV-397a; as copy- ist IX-617a: Iconoclasm VII- 624b: and Paulicians XI-584C

— Patriarch of Constantinople, titular Bishop of Heraclea VII- 243a

— Saint, .\rchbishop of Moravia IV-592a; X-561C; XIII-171a; 411d; and Adrian II I- lo6c: converts Borziwoi II-613C; in Bulgaria VI-764d; Byzantine Liturgy VI-746b; Bvzantine Rite VI-753C; and Glagolitic VI-575d: XI-405d; and John VIII VIII-423d; in Russia XV-498a; and Silesia XIII -790c: Slavonic liturgy XIV-41b; and Slavs II-122b; IV-510d

—Bishop of Pergamus XI-666d

—Bishop of Selvmbria Xni-693a

—OF OLYMPUS, SAINT X- 243a: XI-249c; and asceticism XIV-617d; Athenagoras II- 42d; as hymnologist I-576c: VII-597C; and Millenarianism X-309a; and Origen XI-308C; and Patara XI-541b; at Tyre XV-lllc; and three vigils XI- 87c

— of Syracuse. See Methodius I, Patriarch

Methodus Hybemica. Liberal Arts l-7(.i2c

Methodology, historical VII- 371c

Methone, See of VI-738d

Methorion Pneuma, in Gnosti- II-327d: VI-595d

Methot, M. E., Laval University IX-49a

Methuen, treaty with England XIl-304a

Methurgeman, in synagogue XIV-4.54d; 3S:id

Methuselah. .Stt- Mathusala


Metis, in Central Cau.ida IX-oOc

— periodical, Canada XI-673b

Metivier, Marie Anselme de. missionary III-632b

Metlinski, and Russian literature Xin-274d

Metochion, library, Constanti- nople IV-306C

Methochites, Theodonis, writer III-117d; llSb; and Gregoras VII-302a

Meton, astronomer V-S81a

Metonic Cycle V-4S0d; IX-248b; adoption V-4S2C

Metopius, Bishop of jritonia X- 477a

MetTffi (Metra and Athyra) VI- 73sb; VII-243a

Metras, martyr l-617b; V-llb

Metre, in Svriac hymnodv XIV- 407b; Bic'kell's laws XVI-lOc

Metrodorus, martyr XII-105d

—philosopher, in Chios ni-689d; at Lampsacus VIII-771a

— Bishop of Eumenia V-604d _

Metrophanes, Bishop of Cardica ni-333b

— Saint, Bishop of Constantino- ple IV-302b: VI-757b: XIII- SSlid

—OF SMYRNA X-244a; and Photius xiv-eoc

Metropius. Sre Meropius


METROPOLITAN \-244b;XII- 511c; Antfcheno can.)n I- 091b; Apocrisiarii I-OOOd: ap- peals 1-6520; 653a: 654a; 654b: 691c; 692a; and Aries I-727b;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrationa. .