Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/559

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Misithra (Sparta) >" " ^f^ec. Church of the \ 'fg">„Y-J*6b

Mismer, Theodore, Bwhop of ^nuilli'-c XIN-2iOO

OF X-3.')4c; III-74.3d Misol, Abbess of Huelgas do

Burgoa VII-512d Miss., abbr. I-^-'? _ . , Missa bifaciata IX-/9'a

Z^tta'^rlsa: IX-799b; of

-tSnve^Srte Mass. Chap- ter and Conventual MisssB manuales v-i)Saa . MIsTaL X-354d: Abraham m I-

55b; and f.^o'^g'"'^" R„nk I- and Anghcan P'^'fJj^"^. ^t W3b- \rmeman Xlil-'aa, » SAm XIII-633C; Bobbjo (Ul.) X-355; calendar III-16ob. rhttldaic editions X1V-414C, chant I-577C: in Cistercan Rite XIII-V4C; Coptic IX- 303d; cross 1^-53?^ CyriHic. facsimile p_age ^p.^J.^ivPy! Ir«e IV-787C; and i'Pt>>=Hi\_ 23d; Dominican Rite JVlii 76a- Eev-ptian liturgy I.!"-) rfacinrSoB; Ethiopian X-

git^iiiiiTvi-^^^^; ?«ispr\«r|6/a;

Gradual VI-715d; G^eek I- 359c: Guardian Angels office VII-50d; hymns m ^ ll-5«°b' for laity I-375b: Leo XUl on Ill-^ia; of Maronitgs IX- 304a; Mozarabic lA-iwa. -y^

Hallows l-315b; Amat. Thad- deus I-380d; Andreis I-4.0b. Schools, Apostolic XIII-ph6a. in Austria X-364C in Balearic Isles II-222b; and Bonalista III-647a: Bor6 XVI-lla; in Canada III-239b; XII-241b; and Charity. Daughters ol III -605b; in China III- 675d; X-3Goa; 4S2b; David Armand IV -641c; m De^n- mark IV-726a; Deutrnger I\- 761d; in Ethiopia 1-iba, in Europe X-364c; foreign niis- sions 5C-361d; 375b; founda- tion Xll-757d; Francis Regis Clet VI-232d; in Germany X- 364c; government A-Joya, history X-359b; houses of re- treat "^XlWgec; Hue \ II- 510b; among infidels X-^o ?; in Ireland Vlll-lWd; X-3bob. in Ispahan VIII-193a: at Jeru- salem VIII-370a; m iterature Ind science X-363C.; m Mada- gascar IX-510b; in Mama IX-600a; and Napoleon XUl 360a; Odin XI-20Sb; origin X-357C; in Panama XI-43yc, parishes and chapels X-3bUC Pavilion XI-594C; in Persia X-364d; in Pittsburg Xll- r24b; it; Poland XII-194c; id Portugal X-364d; present sta- V -jfiii.. ;n KJiimlon Xlll-

tus X-364C; in Reunion XUl 344c; and Revolution, Fr™^b X-362a; 363a; Rosati .XUl- 360a; rule X-35Sb; in bt. Louis XIII-698d; Santissima



I^Jt^ ins?riaxW^06\; teaching X-363c; in Texas XIV-549b' in Umted states X-366b; XIV-332C; in Vienna XV-U9a; and St. \mcent de

VII-30flc; Lambert XVI-51a; as preaoher.". vn-44.5d; reading ciroloa XIV-;i:J4c ^ ,

—Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. .Sec Heart of Mary, Missionary Sons of the Immac-

-Uni'on. Catholic XII-421d —Union of Catholic Women and lovid Girls XIV-12i;b .

vVn- Missione del la Domia, period- --- ical. Italy Xl-iiStd

Missiones Catholicae, and sta- tistics XIV-271b Mission Helpers, D?"Ebters of the Holy Ghost. .s«- Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart a..,*

—Helpers of the Sacred Heart. .See Institute of the .Mission Helpers of the i^acred Heart —INDIANS, of Calif.irnia X- 309d; 390c; arts X-373a; cere- monies X-373d; Chumashan Stock X -■ 372c; Costanoan Stork X-372a: culture X-373a; custom X-373C; Esselen Stock X-372a; food X-373b; house Structure X-373a; map X- 371b; Menganm X-188d; Mo- quelumnan or Miwok Stock X-371a; mythology X-i5(Jc, occupations' ^^-j*"?*?' ^T'^ Indians XI-6fi7d; Pious Fund Xll-lOfia; prayers Xl-OMoc


,„„ T ' ' V ^ I -h; Brne-

di?l'u "■^':; Ber-

nar<ii' ' ^sed II-

Siena ll-.'"i'—'"""-5'l?.

Saint Bertiu lI-.'Jtt'>;,5"'°S II-523b; Beschi II-.52bb; Be- tanzos Domingo II-530b;_ Be- tanzos, Pedro de II-.o30c: Bonet II-G5.5b; Saint Boniface II-656a; Bonnard \cnerable n-674b: Bone II-CSLd; in Borneo II-687a; Borronieo II- 688a; Borrus II-6S9a; Boturini II-710b; Bourgadc Il-'.20a. Bouvet II-723b; Bi-ancati II- 737d- in Brazil 1-4 14a; St. Brenach II-758a; Breton II- 768d; Brisacier II-/8Sd; Buglio III - 40b; Boston III - 89a; Cabral in-127d; Calatayud III-149C; California II 1-1 < 3D, 177d; Cancer de Barbastro III -244c; Carabantes 111- 328b; Caribs nl-34Sa; Carli III-349a; Carvajal IU-393C, Casas III-397C; Castner III- 4I4b; cathedratir-- ri>-ii"f CatlpTinh TH-I Mi,-.i - ' ■



Catholic III-453C; •t. Celaua in-4S2b; Challoner IU-572d;

l^-^ffel;^ -S^t^oftbe. .^M^^ Prefaces XII-38oa,^»Da,P Congregation of the

«?^"!f.h-¥^.' Uer'^XII-540d Priests of the ^ ^, .

— revision !%—*+*". . y ,., VIII IV-27C; Franciscan M 293a; Pius V '>^-^f^:.j£i. 195c; 312d; Roman IX-30U0. 301a X-354d; stations in ^r7S2d;andTeDeuniXU- 470a: rubrics XllWioc, oi Ruthenian Greek Catholics VI-746b; and S,rlet<) XIV ^7c Slavic, corrected v 1-J'b*' '2 denVine decrees XV-3ob; vari- eties X-3o6d TV-9qqc- Missale Francorum IX 29ac XII-285a ; GalUcan Rite m v i

^aSScanum Vetus VI-359b;

j;^^ m^J^d; VI-359.;

••Exultef V-731a —omnium offerentium, in Moz ^ab,cRiteX-613c

=g^^r.^.S«>W, Roman Missalis Uber X-3.^6b Missal-stands IX-llW

Missa nau]'<^,;V'.l'* —omnimodalll-oOib Zpapa MarceUi CPalestnna) I- 47ba; III-620C

»;vata .Srf Mass. low

ZlJo reeonciUatione poemten-

tium X-6Sb „

—pro sponso et sponsa. A"

Mass. Nuptial ,,t_iqs/1

— Romensis cottidiana III-49Sa —sicca. See MaM. D^J- . — solemnis. ,S« Ma^. High — venatoria IX--9/d SilS-»?^^eC^U of

rect^onslor III-310c; in Italy VIlI-2:!2a Missio Batava yiI-9?"'^.,


1=,7c- V-s-'c: \ 111 ■'•>c; l.v- 97i XU-7.isd; XIV-123b; in Ahvssinia I-77b;. Accademia

Liturgies I-set. 'Sr^?. AH 191a; X-364d; XVI-83a. All

Priests of the „ „ ., , ,, „

—oath of the. See Oath of the Rlission a r -,.

—Sisters of the. See Mary, Third Order Regular «'

Missionaires d'Afncjue. !^ e e White Fathers

Missionaries of France. i>ee Fathers of Mercy

—of La Salette. See La Salette, Missionaries of

—of MariannhiU. See Mariann- hill, Congregation of the .Mis- sionaries of .... „« 41

—of Our Lady of Africa of Al-

oeria .See White Fathers -If Provence. See Oblatcs of


-^liT-^F-SN^CISDEsi^ES OF ANNECY X-308b; in India VII-73iia; in India, map V'll-faring 73li „

—of St. John the Baptist. See

-S="sreyL".S- Divine Word.

Society of the _

-of the Consolata. S'e Con-

«i,lita^i.jnaries of the —of theHeart of Mary, in Brazil

-of"th'i Immaculate He^ of Marv Srf Immaculate Hea.rt , t MarN Missionaries of the

_ii the Sacred Heart of Jesus. See Heart of Jesus, Mission-

Missionary, periodical lU-4.i4a

Dprtor .Sec Rector

=K battle (1863) XV-172C;

_|?;'.eSr^ Ouitady of Africa.

See White Sisters —Sisters of St. Francs. .Ve St.

Francis, Missionary Sisters ol -Society of Lyons. .See Propa-

-Io'cTet'y of ST PAUL Tm APOSTLE X-3(,sd, and Cath- olic Mi.Mionary I nion _1U- 453c: D"bon George_lV -.oOd


il-10lia; prayers .%.i «-"-.

.itual X-373C; Salman Stock X-372b: Seflan XIII-713b, Serra, Junlpero XIII - 730c, Shoshonean Stock X-,J'^C. sites, mission X-370a; Sitjar, ■Bu™aventuraXIV-30d; sta- tistics X-374b; and Tapis XIV-4,50a; tribes and lan- guages X-370C; Viader, Jos6 XV-397a: Wintum. or Cope- iian Stock X-370d; \ okuts, or Mariposan ■Stock .X-3i-D. Yukian Stock X -370d; Yu- man Stock X-372d . Mission! cattoliche, periodical

XI-li84d — francescane in Palestme, pe-

_• ,1 : 1 V T _nsii.d

riodical Xl-0S4d Missions of Lyons, Priests of the. See Propagation of faitn ■populaire evangehque. penod-

„,d VII ^-

— romande ( Fi Afr- ' '""■

3ch Swiss), in

Missions, Anglican I-499a; lU-

720d; XI-471C —Baptist 11 279c ; 280b -CATHOLIC X-375a; 463c, XIV-10,')b; .\bercromby lr*'°' Abipones I^4b; Abyssinia 1- 76c' 77a: administration l- 143i; X-377a; Africa X\ I- 79d; 80Ac: 81 Ac: Aduratc 1- 161d: in Alaska I-24-c; Alex- ander VI I-290C; Alford I- 309b: alimentation l-3/3a. Allerstein I-323c: All Halloas College I-315a; Almeida 1- 327c; St. Alphonsus Ligouri I- 336d; American Indians vii 747c Amiot I^30b; Anchieta I^eib; Andrada I-^68d; Ange de St. Joseph I-476b; Ange ., Francesco degli I-182d; Angel., Girolomo degli Ir*p?,'n° ^°" glo-Saxon Church }-=}°,J^Ji: lulo I-513d; Ansaloni I-544C, and St. Anschar I-o44d; .^i- toniewicz I-585a; Anunciacion gomingo de la 1-591" ■^"^S: eiacion. Juan de la 1-oMia, A?aucanians I - 679a; Araujo Antonio de I-680a: Arawaks I-680c; Archer I-b94d. in Ar menia I-739b: Armcntia . l- "4*lTArriaga I-753a; Arricv - ta I-75.3b; Ash ton I-776d, At- Wnson II-50d; and Attiretll- 61d; St. Augustine of Canter- bury II - 81b; Augustimana VII-286b; in Australia Al 7UC- Avila II-161a: .\vril II- •62d'; Ayeta II-lMb; .\ymara ll-164d; Aievedo 11-1670, Bachelot XVI-6a Badm II- 200c- Baegert 11-201C. "a"". Vcn'll-212b; Baldinucci, Bl. II-219b; Baltimore, decree of II-237d; 240b; Barcena U- 291a- Barco Centonera U- 292I; Barreira Il-308d; Bar-

Cepeda lll-.,.-..c. III-504C; Chanel ■- -t Chibchas III-6o2d; m Chin. IX-746C: XVI-80b: 81c; 81d; Cibot III-767d; Claret y Clari, Ven. XVI-25d; clois- ter, law of IV-60C: Cobo IV- 74d; co-consecrators IV- '9C, Coelde IV-92b; Coffin iy-93c, CoUado IV-102d;. Colombia IV-123b: Combonl IV-lo^c, St. Conan IV-189d; confirma- tion IV-215d: in Congo IV-: 229d: 237c; Conrad of Ascoli IV-258b: in Copacavana IV- 350c; Cordell IV-358d; Cor- dova IV-360C; Corea XVI- 82d; Coronel I ^ -•':"■,'?<=: ,"? Counter-Reformation l\-»»l<=' hi Damaraland IV-fillb; Da- -pj.' i\-_,,i-.q 1). I.:i Croix TA- ,' . , 1 , I I Uiaz

1\ , .1 ~"b;

!, Db;

, Du- I8.3d:

3li*GJ. !'■'"

bois V-i:»b. ^^^.^^ ■ - Dumetz V-190a; Duran V- 206d; Durbin \-209c; Eckart V-273b- Ecuador XV1-8JC, educational work XIII-584a

... Egypt X\ 1- land I-32-M; St.' ■'- lishli.eii'- • A. VI 1:! VI I If! '


J Id.

Eng- 1 V- jtab- indez, .luan 1 isher I-lct- i 122c; ' 1 orbin

■I-" . , I -y., VI-

2'lUb' ' Franciicau \ I -293b; XIV-U40a; St. Francis de Geronimo VMlSc; Franks Regis C et VI-232d: St IrMi- cis Solanus \Ir233b. ht. Francis Xavier \I-23.ib; Fri- delli VI-303b; St. Iridolm VI-303d; Fritz VI-30Sb: Fur- niss VI-324C; in Galicia XII- 532c: and Galhtzin l}-i%^- Garcia, Gonsa lo. St. V 1 379a; Gaspare del Bufalo VI 390b Gaubil, VI-.393b; and geographical research VI-448a. Gerardus Odonis VM68d: in Greece VI-742d: Gregory XV VII-.5b: Gregor>- X\ I \ u 9c; c'reslon VII-28d; Grueber VII -41c; Guarani Indians

S^Ul'"b;?.^rK VII-253d! Heude VII-308d: Holy Ghost Congregation ot fhe' VII-4ir,d; Hottentots VII -498a; Hue VII --MOD, in India I-316c; Ml-.-Wd. X-6fild; 6fiflb; XIIl-384b; to infidels Vin-3a; i" "'""I III-494d: Jamaica \IIl-2-£a. laoan Vlll-306d; X-6fwd, XlV-755a; Blessed Jean Ga-