Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/606

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tyrs XI-707b: on matter XI- 310a: on Metempsychosis X- 236b; and Methodius of Olym- pus X-243a; and millenarian- ism X-309a; on miracles X- 345d; on monarchians X— 150b: Montfaucon on X-540b; and morality XIV-604d; on Omni- potence XI-252b; and Orosius XI-322b; and Palladius XI- 425d; on palms XI-432a; on Pantsenus XI-447a: on Pauli Acta XI-o67c: and Pelagius XI-602C; on penance I-62a; XI-631d: and Pentateuch XI- 647b: and St. Peter I-641c: XI-751a: 752d: and St. Peter of Alexandria XI-771d: as philosopher XII-36c; XIII- 549c: as a physicist XII— 18a: and " Physiologus " XII-69a: posthumous influence XI-30Sa: on Power of the Keys VIII- 632b: as preacher VII-143c: on Preadamites XII-370d: priest- hood, universal XII— 415b: and Privatus V-742d: on Psalms XII-537b: on Psalms, metre XII-541a: on purgatory XII- 577b; on redemption XI-310b: on sacrifice of the cross XIII- 316d; on salvation III-753b; on sanctus XIII-432C; scrip- tural allegorism XI-30Sd; on Scripture XIII-636d; 639c: and Septuagint XIII -723d; and Severus, Alexander XIII- 743a: on Sext XIII - 747c; and sphericity of earth \'I- 449b; spirits XIV-221b; spir- itual marriage of clergy III- 484a: symbols VI-574a: on Symmachus version XIV- 378d; on New Testament XIV- 526b: 532a: 533b; on New Testament Canon III-276d; Old Testament Canon III- 271d: and Theodore of Antioch XIV-571d: and theology XIV- 589b: and Theophilus XIV- 625c; 626a; and Three Chap- ters XIV-707d: and Titus XIV-74BC: and Tobias XIV- 751c; on tradition XIII-533a; on Trinity XI-309C; XV-51b; at Tyre XV-lIlc; Version of the Bible, Aquila XV-367c; Version of the Bible, Theodo- tion XV-367C; on Virgin Mary VII -675c: XV -448c; 468c: Virgin Mary, virginity of the XV^60b Origen, Works XI-307b; 307d: G^nebrard VI-412b: Charles de Larue, editor IX -7d; Pam- philus XI-437a — the Younger XII-79C Origin, in Jurisprudence V-104a ORIGINAL SIN XI-312a: XIV- Id; Adiiin XI-312a; St. Am- i)r< ■•n IX-256d; antipodes I-.)Sld; .St. ..\ugustine on II- 96c; 9Sd; 101b; 102b: XI-312a: Baius on II-210d; in Baius System II-211a; Calvin on XII-378b; Cassian on XIII- 704b; Creation XIV-584d; and demoniacal pos.session XII- 315a; and devil IV-764b; effects XI-314b; and exorcism V-711a: and free will VI-710a: as fundamental article VI- 320a: Giinther on VII-86d: infant baptism XI-313C; In- fralapsarians on VIII-7a: Jan- senist doctrine II-lOlc; VIII- 287b; XI-313d: St. Jerome on VIII-343C; in Lutheranism IX-458b: XI-313d; in Meth- odism X-237C; Molinists on X- 438a: nature XI-314a; objec- tions of reason XI-313c: Orange, Council of XI-267a: patristic teaching XI-313a; Pauline teaching XI-574b: Pelagianism XI-315b; 604b: Plymouth Brethren on XII- 173a: Politi on XII-213a: Pre-Augustinians on II-98d: Protestant doctrine Il-lOla; , VI-703C; XI-312C: Quesnel on XII-603a; Reformers III- 200b: and revelation of natural law XIII-2a; Ritschlian theory XIII-88a; Hosminian theory XIII-197b; Semipelagianism


VI-418a: Seripandos' views XIII-729C: in Scripture XI- 312c; Socinian teaching XIV- 114b; as source of Temptation XIV-504C; St. Thomas on Il-lOld; XI-315a; in Tradition XI-313b: Trent, Council of II- 211d: XI-314b: 580c; XV-32d: unbaptized infants II-266d; how voluntary XI-314C: XIV- 5d: Blessed Virgin VII-675a Originating Source I-218d Origines (St. Isidore of Seville)

VIII-187b Origin of Species (Darwin) III-

5S5b ORIHUELA, DIOCESE OF XI- 31.5c; XIV-174b; Jesuit institu- tion XIV-17.3C; map XlV-fac- ing 200 Orillia, Indian town VII-574a;

township VII-567C Orinoco, river, Venezuela I^llc; 412d: IV-145b: XIV-440a: XV-327b Orio, Fernando de. General of

Mercedarians X-19Sa ORIOL, JOSEPH, SAINT XI-

316b Oriol, Petrus. See Aureoli Oriolana, Diocese of. See Ori-

huela Orion, constellation II-26b; 28c:

30b: 31c; V-350b O'Riordan, Michael XI-682b Oriscus, musical term X-7GSc Orison, Iberian chief XIV-17BC Orissa, India VII-72oa Crista Indians X-384d Oristano, town, Sardinia XIII-

473c; 475d —DIOCESE OF XI-316C: XII-

78d; map Vlll-facing 244 Oristine, Indian tribe IX-!29b Orivalle, Hugh de. Bishop of

London IX-347d Orkhan, Sultan V-207d: Brusa III-21a; Jani-ssaries XV-9Sa: marriage XIII-692d; Nico- media XI-70b: Pergamus XI- 6B7a ORKNEYS XI-316d; 119c: XIII-617d; Irish population VIIl-154b; monasteries XIII- 631c Orla, in Talmud XIV-436d Orlandi, Deododato IX-406a ORLANDINI, NICCOL6 XI-

317d — Onofrio, poet VI-367a Orlando, Coimt of Chiusi VI-


— Furioso (Ariosto) I-712c: V-

138a: VIII-249d; IX-122d;

334c; XII-768d

— innamorato (Boiardo) I-712c:

II-509b; 623a; Berni IX-122d

Orlandus tie Lassus. See Lassus

Orleans, familv, monument XI-

488a — town, France I-177d; and St. Agnan II-61c; assembly (1498) XI-318C; Joan of Arc VIII- 410d: Joan of Ace, statue of (ill.) VIII^12: Ordinance IX- 209d: Pastoureaux XI-o39c; royal court VI-239b; schools XI-319b: States general (loBO) IX-209d: university XI-319b: XII-419a; XVI-54a —Anne Marie-Louise d*, Du- chesse de Montpensier. See Montpensier — Antoine Philippe Louis d*. Due de Montpensier. See Montpensier —COUNCILS OF XI-318a; (511) XI-318a: XIV-389d; Clovis IV-72a; VI-239b: on divina- tion V-49b; on Litany IX- 2S7b; on Rogation Davs I-69d: Xlll-llOd; on slavery XIV- 37d: 38a; (.533) XI-318a: (538) III-136a: VI-353b; XI-318b; on appeal, right of I-652c: on courts for clergy XII-438b; In Commendam Vll-719a: on slavery XI V-37d :38a; on sub- deacons III-485b: on Sunday observance XIV-336b: on sus- pension XIV-345d: (541) III- 136a; XI-318b; on celibacy III-485b; on foundations VI- 157d; on Liturgical year VI- 360a; on slavery VI-336a; XIV-38a; (549) VI-33Ba; VII

482a: XI-318b: on prisoners, care of XII-431b; on slavery XIV-37d;38a; (638) XI-318b: (1022) I-268c: XI-318C: Cath- aristi condemned III^35d; V- 72b

—DIOCESE OF XI-318C; cathe- dral V-202d; cathedral (ill.) XI-319d: 320b: consultation (1560) V-542a; Dupanloup's episcopate V-203b; 202c; lit- urgy II-776C; XI-320C; map Vl-facing 188; Our Lady of Calvary, Convent of III-191a: pilgrimage XI-320C; St. Aignan Church of V-2B0b: Sulpician Seminary II-200C

— Gaston, Duke of XII-639b: and .Maria de Medici X-122c; and Richelieu XIII-48C

— Henri d*, prince Vil-510d; XIV-719d; tomb XII-76.5a

—Island of I-235b; VII-578a; 579c; IX-360b; 3Sld

— John of. Archbishop of Tou- louse. See Longueville, Jean de, cardinal

—Laurent d' XII-36.5a

— Louis 11, Duke of. See Louis XII. KuiK of France

— Louis-Philippe, Duke of (b. 1S42I V-.5',)la

— Maid of. See Joan of Arc,

— Philippe n, Duke of, regent of France \'III-292a; and Dubois V-177b; and F6nelon VI-3SC; and Tourncly XIV-SOOc

Orleans-Longueville, Antoinette d', foundress IX-lOSd; XI- 320d; Xll-lSOd

Orleansville, Church of St. Reparatus I-659d '

Orleton, Adam of, bishop, at Hereford VII-255d: at Win- chester XV-B50C; at Worcester XV-704a


Orlie, G. B. d'. Bishop of Piuerolo XII-l()2b

Orlogschiffe VII-70d

Ormaneto, Nicolo, Bishop of Padua III-rt2l)c; XI-:iSlid


Ormea, Charles Francois- Vincent Ferrero, Marquis d*, birthplace .\-47Sb; at Rome XII-78a

Ormeignies, Society of the Bless- ed Sacrani..nt XlV-llla

Ormesson, Le Fevre d', member, Conipagnic du Saint-Sacre- ment IV- 184b

Ormilius, Roger, martyr VIII- 167d

Ormin, .\ugustinian canon V- 41)1 Ic

Ormonde, House of XI-343d

— James Butler, ist Duke of Xlll-lUa; on .\ct of Settle- ment I-112d; and Caron III- 373b: and Catholics VIII-103d; and Charles II I-1I2C; and .\rchbishop Fleming VI-lOlc: and O'Mcill XI-2.53d: on Tal- hc.t XIV~13:id; 434a; aa Vice- r.,y of Ireland Xn-4:i;ib

— James Butler, 2nd Duke of III-


— Thomas Butler. loth Earl. Sec Butler, Thomas

Ormondists XlV-J33c; XV- S41b

Ormstunga. See Gunnlaugr

Ormuz, Island of I-270c; XI- ,508d; XII-217d

Ormuzd, deity I-233a; IV- 6S6a; X-502b: XII-51Ib: in .\vestic angeloiogy XIV-752a; in Bundahis IV-40Sc; Frarashi II-155c: hymns to II-152d; in Iranian cosmogony IV-408a; 714d: XIII-309d; 31Sb; in Mainochired IV-40,Sd; .Maz- deandeitv II-15Bc:and Mithra II-1.5.5b: X-102b; Persian deity XI-394a: .\II-511a; Xlll- 310a; in Zend-Avesta I-4.slb; in Zoroastrianism II-lo3b; 154b

Ormuzd I, King of Persia IX- 591c

Ornament of Splendour, in Man- IX-.592d

Large type indicates titles of articles: other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations,

Ornaments, Jewish, ancient II-

S50a — Rubric, in Prayer Book II- 6S0b; XIII-90c: 91a; XV-128b Oman, name X-676c — (Areuna) the Jebusite VIII-

346d; XIV-499b Omano, Alphonse d' VII-78d Ome, department, France, map

Vl-facing 1,88 Ornellas Vasconsellos, Ayres de.

Archbishop of Goa \'I-604b Ome y Vivanco, Braulio de. Bishop of Pinar del Rio XII- 101b Ornfot, Jacob Ulfsson, .Arch- bishop of I'psala XV-208a: 20Sc Oro, Justo Santa Maria de XV-

S.5b Oroba. See Oropus Orodes I, King of Parthia XI-

714b Orohippus V-66.5a Orologio, Francesco Scipione Doni dall'. Bishop of Padua XI-386d — Giacomo dell* XI-3S6C Oromo, tribe. See Galla Oronaim Vl-443b; X-410a Orongous (Orangu) tribe VI-

329a Orono, Penobscot chief XI-645b Oronsay, monastfT\- III-291b Orontes, river \ II-30i;a; IX- 104c; .\V-97c: \ntioch on I- S67b: extent XIV-399c; loca- tion VI-443b; valley of VII- 3nr..T Orontius, Italian bishop XI-607d Saint, maitvr VI-366a; 378c; XI-48d — Saint, Apostle of Lecce IX-

108a —Bishop of Merida V-603b Orontondi, Nicholas, Huron lead- er IX-3d Oroomiah. See I'rmiah Oropa (Oropusl XI-;i21d Oropesa icochabamba) IV-75C Oropitum XI-:i31c OROPUS, See of XI-321d: shrine

II-560a Or. Oral., abbr. I-2Sa O'Rorke, familv VIII-643d —Bishop of Killala V-176a —Conn, martvr (1579) VIII-

165d; XI-225a; XV-81a —Conn, martjT (1652) VIII-

I65d — Donagh, martvr VIII-165d —PATRICK HENRY XI-321d:

VIlI-I41a — Tieraan, King of Breifney IV-

64d Orosci, Miridite town I-254d OROSIUS, PAULUS XI-322a; I-7S2d; 7S3a; II-729a: VII- 374c; XIV-178b; "Acta Euse- bii" V-615C; birthplace II- 729a; on grace VI-701a: Latin literature, influence on IX- 23b: on Pelagius XI-604b: 605d; and Priscillianists II- 87d; on Tiberius XIV-7I8b Orotokide I-2S3b O'Rourke, Felix E., publisher

V1II-U2C — Margaret IX-652d Oroysom. .Stf' San Jos<^, mission Orozco, Jacopo, Bishop of SjTa-

cu.w, Sicilv XIV-397b —Jose, poet XIII-Bld; XIV-

204d — y Berra, Manuel, archspologist VII-748C; on Mexico I-416c: on Palenque, cross of X-252C; on Tononac Indians XIV- 794d Orpesa, Conde de XV-252d ORPHANAGES XI-322d: XII-

24Sa; XlIl-.5,S4d Orphanotrophium VI-7Bla; VII-

4Sld; Xl-.i2:(a; XIl-239a — iVfSclmla i;inl.irtuo Orphan Psalms XII 534d ORPHANS Xl H.'.'d: 1II-595C; in AiMistnli,- C.n^tilutions I- 637a; aiiK..,K>-t l.sraelites I- 227a: poor-relief XIl-240b: in ancient Rome I-5S7b: in sub-Apostolic times XII-23Sd; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390b (Taborites) II-124C; VII-588d