Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/625

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Pelletier, Claude le, controller t^'.-ruTal of financea, France .\III-4S9b

— Mary Euphrasia, foundress VI-(i47d

—PIERRE - JOSEPH, scientist Xl-609a: 3tr\-chnine XI-UO!)b

Pelletierine, discovery of XI- 609b

Pelleve, Nicolas de, cardinal, Archbishop of Sens VII-76c; Xin-717d; Catherine de' Me- dici Xin-33.Sa

Pellevoisin, pilcrim.iEC II-720d

r^ellicano, Giuseppe Maria, Bish- op of Gerace VHi;4c

Pellicanus, Conrad, theologian II-339C

PeUicer, Anthony Dominic, Bish- op of San Antonio. Texas Vll- 705d; X-112b; Xni-I25c

PeUicier, Guillaume. See Pellis-

PELLICO, SILVIO, writer XI- fiOilb; VIII-2.52d; birthplace Xin-40Ha

PeUier, Emilie, reliKious II-590a

PELLISSIER (PELLICIER), GUILLAUME, Bishop of Ma- guelonno, Humanist XI-609d; X-54od

Pellisson, Paul. See Pelisson- Fontaiiier. Paul

Pellmoutier, convent II-486b

Pelly, Lewis, and Arabia I-664a

Pelnigotto, Blessed, Franciscan XV-222b

Pelopidas, general XIV-562C

Peloponnesian War, Chios III- 6S9c: Patras XI-547C

Peloponnesus, drachma V-152d; Greeks revolt VI-736b: Mo- hammed II in X\'-9Sa; monas- tery. Greek VI-7i)7c

Pelops IV-5Sld



Pelplin, See of. Prussia IV-567a

Pelt, Friedrich Anton Ludwig, excgcte. on Antichrist I-561b; Pentateuch XI-0.i4d

Peltier, Jean-Charles-Athanase, physicist XI-431d

— Jean-Gabriel, publisher XI- (i75d

Peltrie, Charles de la XI-GlOc

—MADELEINE DE LA, reli- gious loundress XI-610c; III- 232b; and Marie de 1' Incarna- tion IX-06Sb; XI-610c; and Poncet XII-228d; Sacred Heart devotion XV-230a; and Ursuline mission, Canada X\ - 22Sd; Ursuline monastery XV- 229c

Peluse, Gaspard Monge. See Monge

Pelusiu. See Pelusium

PELUSIUM, See of. Egypt XI- ClOd; VI-443b; 445c

Peivat, Charles-Felix, Bishop of Nagpur X-36Sc; 669b

Pelvis, and Berenger of Carpi I- 439d

Pelzmartel in-72Sc

Pemaquid, fort Vl-310d; \II-

CUd . . , ^.„

Pemberton, Francis, judge XII- I7nc

— John Clifford, Confederate gen- eral XV~172b

Pembridge, Christopher, annals I-.i:!4a

PEMBROKE, DIOCESE OF, Canada Xl-iiUa; 2.'*a; map X-facinc .54t.; .schools. Cath- olic XIII-5G.5d; statistics III- 23Sa

— Richard, 2nd Earl of. See Clare. Richard de, 2nd Earl of Pembroke

— William Herbert, Earl of. See Herbert, William Earl of Pem- broke

— College, Cambridge III-212a; 2 Lib; 2i:.b; IV-lOSd

— College, < ixford XI-.369b

Pembrokeshire, Wales XV-


Peradje (Oxyrynchus) XI-377d Pemmican, Indian food IV-477C Pen, m Bible Xll-1.5.5d PENA (PEGNA), FRANCISCO, canonist XI-611d


— Juan de la, Dominican XIV-

87b — Pedro de la. Bishop of Quito

X-259C Penafort, Raymond of. Saint.

Src Raymond of Peiiafort Penal Law, International Union

of —LAWS XI-6Ild; XIII-572c:

653d; XIV-489a ■ — American colonies XI-616C; Carolina, North and South XI- 616d; Connecticut XI-617b; Massachusetts XI-616d; New Hampshire XI-617b; New York XI-617c; XIV-398a; Virginia XI-616C —Enoland V-44Sc; XI-611d; XIII-123d; XV-392d; Agnus Deis I"220c: Anderton I-467c; Austin's works II-113C; Ben- tham's work II-482d; Corpo- ration Act of 1661 IV-390C; Charles I XI-613C; Charles II XI-G13C; Elizabeth XI-612a; George I XI-614a; James I XI-ni2d; Montaigne I-727d; relief III-5lJ4d; repeal XI- 614a; Revolution of 1688 XI- 613d —Ireland III-710b; VIII-lOSc; XI-614d; XIII-lOc; 125b; XV-392d; Armagh I-731d; Cromwell XI-61.5b; Elizabeth XI-615a; O'Connell XI-<316b; repeal XI-616a; William of Orange XI-615C —Scotland XI-614b Penally, relics of St. Teilo XIV-

474a Penalosa, musician XVI-64b Penal System XIV-769b; exter- nal forms of XIV-768C; medi- eval I-269C; XIV-768b; Re- ductions of Paraguay XII-695C Penalty III-530a; cloister, trans- gression of IV-<ila; deposition IV-737d; for heresy VII-260d; 26!a; seal of confession, viola- tion of XIII-649c; and words of law XV-704C PENALVER Y CARDENAS, LUIS IGNATIUS, Archbishop of Guatemala XI-GlSa; VII- 54b; 1.53d: New Orleans X- 411a; XI-9c; XIII-35.Sb; Vera Cruz XV-34.Ja Penance, of African natives I- 184c; of Blood Indians II-603C; Brahminical I-772b; II-731b; in Zoroastrianism II-153b PENANCE (canonical punish- ment), abstinence I-67b; alms- giving III-597d; amende hon- orable I^09a; for apostasy I- 624d: in Apostolic Constitu- tion I-637a; artistic work V- 2.52b; ascetic I-767d; 768a; 773b; ashes I-776b; Carthage XIV-524b; censure III-532a; and chivalry III-692a; con- verts I-45c; in Didascalia IV- "Slc; exomologesis XI-630c; flagellation VI-93a; irregular- ity VIII-171b; Jewiah I-768c; lapsi IX-2c; object III-529a; Penitential Canons XI-636b; XIV-605C; pilgrimage XII-85d — Public XI-629d; for adultery V-63b; African Church I- 196b; Anglo-Saxon Church I- 609b; XI-632d; Ash Wednes- day ceremony I-77od; Austria II-127a; for blasphemy II- 595d; Ireland XI-632a; Nec- tarius of Constantinople IV- 3I3d; 314a; X-737b; Theo- dosius I-385d — quarantines XII-593a; redemp- tions XII-682C; religious orders I-770d; satisfaction for sin I-64b; III-S28C; VII-7a3c; XI-628C; silence Xin-790a; symbol II-537a; TertulUan on XIV-523d —Angel of I-62a — Order of fFranciscan) VI-

217b; Xn 3,5'Sa; .369d — Order of iScalzetti). Sec Scal-

zetti —SACRAMENT OF XI-618d; Xlll-299d; 301a: absolu- tion I-61c; accomplice I- 100c; V-688b; African Church I-196b; age, canonical I-208b; 20da; Albigensian substitute


nork I-

for I-269c; A leu 278b; St. Alphonsua on I- 340a; St. Ambrose on I-387c; Amen I-40Sb; Ancyra decrees I^65a; in Anglo-Saxon Church I-509b; Aphraates I-593d; Apostolic Fathers I-639d: ap- probation I-657a; Armenian Rite XIII-80a; Arnold of Brescia I -749b; attention necessary XIII-304b; attitude for reception VI-426c: attri- tion n-65a: 65d; XI-624d; Augsburg Confession V-760d; Avignon decree II-160a; Ay- liffe on Xin-655c; Bagot's work II-203d; Baius U-211b; and baptism XI-620b; Ben- tham XIII-659d; biretta II- 577d; casuistry XIV-609a; and celibacy III-482a; certificate, in France III-694b; character in-587b; Cistercian Rite XIII-74d; Clement IX, ad- ministers IV-28b; Clement XI, administers IV-29d; before Communion V-691b: VII- 402c; confessions of sins XI- 625c; Confiteor IV-223a; con- trition IV-339b; XI-624d; in Corpus juris Canonici IV- 392c; St. Cj-prian of Carthage IV-588C; Didache IV-780b; VI-165d: and direction, spirit- ual V-24a; doctrine XIV- 686d; Duns Scotus V-197d; in early church XI-620c; effect XI-623a; examination of con- science V-675b; and extreme unction V-719a; 721c; 726b; 727c: faculties, delegation of IV-696c; first reception XII- 590d: form I-64c; XI-623a; Greek Church IV-320a: Henry VIII XIII-654b: hegumenos administers X-469a; Hopwood XIII-653C; and indulgences Vn-783c; institution XV- 712a; intention in reception Vni-70a; St. John Damascene Vlll^eib; justification VI- 703b; Vlll-S77a; XIII-40sa; Keys. Power of VIII-632d: XI-619c; Lateran decree I- 657d: by letter V-688c: Luther IX-445C; Lyndwood on XIII- 650c; and Mass X-22c; matter XI-622d; Mayan analogy X- 252c; Middle Ages XI-626a; minister XI-623c; moral theol- ogy XIV-605b: Morin on X-570c; necessity XI-625a; Nectarius X-737b; Norbertine Rite XIII-77d; Novatian here- sy XI-620d; obUgation XIII- 652a; CEcolampadius on XI- 213b; Origen on V-719b; parish churches XI-502d; Patristic teaching XI-G20C: 627a: re- strictions, pecuniar\' XlV-2a: penalties due tu sin Vll-7.s:!b: and perfection Xl\'-t.]."'b; :m<l pra^latus nulliii- Ml :;:>-d; m Praver Bod II ^-l,^ m Primer XII-4-'li I ■ m

XIV-610a; 1'"" ii-

ing XI-620b; i,- m \H-

609d; recipient 1 r.r.d; XI- 624c; regulars I-657C: 6.5Sa: remission of .sin X 1-6 19a; Reservation Xll-7S4a: resti- tution XII-7N"a, -H, i:,. ■, ...

XI-628C; Sciiii-: . ■■ I \ -1.

atseal-657c; -. i . , . XI-629b; sin- 1 I

XI-62sa: Six \ \

447a:'. . \ \.

XIV-134d: ^ II .Vn,

Tametsi XIV I IM I . -■ : .■ m on XI-621b: Xn -.-.-•.id: i.lTd: Thomistic teaching XI-l)2l'.b; XIV-700C; 701d: ' tr.aditi.mal behef and practice XI-62.5d; Trent. Council of XI-619b; XV-33d; uniformity of rite XIII-64d; valid administra- tion XI-624C; Viaticum XV- 397c; 39Sd; Waldenses XV- .52Sd; .529a; and Way of the Cross XV-571C; Welsh Church XV-584d; Wessel on XV-.590b; yearlvreceptionIV-154d; 155a; 1.5.5b' —VIRTUE OF XI-618b; St. Francis de Sales on VI-221C; Alarcua Eremita IX-650d;

monastic life X-46Sc; r XI-61.8C; Penitentes XI-635C; veil XV-321d

—of Adam I-132a

— of Adam and Eve I-I32d

— of Christ, Brothers of. See Saccafi

—of St. Dominic, Order of XII- 354d; 3.5Sa: 3(j9d: XIV-638b; Albert of Ca.stile on I-262c

Pen Annwn, deity XV-534d

Penates I-52Sc

Pena y Fernandez, Emmande la, canonist IX-66b

Penck, Albrecht, and age of man XV-707a

Pencket, Thomas, theologian VII-28.5a: XIII-612C

Penco, Anthony, Lazarist X- 367a; 367c

Penda, King of Mercia VII- 452b; and Ana VI-123d; and Christianity I-506a: in East Anglia Xlil-783c; and Edwin V-324a; and Oswald of North- umbria XI-349c: and St. Werburgh XV-5S8b

Pendentives III-94d; V-262c

Penderell, John, and Charles II Vn-511c

Pendinelli, Stephen, Bishop of Otranto XI-351d

Pendleton, Edmund, statesman XV-45i-ib

— HENRY, controversialist XI- 63.5a

Pendola, Tommaso, educator V- 317c

Pend d'Oreilles Indians IV-752b; VIII-.594a

Pendryck, William. See Eliseus of St. Michael

Pendulum XV-185c; Blot's ob- servations II-576b; Bologna II-640d; of Foucault VI-157a: Galileo's discovery VI-343a; XII-57c; horizontal VII-215b

—Clock XIV-372a

Penel, Marie de X-536d



Penelosa, Diego, Count of X-731C

Penfro (Pembrokeshire) XV- 533b

Penha, Castle of the (ill.) XII- 29.Sa

— Joao, poet XII-310d

Penia., abbr. I-23a

Peniaria., abbr. I-23a

Penicaud of Limoges, triptych, Vatican Museum XV-295a

Peninah. See Phenenna

Peninsula, periodical, Portugal XI-0S9a

Peninsular Wars, effect in Portu- gal XIII-385d

Penitence. See Penance

Penitent Brothers. See Peniten-

i He


1 Inquisi-

Penitentes, . tion X-i:'i:!c

—LOS HERMANOS, flagellant society XI-6o.5c: practices XI- 635c

Penitential Books XI-636d; XIV-605C; St. Antonius I- 5SRc; St. Columbanus IV- 140b: divorce cases V-58b; Tlieodulfus XI-318d

—CANONS XI-636b; Anglo- s.,v,,n I-.-|09b; XI-633a; 636d; \.i .11 I II, us on II-106b; cen- . III-520C; East XI- , . I I h XI-632a; 632d; (. .i.,1 1: in XI-636d

—ORDERS Xl-i;:i7a

—Psalms, ii,.lulL-rnre VII-788d; Misrnrr X-.i'.la: in Primer Xn-42,'b; rlunied versions Xni-2i;d

— Redemptions. Sec Redemp- tions

Penitentiaria, Sacred XIII 147b; on adoiitioii l-14>ia: dispensa- tions \'-13b; 4.1d; on moral theoloKv Xl\' C.llb: at Paris X-696d: Paul 111 XI-.580b; on poverty, religious XII-325C: rescripts V-692a

Penitentiaries, in Quebec XII- 599a

Penitentiary Canon III-583a; age. canonical I-207d; Bene- dict XIII as II-432a; in early Church I-I'.4b; pontifical XII- 3C8Ba

XVI.— 39

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.