Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/629

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PerS^Kn^of the Lombards

^;rrin-391cf Irish popula- _lSo^^^S^Au-aHa>a- &o?S?S,xll^^Oc;s.a- —Diocese of, Sootlnna.

Ji^: ^:Sr ■'""'

Perthes? sVuVhefde. and Keen vin-<v:i-,b l-seb:

Xin-721a „_. ,. h^ historian I'migia


f)&^d371a; Benedict M.m»-


-Cathedral: B»j°", "h iv: Conrad of Offida. tomb 1\ 260c; Innocent III, tomb VUl

-Hlfnclave (1292) in-479dj Franciscan chapter at U-"- II-fi46b; VI-247a; Ju ms lU. stitue of IV-6:)3d; Juhus III. ftatv^ of (iU.) VIII-564b; Leo XIII in IX-lU9d; monti di pieU\ II-:illld, >-r:.l';ry 11 506c:. par. " -^ ,\jj:

^""f?^. ->„"-, n/u. the mont IX- 'V , 1 . ^,ivps- Younger Ml^l . \ - ■ , ■ -iV'ib- trine cnnvr-,' ._^1 \ _; ■■ • Z.,'-^:

^nd'"Xl\'\\ -^i::b, VI a, XV 21Td^^^^^^^ ^, g^,_

See John of

IV-476b; and Leroy-Beaulieu XII-280b;onh.urg.XIII 71d,

on marriace I ■>" ' l*?,; " „ Pre-


';'^""; ;; ]\"'.^ of xii-59id;

,1 --^iiin'iii. n aua Maria-Laach TV HT^d XI Ii79a Peschel, Oskar. on Bacon s map Vl-4:)l)b- ■■" ^'f luemi.ui


Inquisition XIV R„l,rurk VI-41Sd; on ,„„,„>, ..sin XllI T.-K Pescherskoi, iii'i' ' ' , , _ Peschitto Vers.on l\ ^

IpVraemV^^a'bb; Job VIII: 417c; St. Peter, epistle ot -N.


PEa^^'?:7 M "bVam oJu-

PERU Al 'j" ,T or,2d; cemr-

226a; beads U f'-'?;; xl-

teries XI-73.od; chanties Ai

Jc^Tch in: Afiazcq I-161b;

— cnurc« ■. _,„ Atienza H" Amaga I"'*^? '^^J,:' carvaial .50b: Bishops II-5S4C, "^'"".Yt, III-393C; Dominicans XU •iKfilM- Ecclesiastical .L>'^' f :1„ ■ XI-734C; Franciscans


XI-734C; rrau.-- --—

^rss'ir Jesuits VWoOd-. ^\v--103d: missions XV :230c.

ro^c^a^a^roXr^of XII- 2o4b; and Propaganda XU


XIII-390C —education Xl-"?'" , Arequipa —Geography XI-';i-'»' ' ^ ca-

l-701b; Aya»*°/,^. ^Chicha-

jamarca X\ I ■i« j^-

poyas 1 1 1-5^ 1 VI T - i06a ; Hua- 580d ; Huanuco \ .1 ' J""» ' .J^ia • ?rVII^06c^^I^nia IX-2o^.

5:Tf-69a Saf Leon del Ama- xvi-u.". 1^ Sarayaci

l??n-470c Truiilio XV-70a. XIII-4'OC; iru^ urubama


ines I-;*l';,V. Xrias de Avila varado l"'*',-"',, ft_'J2a-32c; 1-7 lib ; AtahuallpaII-'i':a- ^^^; 4 riiile III-663a; and t,o- ?" u- iv-i22d- De Soto IV- ^"-■^c and Ecuador VI-380c; xn'-204c early explora ions

M7snl XII-60.TC; Iri-sh m V in isVb^' JelJs m VIII-399c^lan-


- John --,

PERUGINO, PIETRO VAN- NUCCI XI-737C; VI I-219a nnd Bnccaccino II-l)Olid, t er tosa XI-592C; Columtia ot

VI-415C; and Julius U Alt 642c; Madonna a. l^nns ' Infant Christ nil ' XI i !■ i'^ 738; Madonna Willi I'ui -n" (iU.)XI-lacing.;^ >' ,"',;, (ill.) X-72;>'nii> ' ' V •] of X-683c; Nci" ' X-750b;inPen.: '


Pinturiccliio XII -104a; p".- {rait XI-737; Prcparatinn for the Tomb XI-fac,ng -_^is.

MucTxlV-isSaVin Vatican ^'v-279d^^ 285bl 28oa; 2S6a; and Verrocchio XV-36od; and Vinci XV-440d: Vision of St. Bernard (ill.) Xl-facing 738, works XIV-740a Perumal, Cheruman, King ot M^abar, and Thomas Cana XIV-R80a- St. Thomas Chris-


Pe'sd" Francis, Bishop of AUa- pis;ill"&SE OF^_XI^ IS Pu e HeaViy Mary, Feast of the X-600b: and Pisa -Somenico da, and Savonarola

Xlll-t92a „

—Mariano da XI-HiiD Pescina. Sceot. Marsi at LX Pe'shal Rabbinic compilation

Pe^hittovtrsion. S^-LP-f]!!" pllibkhenno. King of Egypt XI-

Pelua, monasterj-, Baradffius at Pe"nfs:andOrcisti.XI.-276c Pesiqta, Midrash V-701O,

Pe'squidoux, D"]'"'^,,? *" Hello. E^^.^WtI


^^^^fem^n'-'Sc; '3^c';

in Buddhism m niAA-oAaa-

In VI "■■'^* universe, anni- 1"' ' ^'!^XI-742b

l-742b; and 1 Vl-529d; a'n.l IMin-"-. Xi-776b: and Trocmades XV-63d




Petavionensis, surname of St.

Victorinus X\ 7414a

Petavius, Dionysms. See fetau.

Pefegs and St Bruno c^

Quorfurt lll-lf-c ui ,",.,,,_


Pe^techersky, Monastery of. K.eS

IX-4')5a _, 707-1

Petin, Vicariate of >^^' V^' vt

-let y^'-^^^tvii^.

Nereus and Achilleus m X- -In^Adoption I-U8d; St. Aga- tha's vision I-204a, Ames, works of I-324b; altar I-346C 362d; IX-1.5C; anaphora 1 573d:XIV-|l;c :'1'^.an|t.

Andrew I '■'•\v ";';b Anti- Saxons !-■ ill 'it, V \ntioch nomianisn^l _'■-; ,„, ;,ates

V%k%A- in ■.poi-rvphal litera- l-593d in .1 ^ 1 ^ ^^^

«T%,«li.iVi' 'il'*; .\pos-

\ u .;., I ..lii.l ,,ri-n"onof I'lur I ..r.l \n "'■"■ -^"'"T- wOTk of; in Areopagi-

-*r.4^^\-517a; Cano .^°X- iTT-i'iSla- catacombs lll-4foD. SMbf Corneille. Jean Baptiste V^r^TQH. Dnmemoliino XIU

\".ll:i I'.l.l.


^^"^m-CZ 'fe?iiKl?^4s ;lKa?".fi'ffi»'-^

-«jf'"™,;,^'\^'^25a; ab^rig- Fon.,;.ii;-ta X U. ^ -M ^and Mac Neven IX-oOfid^^^^^

FnntcL'in-ia 'xnl-779d; and Tnh IS xn-iU2d; and Mat- ^:SiUd;Mosa.sX-590a; in Siena Cathedral XIU TftJD 8. Maria doUa P^^' .Church of

^/'-^lirnS m P^eie^sTl- 7m"xilI-370d!andVolterra


If and Dupr6 XVI-37a ie^njoh^" Abbot of Tavistock

Pes 'niu-'ic'a term X-766d . Peskdo. Jose Joaquin, writer

Peihim."in Talmud XIV-437a ^Ifant mission lll-fi?9b Pesaro 1 PentapoUsl XJ V-2.-i»a l_mnrF.SE OF XI-'38d and

fr?i^8aTma;?i:?ra^nd divorce

mlTl?ure XIV-203d; Plumier,

"I'-hlMe" in XII-169a; popu-


^fv-49M;n"pP-. I -{•'-•

I viT-fi23d; Santiago Oua-

Tu ca^Tem^ple X.y^97c

-Upper ;Bo>'"" 'V.lrrfw XI-

Perugia. '"ff^^^;' ll-imia; and

?-*'; "?, Is xiv - 2.Wc; Mu-


f tSn^-^^e-H^

n IV-lOlb; nnd.fPO'"" -- ■

facing 736 736b

saro iPentapolisi Xlv-^.^~ -DIOCESE OF XI-(38d, and Holy See X-f.90a: Papa'^J^'J^ X-334d; and Urbinp Xy-.i^^D -Giovanni, tomb of. Vemce (ill.)

-GiOT^nntSattista of. in China ni-675a .III r.S'ld-

Pescadores. Duteh m "'.^ffi and France ,"I-*i?i.fisJd- 777b- and Japan lU-i"«a. VIII-313C


i-Rfita- XI-7.WC: XlII-J^i, l-t»t).>a. --v' on'>n. Issus.

in BvJantmm lV-3n.a. •s»u'.



and Mac Neven IX-oO^Q Pe^to, seminary, founded VIII

=llla- .SceBuda-Pesth Pestillice, and Agnus De. I- ^ 220d; and St. Christopher III-

729c; and Wendelin of Trier -Fa*«srftheIII-602b

^^^^^^^^ P^^^Jhtrof^Coptos Coptic

nianusc.;ipt X\I-30a reScb', PaS 'community XI- PeSiel. in Nasorsean leonology Pe\ilima\ Indian village. Cali-

PETAU DENIS XI-743C; 320b; VI-70Sa Xll-7fi9b: on adop- ,;;n 1-14'lc- on Christ, opera- t on 1 '""^'-nQb- on Christol- t.ons o' >;-^f/*„eT708b; on Christ's knowledge VIU-t7ba.

luTogv of XV-26..b; on l.mbus ™faniiun, lX-2o7d; 2oSb on de Molina. Antonio X IS^^d. at Reims Xll-.29d. S>n^jUU

Wb- De heologicis dogmati- 1 IV WOd- and theology, •""-.iv^ XIV^593d; and Thom- positvveXIV Mio^ Trinitar- 19m Xiy lO-o. .,-y_,,g. and Valol" XV-263V. Zaccaria edits XV-741a

553b; CorneUle. Jeai.' "'^V^i IV-373d; Domemoliino XIU 173c; fr4sco. Capella Pao^m. vv 'i70d fresco, cemetery ot D^T.Tr/XU 294d;fresc^o 1, Brca X-47id, ,7d; Herrcra the

H ;';,,:^ii^S?ii

' ]" 1 N 7(isc; Masolino

^l '-iib' ,; ,u.,i;i lu.MS nil.) III-425dj P-i ma Vecohio Xl-lSOa: . H raima . * ■- . cn7b- Perugino ^.™i,^ano^_l.-|gb. I

^'4' -^Xn-644c'^^xV-28^c; Ci XV" 83b; Ribera (iU.)

Xl-facing -50<.,?<"|,.li!l*: Peter's, Rome XU-Mac xui

i^e^ff 5\-%%- XIV-743d; Tintoretto XIV; 737c; Vatican XI--4od, -XU 295c XV-278C; Vecchietta XV-318b;.yelasques XV-

„fII-Rla- B.arcos' works of U^^'^^Bari^IL^^:


bells n. estiii: III 1 of XI cat!'

I 1 144b; call III-227a; i V-7Rb; T , V - ...i. \ll-736c: Xm-17.ib;Chau....Keast of $ii751d; .c>-,"ctcr.s ,c.s XI 745b; Christology Xn _5^0,. and circumcision \ 111 .J and M. .*-^'*^ ,tt thqc- lV-40a; SriS'c— H"u!n-.U.rian: urn III-0I6C iv-214d:

— confession ui "','„„ v-'!Oa- C"P„1"Yn!l35a"Verner's scene of IU ••>•«• conversion II-12JD ;„,

— cO'pt °;. 'it V111-44C; early inscriptions ^ yl~' ■• VII- Phurch. importance in »»' ?2Scecclcsikstical unity XIII- ■llod; emblem I-62Gd; St. Eu- eharius V-594C xl-572d

-t'^tl (h mes Xil-373d; i. Opt-icMs"xVI-2na;inGree Churl. Vl-7mtc: .1. post-Nl !;,.,,. n.urch l-197d

. .. VII -"'iiib; 2.59a; an — onheresyM' -'"" ;".|, vll St. Ignatius of A>"?f{L-;„\ 644b; in'"""'}"',!;" XIU inscription, •" J V.^r- and S 372b: jailers l"--'v,Il 2811 James 'he 'f'" \ 'of X Jerusalem. '■," " 'V„ m nle 748b; Jerusalem. 1 <^'nP"„ XIV-503d; in Jerusalem ai