Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/653

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Piacenza XII-70a; Treviso

xV'ii.-ib: rain.' xv-iisb

PORDENONE, ODORIC OF, BLESSED XII-2,Slb: I-Tsib; in Asia IV-553a: "Descriptio Orientalium" IX-58Sb; explo- rations VII-41d; geographical research VI-!48d; in India Xiri-3S3b; in Indo-China VII-774d; and St. Thomas Christians XIV-6S3c; in Tibet XIV-719C; at Yang-chou III- ()li9d Poresigh, Abram Atar I-555d Porfirius, archimandrite IV-86a Pori, Bartholomite II-317C Poriomania XI ■i4od PORMORT, THOMAS, VEN- ERABLE XIl-2S2a PORPHYREON Xn-2S2b Porphyrion, in Bible I-52oc Porphyrius, Saint, actor, mart\T

III-134d: XIV-359b — father of Pope Lucius I IX-

411b —philosopher XV-lllc; Abelard on I-38b; and ApoUinaris I- 615c; on Aristotle I-717d;

theory VII -683a; Isagogo

XIII-6S0d: on Jehovah VIII-

330a; and logic IX-326a; as

mystic XII-31C; neo-Platonism

IV-44C; X-743b: on sacrifice.

early XIII -318b; universals

Xl-92a; and Victorinus -Afer

XV-414C —priest, martyr III-216d, XV-

619a —revenue officer VI-163b — slave of Pamphilius, martyr

XI-437b — soldier, mart\T III-445b —Bishop of Antioch XIII-742C —Bishop of Bothr\-s II-70SC —SAINT, Bishop of Gaza XII-

2S2c; VI-401a — Archbishop of Ochride VI- 770b —Bishop of Rhosus XIII-26d Porphyrogenitus, palace IV-30.5d — Constantine. See Constantino

VII, Porphyrogenitus Porphyry. See Porphyrins Porpoise, in Bible I-.i22a Porpora, Niccolo Antonio, musi- cian IX-307a; and Hayden

VII-158d Porras, Francisco de, missionary

VII-»69b: X-,391a Porree, Gilbert de la, Bishop of

Poitiers. See Gilbert de la


2S2d; .\IV-702d Porrectus X-766d Porrentruy, episcopal residence

II-3S9d; Jesuit college II-

339d; 414b; XIV-3f.3c Porrois, monasten,' XV-316C Porro of Pavia, surgeon X-142a;

XI-.594b Porro y Peinade, Francis, Bishop

of Louisiana XI-9d Porsch, Felix E. J., politician

XVI-22b ' Port, Monastery of, St. Austre-

bertha at II-12nd — St. Nicolas du. See St. Nicolas

du Port, pilgrimage Porta, Antonio della, and Amadeo

I-37.->d — Baftolomeo della. Bishop of

Bovino II-724C —CARLO XII-2S.3a — Costanzo, composer IX-289d:

XV-626d — Enrico della, theologian XI-


arrliitrct XII-1.30b; XIII-

169b; 171c; 172d; 17.3a; I74b;

17.ia; 37Ia; XV-42,Sc — Giovanni, musician IX-3fi7a — Guglielmo della, arc>iitect.

Paul III. t«mb of XI-580d;

Xin-372d — Monastery of. .Sec Pforta — Nicold, Bishop of Spoleto XIV-

234a — Simon, and Pomponazzi XII-

227c; on Thierry of Freiburg

XII .iOb — Ardeatina, Rome III S13c Portable Altar. See Altar Porta Capena, Rome XIII-167a — Churraich, lona Vni-90b

Porta dell' Arco, at Volterra XV-

Portadown, institutions I-732d Portage, Canada, Sioux Indians

XIV-24b — des Sioux, Missouri, Indian

school XIII-359b; treaties

XIV-19a Portail, Anthony, and St. Vincent


Xn-2S3c; and Lisbon IX-

2S3a; XII-305C; map XIV-

facing 200; Richard Russell at

XIII-231d Portalie, on Te Deum XIV^69a Portalis, Jean Etienne Marie

II-31d; XIII-307d; on Alca

I-2Slc; and Berryer II-517d;

and Napoleon Bonaparte X-

693b Portalupi, Filippo, at Pa\-ia Uni- versity XI-.-.94a Portanova, Gennaro, cardinal.

Bishop of Reggio di Calabria

XII-717d Porta Palatina, Turin (ill.) XV-

94b Portarius, ofRiial III-.583a; and

iliiis in -

Port Arthur, l.attle (1905) III- li.-*ld: L\-.">S6b; 5S6c; and Russia XlII-251a Porta San Giovanni, baptistery,

Florence VI-567d — Santa, of .St. Peter's. See

Door, Holy — speciosa. S<e Reauliful Gate Portatives, orjz;ins PORT AUGUSTA, DIOCESE OF .\; Xl-73t;b; cathedral XII-2s:id — AU PRINCE, ARCHDIO- CESE OF XII-2S4C; lll-l(i9d; Vll-Iloa; map IV-facing .'itiO — ChoiseiU, discovered III-l)9.")a — de Paix, Diocese of Vll-lloa — Dieu, Switzerland, suppressed

in-390c — du Salut, monastery III-784C;

785d Porte, in IGmberley VIII-646b Porte Mars, Reims XII-725b Portenos, in Buenos Aires III-

38c PORTER XII-284d; age for I-206d; duties II-424a; XIII- 748b; in hierarchy VII-323c; minor order X-333a; 33.3b; order of XI-279d: ordination, Galilean Rite VI-365c; patron XI-566C; as sacristan XIII- 322c — Arthur Eingsley, on architec- ture VI-667C; 670c; 679c — David H., Governor of Penn- sylvania, and Campbell XVI-

— FRANCIS XII-285C —GEORGE XII-285d; II-645a:

,t St,,j,vhnr<t XIV-309d

—Jacob XI I. 'I la — Noah, and Scotch School XII-

33a — Sir Robert Ker II-9a — Thomas, Vicar Apostolic of

Jamaica VII-1.50a; VIIl-273a Porterfield, and ophthalmology

X-13.5C Portes, Carthusian monastery of

ll-ll.'ic: 41l',a; St. Ayroldus at

Xlll-:i.".4b Porthmus, S.r „f VI-7.3.Sd Portia, Bartholomeo, papal nun-

ri., Xl'li.iid; and Peter Can-

isius Xl-7(,(lc Portian Basilica, Milan I-394d Portianus, Saint. .Sec Pourcain Portico, and altar I-366d; in

Antioch I-507c; of church V-

74f,a; .See Colonnade Porticus Octavis, library in IX-

228a Portier, Michael, Bishop of Mo- bile I-242d: VI-l!Sd; X 411a;

Xl-lld; XIII-3rt0a; and Bazin

II-.361C; at Brazcau XIII-

.3.39c; and Loras V-180a; and

Manucv X— 111c — Thomas, in Detroit IV-7.38C Portieux, town. .Sisters of Provi- dence of the Institute of

Charilv in XII-.309a Portitoria I.\-:i00b Portillo, Geronimo Ruiz,

ary XI-734a

Portinari, Beatrix II-576d; IV-

630d — Falco IV-02Sb; hospital VI-

110a; VII-ts3c —Chapel, Mihin X-2S0a Portio Canonica X1V-322C Portiones \'lI-4S'Jd Portis, Charles, missionary III-

PORTIUNCULA, town XII- 2Sl')a; I-SOld; Barlholi at II- 31.3a; basilica XVI-8b; Chapel of (ill.) VI-226b; St. Clare in IV-4b; St. Francis at VI-222d; St. Francis, statue of VI-229c; sanctuary VI-223C

—indulgence I-SOld; VI-224a: VII-4.58C; XII-286C; 286d; Bartholi on II -313b; St. Francis of Assisi XII-286C

Portland, town, Oregon, Bulgarian population XI\'-31d; Columbia University XV-202d; Redemp- torists at XII-CS3b

—DIOCESE OF I Maine) XII- 2S7b; rlKint:ili|.' iiisl itulions XII-247b; Fiviirh ('allioiics VI-274d: p;ir,,ehial schools VI-27.3C: history XII- 287b; and Now York VlI-51Sa; population. Polish (1907) XII- 2nb; relisious. female VI- 275a; religious communities XII-288d; statistics XII-288d; XV-176C

— William Henry Cavendish Bentink, Duke of, IL.nio Sec- retarv to Ireland XIII-127C

Portlester, brittle XI L'3:ic

PORT LOUIS, DIOCESE OF XIl-2S9a; 312d; map I-facing ISO

— Mahon X-332b

—Mary, Scotland, Queen Mary embarks from V-191C

— Maurice, Saint Leonard of. See Leonard of Port .Maurice, ,^aint

Portmoak, and St. .Andrew's Pri- ory XIII-332C

— Natal, ceded to England XV- 766d

Porto, office of bishop III-340a

— Antonio do, missionary II-343d

— Diocese of. .Sfe Oporto

— Guiduccio de, Bishop of Muro- Lucano X-t;4(Jb



— History: Ponce de L^on XII- 228b; and United States XV- 166d; 17Sc

— liter.ature XIV-207d

— .1/ i '■ ■ •!:• :i. III-

.'■: H ' society

.\]\ ,■ III VI-

-'■-It. Id. Sacred

i lleliKTs of, in


>- I ' , '. Gallo the

■i ..nnL"r Mil -FMb — Seguro, Cal.ral in lII-12Sb PORTOVIEJO, DIOCESE OF

XII-294d Port PhilUp (Victoria) Australia ll-114d:22:ia; X-15,3a; Church in ll~117a PORTRAITS OF THE APOS- TLES XII ."lid PORT-ROYAL, al.luv Xn-29.5c; .\V .•jli.d; .\Ieie \i,ireli<iue I- 744b: Ariiauld lan.ilv I-742a; Arnauld d'Audillv. Robert I- 745b; Arnauld the Great I- 744a; Bri.sacier, Jean de II- 7S9b; CleineTuet IV-12b; Dav


XI-«10a: pi


fraternity of Xll~t21d; and Santa Catharina Xni-4,i6b; and Santa Maria XIII-4,3Sa; and Uruguana XV-233b


—AND SANTA RUFINA, DIO- CESE OF XII-29l)a; III-l,siic; map Vlll-facing 244; union XIV-324b

Portocarrero, Cardinal, and Jae- quier VIII-267a

— Pedro, and Santiago University Xm-460c

Portoano,town, battle (1431) VI- 42nb; X-3l)0a; XV-338a

PORT OF SPAIN, ARCHDIO- CESE OF .\n--291a; Arch- bishop's house. Trinidad (ill.) XII-'291c; map IV-facing 560; and Roseau XIII-191b

Portogallo, Lorenzo da, mission- ary II-633b

Portogniaro, Episcopal residence IV-206d

Portoli, Caspar de, explorer III- 180b; XIII-439d; and .Serra Xin-730d

Portolanos, marine maps IV-lOb

Portoles, at Saragossa University Xlll-470b

Porto Longone, town V-371c; siege of D'Argnnson I~702c

Portoncino, Cortile del, in V.ati- can XV-27.Sa

Portone di Bronzo, in Vatican XV-277b

Porto Novo, kingdom, ecclesiasti- cal arrangement 11 4,80b

— Pisano .Xll-Ufld

—RICO XII-291d; Church and State XII -293a; self-govern- ment XV-178d

— Church: religious freedom in XIV-77Ia; statistics XIV- 280c; 281a; XV-177a


presMon ot l-y.'.a; .\ n - tlod; St. Vincent de Paul XV-437a; Port Roval. logic IX-324b

— Roya',towii. Can:,. la ni-23Id; V1I-117(1, ,', -In,. ,,1 n ,-,42a; XV-l.-i-^L I ■ ' III L'iilid;

Fort ill '■ .- ■■! 1 ciirh colony i (ii.i M. <n\.,TU.n. Indian cliii-t X-172b: .Sir Fran- cis Nicholson at XI-136a; sieges 1-9 1 c

—Royal, town. Florida VI-116C

— Royal des Champs, convent, su|i|.Te--„.n Mil L"nb

Portsmouth,, N. w Hamp- shire, AntrlM-ln.iian (.'t.nference Xll-I13t)a; submarine works VI-156a; treaty (1905) III- 685b; VIII-313c; IX-586C; XIII-236d

—town, Rhode Island XIII-20C

— town, Virginia, na\'>- yard XV- 4S4c

—DIOCESE OF, England, XII-29(Jd; XVI-38a; cathe- dral XII-296d; education XII-296c; Jansenism XII- 296a; 1 i te r a r v influence XII- 296b; patron V-295b; and Westminster XV-592d; 596d

Port Tobacco. .See Potopaco

Portu, Maurice a. .Sec (J'Fihely, Maurice

Portuensis Congregation, for- mation .\ 1-761*

PORTUGAL XII-297b; chari- table institutions XII-307a; era III-739c; Freemasonry in IX-776d; 782d; 786b; and migration X-297c; patron of XI-.566b; socialism XIV-65C

—Church in II-476b; XII-3a5b; 305c; All Souls Day I-316a; II-569b; anti-clericalism VII- 8b; Aviz, Order of II-161d; Benedict XIV II-433C; Bene- dictines II-449b; benefices II- 457c; bishops, auxiliary II- 140a; bishops, election II- 584c; Brotherhood of priests in XII-421a; cardinals ni-337b; 341c; CarmeUtes III-362C; Catholic associations XII- 307b; Charity, Sisters ot III- 606c; Cistercians III-784b; Clement IX IV-28b; Counter- Reformation in IV-443C: Do- minicans XII-.368a; 3C8Cc: 368Fa; inquisition in XII-303b; St, James of Compostela, Order of XIII-.3.33C; Jesuits XIV- 88a; llK)d; Jesuits expelled IV- 32c; XIV-97a; Jesuits, statis- tics XIV-10.3b; I.azarists X- 364d; .Magdalens in IX-.524a; Mission, Congregation of the X-.361d; mona-sterics. suppres- sion of X-J.54d; Mozarabic Rito X-6lla; and papal infallibility XV-30.")b; 306b; papal nun- ciature XI-160d; 161c;inV!it- ican Archives XV -JKKa; 289a; Paschal fejusts XI-51t>d; per- petual adoration in Rome I-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.