Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/722

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Saint Mary Graces, abbey (.Cister- cian) IX-343d

— Mary in Lyskirchen, cliurcli, Cologne IV- U7d

Mary in Probatica, church.

Jerusalem VIII-406C

Mary in the Capitol, church,

Cologne IV-117d

Mary le Bow, church. London

IX-70a; Court of Arches I-

— Mary Magdalen, hospital. Ed- inburgh V-2Si'ib

— Mary Magdalen, chapel, Jeru- salem VII-427b

— Mary Magdalen, hospital. Jeru- salem VII-477a

Mary Magdalen, hospital, l-in-

lithgow. founded VII-4S4C

Mary Magdalen, convent,

Magdeburg l-2()0d

— Mary Magdalen, church. Ox- ford III-35ed; XI-6.5d

— Mary Magdalen, hospital, Rox- burgh, founded VII-484C

Mary Magdalen, church, si- enna, and Ambrose of Siena

Mary Magdalen, church,

Stockholm XIV-297d

—Mary Magdalen, church, \al- ladolid, Spain X-C12d

— Mary Magdalen, hospital, Wex- ford Vll-4s.-,b

Mary Magdalene, church, bait

Lake City XV-240b

— Mary Magdalene, cathedral. Salt Lake City, dedication XV-24lld ^ ,

— Mary Magdalene and St. Lucy, moiiast'TX", Home XI— ISSd

Mary Major, church, Bergamo

II-4U0a , „ ,

— Mary Major, church, Bologna III-375d , , , ^

Mary Major, cathedral, Crema

(ill.) IV-4S1 , ^

Mary Major, church, Lanciano

VIII-774d — Mary Major, convent IMinor Clerks Regular), Naples VI- ZIS'" , , XT- ■ Mary Major, church, Nicosia

XI-71b , „ ,

— Marv Major, church. Home 1- 251a; V-25Sd; VII-670b; IX- 2S7b; 29Ua; XI-638a; XIII- 169d; XVI-8a; altars I-359b; angels (ill.) I^Soc; Annuncia- tion I-J8oc; Antioch, Patriarch of I-569C; Apostolic Blessing II-602a; Bril. Paulus. work of II-7S7b; di Cambio. work of II-669b: canopy V-258c; Ca- nocciatXVI-17d; and cardinals ftl-334a; ceiling I-290b; and St. Charles Borromeo III-620a; Christmas celebration 111- 727d; Clement VIII, tomb of IV-28a; Clement IX, tomb of IV-2SC-, Congolese, tomb of IV -235a; construction III- 693c; Cosmati mosaic IV-405c; cradle IV-489b; -XII-737d; Cradle, Chapel of the XIV- 34b; Fontana. Domenico. work of VI-126d; Golden Rose VI- 630c; (ill.) Xlll-facing 176; Jubilee visit to VIII-533b; and Liberius (ill.) IX-219; and St. Luke IX-422a; and Maderno IX-513c; metal work X-219b; mosaics X-584d; 586b; XI- 396b; Nicholas IV, tomb XI- 58a; Nicholas IV, tomb (ill.) XI-57d; obelisk XIV-34b; Our Lady of the Snow, feast of XI- 361d; papal patriarchium XI- 553c; as papal residence IX- 16b; and Paschal I XI-.)14d; Paul V. tomb of XI-5S2d: penitentiary XIII-14Sa; Piaz- za VI-127a: Pius V. tomb of (ill.) XII-130b; Porta, Gm- como dclla XII-283c; San Gallo, Giuliano da, work of XIII-443d; Scarlatti XIII- 515d; Simplicius, St., relics of XIV-4a; and Sixtus III XI v- 32c- Sixtus V, monument of (ill.) XIV - 33d; an station church XIV-2fi8d; Synod (465) VII - 348d; Torriti, Jacopo, work of XI-398b; transept XV-lSd; Virgin Mary, Feast of II-6d

— Mary Major, church, Tivoli

XIV-747b — Mary Major, church, Tosca-

nella XV-48Sd — Mary Major, church, Vcrcelli

XV-34SC — Mary of Egypt (Armenian),

church. Rome XIII-17.5C — Mary of Grace, monastery.

Seville XV-270b — Mary of Kanobin, cloister. Syria, and Maronite patriarch IX-6S4b — Mary of Luweiza, monastery.

Syria IX-iiS8a — Mary of Piedogrotta, church.

Naples X-<;S3d — Mary of the Angels, church. Bayswater, London Archcon- fraternity XIV-121c; Oblates I-405d — Mary of the Angels, church,

India XIIl-5Slld — Mary of the Angels, chapel, Porziuncola, and St. Francis of Assisi VI-222d; 223c — Mary of the Angels, convent,

Robredillo. Spain XI-771a — Mary of the Angels, monastery,

Toulou.-if- IX-.5:i9d — Mary of the Germans, Jeru- salem XI\' o41c — Mary of the Immaculate Con- ception (Greek), cathedral, Philadelphia VI-74Sa —of the Lake, university, Chi- cago III-tj-j4a — of the Nativity, church (King s

College), Aberdeen II-610a — Mary of the Nativity, church,

Bethlehem n-534c — Mary of the Nativity, church.

Jerusalem XV-464Fa — Mary of the Roses, monastery,

Viterbo XIII-193b — Mary of the Woods, convent, Vincennes, Indiana, Querin, Anne-Th6rSse at VII-59d — Mary Overy, priory, South- wark VI-552c; Gower at VI- 685b; suppression IX-344a — Mary Pantaleon, church, Co- logne IV-U7d — Mary's, t n i\' n , Maryland,

church in II-22Sd — Mary's Assumption, parish.

New Orleans XI-13a — Mary's Hall, Oxford, and Car- dinal Allen I-322a — Mary's Minster, shrine. Wor- cester. England XIII-7Gla — Mary's Spital, founded. Lon- don VII-4s4b — Mary Star of the Sea, church.

Baltimore ll-2:Ub — Mary Star of the Sea, church.

Long Branch XV-37b — Mary'sTope,TrichmopolyXV-

41b —Mary's Well, Nazareth (ill.)

— Mary the Latin, church. Jeru- salem VIII-Sulc; 361c

— Mary the White Virgin, statue. Pamplona XI-438a

— Mary ubi nata est, church. Jerusalem VIII-40flc

— Mary Winton, college. England VII-51Sd . ^

-Mary. i'eeSainte Mane; Santa


Sainr-Mathieu, Petun town VII-

.56Sa; mission VII-.")SOb Saint - Mathieu -de - Tine -

Terre, Maurist monastery X-

71b „ .

Saint-Mathurin, convent, Pans

Vl-34a; XV-4Ga Saint Matthew, church, Berlin


— Matthew, college, Llaniltyd,

Wales XV-586a — Matthew, church, Palermo XI-

419c — Matthew, cathedral, Salerno

VIlI-221d; Gregory VII, tomb

of VI -79.5a — Matthew, church, Washington,

ni.strict of Columbia III-579c;

XV-5->9b — Matthew, Guild of XIV-67d — Matthias, church, Budapest

(ill.) VII-.-wO — Matthias, Petun town

VII-.575d; X-379c:

aries VII-580b; site VII-568a

— Matthias, abbey. Trier XV-

42d; Arnold of Corbie at I-

747b; chronicle V-594d ; schools


— Maul, church, Thomplamaul

III-2.Wa Saint-Maur, abbey. Angers I-489C Saint-Maur, France, pilgrimage

XI-48Sd Saint-Maur, France, school V

134b Saint-Maur, Congregation of.

See Maurists Saint-Maur, Dupre de, Madame,

and Diderot \ Saint-Maur and Providence, La- dies of VlII-Mb; XI-49lla; XII-507d; in Japan VIII-30Sb Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, chfiteau. Paris XI-321b; De L'Orme, Philibert, work of lV-701a Saint-Maur des Fosses, monas- terv, Paris XI-212c; Guido of Arezzo VII-Goa Saint Maurice, abbey, Agaunum

(ill.) I-205d — Maurice, cathedral. Angers I-

489c — Maurice, church and college,

Augsburg II-74b — Maurice, oratory, Auxerre V 1- 473b , , ,

— Maurice, abbey, Bakonybel

IX-734d — Maurice, church, Cologne IV-


Saint-Maurice, commune, France,

Blessed Sacrament, Society of

the XlV-Ula

Saint Maurice, abbey, Martigny

XIV-14d; and Sion, See of

XlV-l.ia ^ . .

— Maurice, church, Milan. Luim,

Bernardino IX-420b — Maurice (en-Valais) (Agau- num), Abbev, Switzerland I- 205a; X-75b; XIV-362b; and Bethlehem II-533b; Propa- ganda XII-457b; status XIV- 364d; votive-crowns X-220d — Maurice, church, Vienne, rood- altar XIII-182b — Maurice, church, ZohngenVll-

214b — Maurice, Mother Mane, Pres- entation of Mary, Congrega- tion of XII-400a — Maurice, Order of II-337d; VI-31d; XII-77b; and Mari- mond Alihev X-570a — Maurin, Maurist monastery,

Age.-i X-71C , .

Saint -Maur-sur- Loire, Maurist

monastcrv. .\iigers X-71b Saint Majtimin, church, Brig-

nolis, France XII-368a

— Maximin, abbey. Trier XIII-

2.54b; education XIII-557a;

founded IX-363a; X-77c; St.

Poppo at XII-275a; Regino of

Pram, tomb of XII-719d; St.

Wolfgang XV-682d; XI-53C

— Maximinus. See St. Maximin

— Maximus, oratory, Aix IX-

7()2a — Mayeul, church, Pavia VIII- 3-t4a „ V • J

— M4dard, abbev. Cambria, and

St. Gerv VI-.537d Saint-Medard, church. Cambna

Vl-.537d ,

Saint-Medard, cemetery. Pans, lanscnist miracles VIII-292b Saint-Medard, church, Paris XI-

4Slia; XIV-624b Saint-Medard, church, Soissons. and Vaulticr. Coronation of Kin-s hv Xlll-717b Saint - Medard -de-Soissons, Maurist monastery VII-354b; VIII-772a; IX-473a; X-71b; 116a; XIV-131C; Abelard at I-37c; Perpetual Psalmody at l-2n6a Saint-Meen, France, Lazarist

iiiisHion X-3.59a Saint-M6en, France, Lazarist

Soniinarv .\-,361b Saint-Meen, abbey. Rennes. foundation XII-771c; paro- chial service XII-773a Saint Meinrad, abbey. Eisicdeln.

Switzerland X-643b — Meinrad, abbey, Indiana II- 4.52c; VI-4.S2a; VII-743d; X- 630d; institutions II-460C

— Meinrad, seminary, Indiana

XIII-698d; 701a — Mel, cathedral, Longford (ill.)

VIII-99 — Mel, college, Longford XIII-

578a; 70(ia Saint Melaine, abbey, Rennes

VI-469d; X-71b; parochial

service XII-773a Saint Memmius, abbey, Chfilons-

sur-.Marne Ill-5li6b; and St.

Ansegisus I-54.5C Saint Mennas, monastery, Con- stantinople I-105C — Mercurius, monastery, Egypt

XV1-29C Saint-Merry, church, Paris XI-

4S5d Saint-Mesmin, monastery, Or- leans VIII-499b Saint Michael, mission, Alaska

I-250a: 250c — Michael, church, Anoneburg

II-657C — Michael, abbey, Antwerp. I-

589dl; Tongerloo, colonizes XIVt776a — Michael, church, Antwerp VII-

492d — Michael, mission, Arizona II-

.599d — Michael, church, Baltimore

II-232C — Michael, church, Bamberg II-

245d — Michael, church, Bangor,

Maine IX-.547C — Michael, mission, Basutoland

II-340b . ,

—Michael, abbey, Beauvais I-

545b — Michael, priory of. Belmont,

England II-447d —Michael, pro-cathedral, Bel- mont, England Xl-lSb — Michael, church, Berlm II-

494d — Michael, church, Buffalo III-

39b — Michael, church, Carondelet

III-655C — Michael, monastery, Cattaro

X-529d — Michael, church, Constanti- nople VII-64Sa —Michael, monasterj', Egypt XVI-2Sa; 79b; library XVI- 2Sc — Michael, church, Fribourg VI- 26.5c; Canisius, portrait of XI- 761d; Canisius, relics of XI- 761d; Canisius, tomb of XI- 759b ^ . ,

— Michael, monastery, Frlgolet.

See Frigolet — Michael, church, Fulda VI-

315b — Michael, chapel. Gandougarae,

Can.ada XIII-714C — Michael, church. Ghent VI- .'>14b; architecture VI-677b; Crown of Thorns, reUc of IV- 541b — Michael, home. Green Ridge,

Statcn Island Xn-39Sa — Michael (Little) (St. .■\nsgar).

chapel. Hamburg VII-122b — Michael, monastery. Heidel- berg II-194b . — Michael, church. Hildesheim II-.513d; VII-3,53b; reliefs II- 343b; XIII 431d —Michael, orphan asylum, Hope- well. N'civ .I.rspv XV-37b

Michael, calli.d'ral. Karlsburg

IX-735d; (ill.) XV-2:.'d —Michael, mission. Keshena.

Wisconsin X-193C — Michael, church. Kielce VIII-

631>C — Michael, monastery, Lcnzen,

Germany V 1-681 c — Michael, church. Loretto, Penn- sylvania (ill.) VI-368a. — Michael, abbey, Lorraine, and Pope Sixtus I, relic of XI\- 3Ic — Michael, chapel, Lorsch (ill.) IX -36,5b

-Michael, c o n v e n t (Sacred Heart). Louisiana VII-134C -Michael, church, Louisiana Xl-I4a

-Michael, church, Louiaville IX-388d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) — illustrations.