Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/731

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Salatliiel, in genealogy- of Christ Vl-41Ub; 410d; 411c

Salaverry, Carlos Augusto, Peru- vian writer XIV-204b

Salazar, Cervantes, at University of Mexico X-259d

DOMINGO DE, Bishop of the

Philippines XIII-395b; IX- 597d; and PauUstas VII-46C; in Philippines XII-12c; and SAnehez Xin^26c

— Francisco Soto, Bishop of be- gorbe XIII-6S4b

— Gomez, Bishop of bigiienza XIII-TSSb

— Jose Maria, writer XIV-20oc

— Juan Climaco, writer XIV- 2IX)d , „.

Salbeck, Karl, Bishop of Zips XV-7G1C .

Salcedo, Felipe de, Phihppine expedition XV-323b

—Fernando, death VI-298b

—Juan Ill-lTlb; in the Philip- pin.^a Xll-l-'b

— Juan M. de, Spanish comnus- sioncr IX-382a

— Miguel de, Setebo missionary XIII-738d

Salchah. See Salecha

Salconetto, architect X-Sllc

Salcot, Bishop of Salisburg. See Capon. John

Saldamando, Tones, on Diego Altamirano I-345d

Saldanha, Portuguese pioneer, Mozambique X-610C

— Francesco, cardinal, and Bene- dict XIV II-i35a; and Jesuits XIV-97b; and Pombal XII- 224d; in Portugal XII-304b

— Jos6, Bishop of Oporto XI-

— Manuel de. Bishop of Vizeu

XV-J97b , . „ ,

— Oliveira e Daun, Joao Carlos

de, Duke of X-610c Saldona, Jose, missionary XI\-

r>47a Salduba (Saragossa) XIII-46Sb Sale, chronology- III-732d — in genealogy of Christ VI-

4I0c SALE, DIOCESE OF, Austraha

XIlI-39.'id Salebim (Bib.) VI-444C Salecha (Bib.) VI-444C Saleeby, Caleb William, scientist.

on eugenics XV1-39C-. .39d SALEM SALMANSWEILER)

ABBEY Xlll-3f)'ia; 11 2(ll)a:

W.Mlrna.ier at XV-.-.7sb:

monks :it Wcttingcn XV-i;(17b — (ierusaleml I-.54a: VH44C;

Vlll-314b, .5i)lb; X-156d — (Salimi VI-444C — deit>- l-.54a: in Tel-el-Amama

tablets I-54a — Massachusetts X-24d; XV-

1.57a; Baptist Church II-279d;

early migration X-293C —Oregon XI-290b —Heights, battle XI-19a Salentina, Schola, Dijsseldorf

VIII-(i2.Sc Salentini, tribe Xni-390c Salentin of Isenburg,

of Col.)Kne IV-USd Sale of offices, of Cuna XIII-

I49d — of Spiritual Goods. See Simony Salepb, river. .\sia Minor, and VI-254d Salepusi, Salvatore, Archbishop

.,f Sa-f.iari XIII-»85b Salerio, and Ramazzotti III-

l'.7i-.b Salerno, castle, and Gregory VII

Vl-79.-.a: (ill.) XIII-397b — territf)rv. Robert of .\puha X-

f>8.ib: William I I-I.5,Sa —DIOCESE OF XIII-396b; Ca-

pacio and Vallo III-.307d; and

DianoIV-773b: Heartof Mary.

Feast of the Most Pure X-

600b; Oregon- VII at VII-73d;

map Vlll-facing 244; Marsico

Nuovo and Potenza IX-719a;

monaater\' XV-G40a; Nusco

XI-I71b; primate XII-424b — Giovanni Battista, cardinal

XlV-l40d: conversion of Fred- erick Augustus of Saxony XIV-

90c — Giovanni da, Augustinian

VII 1-24 Sb

— John de, cardinal, and Scottish

bishops II-372d — Pietro, at Palermo University

XI-421a — Walter de. Archbishop of Tuam

XV-S2a -UNIVERSITY OF Xni-39Sa; medical school I-458c; IV- 295d; X-126a; XII-418d Sales, Edmund. See Neville,

Edmund — Francis de. Saint. See Francis de Sales. Saint

—Juan de, at Oklahoma XI-231C

— Louis de, count, Bulfier on III- 40b

— Mary de. .See Mary de Sales Chappuis

Salesian Bulletin, periodical XIII-399a

— Sisters. See Visitation Order

—SOCIETY XIII-398C; Apos- tolic schools XIII-586d; 587b; Bosco II-689d; Christians, Our Lady Help of. devotion to XI- 361b; in Jamaica VIII-273b; at Jerusalem VIII-370a; mis- sions X-375b; Panama XI- 439d: in Patagonia XI~540c; 540d; and Maronite Sisters IX-684d; S. Cuore al Castro Pretorio, church XIII-I71b; United States, and Italians VIII-205b; Venezuela XV- 33 Id

Salesians of Annecy. See Mis- .vionarie.'^ of St. Francis de Salt's of Annecy

Salesianum, .Milwaukee. .See St. Franci.o Spminar\-, Milwaukee

Salez, Jean, niart-r XV-4<14c

SALFORD, DIOCESE OF XIII- 399c;XVI-3Sa: cathedral, work of Pugin Xn-5o9d: Irish pop- ulation VIII-153b; training school IV-343d; Vaughan, Her- bert XV-313a

— Hall, Benedictines at XIV- 244d

Salgue, Gilette de VI-115a

Salhausen, John VI of. Bishop of Meissen X-14(lb

Salhorgne, Dominic, and Lazar- islsX 3ii3a

Salias -de - Toumemir, writer XIII-273d

Saliba Zacha, Nestorian patri- arch XIV-682d

Saliceti, Bartol, University of Padua XI-.387b

Saliceto, GuUielmo da X-I27d; tomb, Piaccnza XII-70a

Salic Law VI-239b: IX-20,8a; 208b; (ill.) IX-208; basilica-, decree on III-506a; Clovis IV- 72a; Cortes V-132b; Italy VIII-2.34C; Spain XIV-185C

Salicus, musical term X~768d

Salier, Jacobus, theologian X- 32fia

Salieri, Antonio, and Liszt IX- 2S.->c; and Schubert XIII-.591d

Saligny, de, diplomatist. Texas XIV-.M8d

Salih, and Phemion I-r,71a

— I.roph.t. and Si. Paul I-067a

" imi 1\ I'.lvd


SALIMBENE DEGLI ADAMI (OGNIBENE). chronicler XIII-4(IOd; VIII-247b; on Apostolici I-647C; X-lS.3d: on Bacon. Roger .\III-llld; and Cellini III-4X9d; on Eter- nal Gospel VIII-407C; on Fran- ciscans VI-211C; on Hugh of Digne VII-.518d

Salimbeni, Arcangelo, painting. Genoa VI— 420d; Sarzana cathe- dral IX-436b; Vanni, Frances- co XV-272d

Salinan Indians VII-7.')4b; mis- si.. ns X-:i72b

Salinas, brittle of I-327b

Salinator, Fuscus, and Hadrian VII lllld

— M. Livius, Forll VI-137a

Salinguerra family, in Ferrara Vl-4fid

— Louis-Antoine de. Bishop of Amiens, with Gerbet VI-470d: and Lamennaia VIII-764a; and Seorbiae X-99a

Salins, town. France XIII-342C

Salis, Rudolph de, conversion VI-C9d

SALISBURY, ANCIENT, DIO- CESE OF, England XIII- 4(lla: l-.-)llsc; bov bishop II- 7.':,c, .Mii„.ir;,l III-057d; -Mil iMib, .ahedral (ill.) \l 1 II iriv i.sii; Xlll-facing 4IIII, r, ,,,„., ,;,t„,n crosses IV- a34c; llabclluni Vl-.s9b; St. Osmund, tomb of XI-340b; XIII-7S2a; Pange Lingua XI- 443a; Paschal candlestick XI- SKJb; plan of VI-674a; Primer XII-42."ja; schola cantorum XIII-.H7d

—Frances VIII-162a

— John of. .See John of Salisbury

— Margaret of. See Margaret Pole. Blessed

— Robert Cecil, first Earl of, and Barclav II-291C; and Garnet XIII-().53b; on Gunpowder Plot VII-S3a

—Thomas. See Plowden, Thomas

—Oath VI -62a

— Plain, England, druid stones (ill.) V-163b



, Rite

Salish Indians VI-i)7c; hiiicuacc. Mangarini X-ls',tb; iiussion II- 792d; Tot.iiiisu] Xl\" 7'j:ib

Salishan Indians VII -7.. lb; XV-


Salizanes, Ildefonso, and Friars .Minor \1-2M.C

Salkhad (Salecha) VI-444c

Salla, Johann, and Sl..Iolin Hap- .1.- la Salle \'III-441a

Sallaz, priest, in Congo mi.ssion XV-ll.-iC

Salle, Bernardon de la, and Avig- n..n cardinals XIII-539d

— John Baptist de la. See John Baptist de la Salle

—Louis de la VIII-)44a

— Rene-Robert-Cavelier. See La Salle

Sallem, .son ol Ncphtali X-749d

Salleneuve, Jean-Baptiste-Fran- 50is de, and Hurons \II-.-,,s2b

Salles, Campos, President of Brazil II-749d

Salley, Miles, Bishop of Llandafl: IX-31Bb

Sailing, John, in Kentucky VIII- 622c

Sallow Sunday (Palm Sunday) XI^32c

Sallust, Prefect of Rome, on Severus Sanctus Endelechus XIII-743C; XV-255C

— Caius Sallustius Crispus, and Adam of Bremen I-133c; medi- eval study of IX-33c; on the TuIIianum IX-579d

Sallustino, Bishop of Amelia I- 406d

Sallustius, Bishop of Jerusalem VIII-.3.-i9b; XIII-286d; death V-3S.-)b

— of Seville XIII-744C

Salluvii, tribe XIII-406a

Salm, Countship of IX-364c

— Prince of, in Westphalia XV- l)()4c

— princess, and Hensel VII-241a

Salmana, and Gedeon VI-40,3a

Salmanasar, in Book of Tobias XIV-7.-)3a

—I, King of A.ssvria II-llc; XIII-7()Sb; at Calah ll-7d

— n. King of As.svria ll-T-'d; VII-3()7l>; Vlll-i«9b; XUl- 70Sc; and Arabs I-tlll.W; and Benedad VIII-654d; at Medes X-117d; obelisk II-12d; in Phoenicia Xll^ld

— in, King of Assyria II-13a

—IV, King of Assyria II-13c; 1.3d; VII-307C; VIlI-199d; in Israel III-315d; VIlI-6.5.5b; XIII~41(ib; and Jews, trans- portation; and f)sce VIIl-lMla; in Phcenicia XII- 4 Id; in Tvre XV-IlOc

Salmann, Hishoi) of W'orms XV-


Salman of Sawa, poet XI-720c Salmansweiler. .See Salem Sahnant., ahbr. I-2.'id SALMANTICENSES AND COM-

PLUTENSES. tl,.oI,,gians

XIII-40Id; l-.-i.JSd; lll-3li7a;

VI-232C; XII-442b; XIV-702d SALMAS, Chaldean sec XIII-

402c; 85d


Salmasius, Claudius, on interest

XV-23iib Salmeron, President of the Spanish Hc|iul)lic XI\-l,sr,a

— ALPHONSUS, Hil,l,.;il Ml,.,lar XIII-4ll2d; Xll-.i.Vlc; XIV- 87d; Biblical writings IV-ltJOc; VIII-80b; and St. Ignatius Loyola Vn-641a; X1V-84C; at Ingolstadt VIII-8b; inten- tion, sacramental VIII-e9d; in Ireland VII-643a; XlV-92d; and Lainez VHI-747b; 747d; on St. Michael the Archangel X-276b: on parable of Unjust Steward XI-467a; on parable of Sower XI-463b; portrait XIII-403a; on Psalms, author- ship XII-537C; and Thomism XIV-702d; at Trent VIII- 74 7c; XV-33d; 34d

— Geronimo, and Pueblo Indians XII-555d

— Juan de, in Mexican Audiencia X-264d; and Motolinia X- (i02a; in Puebla, Mexico XIV- 74Sc

— N., iihilosopher XIV-201C; and Kran.sist School XII-33a

Salmier, Josse, painter VII- 294c

Salmon, in genealog>' of Christ Vi-41(lb; 410c

—in I.itnrgv IX-309b

—river, Idaho VII-fi28a

—Anthony, mi.ssionan in Ken- tucky VIII i;24a; 1X-386C

— George IV-llilb: l(>2d; VII- 379b; 793a; on Biblical intro- duction VIII-NId; ..n Divine Sonship of Cliii-t M\ M4a

—John, writings l.\ L",id; .M- 122b; and MacCarthv XVI- 57c

—Patrick, martyr V-476b; VIII- 459a

— Thomas, and Locke, Matthew 1X-321C

Sahnona (Bib.) VI-444C

Salmon Dance, Indian VII- 7.03d

Salmone (Bib.) VI-444C

Salmon Falls, New Hampshire, and Frontenac Vl-31(lc

Sahn Reifferscheid, Franz Ernst, Count of. Bishop of Tournai XIV-79Sd

Sahn-Sahn. of Prague, and Bol- zano Il-644a

— Wilhehn Florentine, Prince- Bishop of Tournai XIV-798d

Sahnydessos, Medea X-ll(lb

Salnave, Sylvestre, and Geffrard VII-114d

Salocon of Aleth, bishop, exile XII-772d

Saloff, author XIII-273b

Salomas, legendary husband of St. Anne I-538d

SALOME, daughter of Herodias XIII-403d; VII-291a; 292a; VIII-490b

— in art: Beardsley II-364a; Filippo Lippi IX-279b; Luini (ill.) IX-420; Masolino da Penicale IX-770C

—in apocrypha V-41.3C; VIII- 505a

— widow of Alexander Janneeus. S.T Alexanilria

SALOME. loot hiT of JamesXIII- 4l(:id; \III-279b; 492a IX- 74sd; ill (_;reek Mcnsea I- 53sd; at the Resurrection XII- 791)b

— Blessed, of Sandomir XIII- 431 id

— Antonio, .Archbishop of Salerno XIII ii'.isa

Salomea, Saint, church dedicated to. liiited Slates XI-.5H.5b

Salomon, Saint, martyr XV-272a

—King of Britlanv XII-772C

—Bishop of Constance II- 194c; X-fi3Ib; and Otfried of Weis- senburg Xl-3.'iOb

— Bishoi) of Zamora XV-748b

— ben Gabirol. Sir .\vicebron

— ben Judah aben Gebirol. See Avicebron

— F. S. C, martyred, French Revolution Vlll-.'JSb

Salon, French institution VI- 19.5b

— Joannes, Calendar reform IX- 249b; 251a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.