Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/733

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Samaniego, Felix Maria de,

writiT XI\ -2l)0c — Jose Ximenes, anJ Kriars

Minor VI-2Siic Samar, Island Xll-lOd; college

III~171c Samaia, city. Russia _X-592d;

government XIII-23(a Samarai, New Guinea X-7S4c Samaraim (Bib.) VI-144C SAMAR AND LEYTE, provinres, Philippine Islands XllUlod SAMARIA XIII -416a: \ III- 19Sd; III-3l.5d; IX-o84b; X\- 4(i4Ca: Ass\ri:in conquest of \"II1 IMia; Hiial worship II- ITi'ic H:iS\ Intiirin colonists II- IMIa: liuih \ll-289d; chron- idc Xlll 41'.ic; deportation to Il-l^ld: r.pistl.-s Xin-!20b; fall of; III-315d; 7:i5b; VIIl-19!id; XII-22a; and Sar- Kon I-779C; and Jeroboam II I— 435c; literature, exegetical and theoloKical XIII-ll9a; pool of. and Achah's chariot I-lOlc: Sibvl XIII-770a; tem- ple of Baal II-175d Samarin, Russian philosopher

xni-27oa Samarinda, mission Il-tiSib Samarino, Francesco, edition of


LITERATURE XIII -417a — Pentateuch, textual criticism IV-502b; XI-6o5c; XIII-417d; XV-370a , ,

Samaritans XIII-417a; alpha- bet XIV-529d; in Clemen- tines lV-40b: doctrine. Epi- phanius on XIII-394a; 394b; Uositheans V-136d; eschato- logical teaching VIII-5.J0b; inscriptions XIII-711b; and Israelite marriage \-39b; and Jews III-318d; Justinian, laws of Vni-.i79d; origin; .i70c; of .Sichem XIII-771d; re- construction. Temple of Jeru- salem XIV-.502a; Temple, .'icc- ond I-211la; in Turkish Empire XV-UlOa ami Xerxes I 117.5c Samaritan Version, antediluvians I-.5.52a- chronolog>- III-7.32C; Marian prophecy XV-464Ba; MS. IX-627d; Old Testament XIV-530a Samaritan Woman, in early art V-592a; Feast of. in Mozarabie Rite X-613a; among Orientals XI-517a Samarite, tribe III-570C Samarkand, Russian Turkestan XVJJIid; capture of IX-lil.ib; Marco Polo XII-21Sb Samarra, in Mexican inquisition

X-2C3d Samassa, Joseph, Archbishop 01 \cria VII-.5i;2a; aa Bishop of Zips XV-7C.1C Samassi, river, Sardinia XIII-

473c Samas-sum-ukin rebellion 111-

474c Samastro. .SVc Amastris Sama-Veda II-7:iOb; XV-319b Samba, missionary station, Ga- boon \I-329d Sambatus, in Ephesus legend V-

4973 Samberger, Leo, portrait of

Canisms XI-761d Sambook, Leo, Prefect Apostolic

of Putumayo XVI-e9a Sambor, Diocese of. See Przemysl,

Sambor. and Sanok Sambriani, missionary VIII-633C Sambuca, Marquis della, and

Hedeniptorists I 337d Sambuceto, Santa da, at Pia-

ecnza cathedral XII -i;9d Sambucina Abbey, Italy. Joachim

of Flora \ Ill-llfid

Sambucy de St-Esteve, Abb*; de. Congregation of Notre-Dame VlU-.iliOc SAMBUGA, JOSEPH ANTON.

thcoloijian XIII-42()c Same Lapps) VIII-797b Samech, in Hebrew alphabet VII-17r,c: in Bible VII-17.5C; in Old Testament XIV-.529b Samelads (Lapland) \lll-797b Samer, Maurist monaster}'. Bou- logne X-71a

Samerie, Henri XIV-S9d Samians, in Gaeta VI-333C Saminchi, Indian god XII-109d Samir, origin of name X-678a —Biblical VI-J44C Samland, Poland XII-181d;

Lithuanians XII-182a — Diocese of III-705C; and Erm-

land V-523a Samma. .'>'» Esaan Sammarthani, and Sainte-Marthe

hroth.'rs \ I-351a Sammlung von Beispielen, peri- odical \ll-2i)2a Sammter, in Mishna XIV-437d Sanunuraninat, Queen of .Assyria

II-13a Samnama, in Persian literature

XI-72Ua Samnites VIII-224b; in Capua 1I1-319C; in Naples X-6S4d; wars X-li.S4d; XIII-166C Samo, C'/ch ruler Il-filSb: \TIl-tiii7b; X-.5iilc. XIV-i:!d SAMOA 1 NAVIGATORS' ISL- ANDS! .\1II-I21a; Chur.l, m XI-2l)(lc; partition. G.-r.iiany VI-514d; statistics XV-17.a; United States acquires X\ - 16Bd; vicariate Apostolic, sta- tistics XV-177C Samobogi, Russian sect XII-CiOc SAMOGITLA, DIOCESE OF, Itussia XIII-421b; 2.59d; map Xlll-facing 264; see estab- lished XIII-2.'.7b: and Gneseu Vl-.5!l(ld; aii.l MolulcIT X-429a Samone, Amadeo Bruno di. Bish- op of Cuneo IV-o|-.9b . SAMOS XIII-421d; Church in III-^689d; government XV- 100a; history I-790d; monas- teries II-323C; 44,Sd; restored II-449b; population I-789d SAMOSATA Xin-J22a: XIV-


Samothracia (Bib.) VI-444c;

temple for mysteries at XI\-


Samoyedes, tribe XII-626d;

branches XII-62fia; religion

V-6USd . ^.,,.

Samper, Jose Maria, writer XI \ -

205d Sampietrini XIII-373d Sampietrino, coin X-335d Samp5, Peter. See Peter Sanipo Sampsace, identity VIII-771a Sampsgens, and the book of El-

chasai \--372b Sampsame, identity VIII-771a Sampson, Saint, Bishop of Dol.

— 'Bishop"S"York XV-73.3b —Francis, Scotist XIll-li!2c —RICHARD, Bishop of Chiclie.-,- ter X11I-422C; III-6.5Sa; IX- 233a — William, lawyer, and Kohlman

Vlll-142d — William Thomas, rear admiral

XV-17SC Sam-Sa Island, China Ill-Bli3d Samsara, doctrine of, in Ipani-

shads XIV-B2(ic Samsat, and ruins of Samosata

Xlll-422b Samso, island. Denmark IV-

722d; ( hurehin XVI-la Samson, name X-677a SAMSON, in Bible XIII^23a — in art: Bologna. Giovanni da 11-64 Ic; Carracci, Lodo\'ieo III-376a; Guido. Reni (ill.) Xll-faeing 768; von Womdle XV-709C — St. Augtistine on I-617c; and Dalila IV-60.5a; in Gaza VI- 400a; Lobstein on XV-451a; as Nazarite I-771d; X-727b; and Philistines XIII-423b; Philo- JudffiUsonXII-2.3d —abbot, writer XIV-179a —SAINT, Bishop of Dol. Brit- tany XIII-422d; XIl-771d; 772a; XIV-474a: XV-.583c: .586a; .5S6d; in Brittany XII- C12c; XV-.584b: Dol, monas- tery of XII-772a; founds hos- pital VII-48Id; and Gildas VI- .5.5Sa SAMSON, Abbot of St. Edmunds XIlI-42.3d; IIl-85d; VIII- 418c; Passion, devotion to XI- 529c — Bishop of Worcester XV-704a

Samsoon Kalessi, ruins of Priene

XII-405d Samsu-iluna, King of Babylonia

II-181d Samsun (Amisus) I-790b; and

Lanipsacus (Bib.) VI-441C Samsu-titana, King of Babylonia


XIII-424a Samuel (Bib.) vni-197a; Amale- cites I-378d; Anna, vow of I- 530c; St. Anne I-538c; at Bethel II-532d; and Book of Judges VIII-54Sb; Constanti- nople, relics at I-553d; and David IV-642C; on despotism V-247C; evocation of soul of X-736b; and Heli VII-204C; history of VIII-ti47d; and Is- raelite monarchy XIV-568c; in Jewish division of the Scrip- tures III-267d: Lobstein on XV-4.=ila; as Nazarite l-771d; X-727b; obcdien.e Xlll-Slob; pr..pliic X XII-474d; 47Sa; and ■Saul XIll-487a; 4,s7b —Dominican, in Poland XII-

190d — martyr, and St. Daniel IV-

627b — tsar, inscription XI-40.5d —Bishop of Chona- IV-131b —Bishop of Gravina \I-733c —Bishop of Iria IV-18SC — First and Second Books of. See Kings. First and Second Books of — ben Jacob, manuscript of Bible

IX-627d — ben Me'ir, on Babylonian

Talmud XIV-438C — of Kalomon, life of, Coptic

manuscript XVl-29b Samuhat, in Gilgamesh, epos of

II-lS,Sc Samurai VI 1 1-31 2b; Code of

VIII-306a San. See names following Saint,

Santa. .Sao — (Tanis) XIV-144a San, tribe I-182b Sanaa, Arabia, church I-672c;

Mohammed at I-n73b Sanaba, chief I-.592b Sanaballat, the Horonite X-738b Sanabtj, Diocese of \-3.5."»d San Adriano al Foro, rhurfh.


Sanads.'in India \TI-7:i6d San Agostino. See St. Augustine — Agustin. See St. Augustine Sana'!, poet XI-720C San Alberto, Jose Antonio de. Bishop of La Plata VIII-799b —Alberto. .See Saint Albert — Alessandro. See Saint .^icx-

— AJessio sulP Aventino, church,

liome. See St. Alexis — Alfano, Archbisliop of Salerno

XIII-397d — Alfonso, church, Rome. See

St. Alphonsas — Arobrogio, Scuola di, Milan.

.S.f St. Ambrose. School of — Ambrogio Maggiore, Milan.

.Sf, .Saint Ambrose. Church of — Ambrosio. S^r Saint Ambrose Sanan VI -444c San Andres, mission, Mexjeo

XIV-13a —Andres, church. Seville XIII-

746a — Andres de Armentia, church.

Vittoria. .Spain XV-489d — Ansano, church. Spoleto XIV-

232d — Anton Abad, church. Madrid

\T-fiS7b — Antonio, convent, Milan XII-

72c — Antonio, abbey, Montalcmo

X-513b — Antonio, church. Palermo XI-

419c — Antonio, church. Parma XI-

SOSb -,,,

— Antonio, ehureh. Piacenia XII-

69d: facade V-746d — Antonio, ho.ipital, Home XIII-

165d — Antonio, church (Portuguese

national). Rome XIII-164d;

17.5c; 177a; Aspilcueta. tomb

of I-793b

— Antonio, college, SigUenza

XIII-788C — Antonio, town, Texas, colon- ized XIV-547d — Antonio, mission, Uruguay VII-

4Bc —ANTONIO, DIOCESE OF XIIH24C; cathedral XIV- .54Sa: charitable institutions XII-248a; early mission XI- 403a; erected XIV-.549C; Our Lady of Charity, convent of XII-712C; Polish population (1907) XII-211b; seminaries XIII-69Sd; 701a; 701c; statis- tics XV-176d — Antonio, Pedro d'Alcantara di, Vh-ar Apostolic of Thibet VII- 592d —Antonio Abad, university, Peru

XV-201d — Antonio Abbate, church, Rome

X-.58.5d —Antonio Abbate, church. Udine

XV-llSc — Antonio de Bexar, mission.

Texas XIV-.547b — Antonio de la Florida, church. Madrid IX-51Sb; frescoes VI- 6S7a — Antonio de los Portugueses,

Madrid III-37Sa —Antonio de Padua, mission. California III-1^2d; X-.i.Db; (ill.) Ill-facing 1S2; an.lS.^rra XIII-730d; and Sitjar XI\- .30d ^ ,.

— Antonio de Pala, mission, Cali- fornia X-370a . , — Antonio de Valero, mission, Texas X-389d; XI-J03a; XIII- 424d; XIV-547b; 547d — Anton y Munson. See Chimal-

pain — Apollinare-in-Classe, church. Ravenna XII l.iiiid; (ill.) XII- f.aeini; Wi'.'-h X-,5S6c — ApoUinare Nuovo, church. Ra- venna XII-B03b; Byzantine paintings XI-390c; episcopal throne XIV-709d; lectern IX- 110b; mosaics ll-59a; III- 473a: X-586C -ApoUinare. See Saint Apol-

Sanas Chormaic, glossaiT IV- 373b

Sanatio in radice, matrimomal ilispensation XV-256d

Sanballat. See .Sanaballat

San Bartolome, college, Sala- manca I-271b; XIII-392a; 393b

— Bartolome, Hopi mission, Shongopovi MI-4(i9b

— Bartolome, conciliar seminary. Sigiienza X1II-7.HSC

— Bartolome, monastery, Ttiy XV- 105c

— Bartolome de Lupiana, monas- tery. Spain VII-34.5a

—Bartolome. .See St. Bartholo-

— Bartolomeo, abbey, Carpineto XI-B3Sd

— Bartolomeo. Sec St. Bartholo-

— Bartolomeo all' Isola, church,

Rome XI-5B3a — Bassiano, church, Lodi IX-

322d —Basso, church, Venice II-303d — Benedetto, castle. Monrealc

X-508b —Benedetto d' Ullano, abbey


— Benedetto in Piscinula, church, RomeXni-174b

— Benedetto in Piscinula, mon- astery, Rome III-145d

—Benedetto. See St. Benedict. San Benito; Saint Bcnolt

—Benito, in Mexican Inquisition

—Benito el Real, church. Valla- dolidII-516c

— Bento, monastery, Lisbon lA-

— Bernardino, church, Siena XV-

701a; oratory XIII-779d — Bernardino, church, Urbino

XV-221C — Bernardino, church, Verona

XV-360C — Bernardino, convent, Viterbo


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c. d, quarter of page.