Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/754

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the "Shorter Cathechism" XIII-628a: Solemn League and Covenant XIII-618d; Solway Moaa. battle XIII-618b; sta- tistics, Anglican I-499b ; Strath- clyde, Kingdom of XIII-614a; Stuart, Charles Edward XIII- 621d; Tractarian Movement XIII-621C; Unitarian Congre- gation XV- 155c; universities XIII -630d; witchcraft XII- 567d; XV-677a

Scotland, Literature XIII-622d; Anglicization XIII-626b; bal- lads, anti-Catholic XIII-625d; Barbour, John II-288a; XIII- 623d; Bellenden, John 1 1-4 14c; Boece II-610a; Border ballads XIII-623b; 624d; the "Com- playnt of Scotland" X II I-625a ; Douglas, Gavin V-143d; XIII- 624b; Drummond of Hawthorn- den XIII-626b; Dunbar, Wil- liam V-190d; XIII-624b; early XIII-622d; Harry the Minstrel XIII -623d; Henryson VII- 238c; XIII-624a; historical XIII-625c; Huchown XIII- 623c; Kennedy, Walter XIII- 624b; language XIII - 623a; Lindsay, David XIII - 624c; periodical literature, Cathohc XI -689c; poets, minor XIII- 624d; polemic XIII - 625b; prose XIII-624d; Scotichroni- con XIII-624a; vernacular, Scottish revival XIII - 62Gc; Wyntoun, Andrew of IX-319c; XIII-624a; XV-724a

—ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF XIII-627b; 619b; EvangeUcal- iam, revival XIII-629d; Mod- erates and "Evangelicals" XIII-G29b; patronage, system X 1 1 1 - 630a ; statistics XIII- 630d

SCOTO-HIBERNIAN MONAS- TERIES XIU-631b; Book of Deer XIlI-631c;Culdees XIII- 631d; Dunkeld XIII-631d; lona Xin-614a

Scots Abbey, Nuremberg XI- 169c

—College, Paris XII-2.30c; II- 374d; 375b; Xin-617a; 620a; 621a; XIV-93d

—COLLEGE, Rome XIII-632a; 134c; X-375a; IV-27c

— CoUege. ValladoUd X - 375b; Xll-2:i0c; 231b

Scott, Alexander XIII-625d

Scott, Andrew, Bishop of Eretria VI-578b; XIII-621C

— Cuthbert, Bishop of Chester III -650a

— GUbert IV-541d; chapel, Cam- bridge III-215a; chapel, Exeter College XI-368d; on English Architecture V-257d; Martyr's Memorial XI-368C; St. David's Cathedral X-188d; and Tew- kesburj' Abbey Church XIV- .543a

— James. See Monmouth, James, Duke of

—Joseph XV-234d

— Michael, scholar. See Michael Scotus

—Michael, settler III-773d


—Parkin 1 1-23 Ic

— Reginald XV-677a

— Thomas,executionofXIV-42Sb

— Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. See Rotheram. Thomas (Scott)

— Thomas, commentator IV- 101b; IX-400b; and John Henry Newman X-795b

—Walter V-468C; VII-168b; bal- lads, collection of XIII-024d; and "The Bruce" II-288C; and Catholicism V-454C; criti- cism, literary XII-769d; Dies InE IV-788c; and Fitzpatrick, William VI-86d; and German VI-52'6d; novels V-469b; por- trait V-467; Third Crusade I- 239c; tomb V-107d

— 'Winfleld, and Erasmus Darwin Kcycs Vni-63Id; and Mexico City XV-239a; and Monroe, James X-508c; and Scanimon XIII-.506d

—Act, Canadian XIV-493C


Scotti, family, tomb XII-70a —Duke of Milan XIII-132d —Alberto Xll-7Ub — Amadeo XI-782d — Giovanni Bernardino, cardinal XIl-70d; XIV-557d; XV-17b; and Missal IX-300d; X-357a Scottish Catholic Monthly, pe- riodical XI-689C — Church, in America XII-394b —Confession V-763d; XV-142b; on communion of Saints IV- 173d — Literature. .See Scotland, Lit- erature — Missions, in Africa I-187c — Review, periodical XV-677b —Rite IX-776d

— Society for Propagating Chris- tian Knowledge among the Poor II-.544C — Temperance League XIV-4S8c —Temperance Society XlV^83b — Unitarian Association XV-155C — Use, Arbuthnott Missal I-686C Scotto, Frederico Xni-462a Scottus (Scottigena), Johannes.

See Eriugena, John Scotus Scotus, Abbot of Athelney. See

John of Saxony — Adam. See Adam Scotus — Clemens. See Clement of Ire- land — David. See Davnd Scotus — Duns. See Duns Scotus — Eriugena. See Eriugena — Marianus. See Marianus Sco- tus — Sedulius. See .Sedulius Scotus — the Second, Bishop of Vene- zuela (Bricemo) XIII-612d — the Viennese (Lambrecht)

XIII-612d Scoiyge of God Il-GIc Scourging. S^:^' Flagellation —Pillar of the lV-12Ca — of the Alleluia. See Alleluia,

Scourging of the S. C. P. F., abbr. I-2.5d SCRANTON, DIOCESE OF XIII-t)33a; XI-643b; bishops XIII-633d; cathedral I-368d; XIII-633d; charitable institu- tions, state XII-248a; edu- cation. Catholic XIII-634a; Greek Catholic Settlement VI-772d; history, early XIII- 633b; Italians VIII-206c; Mar- onite mission XIII-85a; relig- ious XIII -634b; Slovak churches XIV-ooc; statistics XV-176d; statistics, Polish XII-211b; strike, and Bishop Hoban I-084d; S>Tian Greek Catholic Settlement VI-751d; Temperance Union XIV-491C Scraosha, deity V-530d Screen I-.35(ib; VII-626b; XIII-

432a. .See Iconostasis Scribe , Augustin Eugene VI-202a ;

204a SCRIBES XIII-634C; VIII-400a; XII-617d; in Clementines IV- 40b; criticism, textual XIV- 527a; 52Sb; as Massoretes X- 36a; in Sanhedrin XIII-44ob Scriblerus Redivivus (Caswall)

III-417b Scriftscir I-509c Scriniarius III-54d Scrinium. See Archives Scrip, of pilgrims XII-96c; 99a Scriptores, monastic XIII-635b; of papal chancery III-56b: of Vatican library XV-289c; 294b Scriptoris, Paul VII-319a; XIII-

612c; XV-S.3b SCRIPTORIUM XIII-63.5a; I- OOfic; IX-nisc: in Celtic mou- asterif'S VI 11 90b Scriptural Language V-G97b Scriptura occurrens, nature of

IX-197d — scottica XI-407b SCRIPTURE XIII~fi3.5c; 794c; XVl-5('>b; Aaron I-3a; Abad- don I-5d; Abarim I-Gb; Abba I -6b; Abdias I -30a; Abel 1-3.^; 3fld; I-13c; Abner I-4.')d; abomination of desolation I-4Ga; Abra- ham I-51a; Abraham, Bo- som of I-S.'id; Absalom I-58d; absinthe I-60b; abstinence I- 67b; abyss I-75b; Acacia I- 79a; Accaron I-93d;

dation I-99b; Achab I-lOlb; AchaicusI-lOld; AchazI-lOld; Achiacharus I-102b; Achimaas I-lU2b; Achimelech I -102c; Achitopel I-102c; Achor Valley I-103b; Acre I-llOd; Acts of the Apostles I-117b; XVI-lb; Adam I-129a; Adar I-136b; Adonai I-14Gb; Ado- nias I-146b; adoption I-147b; 151a; Adullam I-162b; .Enon I-173C; affinity I-177d; Agabus I-200d; Aggeus I-209d; Agony of Christ I-224a; Ahicam I- 232d; alabaster I-244b; Alci- mus I-273d; Alexander I-285a; Alleluia I-319b; alma I-32Gb; alms and almsgiving I-32Sc; altar I-360a; Amalec I-377b; Ambrosiaster I-406a; Amen I- 407b; Ammon I-430d; Ammo- nian Sections I— 431a; Ammon- ites I-431c; Amorrhites I- 433b; Amos H35b; Amraphel 1^4 lb; Anabaptists I— 445c; Anathema I-455C; Anathoth I-457b; Ancient of Days I- 463b; St. Andrew 1-47 la; angel I^76c; angels of the churches I— 486a; animals in 1-5 17b; Anise I-530b; Anna I-530c; Annas I-536d; Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary I- 54 Id; Antediluvians 1-55 Ic; Anthropomorphism I-559b: Antichrist I-560a ; Antinomian- ism I-566c; antiquities II- 548b; Apocal>T)seI-594c;Apoc- rj-pha I -601a; Apostles I- 626d; XIII-639b; Apotactics I-650a; Aran, School of I- 678a: ark I-720d; Armenian version X-2Ild; Ascension I- 7G7a; Aseneth I-774C; Aser I-774C; Asiongaber I-792c; Asmodeus I-792d; Assideans I-800b; Assuerus II-5c; Assur H-7b; astrology II-23c; as- tronomy in II-29c; authentic- ity II-137c; Authorized Ver- sion II-141d; Azymes II-171d; Baal II- 175a; Baaiim II- 175a; Babel II-177c; Babylonia II- 179a; BalaamII-214d;Balt.asar II-226d; Banaias II-246a; Baptists II-278c; Barac II- 281d; Barjesus II-296b; St. Barnabas II-300C; Baruch II- 319d; Beatitudes II-37Ia; Beatitudes, Mount of the II- 369d; Bede on II-385b; 385d; Beelphegor II-388b; Beelzebub II-388d; Belial II-408a; Bene- dictus II^73a; Benjamin II- 480d; Beroth II-515d; Bersa- bee II-518a; Beseleel Il-52Cd; Bethany Beyond the Jordan II-532b; Betharan II-532c; Bethdagon II-.532c; Bethel II- 532d; Bethlehem II-533C; Bethsaida II-53Gb; Bethsan II-537a; Bethulia II-537b; Bible II-543a; Bibles, Picture II-546a; Bibles, RhymedXIII- 26d; BibUa Pauperum II-.547d; Biblical Commission II-557b; St. Bonaventure I-763c ; Books, arrangement XIlI-G.3Sb; Brethren of the Lord ll-767a; Bre\nary lessons II-773a; 775a; Cades III - 130a; Calmet on III-lS9c; Calvin on Ill-198d; Cana III-226C; canon III- 267a; XIV-751c; canon of, and Abyssinian Church I-"Sd; canon of, compilation _ XV- 409b; and canon law lX-58d; Canticle of Canticles 111 302d; captain in Ill-311d; Carmel Ill-3.ild; Catriiic Ill-434a; CaH.nlir Epistle lll^.Wb; ce- dar III 47:ic; 471b; Cedes III- 476b; Cedron, Brook of HI- 47.5d; Cham, Chamites III- 566c; Chanaan, Chanaanites III-569C; Charlemagne and III-fil7c; Cherubim III-64i;c; Christian teaching of XIII- 63(ic; Christ's Beatific Vision VIII-67.5C; .•iiid the Cliurrh XIII-639a. r|. .1, .• i u ! -in IV-lOd; C::\. I 'US

IV-8{lc; Co'l' ^ IV-

8ld; Codex Iv • l\ - '1 < i- dcx Ephrwmi H.s.-riplu; IV- 84d; Codex Sinaiticus IV-85c;

Codex Vaticanus IV-86d; Co- lossians. Epistle to the IV- 131c; Commandments of God IV-153b

— Commentaries V-700d; on Apocalypse IV-378b; of Cor- neUus a Lapide IV-378a; CEcumenius XI-214C; Sahne- ron XIII-403b

— Concordances of the Bible IV- 195a; concubinage IV-207b; confirmation IV-217b; Core, Dathan, and Abiron IV-361a; Corinthians. Epistle to the IV-364b; Cornehus IV-375C; Court in IV-445b; creation IV-471d; credibility V-754c; crib IV-4SSd; criteria, inter- pretation VII-272b; critical theories III-713c; criticism IV-491d; criticism, textual IV- 497d; crown of thorns IV- 540c; Cush IV-575C; Dagon IV-602C; Dan IV-615d; Dalila IV-605a; dancing IV-618C; Daniel IV-620b; Daniel, Book of IV-621d; Da\-id IV-642b; Debbora IV-663a, Decalogue IV-664C; Dedication, Feast of the IV-673d, degrees in II- 557d; Deluge IV-702b; De- metrius IV-707a: demon IV- 710c; demoniacs IV-711a; XII- 315b; demonology IV-715b; desert IV -749a; Deuteroca- nonical Xni-637d; Deuteron- omy IV-761C; XI-649d; devil IV-764a; diaspora IV-775d; "Diatesseron" XIV-464d; Di- onysius V-lOc; Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite V-13C; Dis- ciple V-29a; dissertation V- 700d; Dives V^8b; divination in V-50d; Divine Promise XII- 453b; Divinity of Christ VII- 706d; Divinity of the Holy Ghost VII-409d; di^-ision XIII-637d; 638d; divorce V- 55d; Doctrine of Addai V-S8c; Douay Version V - 140b; drachma V-152d: dreams, in- terpretation of V-l.'i4a; Dru- silla V-165d; Ecclesiastes V- 244c; Ecclesiasticus V-263c; editions of the Bible V-28BC; Eleazar V-373c; Elect. The V-374a; Elias V-3Slb; Ehseus V-386d; Elizabeth V-387d; Elohim V-393a; embroidery in V-401a; Emmanuel V-404c; Engaddi V-42Sc; Ephesians. Epistle to the V-485a; Ephod V-497c; Epistle in V-509b; Erasmus on V-512b; Esau V- 527d; eschatologj' V-528c; Esdras V-535c; Esdras, Books of V-536d; Esther V-549b; Esther, Book of V-550a; Eu- charist V-572d; Euthahus V- 629c; Eutyches on V-631c; evangelist V-645d; Eve V- 646c; exegesis V-692b; Exodus XI-64SC; Ezechias V-737a; Ezechiel V-737C; Faith, rule of Anglican I -504a; fear in 1 1 - 6 5 b ; firma- ment VI-79C; first-bom VI- 81b; first fruits VI-82a; flagel- lation VI-92b; fringes in VI- 307d; Gabbatha VI-328b; Ga- briel VI-330a; Gad VI-331d; Galati.ans, Epistle to the VI- 336a: Galilee VI-341d; Gama- liel Vl-374d; Gedeon VI-^02c; genealogi,- VI-408b; genealogy of Christ VI-410a; generation VI-412d: Genesareth VI-413a; Genesis XI-647d; Genezareth, Land of VI-415a; Gentiles VI- 422c; geography VI-428d; Gethsenmni VI-540b; glory VI-5S.5b; gloss V-700d; glosses VI-58Gd; Gog and Magog VI- 02Sb; Golden Calf VI-628C; Gospel and Gospels VI-655d; grace VI-690b; guardian angel Vll-4»d; Ib.bactic VII-97d; Hiibiir Vll 1113a; Haceldama Vll-103b; HauKith VII-106a; Hail Miirv \n llOd; Hebrew, and the KaLli^M Vlll-.i90d; Hebrew Bill.- Vll-17.-.a: He- brew nanii> \ i.7.".d: Hebrews, Epistle to li.e VIl-lSlc; Heb- ron VII-1.84a; Hch VII-204C; on hell Vll-208a; 208d: Hon-

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.