Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/760

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Seniles, Saint. See Sennea Sennevieres, abbey, founded, XV-4b

Sennim. See Saananim

Senilis, Saint. See Sennen

Senoch of Tiffauges, Saint IX- 413c: in Tours XV-4b

Senogallia. See SinigagUa

Senoi, tribe XII-625C

Senones, abbev, foundation IX- 363a; and Metz X-248d

—tribe XI-739a; XIV-13b

—Madame de VIII-9b

Senoria, Vuestra I-139b

Senoussi, Sheikh X-422b

Senoussiya, Mohammedan asao> ciation X-422b; XV-o9d

Sens, town, battle XIV-657a; Fools, Feast of VI-132C

—ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII- 716b; abbey IV-135d

— Cathedral X-647c; apse I- 659b; chapel III-576d; (ill.) VI-671; XIII-717d; rood-loft IV-o35a; windows IV-453C

— St. Columban XIII-719d; Laz- arist seminary X-361b; legati nati IX-119a; Louis I VII- 76b; map Vl-facing 188; S. S. Savinian and Polentian XIII- 719d

— ^Bible of. See Biblia Senonen- eis

-COUNCILS OF XIII-720a; (1141) VI-555a; and Abelard I-37d; 659b; Arnold of Brescia 3tI-74Sa;(1310) IV-22c

Sensation (psychology) , and ab- straction I-74b; and Agnosti- cism I-21Sb; alcohol I-275c; .Aristotle on 1-7 14d; 716d; and causality III-466b: causes XII-589d; and common sense IV-167d; Condillac on IV- 210d; and empiricism V-407c; Epicureanism V-oOlc ; and excitants X-133c; and exten- sion V-715a; and ideas VII- 633a; and instinct VIII-51a; and intellect VIII-68a; and Kant VIII-603d; and knowl- edge I^49d; IV-211a; XI-9Id; limitations III-542a; neo- Scholasticism I-97b ; nerves I-460c; Prades on XII-332a; and prophecy XII^74b; and psychology XII-545d; quali- ties (Locke's theory) I-97a; and reality XV-74c; and reason XII-674d; relativity XII-733c; Scholasticism II-4d; Scotus on XIII-611b; and sensism V- 407d; in Stoicism XIV-154a; Thomism XIV-699d

Sense, and appetite I-656b; Aris- totle on I-716d; excitants of I- 97b; and God I-219d; in Greek philosophy IV-771a; and im- agination Vn-672a; and intel- lect VIII-68a; Jacobi on XIV- 569c; mortification of III-63Sa; and Pestalozzi XI-743a; Ros- minianism XIII-19ob; and Scholasticism III-464a; and will I-115d

— Pain of. .See Pain of Sense

Sense - experience, Catholic teachinK V-40Sb

Sense - knowledge, Kant on VIII-fi03d; in Scholasticism XIII-551a

Senseuna, location VI— J45b

Sense of Sin .KlV-llb

Senses, Night of the IV-327d; X!V-255a

Sensi, Indian tribe XI-444d; .Sarayacu mission XIII-470d

Sensism V-407d; Xlll-oola; Condillac IV-210c; Cousin V- 276d; and empiricism V-4(l7d; and highest good VI-64 lb : and logic IX-328a; in Middle Agrs Xt-92c; and Pragmatism XII- 335d; and soul XIV-156C

Sensualism. See Hedonism

Sensus Communis. 5ee Common Sense, Philosophy of

SENTENCE .\III-720c; of Ap- pell.atc .ludijc I-6i;.5b; ex infor- mata conscicntia I-653C; final appeal from I-652b: 6o3c; 654c; 655a; interlocutorj'. ap- peal from I-653a; 654c; 655c; interlocutory, defined I-652b; invalid I-6!),5c; quasi-final, appeal from I-fi53c; 654c; G55a;


revocation of XIII-7b; of Ro- man Congregations I-655C Sentences, Books of the XH"-

334a — Books of tbe, of Duns Scotus

II-738b Sentences, Books of the, Peter Lombard VI-730d; XI-482c; 768d; XIV-334a; o90b; Anni- baldi on I-540d; Aureoli on II- 111b; Bacon, John, on 11-19 Id; Bacon, Roger, on XIII-114b; Biel on n-559b; St. Bonaven- ture on II-651a; in Dominican Schools XI 1-36 la; Duns Sco- tus on V-195b; Gregory of Rimini on VII-lSc: and St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-664d; Thomas of Jorz on XIV-69Sd; Thomas of Strasburg on XIV- 695d; Wilton on XV-647c — Books of the, of "Sixtus II"

XIV-32b — Books of the, of William of

Champeaux XV-632b Sententiffl (Ecclesiastical letters)

IX-202b — Episcoporum IV-5S6d Sententiarius, in Dominican Stu-

dia XII-361b Sententia vocum, Roscelin XIII-

189d Sentinel, periodical, SjTacuse

XI-693d Sentinella, Cortile della, in Vati- can Palace .\V-277b ; 278a — Portone della, Vatican Palace

XV-278b Sentinel of the Blessed Sacra- ment, periodical I-154C; XIV- 111c Sentinum, battle of XIII-166c;

176c Seo, cathedral, Valencia XV-

252c — de Urgel. See Urgel Seon, location VI-445b Seon, missionarj- III-699b SEOUL, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF XVI-84d; See Corea. Vicariate Apostolic of Separate Baptists II-281b — forms, in Thomism XIII-

551b Separation, Matrimonial V-55a; 62d; alimony I-313c; in Ar- gentina I-705a; in English law XV-695d — of Church and State, Syllabus

Pius IX XIV-36yc Separatists of Zoar XIV-69b; or- ganization IV-lSld Sepet, Marius, on pseudo-.Augus- tine I-798d; on Saint-Cyran V-219b Sephaath VI-445b; VIII-195C Sephama, location VI-445b Sephamoth, location VI— 145b Sephar, location VI-445b Sepharad, location VI-445b Sephardi, Moses. See Petrus

Alfonsus Sephardim \'lll-396a; in Syria

XIV-401b Sepharvaim, location VI-445b Sephata, location VI-445b Sephela, location VI-445b Sepher, location VI-445b — EUa V-382C Sepher hittSiah (Pentateuch)

XI-647a — Mosheh (Pentateuch) XI-647a Sepher, Raziel I-58C Sephet, location VI^45b Sepheta, idontitv IX-79(]a Sephiroth, in Kabbala V-399a;

VIII-590b Sephmoth VI-445b Sepho, definition X-676C Sephora, meaning X-*)76d

-wife of Moses X-596C Sephoris. See Diocaesarea Sepp, Bernard, on St. Emmeram Xn-179b; and Strauss I-622d; and Wessobrunn buildings

Sept, Irish. See Clan

Septala, Lanfranc, of Milan VII- 281b

September, devotions for X- .542d; lessons II-773b; Our Ladv of Victory, Feasts of XV- 415c; Seven Dolours XII- 276a

— Massacres, in French Revolu- tion XIII-13b

Septem dolorum B. M. V. See

Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feasts of the Seven Septem Latrones. See Seven

Robbers Septempeda (San SeverinoJ

XIII-452C SEPT-FONS, NOTRE -DAME DE SAINT-LIEU XIII-720c; III-783b; Valliscaulian Order XV-262a Septiformis, of Gregory the Great IX-287b

Septililium, of Blessed Dorothea XV-484C

Septima, in Hexapla of Origen XV-367d

Septimania, and Pepin the Short XI-663C

Septimiace, identity XIV-721a

Septimius, Saint, Bishop of Jesi VIII-372C

— SEVERUS XIII-721a; IX- 672a; XI-739c; architectural period, Rome XII1-176C; arch of, Rome XIII-176a; in art, Greuze VII-30d; birthplace IX-185C; and Byzantium IV- 302a; and Caracalla III-32Sb; and Christians XV-408a; Issus, battle of VIII-201C; and Max- imus Ihrax XI-77d; medals XI-157d; Nisibis XI-84d; per- secution IX-179d; 7.38a; XIII- 167c; at Thugga XIV-710b; and Vaga XV-249b

Septimus, Saint, Bishop of Alba Augusta XV-493d

— Bishop of Altinum, and Leo I IX-155a

— Uber DecretaUum IV-393d; IX-64a; 226c

Septuag., abbr. I-25d

SEPTUAGESIMA Xni-721d; in Ambrosian Rite I-398a; and Gloria VI-584b; lessons II- 773a; Office, Adam in I-132a; Prodigal, Sunday of the XIII- 721d

SEPTUAGINT VERSION XIII- 722a; XV-367b; additions VI- 587d; alleluia in I-319b; and Ambarach I-381b; angels in I- 479c; and Aristeas I-712d; chronology III-732C; and Church VII-316C; Daniel, Book of IV-625d; date VIII- 387a

—Editions: printed XIII-724b; Roman IV-88b; Sistine XIV- 34c

—III Esdras I-605a; flood IV- 705d; and Hesvchius XII- 724a; Jehovah VIII-330c; and St. Jerome Vin-341c; Jeru- salem, Temple of XIV-499b; and Jews of Alexandria IV- 157d; and Job VIII-417c; lan- guageXIII-724d; LucienXIII- 724a; III Machabees I-605b; Manasses. Praver of I-605d; and Manoel deSa XIII-285a; manuscript IX-629a: XIII- 724a; XIV-532C; Marian prophecy XV-164Ba; 464Dc; and Ma3sorahXIV-528d; 530a; in New Testament III-271b; and Origen XIII-723d; origin XIH-723b; Pastoral Epistles XIV-729b; and St. Paul VII- 182c; Pentateuch XlII-418a; printed XII-766c; Psalms I- 605c; XII-.540C; reason of IV- 776b; recensions XIII-724d; and TertuUian XIV-.525b; in textual criticism IV-500a; 502b; Tobias, Book of XIV- 751b; 751d; Valois on XV- 264a; value of Xn-506c; value, critical XIII-724b; versions XV-367d; and Vulgate XV- 516a

Sepulchre II-549d; and Valen- tinian III XV-255d

— (Repository). See Repose, Altar of

— Holy. See Holy Sepulchre

— of Mary, Church of the, Jeru- salem XIV-775b

Sepulchrum, of altar I-351d; XII-73SC

— a mensa I-699a

Sepulveda, Juan Gines de, and f.ns Casa.- 11I-399C

Sequanus (Seine), Saint IV- 795b

Sequeira, Balthasar de, mission- ary XIII-766a

Sequence. See Prose or Sequence

Sequentes I-106d; introduced .\V-409b

Sequentia (Sequence) XII-482d

Sequentia cum prosa XlI-4S2d

Sequester, Vibius, geographer X-65Sd

Sequestration, and abduction I- 34b

Sequi, Jose, missionary VII-285b

Sequin, coin XI-154d; Venetian (ill.) Xl-facing 152

Sequoga, alpliabet III-646a

Ser, location VI-445b

Sera, Monastery of, Tibet XIV- 719b

Serabia, Ramon XII-687a

Serafini, at Vatican Library XV- 295b; and ^'atican publications XV-293b

— Domenico, .\rchbishop of Spo- leto II-463a; XIV-235b

Seraglio, Library of the, Con- stantinople, manuscripts IX- 620b

Seraiero, See of, Servian Church VI-755a

Serajevo, town, capture II-696C; population n-121b; statistics n-694d

—ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII- 72.5a; II-697b; episcopal resi- dence at IV-769d; ecclesiastical province of X-599C

Serapeum, destruction XIII- 311b; library I-303a; IX-228a

Seraphia, Saint XIII-725c; and St. Sabina XIII-290d

Seraphic Charity, Sodality XIV- 127a

— colleges, of Friars Minor VI- 292a

See Bonaventure,


Saint -Order.

Order of -Rosary.

See Friars Minor, See Crown, Fran-

— Work of Charity, in United

States III-327b SERAPHIM Xni-725c; Adam,

Testament of I-132b: in angelic

hierarchy I-478c; IV-446c; in

Isaias I -478a; pseudo-Are-

opagite on V-14c — Order of the. See Name of

Jesus, Knights of the Seraphimites, Russian Orthodox

VI-7.5nb SERAPHINA SFORZA, BLESS- ED XIII-726a; l.irlliiilLH'o XI-



IX-.TOiic; XII-174b: XIV-

6.5Sa; and St. .^thanasius VII-

410d —Prayer Book I -304a; XII-

350b; 416d; Amen in I-40Sa;

extreme unction V-720a — and pseudo-.\rnobius XIII-

705c — ff«fco/XII-760d; on Viaticum

X\— 397d; on water, blessing of

Vn-432d Serapion, martyr, Alexandria V-

11c — penitent, .Alexandria V-lld —martyr, Rome VII-26Sb Serapion, Bishop of .Antioch

XHI-726d; I-.56Sd: VI-756d;

and V-70d; in legend

V-S8c; and r^.l.iuth I-i:;r>d —Bishop of Hera. 1. a Mil 742b — of Ostra.n,. M :!47b —Bishop of Tentvns M\^512c —Bishop of Vladmiir X1I1-268C Serapis, Temple of, Alexandria

I.\ - 228a; destruction XIV-

625c; oracle V- 1.54b; Pozzuoli

VIIN20Sd; XII-331C Serarius of Lorraine, Biblical

cnnunentator IV-lliOd; VIII-

SOb Seraskierat, Constantinople IV-

301d Serbal, Mount XIV-12a; (ill.)

XIV-12 Serbedarian dynasty X-4Sld Serbellone, Giovanni Antonio^

cardinal lll-(;i9c: at Friiscatl

VI-244C; Ht Novaro IX-135a;

at Palcstrina XI-121d; at Sa-

Large type indicatea titleB of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illtistrations.