Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/773

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Smith, George J., Bishop of Argyll and the Is!e9 l-700d

— Gerrit, philanthropist, and abolitionist movement XV- 169d: and temperance move- ment XI V-i9 la

—Sir Harry, in Boer war (184S) XI-267d

— Helen, medium V-27Sa

— Henry HoUingsworth, physi- cian X-140b

— Henry Preserved, theologian IV-162c; trial of XII-394b

— Hyrum, Mormon X-572b

— ^James, Declaration of Inde- pendence VIII-138C

— JAMES, publisher XIV-58d; Edinburgh Catholic Magazine XI-6S9C

— ^James A., Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh XIII- 331d; at Dunkeld V-194a

— James Francis, in United States Armv III-174C; and Young Men's Institute XV-736b

—James T., of Colorado IV-I30C

— Jeaime Durand, memorial to V-404b

— John. See Sergeant. John

— John, priest, at Boston II-70.5d

345a: on religion, primitive I-

.529d: on religious oblationa

XI-216a; on Totemism XIV-

789b; 792d; 79.3d — William Russell, writer I-243a — College, Massachusetts, found- ed IV-llOd Smithfield, priory, suppressed

IX-343d Smits, Jodocus, editor XI-681C:

in Netherlands XIV-636C — WILLIAM XVI-75C; eiegete

IV-160d; and Hove, Peter van

VII-502b Smoking, among Parsis XI-509b Smola, Nicol6 da, architect XV-

38b Smolensk, town, battle (1812)

XIII-249a; Catholics in XIII-

256d — .\rchiepi3C0pal See of XIII-

2S2d Smolinski, Joseph, Civil War

xn-W7d Smolka, Stanislas, historian XII-

Smollett, Tobias George, wTiter III-.">44d: Glasgow, University of VI-579a

Smolnikar, priest VI-47Sd

John, Bishop of Llandaff IX- Smormbourg, Edward, Pro-Vic


— Captain John, and Indians XII-114d; 11.5c; and James- town Colony XV-15Sa: in Maine IX-r)46b; in Pennsyl- vania XI-368d; portrait XV- 453a ; in Virginia X V— 13.5d

— John Talbot, and Sunmier School XIV-333a

— ^Joseph, Mormon VII-0.56d: 703a; X-570c; 573b: XII-709d

— Philip, Church historian VII- 380a

— RICHARD, theologian XIV- .")9c

— RICHARD, vicar apostolic of England XIV-59b; V-150b: 451c; VI-122d: 5ola; VII- 385d: IX-34Sd: XI-237a; XIII-231d: XV-219b; and Barlow II-299a: and Brough- ton II-S03b; and confessions XIV-92C; at Douai college I- 322c: V-I.3Sb; and English mart>T9 V— 474d; Saint C>Tan on V-219d; and Lady Tredway XV-29d; and Waterson XV- .WOd

— Richard, Archbishop of Port of Spain XII-291b

— Richmond Mayo. See Mayo Smith. Richmond

— Roger, and Baltimore Cathe- dral n-231c

— S. B., canonist IX-6Ga

— Sydney, on Athanasian Creed II-34d; on Jesuits IV-36d

— Sydney, on Beer Bill XIV- 487c; on Catholic Question V- 454b

— Sylvester. See Norris, Syl- vester

— Sir Thomas, Rhymed Psalter XIII-27a

— Thomas H., general VIII- 14nd; 141a

— Thomas J., Lazarist X-3fi7c; at Niagara University X-367b


— Ultima Marie, and William Hobinson XIII-99d

— W. C, President of Catholic Knights of America IIHSSc

— Walter George V-159d: at Catholic Congress, Cliicago IV-2.-|0d

— William, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield IX-2:i.3a

— William, Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh XIII- (132c; XIV-59a; on Pentateuch Xl-nr,ic

— Sir William, lexicographer, on .^ntipatris I-574d: dictionary V-417b; 417c; on fossils XI- 4inc

— William Cusack, baron of the K^rhe.iucr XI-24Sd

— William Robertson, orientalist Vi-258b; on Animism I-529a; on Baal II-17.5c; on Bible IV- 494a; on Biblical introduction VIII-80d; on fear and religion XIII-751d; on high-priests Xll^OSb; on Jehovah X-

ol Mongolia X-4S Smotricki, Meletius, Archbishop Polotsk XIII-269C


laid; I-417b: 418b; VII-G18c; tilUa; on Adrian IV I-157b; Edda V-2S0b

Snow, Feast of Our Lady of. See Our Lady of the Snow, Feast of


Snowden, Elisabeth Miles, and Archbishop Elder V-373a

Sntae., abbr. I-23c

Snyders, Franz, painter, and Janssens VIII-294d

So, in Chinese philosophy III- 607c

Soada (Dionysias) V-9c

Soaemias VII-20Cd

Soanen, Jean, Bishop of Senez I-9.5b; 95c; IV-793c; VI-378c: "Appellants" XV-129d; birth- place IV-54b;andTenein XIV- .505d; "Unigenitus" IV-96d

Soap, in Bible XII-156C; in Greek consecration ser^-ice I-3.59d

Soapstone, as adulterant I-163b

Soardi, Victor Amedee, Lazarist X-3.59d

Soardis, John de. See John of

Soares, Jeronymo, Bishop of

Vizeu XV-497C Soarez, Francis, .leauit XIV-320b

.SaintJosaphat KuncevycVIII- Soba, town \l-44.'»c: and Damas- .5n3d cus I\-Glld

notryckyj, Meletius. .Sec Sn

Smotryski, Meletius. See Smo- tricki

Smulski, John XII-2nSa

— Ladislaus, editor Xn~211d

Smyrna, town. Crusatlers in I\'- .V)3c: Vll-479b; and Genoa VI-419d; population I-79llb; Timur in IV-.5.>4a

—ARCHDIOCESE OF XIV- eob; I-791a: VI-17l)a; in Apo- calypse I-59Gb; and Candia in'-245a; Capuchins III-325a; churchin I-634d; VI-7.5GC; and St. Ignatius of Antioch VII- 64,5a; XI-52Sb; Lazarista in X-:J04d; St. Polycarp in XII- 220c; St. Polycarp. feast of II- 36.5a; Propaganda in XII- 457d; statistics, religious I- 791a

Smyth, on Pano-Indians XI- 445c; at Saravacti Mission XIII-i70d; 471a

— Clement, Bishop of Dubuque V-lSOb; VIII-95d; at New Melleray .\-lGSb

— John, founds General Baptists II-279a

— William, Bishop of Lincoln IX-2G7b; and Brasenose col- lege XIV-34lic; XI-.3GSC

— William Henry, cm Hallcy's comet XII-1.59C; XIII-GDSb

Smythe, Constandne J. .\-7:!2d

—Sir Edward, and Barrow II- aiKIc; anil Benedictines V-149b

—Walter Vi-s.5a

Snails, in art I-517a; in Bible I- 52lib; in Greek Church I-70C

Snake, in art I-517a; in Bible I- 517d; .">lsa: aM feti.^fh XII-40flc

Snake Dance, of Hopi Indian VII-169a; 7.53d; XII-557C; of Winnebago Indians XV-658a

Snead-Cox, John George, editor XI-G74a

Sneek, Cornelius, and Alanue de Ru|.e I-24Gb

Snefrfl, Kinc of Egj-pt V-338a; and Babylonians II-179d

Snegireff, writer XIII-2G.5d; 272c

SneUinck, Jan, artist VIII-2<l4c

Snellius, Willebrord, and I)<-9- eartcs Xn-.59d; translates Sle- \dn XIV-293d

Snetzler, John, organ builder .XI-300C

Snia., abbr. I-2.3b

Sniatyn, See of VI-29.5a

Snickers, Petrus Matthias, .\rch- bishop of Utrecht VII-97a; XV-247C

Sniginski, John, Bishop of Prze- mvsl. SamVior. and Sanok XII-

5:)3c Snohomish Indians

Gf.Gd Snorra Edda. See Eddi


(Sobei, iii.ithpr ,.f St. Ehzabeth V-Hssa; VIII lS7a


Sobal. .s,.,. .-^..iKi

Sobek-Re, deity V-.34.5c

Sober Iso, Meruvan XIV-681b

Sobeslaw, Moravian duke X- 5G2a

Sobieski, Clementina IV-30c: XIV-316C; .and Gotti .XVI-42b

—James XIV-Glc

—JOHN, King of Poland XIV- Glc; in art, Matejko XV-283d; and Capuchins Xn-193b; and Church XII-191b; and Denhof XII-19.5C; Filicaja's odes VI- 72d: and Innocent XI VI-770a; Vin-22b; and Jesuits XIV- 90d; Lubin. synod of IX-403d; and Pohgnac XII-212C; por- trait XIV-61d; Transfigura- tion, Church of XV-55GC: and Turks XII-186b: at Vienna XIII-372d; XV-98b; 418b; and Bl. Vincent Kadlubek XV-

— Mark XIV-61C Sobius, humanist IV-121a Sobna VI II- 182a Sobolewski, Paul XII-207C Sobolof, missionary I-249C Sobrabe, countship III-412b Sobrarias, Juan, physician XIII-

470b Sobrietas, association, Holland

VII-392b — periodical, Germany XII-422a —periodical. Holland XI-G81b Sobriety XV-473d; and chastity

III-G38a Soc, abbr. I-2.5d Socage tenure VII-51C Soccini, Mariano, jurist XIII-

782b Soccoth, town of Gad VI-332b;

445c; and Gedeon VI-403a —station of Israelites VI^4.5c;

VIII-194d Sochaczew, deanery XV-55Ga Soch'e, prefecture XV-9GC Socho, mount of Juda VI-44.5C — t.Hvn of Juda VI-445C Sochot (Sochoth). See Soecoth

(.if Gad) Social authorities, Le Play's the- ory XII-ll',.'c — Contract. .Sr, Contract. Social — Culture and Communal Better- ment, Society for IV-247d — Democracy, and Anarchism I- 4.52d; France .\V-G92d; Ger- many VI - 51.3b; XV - 692a; XVI -21d; 2.3b; 23d; tem- perance movements XIV-484a; and Volksverein XV-502b — Democracy of America XIV-

65c — Democratic Federation, Eng- land XIV-65a

nism XIII- standpoint lism XIV- story

SOCIALISM XIV-G2C: IV-179b: 179c; agrarian I-228d; and anarchism I-452d; XIV-G:3c, asceticism I-772b; Belgium II- 402d; 404a; cause XIV-G2d; Christian XII-216a; and Chris- tianity IV-710a: XIV-fi.5d; 67b; and collecti\'ism IV-lOGa; communism V-563c; defined XIV-62C; Denmark IV-726b; economic XII-215d; England XIV-65a; ethics V-560b; XIV- 66b: France XIV-64C; and George I-228c: Germany VI- 511c; Slid: 51Ga; XIV-64b; XVI-22b: individuality VII- 764d; and interest XV-236d; international bureau XIV- 63c; and Labour Unions XIV- 64a; Leo XIII IX-172c; XII- 783b: and Uberalism I,X-213c; marriage IX-699d; Marx XIV-63b: medieval, and char- ity III -697c; moderate IX- 213c: XIV-63b; nature of II- 138d: origin XIV-G2d: Pius IX XII-13Gb: XIV-3G9a; Pius X XII-139a: papal condemnation XIV -67d; Poles in America XII-205b; Polish national al- liance XII - 208c: poor-relief XII-237C; 237d: and popula- tion XII-279d; and poverty XII-329a: and property XII- 463h: XIV-G6c; and prophets I -227a; religious discussions V-34c: Saint-Sim 377d; spiritual XIV-65d Syndic 385d: Thonissc XIV-70.5C; United States XIV- 65c; and Volksverein XV-502b; and woman XV-G92d Socialiste, periodic^al XIV-67C SOCIALISTIC COMMUNITIES XIV-G9a; Amana .\IV-G9c: Brook Farm XIV-G9b: Chris- tian Commonwealth XIV-69d: Co-operative Brotherhood XIV-G9d: Ephrata XIV-69a; Fairhope Single-tax Corpora- tion XI\'-G9d: Harmonists or Rappi^ls XI\ i.i)b; Home Colo.n .\1\ -Id, Hopedale XIV il'.ih: l.iri.n XIV-69C: LabadiMs .\l\ Ida; Mutual Home Association XIV-69d; New Harmony XIV- G9b; Oneida XIV-69C: Ruskin Co- operative Colony XIV-G9d; Separatists of Zoar XIV-69b: Shakers XIV-C9a; Straight Edge Industrial Settlement XIV-69d; Topolambo Colony .XIV-G9d: Woman's Common- wealth XIV-B9d

Sociahst Labour Party, in United Slates XIV-G.5C: XV-178a

— League, England XIV-65a

—Review, periodical XIV-67C

Sociahsts, Christian, Austria IX- 417c

— Professorial, Germany XII- 21.5c

Social Science, Institute of, New York XIV-:i34d

—Science, School of, Munchen- Glndha.h XIV-334d

— Settlement, for poor in United Slates XII 24.50

—War, in Italy XV-264C

—Week, Volksverein IV-245C

Sociedad, periodical, Mexico XI- fiSfid; 687a

— periodical, Spain II-224d: XI- 690b

— Econ6mica de la Habana,Cuba IV-.5GIC

— Geografica de la Paz VIII-79.5b

Society Dantesca Italiana IV- 032d

—del Caffe XV-:',G4d

— di Conferenze di Sacra Arche- ologia 1 Ssd

— di San Geronimo II-,545d

— Palatina X-illd

Societas incognitorum XV-758a

— Jesu, military order XIV-81C

— Meteorologica Palatina VI- 4.53b

— philologa, I.ouvain XV-628d

— Traian VI 7.51b

Societe antiesclavagiste XIV-39C

— beige de tempirance XIV- 4S.5C

— Biblique VII-.536C

Roman nimieral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b. c, d, quarter of page.