Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/779

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SORROWS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, FEASTS OF THE SEVEN XlV-lold; XII -276a: XV-o69d: Alle- luia VI-"17b; Communion IV_774d; instituted XV-468a; month X-342d; novena XI- 143d: origin XV-463c; Pa8sion week XI-535d; and Resurrec- tion. Congregation of the .\U- 794c; in Ser\'ite Rite XUl- 77d ' Sorsanus n-15"c Sorski. Nil XIII-26Sd Sortes Praenestinse MII-219d —Sanctorum V-!9b; m Codex

B.'za- IV-S4a — Virgilianae V-48d Sonis, Saint. Scf Sour Sosen, artist Vni-314d Soshyant, in Parseeism V-oJUC Sosioch. .Sff Soshyant Sosipater, Saint, and beven

Robbers Xni-742a . Sospis, Saint. .S,.- Hospiuus Sospita S. Nicola m Carcere,

Church of Xlll-l-oa Sossius, Saint, relics \ nWfW Sostegno, Gherardino di, Alary,

Servants of Xin-730a Sostene, Saint Seriite Xlll-

730c ^. .. „

Sosteneus, Gherardino di. bee Sostegno , ,, Ti I

Sosthenes, Saint, and ht. Paul IV-129a; 364a; Luscbius on V-29b SotaXIV-437a


XII-273a; St. Dionysius ol

Corinth V-lOc .

—Bishop of Valona XV-264b; in

Gnosticism VI-594a; 59oc — Antiochus. See Antiochua 1,

King of Syria —Demetrius. See Demetrius

Soter „ , ,

— Ptolemy. See Ptolemy I Soterichus, Bishop of Cffisarea

IIH33d Sotericus, martyr, relics XI\-

5.j(>c -.^ • L t

Pantengenius, Patriarch ot

Antioch VI-7G7d Soteriology, Albigensian I-2b^o. of Apostolic Fathers I-639b. atonement U-35a; of Baader II-174C; definition XI\-oboa; Gnostic V-70d: VI-595b; ^lan- icha;an V-72a; of St. Pau I- 131c: XI-574a: theology, dog- matic XIV-.5s:ia Sotem, PhiUp Christopher von. Bishop of Trier -\\7<-»aj '° Thirty Years War XI\-6oob Soteropolis. See Betzima Sotheby, Robert, death \-4<7d Sothic Period \ -333b Sotion, eclecticism \ -2.6c Sotkiewici, Anthony Francis, Bishop of Sandomir XIII-437b Soto, Andres de, Bishop of Osma

XI-339d . , . „

—Don Diego, Bishop of Mon-

doftedo X-477d —DOMINIC XIV-l.o2c; and Baiiez II-247a; and Barto- \omt Carr.anzo III-?"*,an3^ Biblical commentator IV-lbua, on Durandus of St. Pour^m lX-"10a; on essence and exis- tence V-.>16a: and Ferns X- 144c- and Francis of \ ittona VI-232b; on lay confession XI-623d; as physicist Xll- 56b; and PoUtl XII-213a: as theologian xn-368Fd: XIII- 299b: Thomism XlV-702d; at Trent III-2.ild: 370b: XV- 32c34d: and Vega XV-320a —Francisco de Sales, Bishop of

Huaraz Vll-.iWic -Hernando de. See De Soto,

Hernando Juan, de, Fnars Mmor, Gene- ral of VI-2S0C

Peter de, theologian II-248C;

XIV-.')93b: 012b; and Bams il-211c; at Dillingen IV- 79^ „ .

Sotomayor, Juan de Mosin, mis-

sionarv Xn-291a — Juan Fernandez de. Bishop of

Tuv XV-105C — Pedro, and B&nez 11-24(8 Sots, Society of Vl-193a

Sottosagrista, Vatican official,

duties XV-27SC Sotwel, Nathanael IX-332b Souan (Souanou). See Syene Souart, EUzabeth, and Le Moj-ne

— Gabriel, missionary X-379d; 709d; Xni-5li5c

Soubenoi, tribe XIV^2b

Soubiroux, Bernadette, death X- 77^d; p..rtraii IX-390; vision IX-3's9c ^ „ .

Soubise, Benjamin de Rohan, Due de. Huguenot leader Vil- 533c „ , ,

Souciet, Stephan, on Book ot Daniel IV-024C

Soudan. .See Sudan

Soudas. See Suidas

Souel, Jean, missionary, martjT X-3S9a;391c: XI-7b

Souillac, monastery X-71C

Souis, tribe VII-'b6a

Souk-Ahras n-s4b: XI\-o53b

SOUL XIV- 153a: Al.-im do 1 Isle I-245a: Albertus Mfignua I- ■'tUd- Albigensianisiii I-2fiSa; Alexander of Hales , I-29Sd; Anaximander XlV-lo3c: in ancient philosophy XIV-lo3b,

I-52Rd; 528c; XII -'(-."h- ^i^'.r-ihpse I-362a; in \. ,,, ,, ,,,, p, 1-C1.5d: Apolo- \- 1 ,1 ui Arabian phi-

r ' 7a; Arabici I-

07(.d \i- :. 1, !iMtiI-i;97b; Aris- totle' I 1-d, 'V•>=^',\-^•-^^" 750c; XII t'd; \I\7l03d, Arnobius 1 7 1Ta; A-,^"ciation- ism II- '.a \I\-I 'I'C: Atom- ism V-liiTd. XIVMMa; St. Augustii.r II '.'.Id; MV-155'::

VIII-582d; Kabbala VIII- 590d: Kant VIII-OCHc: Leib- niz IX-137b; XIV-156b: Lcu- eippus XIV-154a; and Ufe IX-239b: Locke V-407d: Lu- cretius X-42b; Malebranche IX-368C; MateriaUsm X-41d; XIV-156d; and memorj' X- 176c; Mill, J. S. XIV-156C; and mind X-321b; modern thought XIV-156a; Monad X-448a; Monism, materiaUstic XIV-157a; and Monopsych- ism n-151c: Monotheism IV- 6S7c; Moses Bar-Kepha II- 296c: X-597d; nature of I- 527a: VII-6S9a; Negroes VI- 54d; Neo-Platonism XIV-lSSc; nights of the IV-327c; Occa- sionalism III-464C: XIV-156b; Panfetius XIV-l.J4a: Panpsy- chism XI-44(;a: i'arsees V- 530c: St. Paul XIV-154C; Phe- nomenalism XIV-l.i6c; Philo- Juda!us XIV-1.54b; Plato V- 750c; VI-147b: VII-68Sa; XII- 161a; XIV-lo3c: Plotinus X- 743b; XIV-155C: pluraUty XIV - 153d; Polignac XII- 212d; Pomponazzi XII-227b; Posidonius XIV-154a; Prades XII-332a; pre-existence V- 530d; VII-631b: Probabilism

^ XII-51Sb; we'rrn7^ \I\-l.'..",d; .w-icen- ivi \IV-I'i.',d: Aztec rehgion X .-.-'a lv...f.c Vision VII- i-v Iliik.l'V V-40Sa: XIV-

V,b' 1 '.iTa; I'46d; UM..Jb;l.i:id;ra0a:VI-13Nb; IX ,-,Ma: Xll-T;t:a; XU- l.-,.-,d; .".Md; Hrahiiiiiusm Xiv'l.-.3b; p.... .Mi III l.d: Buddliism XI \ dan III-78d; ' III-222a: C:r

Catharism III ' _' ,_. " ism nl-4H2c; I\ 1.1c; 4..iC. C.-Isus IIl-402a; and character ni-5S5a; Cliinese "^"P?-; LX.' 225c: Christianity Xl\-154b; primitive conception I-527d: and conscience I\-269b; cos- mogony XIV-153C; creation IV-475d; Crcationism XIV- 155c; 156a; criticism XlV-iObc; deification IV-684b; Deism IV-680c; Democritus A-4ia; XIV-154a; demoniacal posses- sion Xn-315a; Descartes IV- 746c- V-170c; 428a; Xlv- 156a: Deutinger IV - 762a; Egyptian philosophy V-34bb; 529c: emanation XlV-looa; 155c; energy, conservation of V-426b; 42ib; Epicurus V-501d; XIV-154a: Enugena V-.521b: XIV-l.')5d: errors I- 527a: 6-isa: F.-kinmes V-540a; essence XU-i.^sa. Essenes \- T4r,c- F.v.ilu1i"ni^ni XlV-lobd; Acuities V-749d; V^-691c; VIII-66d: XII-a48c; Faustus VI-19c; Ficino VI-67d; and First Cause VI-610c; formal cause III-462a; Gnosticuim VI-593d: XIV-154C: God, image of III-587d; God, Pres- ence of XII-397_a; Grace Sanctif>'ing VI-<0.jb; Greek philosophy XIV-l.)3b; Gim- thcr VII-86a; Heraclitus XI\ - l.i.3c; Herbart \II-24Sc; Hobbcs XIV - 1.56c; Homer XIV- 153c; Hume V-408a; XIV- 156b; Hvlozoism XI v- 153c; Idealism XIV-156b; im- manence VII-6S4a; OSob; im- mortaUty VI-320a; 702b; VII- 687a: IX-582C: Indians. Huron VII-572b; Indi.ans. Mazatec X-93d; infinity Vlll-ld; Ire- nffius XlV-lS.ia: James Wil- liam XIV-153C: Jesus Christ I-21.5b; VII-71.5b: XIV-1.t4c; Job. Book <.f VIII-416C: Juda- ism XIV-1.54b; Justin Martyr

XIV-610a; psychology XII- CA5c: purgatory I-315d; Pytha- goras XIV-153C; Regis XII- 721b; restoration I-599b; Ros- minianism XIII-196a; Sad- ducees XIII-323c; Scholastic- ism XIII-551b: XIV-155a; 155d; and science XIII-599a; 601a; Scotism V-196b; 198b; XIII-611b; seat of IV-747d; XIV-156a; Sensism V-407d; XIV-156c; Spencer I-528b; Spinoza XIV-156b; 219b: as spirit XIV-220d; SpirituaUsm XIV-229C; spirituality III- .5420; XIV- 153a; Stoicism XIV-lo4a: substance XIV- 153a: 156a; 323a; symbol- ism VIII -755d: XI -269b; Taoism XIV-t47d: Tatian XIV-155a; TertulHan XIV- 155b; 523b; 524b; Testament, New XIV-l-lc; T.=tr,rnent, Old XIV-i:-i 7' ' ^'TV- 153c: the..I '\-

aild; th. ' "d;

Thomism \ ' -d;

XIV-155d; ..'..■'c; ..imu; .UUd; Traducianism XlV-l.Mb: Xv- 14d; Trichotomy XIV-154c; unity I-219c: V-196a: Upan- ishads XIV-626c: William of Champeaux XV-632b Soulac, Notre-Dame, Church of, St. Veronica, devotion to II- 6S2b Soulanges, Genevieve Joybert de

IX-149C Soulas, Abbe, founder X-546d Soulavie, G. L. G. n-797d Soule, Garden of the, prayer book XII-.3.-.2C , ,

— Paradyse of the, prayer book

XII-352C .

Soulerin, priest II-325b: in On- tario Xin-503d Soulie, Jean-Andre, death IX-


Soullier, L., Superior General

Oblatcs of Mary Immaculate

XI-18.5b „ , ^

Soul of St. Thomas (Capreolus)

III-'51^'= ,„ ■ ■ c

Soulouque, Emperor of Haiti. .Sec

Faiistin I , „ ,

Souls, Cure of. Sec Cure of Souls

Soul-shot I .-.Wc: VI-321b; in British Chi.nh IV-057b; cler- gy Xn-470b

Sotjs in Purgatory. See Purga- torv. Souls in

. — in Purgatory, Archconfrater- nity for the relief of the XIV- 124a

—in Purgatory, St. Joseph, Pro- tector of the. .Sec St. Joseph, Protector of the Souls in Purga- tory

Soul's light VIII-709C

Soul Tables, in Chinese nt«9 Xni-31Ia

Soul-Worship, and ancestor-wor- ship I-529C

Sound, Laplace XII-66c: Male- branche XII-61b; Newton XII-66C .

Sour, Saint, Pfirigueux XI-668a

Sourdis, Franjois d'Escoubleau, cardinal, Archbishop of Bor- deaux II-683b: XVI^8b; and Spondanus XIV-235C

Souriquois. See Micmacs

Soumey, Saint, veneration of \ I- 374a

Sourrieu, William, Archbishop of Rouen Xni-210a

Sousa, Antonio de. Bishop of ^"izeu XV-4y7a

— Caetano de, historian XII- 309d ^

— Diego de. Bishop of Oporto XI-261b

• — Fei Luiz de, and Portuguese literature XII-309C

. — J. SUverio de. Bishop of Dia- mantina IV-773a: IX-660C

— Joas de. Bishop ot Oporto XI-

— Manoel de Fana y, and Portu- guese literature X1I-309C —Matthffius de Xni-612d — Thome de. Governor General of

Brazil II-748c; XIII^66a -r-See Souza

Soutane III-5S3b: and Commun- ion to sick IV- 175a; regulations IV-50a ,

Souter, A., on Ambrosiaster l- 406c ^ „,

J. H., President of Oscott XI-

336b . ..

South, United Synod m the,

Lutheran lX-461d — University of the, Sewanee,

Tennessee XIV-olOc .

^Africa, Church m: chaplains, milit-iry IIl-.'.Slc: Little Com- pany of Man,-, Sisters of the XIV-29C' missions XI-7S6b; statistics XIV-271d — Geography: Basutoland II-346a ; XVI-80a: Kimberley in Or- ange VIII-645c; Natal X- 707d; Orange Free State XI-267b; Good Hope. Eastern Vicariate of the Cape of VI- 64oa: Good Hope, Western Vicariate of the Cape of VI- fi45a; map. ecclesiastical IV- 236 : Rhodesia X 1 1 1 - 25b ; Transvaal XV-20a; Zambesi n.ission XV-746C: XVI-69d; Znluland XV-7r.6b

,, c.V.Tl \IU-SSSc

V ■ , . \, ..!lr;in. Sta-

ll, \ 1 1 .'I la .-'■ ' ' . I Troteat- aul li.i-.-i..:..- -\I\ ■^■'"b ^sMMio^. and China lll--685d: Irish in VIlI-1.54c; population. Christian I-499b Southam, Poor Child Jesus,

Sisters of Xll-251b South America, and Chinal^09c;

III-(.s5d . .

^Church in: Augustinians m VH-286d; Augustinians, Di»- calced, in VII-283d: bishops, consecration of II-5S5c; Char- ity, Sisters of III-OOOc: Chris- tian Charity, Sisters of III- 711a: Colctti. dictionary of I- 272c: Constitution. Romano Pontificcs V-«lb: XIlI-l.Md; Dominican tertiaricsXIV-64qa; Jesuits XIV-95a; 103d; mis- sions X-376b: and papal in- fallibility XV-305b: patronage XI-566b; perpetual adoration I-153d; Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. Sisters of the XII-399a; Propagation of Faith, Society for XII-4fi2a; Redemptorists in XII-684c; Sacred Heart. Society of the II-283d; XIV-112C; Salesian Society XIII-399a; statistics XIV- 281a: tertiary commun- ities XIV-638b; Ursulinca XV- 229a —deaf, statistics V-320c; divorce in IX-690C , , ,^

— History: aborigines 1-4 lUa; 680c: III-348a; colonization I- 412c; Columbus in IV-I45b; immigrarion X-294d; In.linna of VII-7.57b; Irish in VIII- 155d; Jews in VIII-398d; Negro race in Xll-627a; Rev-

Eoman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.