Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/796

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Bobbio II-60Cb; on classical learning IX-33d; coronation right of Reims Xn-727b; flight from Rome IV-185d; geographical research VI-449c; and Gnesen XII-I89a; and Hugh Capet VI-16-c; VII- 515d; embassies, Kieff XIII— 254c; Master at School of Reims III-14d: as organ builder XI-300a; and Otto III XI-357b; St. Paschasius Rad- bertus XI-51Sc; philosophical writings XIII-550c: as phy- sician X-I26a: Reims episco- pate VI-790b: Vn-516a: and St. Stephen I-640b: II-122d; VII-548d; XIV-287d; at Synod of Sutri X-750c; at Vich XV-t06b; and St. Willi- gis XV-646a

Sylvester m, Antipope. See John. Bishop of Sabina

— IV, Antipope. See Maginulf

^Mosaicist X-589d

■ — Orthodox Patriju'ch of .Antioch X-159d

—Bishop of Borglum XVI-llc

— Bishop of Constantine IX- 638a

— companion of Palladius XI- 425b

—Acts of V-119b

— Basilica of, Rome XV-428a

—BERNARD, of Chartres XIV- 372b; and Gilbert de la Porri'e VI-o55a

—John, Version of the Bible XV- 373b

— Saint, Order of. See Saint Sylvester, Order of

— de la Guerche, bishop, and Robert of Arbrissel XIII-96a

—Diploma Vll-iOOd

— GOZZOLINI, SAINT XIV- 372c; foundation II-161d; X- 475d; XIV-372d; tomb V-744a

—of Chartres. See Sylvester. Bernard

— of Tours. See Sylvester, Ber-

Sylvestrine Nuns XIV-373b

SYLVESTRINES XIV-372d; II- 4o9a; X^75d; abbots, in Italy I-20c; church of, S. Stefano del Cacco XIII-173d; foundation II-461d; XIV-372c; habit II- 460b; and Innocent IV VIII- 18a; statistics (19U6) II-460d; and VaUumbrosans XV-263a

Sylvia. See Silvia

Sylvian Fissure I-459d

Sylvius, Saint, Bishop of Tou- louse XIV-795d; and church of St. Sernin of Toulouse XIV- 797a; relics XIV-797a

. — .£neas. See Pius II

— (Du Bois), Thomist XIV-702d

—FRANCIS XIV-373b; on mo- tive of Divine reprobation XII- 383c; on St. Thomas Aquinas XI V-699b ; and ThomismXI V- 594a

— Franciscus, physician 11-5730; X-131d

— Francois Jacques, anatomist. .See Dubois, Francois Jacques

— Petnis, and Reformation IX- 139c

— Polemius, calendar III-161C

Symbiosis ll-.572c

Symbol, iwuning I-629d; Bibli- cal MSS. IV-fSOc

SYMBOLISM XIV-373d; aco- lyte's ordination I-108b; adora- tion, perpetual I-l.'">3a; of advent I-165c; Agnus Dei I- 220d; of alb I-251d; Alpha and Omega I-332b

— Altar I-346a; VIII-60.5a; cloths I-352b; of high VII-340d; lamp I-354b; stripping of I- 349a; washing of I-349a; wax of candU s I-347C

— anchor I-462a; St. Andrew XIV-.376C; animals I-SLM; Ark of the Covenant I-724b; art XIV-376d; ashes I-77fib; aas I-793d; in a.itrologv II- 19a; Athanasian 11-3,30; balsam II-226b; baptism I-(i32b; II- 273a; baptism, on early African I-196b; Beatitudes II-371C: in Belgium VI-204d; bestiaries II-529d; birds Il-.Wec; in Byzantine art XI-397a: Can-

dlemas procession III-246c; candles III-247a; canonical hours XIV-515b; Canon of the Mass III-255d; 266b; in cata- combs III-421d; 708o; VIII- 43b; Catholicism I— 444c: chas- uble III-640a; Chinese III- 667c; chrism III-697d; of Christ XIV-3740; 376o —Christian I-443b; 444c; XIV-

374b; early I^Ia; V-249o — Christmas III-727a; of Church XIV-3750; cincture III-776b; colours, liturgical IV-135c; of crosier IV-51oo; VII-246c: cross IV -521a; Cross, sign of the XIII-786o; of dalmatic IV-609o; dove. Chris- tian V-144a; Epiphanius XIII- 394a; Eucharist V-590b; of Eucharistic host VII-493c; 494d; 495c; Eucharistic species, mingling of VII-496b; of fish VI-83a; Gloria VI-584d; of heart VII-1630; heraldry VII- 243a; incense IV-279d; VII- 717a; Indian VII-7530; .St. James XIV-376c; James Qua- drifrous Xl-lSla; St. Jerome XIV-3760; Jewish XIV-374a; St. John XIV-376C; The Lamb VIII-7550; Lauds IX-39b; St. Lawrence XIV-376C; Ughts IX-247a; Liturgy XIV-374d; Loaves of Proposition IX- 318a; St. Luke XIV-376o; Magi, Gifts of the IX-530a; maniple IX-602C; Manna I.X- 604d; St. Mark XIV-376C; martyr XIV-376o; masonic IX-77Sd; St. Matthew XIV- 3760; Maundy Thursday VII- 437b: Mohler X-430o; mono- gram of Christ X-448C: Mo- hammedanism X— 422o; nim- bus XI-8Ub; None, hour of XI-9Sb: of numbers XIV- 376b: Nunc Dimittis XI-160a; orans XI-269a; palm XI-432a; 4330 ; prayer-beads II-362b: of pulpit XII-563d; rings XIII- 59d; in sacraments XIII-29Sc: of saints XIV-3760; salt XIII- 403d; of Tenebrffi VII-163a; 437a: XIV-506b; 506c; Terce XIV-515c; Testament, Old XIV-374a: of Trinity XIV- 376b; XV-54a; Vespers XV- 382b; vestments XV - 391c; 392a: and worship VII-671b — Uterarj', France VI-203b; Ger- many VI-528b Symbol of the Trinity I-630a Symbolum IV-478a; meaning I-

629d — of Nicsea. See Nicene Creed Syme, James, surgeon X-142b Symeon, Saint, patriarch, feast

III-163b — Saint, monk of Syria, feast III-

1630 —Tsar of Bulgaria III-46b; lOSd;

VII-547d: XIII-732b — Byzantine mystical writer III-

1220 —(Titus), Paulician XI-584a — Bishop of Ceramus III-537d —Bishop of Syra XIV-395a — Bishop of Teuce IX-204C —Archbishop of Thessalonica, on Extreme Unction V-726a -Metaphrastes. See Metaphras-

See Simeon of


— of Durham. Durham

Symeon. .See Simeon and Simon

Symmachiani (Elchesaites) V- 244a

SYMMACHUS, SAINT, Pope XIV-377a; XII-273b; 271a: and St. Cffisariua III-135c: XI- 428b; on Church and State VII-56d: and Dioscurus V- 18o; election XI-456b; and Ennodius V-17S0; XII-270a; forgeries II-161d; XIV- 378b; Gloria I-221d: VI- 583d; Holv Cross, oratori' of IV-5250; hospital VII-«S2a; and Laurentius XIV-576d; music, ecclesiastical I-.57Sa; papal residence XV-276d; portrait XIII-170a; Rome. S^Tiod of (.WD I-4nfid; 111- .'i4.5b: St. Agnes, basilica of III- 515d: S. Martino, Church of

XIII-172d: S. Pancrazio Church XIII-173a; Titulus XIV-746a — Bishop of jElia (Jerusalem) VIII-3560

— Q. Aurelius Memmius, and Boethius II-610d; death VIII- 421c; and Priscianus XII-429b — Q. Fabianus Memmius, Pre- fect of Rome II-659a; and St. Augustine II-85C

—THE EBIONITE XIV-378d; 526a: IX-630C; Bible VII- 316o; XIV-527C; XV-367c; in medieval studv IX-33c; and Paganism XIII-167d; on Pon- tus XII-234d: and Prudentius XII-518C; Psalms XII-5400; Virgin Mary, prophecy XV- 464Ba

Symon, priest V-lfilc

Symonds, John Addington, on Campanella III-221c

Symons, Arthur, and Beardsley II-364a

— John, martyr V-4T6a: 477b; VII-146c; X-582C

— W. C. X~590o

Sympathy, and character III- 5850

Symphonia, archontics I-697b: early Sequence XII-485d

Symphonium XIV-449b

Symphony, evi.lution of X-657d

SYMPHORIAN, SAINT XIV- 727b; feast lll-163a; VI-360b; andGenesitis VI-413C; martyr- dom II-144a; Missale Gothiciim VI-3.59a; relics XIV-797a

Symphorianus, Saint. See Svm- phorian

SYMPHOROSA, SAINT, mart\T XIV-379a; and Allard I-317"d: martvrdom XIV-7470; tomb XlV-379d

Symphyseotomy X-135a

Symponus, John. See John Sym- panus

Symposius, Metropohtan of Se- leucia Trach.-ea XIII-0S9d

Sympronianus, Bishop of Bar- celona, and St. Pacian XI- 621a

Sympson, Richard, martyrdom V-476a

—Robert, and Garlick VI-386a

Syn., abbr. I-26a

Synagoga, imaning VII-436d; Holv Wiik XI-529b

SYNAGOGUE XIV-379d; ambo I-3S2a: amen I-407b; archi- tecture XIV-382a; chant I- 576b: Christian symbolism XIV-375C; and Christian wor- ship I-194d: and church govern- ment 11-5810; ecclesia III- 744b: history XIV-380b; inter- ior XIV-382a; liturgy XIV- 381b: 498d; Liturgy and melo- dy I-389d: and Marian proph- ecy XV-464Db: Mishna XIV-437d: name XIV-379d; organization XIV-3Sla; origin XIV-380a; Palestine ruins (ill.) XIV-3S0b; Samaritan destruction XIII-417c; Scrip- ture reading XIV-527b: site XIV-381d: Tahnud XIV-43Sa; Talmud, Babylonian XIV- 438o; Targum XIV-4,55a; To- rah XIV-7S0b -Great IV-157d; XIV-380d; Sanhedrin XIII-444d

—Old, Torah XIV-7S0O

Synapte, Great, and Ambrosian litanies I-lOOd; and Celtic Rite 111-4990

— Little, and Ambrosian Rite I- 40Ia

Synatt, Richard, and Wadding XV -522b

SYNAUS. titular see XIV-3R2b

SYNAXARION. Pi;-iT.'ir.- litur- gical book Xn '• 'i V' * ir

IV-597b; Copii I

use VI-659d; d. :, \ 11 i"/b. meaning V-641.)*.. ..u.l .M, i.aiwu X-177o; nature of X 191d; in Russian Church XIII- 267b

Synaxary, Coptic IX-303C; XVI- 2sd: 29d

SYNAXIS XlV-383a; in Alexan- dria l-311d; celebration, time of XII-779a; Christian IX- 193a: and Eucharist I-350b;

Host, adoration of I-153a: na- ture of VI-643c: processions XII-44Ud; term, use of X- 51a; use XI-219b; See Celtic Rite

SYNCELLI XIV-383b; duties IIl-217b: precedence III-336b

Syncellus, George. See Georgius Syncellus

Syncletius, Metropohtan of Tra- jan..p,,lis XV-li;b

SYNCRETISM XlV-3S3b: Alain de I'Isle I-245a; Calixt, Fried- rich Ulrich XIV-3840; Calixt, Georg XIV-3S3d; Erbermann V-516c; grace V1-713C; grace and free wiil \1\ , '^,'ld, Jo- hann Ge<,i - i i .i .'^ax-

ony XIV- :,>!!> i : ■ XIV-

383c; and I ■■ : mi, :, XIV- 383d; religious VI-o'.l3d; XIV- 3S3d; in Scripture XIV-383d; strife XIV-383d

SYNDERESIS XIV-384d; IV- 27lld; definition XlV-384d; St. Th'.nias lll-344d; in the will lV-271d


— ecclesiastical VIlI-546a

SYNDICALISM XIV-3S5c; anarchism XIV-385d: di- rect action XIV-385d: in Eng- land XIV-386c: Mann XIV- 386c; minority theory XIV— 386a: myth theorv XIV-386a; revolution XIV-385d; Social- ism XIV-385d: and Socialism, French XIV-64d: soul XIV- 386a; the State XIV-385d; strike XIV-385d; in United States XIV-386b: violence XIV-385d

Syndicus. See Procurator

Synechism, Monism X-483c

Synedrium. .See Sanhedrin

SjTiergism X-lo3b: dispute VIII-o75d

Syneros, Gnosticism VI-599a; IX-64Sa

SYNESIUS OF CYRENE, Bishop of Ptolomais XIV-386c: IV- 592a: and Alexander of Basil- inopoUs I-2S5b; altar I-362b; consecration XIV-626a: on dreams V-156a; as hymnodist VII-599a; on monad X^47c: neo-Platonism X-744d

Synge, George, Bishop of ClojTie, and Malone IX-573c

SYNNADA, titular see XIV- 3S7c; V1-4S4C; Council of X- 522a; XII-lH4d; XIV-3S7d

. — John of. See John of Synnada

Synnott, Paul, martyrdom VIII- 1670

SYNOD XIV-3S8a; autocephal- ous I-692d: canonical collec- tion IX-62b; Chalcedon III- 558a: in Congregational Churches IV-240b; and council IV^23d; Council. Congrega- tion of the XIII-141C

—Diocesan XIV-388b; II-5SSb; V-6b: censure 111-5290; char- acter n'— 424o; of Constanti- nople VI-7590; consultors. dio- cesan I V-323a ; convocation XIV-3S8b; decrees, promulga- tion of XIV-3880; deuberations X1V-3SS0; metropohtan I- 691d; officers XIV-3SSd; regu- lars XIII-155a; summonses XIV-3SSc; \-icar-general XV- 403b

—Germany II-7So; Gosspel VI- 66Id: IX-199a; Gregory the Great VI-7.S30; in.-^titution I- 587d: mixed IV^24o; Polish (12SS) XII-190b: Presbyterian XII-392d; proWncial, right of appeal I-652c; and statutes IV- <>70d ; of suburbicarian dioceses Xl\' .i.'.'.a

- Holy, .s',, Holv Synod

-NATIONAL XlV-389a; IV- 424b; Xll-164d; XIV-388a; character IV-424b; classifica- tion XIV-3S9a; convocation XIV-3S9b: decrees, promulga- tion of IV-670d: definition XIV-3S9a; in French Protest- antism VII-S30b —See Councils Synodal Church VII-536C Synodatioum III-441d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.