Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/801

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Tanta, Egypt, Catholic mission IV^-Old

Tantourah, Dora V-133C

Tantoya, Diego, astronomer XII1-520C

Tantras, in Hinduism II-734C; III-29C

TANTOM ERGO, hymn XIV- 445b: 667a; at Benediction II- 463b

TantAra VI^3Sa

Tanuatamon, King of Eg>T)t V- 342b; 567c

TANUCCI, BERNARDO, states- man XIV-446a; and St. Al- phonsus Liguori I-337a; as his- torian XII-112C; suppression of Jesuits XIV-98a

Tanwanzhita, tribe XII-592b

Tao. Sec Taoism

TAOISM XIV-446d; III-668b; X-664a; XIV -447a; and Buddhism III-31d; and Con- fucianism IV-227d; continence IV-330d; number I-779b; priesthood XIV-44Sd; as state religion III-668b; statistics XIV-276b; 279c; 2Sld

Tao-kiao. See Taoism

Tao-kias. See Taoism

Tao Kwang, Chinese emperor ni-682b; XV-95d; edict III- 671a

Taor. Sf c Tauresium

Taormina, town, Sicily, S. Agos- tino. Church of Xlll-facing 774; and Arabs III-108d; XIII-775a; and Romans XIII- 774a

Taos Indians XI-3b; XII-555a


Tao-fai, official III-666c; XV- 96c

Taouiscaron Vn-572b

Taoura X!V-55.'ic

Ta6u tih king XIV-447C

TAPARELLI, ALOYSIUS XIV- 449a; and CiviltA Cattolica XI- 685a; and neo-Scholasticism XII-34b; on origin of State XIV-76b; work V-561b

— Cesare XIV-449a

—Massimo XIV-449b

Tapas, in Indian cosmogony IV- 410a; 409c

Tape (Thebes) XIV-562d

Tapers, at Requiem Mass III- 74d

TAPESTRY XIV-449C; at Akh- mln l-239b; altar-screen I- 3o6c; in England V-256b; (Ul.) XlV-facing 448; Lefevre fam- ily IX- 11 3c: sixteenth century V-2o4c: Vatican Palace XV- 286b: 298b

Taphnes XIV-444a

Taphua VI-445d

Tapia, Cristobal de, and Cortes IV-399d; in Mexico XIV-12d

TAPIS, ESTEBAN, missionary XI\'-450a; in California X- 532c; Santa Ines mission X- 370b

Tapou. See Hypsepa

Tapper, Ruard, and Baius II- 209d; at Louvain XII-667b; and Pamelius XI-435b: and Peter Canisius XI-760c; as theologian XIV-593b: at Trent II-209C; XV-33d

Tappuah. See Taphua

Taprobane, Galle III-547d

Tapuyan Indians, habitation VII-758b; language I-411C

Taqui-yiqui, tribe X-95d

Tara, Ireland XV - 599b: St. Columhanus Vlll-lOOd; Feis Vlll-lOOd; St. Patrick VIII- 99d; XI-555b; synod (697). St. Adamnan at I-13.5b Tarabotti, Arcangela. See Tara-

bntti. Helena —HELENA, authoress XIV-4.50a Tara Brooch IV-66d TARACHUS, PROBOS, AND ANDRONICnS, SAINTS, mar- tvrs XIV-4.50b Tara Hall, Simla, India XIII-

79r,b Tarahumara, Mexico X-2.56b: .lesnit missions (1912) XIV- 103d Tarani, Fedele, Abbot-general of

Vallnmhrosa XV~263b TARANTO, DIOCESE OF, Italy XIV-4.50C; Vni-222b; Castel-

laneta III-108b; cathedral XIV-4.50C: Falcoia in I-336a; map Vlll-facing 244


Taras (Taranto) XIV-450d

Tarascan Indians VII-756a: X- 250d; and Aztecs II-170b; habitation VII-756d; language X-25Ib; in Mexico I-410C

Tarasco Kingdom. See Michoa-

Tarascon, town, France, patron- age I-23SC

—John A., in Kentucky VIII- 624a

—Louis, in Kentucky VIII-624a

TARASIUS, SAINT Patriarch of Constantinople XIV-lSlc; IV- 303b: VII-622b; IX-158c; XII-43d; CaroUne books III- 372b: and Georgius Syncellus VI-463d; Iconoclasm III-614b; XlV^Sld; Nicsea, Council of XI— 46a: and Orthodox monks XIV-451d; and simony XIV- 452a

Tarasovitch, Vassili, Bishop of Munkdcs, persecution VI-746C

Tarasque, legend I-238c

Tarasteix, France, Carmelite desert III-366C

TARAZONA, DIOCESE OF, Spain XIV-452b: cathedral VI-39.5b; Church VI-39.'ia; (map) XlV-facing 200; Bishop of Pamplona XIV-173b; sta- tistics III-413C

Tarbagatai, town. Mongoha X- 480b; XV-95d

TARBES, DIOCESE OF, France XIV-45.3a; cathedral (ill.) XIV-453b; Immaculate Con- ception, confraternity XIV- 124a; and Lourdes XVI-36a; map Vl-facing 188

Tarbia. See Tarbes

Tarbis (Sherif-Khan) II-8a

Tard Abbey I-744c

Tardivel, Jules-Paul XI-672d

TARENTAISE, DIOCESE OF, France XIV-4.54a; XII-77a; map Vl-faring 188

— Peter of. See Innocent V, Blessed, Pope

Tarentasia, Petrus a. See Inno- cent V. Blessed, Pope

Tarentina. See Taranto

Tarentine War XIII-166C

Tarentum. See Taranto

Tares. See Cockle

Target, G. J. B., and Bonal II- 64 fid

Targowitz, Confederation of XII- 187a

Targui, Francesco M., Arch- bishop of Siena XIII-781b

TARGUM XIV-454d; V-701b; XIII-llSc: on amulets I-444b; as commentary IV-158a; in Complutensian Bible XII- 222b; and criticism IV-502b; XIV-527b; hagiographa XIV- 457c: haphtarah XIV-456C: on Ismael VIII-192c; Job VIII- 417c: language XIII-417a: XIV-4.5ob: Pseudo-Jonathan. ■See Targum Yerushalmi I; in svnagogal liturgy XIV-381d: Versions of the Bible XV-369C

Targumm. See Targum

Targum of Jonathan XIV-456b; V-701b

—of Onkelos XIV-455C: V-701b: XIV-457b; XV-369C

—Yerushalmi I XIV-456d

—Yerushalmi U XIV^57a

—Yerushalmi HI XIV-457b

— Yonathan. .See Targum of

.Jonathan Tariana Indians XIII-62a Tarichea, Lake of. See Tiberias,

Sea of Tarichea, identity IX-.523c Tarif, Moorish leader XIV-178C Tarifa, town. Spain XIV-178c;

capture (1293) III-411d — IsUnd of, Spain XIV-169C Tariff, and Carey III-347b; Ger- many XV-656b: XVI-21C: United Slat's XV-167d; 17.5c; 177b: 178a — of Abominations, 1828 XV-167d Tarija, Paraguay. Jesuit mission XII-689b

Tarik, Moorish leader VI-550c; X1V-178C; in Spain XV-477b

Tarik ibn Zeyad. .Sec Tarik

TARISEL, PIERRE, architect XIV-457d

Tarisse, Gr^goire, and Saint- Cyriin V-219a: X-70a; 71d; M'aurist rule X - 70c; and Richelieu Xni-4Sd


Tarkovics, Gregory, Bishop of Eperies V-485a

TarUito, Guido, Bishop of Arezzo XI-326b

Tarmidha, in Nascieean hierarchy X-707b

Tarn, department, France, ecele- siastical organization I-267a: map Vl-facing 188

Tamassi, Giuseppe lX-119d

Tam-et-Garoime, department, France, ni.ap Vl-facing 188

Tamoczy, MassiraiUano, car- dinal, at Vienna conference II- 130a

Tamopol, Austria. Jesuit founda- tion XlV-lOla

TARNOW, DIOCESE OF XIV- 458c; cathedral (ill.) XIV- 458c: constituted IV-464d

Tamowski, John, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-681C

—Stanislas XI-687c; and PoUsh literature XII-200C

Tarpugi, Francesco, archbishop, at council of Ayignon n-160a

Taiqfl, deity VII-305d

TARQUINI, CAMILLUS, car- dinal, archseologist XIV^58d; canonist IX-6fib

Tarquinius Priscus, King of Rome XIII-I6I1C

— Superbus, Lucius, King of Rome X1II-166C; 683d

Tarra, Giulio V-317C

Tarracina. See Terracina

Tarragona, pro\nnce. Spain III- 429b; XIV-171d; Roman aque- duct (ill.) XIV-4fi0

—ARCHDIOCESE OF, Spain XlV-4.-.',tb; 17:!d; III-429d: Barcelona U-288d: Carthu- sians III-390d; cathedral V- 259d; VI-678C: XIV-460c; (ill.) XIV-459d: Catholic con- gress (1902) XIV-189d

—CouTicih (516) III-384C; VII- 501d; XIV-178a; 459c; (1233) XIII-640b; (1234) III-520c: (1242) XIV-460C: heretics Vni-36c; (1312) xiv^eoc

— Elne XI-700b; Gerona VI- 530a: legati nati IX-119a: map XlV-facing 200; restor- ation XIV -180c; sacerdotal confraternity Xll-420c; Tor- tosa XIV-785C; Vatican Coun- cil XII~424b

— Congregation of n-449b

Tarraneh, Beherah XIV-515d

Tarrent, Dorsetshire, convent I- 464c

Tarrjao, Pedro, Saragossa, cathe- dral Xlll-469b

Tarrytown, New York, Carmelite convent III-365C

Tarsha, Indian chief, and Millet X-314d

Tarshish (Bib.) I-465C; identity III-547d

Tarsians, and Ignatius of Antioch VII-645C

Tarsicia, Saint, in Rodez and Va- bres Xni-108d

TARSICIUS, SAINT, martv-r XIV-461a: in Dama.sine in- .scriptions VI1I-44C

TarsiUa (Tarsile), Saint. See Trasilla

Tarsis XIV-176a

Tarsus, Asia Minor III-108d: St. Paul XI-.569a; Raymond IV XII-669d; Tancred XIV-442C TARSUS, metropolitan see, Ci- eilia Prima XIV-4filb: I-136a; AugustopoUs II-106d; Corycus IV-402b; Issus VIII-201c; Mallus IX-572b; synod XIV- 574d —Paul of. .See Paul. St. —Saul of. See Paul, St. Tarsus-Irmak (Cydnus) XIV-

461b Tartaglia, Angclo XV-48Sd — NIC0L6, mathematician XlV^eid: X-741a; and Car-


dan III-332d; and Cardano XII-5.5C; (ill.) XIV-462a; as mathematician XI~383b; pro- jectiles XII-56C; in Trapani cathedral XV-23b

Tartalea. See Tartaglia

Tartaretus, Petrus, Scotist XIII- 6I2b

Tartarin, Rene, m Louisiana XI- 7b

Tartaris, Luke de. Bishop of Nepi and Sutri X-750d

Tartars. See Tatars

Tartarughe, Rome Xin-176a

Tartarus, in Greek eschatology V-530d; in Henoch, Book of I- 603a

Tartesians, race XIV-176a

Tartessos I-465c

TARTINI, GIUSEPPE, musician XIV-462b; school of music I- 8Sc

Tarto, Bartholomew, Bishop of Posen VI-591b

Tartre, Vincent de, in China VI- 452b; China, map III-€74a; Xn-720c

Tarugi, Francesco, cardinal, and Ven. Crsula Benincasa XIV- 558b

Tarumari Indians VII-747c: 756a: XIII-406c; missions X- 372c

Tarvisium. «See Treviso

Taryib. See Shamanism

Tasbas, Melchior, at Collegio Ur- bann Xlll-135a

Tasbih Xin-lS.5a

Tasca, Ascanio, Ambrosian super- ior 1-4II4C

Taschenkalender fUr den katho- lischen Klerus, year book XlV-272b

Tascher de la Pagerie, Marie- Josephine-Rose. See Joseph- ine. Empress

TASCHEREAU, ELZEAR -AL- EXANDRE, cardinal. Arch- bishop of Quebec XIV-462c: XII-596d: Beaupr6 church I- 539d; at Catholic congress, Baltimore IV-250a: and Ca- zeauIII-i70b; (ill.) XIV-462d; at Laval University IX-49a; S. Maria Sopra Minerva, titu- lar of XIII-172d

—Jacques VI-351b

Tascodrugitffi X-523d

Ta-shi, Arabs Ill-fiSOb

Tashilumbo, monastery in Tibet XIV-71S)b

Tasis, Vera, on Calder6n III- 156c , „, .

Tas Kwang, Emperor of China IX-74fid

Tasman, Abel Janszen X-783b

Tasmania, aborigines II~119a: capital XV-5S0b; Church in II-116C; pioneers VIII-I47b: statistics II- 117b; as colony II- 113d: convicts in II-l 14c; edu- cation in II-118a; and Hall II- 119d: intolerance II-11.5c; and migration X-291d: Folding in XII-201C; population II-114a; prisons II-l 1.5a; religious die- nominations Il-llSc; statistics ■ II-117b; and W. 1,1 X\ r,7<:ic

TASSACH, SAINT XlV-4fi:ia; V-147c; and St. Patrick V- 148c: XI-559b

TASSfe, JOSEPH, author XIV- 463a: and "La Minerve" XI- 672c

Tassels, heraldry VII-245a; on pallium XI-428d

Tassi, Agostino, and Claude de Lorrain IX-361d

Tassilo I, Duke of Bavaria II- 354c; VIII-607b; Slovenes XIV-49d

— n, Duke of Bavaria 1I-354C: vill-607b; 701b; XI-663c; foundations II-122b: Freising X-631a; Wessobrunn Abbey XV-591C

— in, Duke of Bavaria, chalice III-248C; 562c: (ill.) X-219; 221a: and Charlemagne III- 614a

Tassin, Giuseppe, on lartagUa

XIV-402a — REN£-PR0SPER, historian XIV-463b: 1I-162C; Bulls, in- vestigation of III-58a; and Toustain XV-4d; work V-22a


Roman numeral indicateo volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.