Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/803

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Tecca, Giovanni, Franciscan VI-

Tecchi, Scipio XVI-14C

Tech-na-Roman. Sec Teach

Techo, writer VI— i52a

Tecklenburg, Protestant terri- tory XV-604a: Calvinism in XV-(i03c; Evangelical Con- fession XV-603b

Tecla. See Thecla

Teclan, Abbot of St. James XV- 721c

Tecoripa, mission XIV-145b

Tecpanecas, tribe II-169d; X- 2.-) lb

Tecpatl, Aztec year II-171a

Tecto, Juan de, missionary VI- 29Sc; L'9fla: X-258C

Tectosages, tribe VI-336b; XIV- 79.ic

Tecumseh (Tecumtha), Indian chief VII-740C; XII-320c; XIV -19a

Teczynski XIV-34d

Tedal. See Thadal

Tedaldo, Coimt of Canossa VI- 4(>c

Tedbald, Archbishop of Canter- bury. .See Theobald

re decet hymnus, psalm III-74b

Tedeschi, Fondaco dei, frescoes XIV-742C

— Nicholas. See Nicolo de Tu- (kschi

TE DEUM XIV-468C; III-302c; VII-59.5C; .\bundiu3 I-75a: in Advent I-165d; archaeological argument XIV-469C; in Bangor Antiphoner III-49Sb; composi- tion XIV-468C: St. C\-prian, text of XIV-4B9b; faithful, attitude of VI-42oa; and Gloria VI-.584b; Lesueur XVI- 53d; in Little Office IX-294d; melody XIV-470b; metrical translations XIV-i70d; and mitre X^04d; St. Nicetas XI- 52d; XIV-i69a; origin II-S6d; during Paschal Tide XI-517a; of Piel XII-79b: rubrics XIV- 470a: textual points XIV-i69d; in Turin Fragment III-496b; Verdi XV-350d; Westcott XV- .")92b

Tedis (Telese) XIV-J76d

Tee (Til XIV-197C

Teefy, J. R. XI-tJ73a

Teeling, John XV-4.S7b

Teema. See Tigernach

Teeth, .is beads II-362C; Celsus I 4.-)Sb: .Malpighi I-460b; .-Schwann .XIIl-393a

Teetotal Societies XIV-»82d

Tefassed. .S>c Tipasa

Teflfe, Prefecture Apostolic of XVI-09b

Tefnakhte, King of Eg\-pt V-342a

Tefnit, .leit\- V-34.ib

TEGAKWITHA, CATHERINE .\l\' !71b. l-2.56d; III-23.3b; l.">sa; I « II la; .\-.380a; at Auries- vUlu II lUc; baptized I-2.56d; and Lambcrv'ille VIII-759a; at Montreal X-548b: statue XIII-7fi7b

Tegea, .Sec of VI-7.38d

TEGERNSEE XIV-471C; I- 751d; X-4.53C; 631a; St. God- ard's reform VI-621C; St. Qviirinua. rehcs of XII-61.5a

Tegesta Indians Vl-119b; X- 3s4d

Te gestientem gaudiis, hymn XlII-lS^^c

Tegianum iDiano) IV-773b

Teglathphalasar. See Theglath- ph:il.-i«r

Tegner, Esaias, poet IX— 43oc;

XIV-3.i 11-

Vatican researches

Tegonhatsihonga, Anastasia

X1V-J71C Tegrinseo. See Tegemsee Tegucigalpa, Honduras IV-

151c Tegurium I-3<'>.3d Tegyani, tribe IV-77.3b Tehama, province I-6fi3b Tehanin-kut'qin, tribe IX-368a Tehariolian, Simon Remain,

Huron chief VII-582d Teharoth, Talmudic treatise

XIV-437C Tehenu, tribe V-340C Teheran, mission XI-724b; siege

of XI-718d

Tehillim, Hebrew hvmns X-287c;

XII-17tlb Tehnelche Indian (ill.) Vll-fac-

ine 7o(i Tehom. .SVeTavthe TEHUANTEPEC, DIOCESE OF

Xiy-473c; Xl-lSOd; map X-

facing 208 Tehuas Indians, New Mexico

XI-3b Tehueco Indians, Mexico XIV-

13a Tehuelche Indians VII-747d;

Xl-,-)4(lb; Xll-ii2:id Teiasir lAserl I-77.->b Teibeh, Kh. et iDimona) VI-437a Te Igitur, priiycr lll~2lild Teigimiouth, ronvent ll-4.').")b TEILO lELIUDi, SAINT XIV-

473d; churclies dedicated to

XI-303C; at Hcntlan XV-586d;

LlandafT episcopate IX-315d;

and St. David IV-641b Teil tree, in Bible XII-156d Teima, .\ r a m a i c inscriptions

XIII-710b; Nabatean inscrip-

tion.^ XIII-710C Teinkviche, Prague (ill.) Xll-fac-

ing 340 Teispes n, King of Persia XI-

7 1 3a Teit, ethnologist XIV-70,5a Teithfallt of Morganwg XIV-

542c Teixeira, Antonio Tristao Vaz,

Bishop of St. Thomas of Myla-

purXIII-38r)b Teja, King of Ostrogoths XI-

34Sb Tejada, Bishop of Guadalajara

lV-221d: VI-USc Tejado, Gabino XI-690b Tejas. See Caddo Indians Tekakwitha. .See Tegakwitha Tekas. .See Texas Tekir Ova, ruins XI-791a Tekkes, .M u.s.'^ulman monasteries

IV-30lia Tekoa (Thecue). See Thecua Telaim, name X-678b —town VI-44.5d Telamni Indians, language XIV-

.30d; mission X-372C Telamon, King of Salamis XIII-

393b Tel-Arka (Arcae) I-687C Telassar. .See Thalassar Tela tagUata, lace VIII-729d Tela tirata, lace VIII-729d; (ill.)

VIIl-731d Telchilde, Saint, Abbess of Jou-

arre X-98d Telegonus, founder of Tusculum

VI-24.3a Telegony VII-255a Telegraph IV-332d; Amp*rc I-

4.38a; Volta XV-504a; wireless

n-740d —periodical, Dublin III-140d —periodical, Ohio XIl-.570d Teleki, Joseph, historian VII-

ofl4d Tel-el-Kebir, battle Vni-.597a;

XV1-1.")C Tel-el-Mahouta, battle XVI-1.5c Telemachus, Saint IV-102d Telemann, George Philip, musi- cian Xl-27lld Telemechanics II 741a Teleological argument I-716a;

Vl-r,llb: XIV-120C TELEOLOGY XlV-474b; and

nature \-71i',d; and Spiritual- ism XIV 2.30a Teleosts, of .Mp.sozoir era V-«(>4c Telem TELEPATHY Telescope II-26a; Boscovich II-

693b; Campanis III-222C; Ba- con Xlll-llob: Foucault VI-

1.57a; Galileo VI-343b; refract- ing II-2r,b: .«cheiner XIII-.526a TELESE, DIOCESE OF XIV-


477a; V-42.ia; X-l.iOc; XII-

32b; and Campanella III-221b;

portrait XIV-477a Telespectroscope XIII-670a TELESPHORUS, SAINT, Pope

XIV-477b; lV-1.3d; XIi-27.3a;

XIII - lr.7c; and Gloria VI-

S83c; .58.3d —OF COSENZA XIV-477C; and

St. Cvril IV-.59.5b Teleutes, race XII-626C

Telez, Jesuit VI-451a

Telge, Councils of (1279) XVI- 77c; (1341) XVI-77c; (1380) XV 1-7 7c

Telharsa. See Thelharsa

Tel Hum (Capharnaum) Xl\'- 380d

Telian (Teliarus), Saint. See Teilo

Teligny, Charles de XIII-335b

Telingana, kingdom VII-725a

TeU, William IX-127b; XIV- 359b

Telia. See Constantia

Tell-Addi (TeU-Adda) VIII-277c

Telia, John of. See John of Telia

Tell-Abib V-737c

Tell-Amram XV-od

Tell' Arad. See Arad

Tell Bastah, Egj-ptian goddess Ill-2iib

Tell-Bellawat (Ingm^-Bell Il-sa

Tell Dafaneh (Taphnes) XIV- 444a

TeU-Dibbin. .See Ahion

Tell-Djezer (Gazara) Vl-;i32d

TellDothan iDothain) \ Ill-5lltld

TeU Diiluk iDoliche) V-93d

Tell-el-Amama, town. Egypt. •Sr,- Akhrlatnn

TELL-EL-AMARNA TABLETS XIV-477d; Il-Ub; ISSd; III- 571a; V-339d; 393b; XIII- 707c; 708a; Abraham I-53c; Amorrhite I-434a; Cbanaan III-.569c; .570c; discovered XI- 305b; 6.53a; Pentateuch XII- 413d; Phoenicia X1I-41C

Tell-el Fera'in V-337a

TeU-el-Ffll X-789c

Tell-el-Kassis lll-353c; V-3S2b

Tell-el-Mei XlV-658a

Tell-el Mutesellim. See Ma-



Tell-el-Qadi (Lais-Dan) IV-616c; VIII-.5(ila

TeU el Rameh (Betharan) II- 532c

Tell en-Nasbeh X-7S9C

TeUer, Wilhelm Abraham III- 3n.Sb; Xll-6.53a

TeU-er-Rameh (Livias) IX-315C

Telles, Leonor XII-301C

TeUes de Brito, Manoel, Arch- bishop of Goa Vl-fiCMb

Tell-esh-Shaghflr XIV- 130a

TeU es-Safiyeh X-7V,id

TeU es Sarem iSalimj Vlll-501b

TeU-es-Sultan \11I 340a

TfiLLEZ, GABRIEL XlV-478a: 199a; X-19Sa; XI-340a; XIII- 223c; "Don Quixote" III-544C; and Rojas y Zorrilla XIlI-1 18a

— Manuel Gonzalez, canonist IV- H72d: IX-ti.5b

— y Giron, Pedro, Duke of Osuna 1-2SIC. 2Md; I1I-415C

TeU-Fakus (Phasusa) XI-788C

TeU Faiameh (Pelusium) XI- 61 la

Tell-Houm (Capharnaum) III- 309c

TELHER, MICHEL LE, Chan- cellor of France X1V-478C; and Mignard X-290b; portrait XIV-J7SC

— Michel Le, Jesuit. See Le Tel- lier. Michel

— Michel Le, the Yotmger XIV- 478d

TeUi-Ibrahim (Kutha) II-108a; expedition II-9b

TeU Mokdam (Leonto) IX-lSlc

Telle (Lagash) II-179d; discov- eries in n-9a; 180d; 181b; XI- 303d; (ill.) II-180b; librarj- of IX-227C

—Bishop of Chur III-74.3d: XIII-3B5a

Tello, Antonio, writer III-178a; VI-299d; and Motolinia X- 602c

—Manly IV-250b; XI-69.5b

— de Sandoval, Francisco XV- 76Sc

TeU Shadud XV-740a

Tell-Tenis (Thennesus) XIV- 567b

Telmelah. .See Thelmala

TELMESSDS (TELMISSIS), .fee r,f xn'-47Sd

Telo. See T. il.>

Telpuchcalli, Aztec II-17Ia Telramund, Friedrich IX-125«  Telshi, Diocese of. .See Samo- gitia. Diocese of



' XIV-479a

Telugu, race XII-626d

Tema. See Thema

Tema-en-Hor (Hermopolis Par- va) Vll-2,s9b

Teman. .See Theman

Teinao,iii Iranian cosmogony IV- 40Sc

Tembia (Tabbora) XIV-123d

Temblegue, church XIV-758b

Temecula, mission X-372d

Temeraria lll-532c

Temetlouans, tribe XIV-439d

Temese. .See Tamassus

Temescaz, Orthodox Diocese of Vl-75,ia

Temesvar, battle (1697) IV-30c

— Diocese of I\'-S58c

TEMISKAMING, VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF XIV-479b; Cathohc schools XIII-565d; map X-faeing .546

TEMNUS, See of X1V-479C

Temp., ;ilihr. I-2lia


Temperament, and character III- 5S.5b; and sin XI\'-8a; and vir- tue XV-474C TEMPERANCE XIV-4Slc; III- 343d; VII-292d; XV-472c; 473c; Capuchin crusade III- 327a; in chastity III-637d; and continence IA'-330d; and eu- genics XVI-39c; heroicity of VII-293C; in human perfection III-586C; infusion theory VI- 707c; m IV Machabees I-605d; Methodist observance X-237d; Father Mathew X-47b; Plato V-S68a; Eobbia's work XIII- 95c; sensuous appetite XV- 472d; Thomistic teaching XIV- 667d

— Sons of XIV-72b; 73c; Canada XIV-492b: condemned II- 238a; \ is^ib: XIV- 73b

— MOVEMENTS XIV-4S2a; aleol.c.l. c.i.Mai I'tion of XIV- 482b; Anirica XlV-483b; An- glican Xn'-4i'3d; Austria XI\'-4S4d; Baltimore, decree of II-240c; Beer Bill XIV- 4S7c; Belgium XIV-tS5b; Blue Cross XIV-483d; Canada XIV-^92b; Catholic XIV- 485b; 489a; Bp. Cretin IV- 487d; Congresses XIV-485d; Cross. League of the IV-lOId; Denmark XIV— 183d; develop- ment XIV— lS2d; England XIV-483b; Finance Act (1910) XIV-487d; Finland XIV-485b; France XIV-485b; 485d; Ger- ffanv XIV-483b; 484d; 48Sc; Gin Act XIV-487b; Gladstone XIV-4S7c; Great Britain and Ireland XIV-4S6d; Griffin XVI-42d; Holland XIV-4S5a; 485d; Hungary XIV-485a; Ice- land XIV-485b; International XIV-484b; Ireland XIV-483b; 489d; Italy X I V-485b; Knights of Father Mathew XIV-492d; Lithuanian XVI-55d; National Associations XIV-4S4d; Nor- way XIV-483b; Philadelphia XIV -49 la; Portugal XIV- 485b; present status XIV- 4S4a; Scotland XIV-483b; Spain XIV— 485b; statistics XIV-482b; Sweden XIV-483b; Switzerland XIV-4S5a; 485c; successes XI\'-486a; United States and Canada XIV-490a

Tempest, Nicholas, martyr V-

477d; 478b —Stilling of, miracle X-346d;

347a —Sir Thomas XIV-697a Tempesta, Antonio XV-293c — Guecello, ruler of Tre%-i60 XV-

3Sd — Pietro, artist XIII-17.5b Tempier, Etienne, Archbishop of Paris, and Albertus Magnus I- 264c; and Colonna, Egidio IV- 127b; physics XI I-.50c; and Roger Bacon XIII-111'c; on Thomism VI-626a; XII-38c; XIV-698C — William. Sec William Tem- pier, Blessed Tempietto, Rome I-290a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.