Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/809

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VII-454b; and Sergius X- 5Wd

Theodore of Smyrna, hj-miiodist \II-599d

— of S. Rufina, antipope VII- filb

—OF STUDIUM, SAINT XIV- 574a; 317a; II-323a; IV-303C; VII-623C; X-470b; and the AcoemetsB I-105c; St. Basil, Rule of II-322B; Byzantine Rite, hymns IV-315b; death VII-624b; and Domnus Apos- toiicus V-115b: as epigrammat- ist III-119a; as Father of the Church VI-lc; Greek script, reform XI— i04d; on habits, religious XII-451d; as hymno- dist VII-599d; defends images III-106d; manuscripts IX- 617a; and Michael II V-599b; as monastic writer X-468d; Nicsea. Second Council of XIV^52a; and St. Nicephorus XI-50b; on papal primacy VII-624a; and Paschal I XI- 514c; Rome, primacy of VI-763a; and Rome, union with X^70d; and St. Tarasius XIV-452a; works, Maurist edition of XIV^63b; works, in Russia XIII-266d; works, Toustain's edition XV— 4d

—of Tarsus. See Theodore, St., Archbishop of Canterbury

— Primicerius, and Paschal I XI-514b

— Scribo, Patriarch of Alexandria I-301d

— the Anatolian, Coptic manu- script XVI-29a

—the Eastern, Acts of XI-710d

— the Epirote, emperor XIII- 732d

—the Greek. .See Theodore, St., Archbishop of Canterbury

— the Syceote, Saint, Bishop of Lajrania VIII-741a

THEODORET, Bishop of Cyrus XIV-.i74b; IV-597a; VI-602a: .\caciu3 of Bercea I-80c; on Adamites I-135a; on Alexander of Antioch I-28ob; on Alexan- der of HierapoUs I-285b; Am- philochius of Iconium I-438d; on St. Andrew I-471c; ApoUin- arianism I-615c; Arabia. Chris- tianity in I-668a; on Archon- tics I-697b; Blessed Virgm, \-irginity XV-448C; on Canticle of Canticles III-303a; 303c; Chalcedon, Council of III- 557c: on cross of Christ, IV- 520b; as church historian VII- 373c; on confirmation IV-219b: Constantinople, Second Council of IV-309a; IV-425b; St. Cyril of Alexandria X-757a; and Diatesseron XIV— J64d; Dio- dorus of Tarsus V-8c; Dioscu- rus V-19a; discipline of the secret V-33b; Ephesus, Coun- cil of V-492b: St. Ephraem V- 498d: and Eutvches V-631b; on Flaccilla VI-89d; hair- shirts VII-114a: Historia tri- partita XIV-577b; holy water VII-i33a; and Ibas VII-614a; lUyria, synod at XII-174c: on Manichseism IX-596c; and Marcionites IX-648c; on Mich- eas, prophecy of XV-464Da; on miracles X-346a; and Nes- torianism V~496b; X-755c; XIV-708b; orthodoxy XIV- 573a; St. Pantaleon XI-447d; presMteries XII-39.5a; Rom- ans. Epistle to the XIII-loTb; Sabcllianism X^.50d; Sirmond XIV-28a; Tatian I-660d; The- ophanies I— 480c; and Three Chapters XIV-707C; 707d; on tongues, gift of XIV-777c; writingsVI-9c; IX-596b; XIV- 575a Theodorias, pro\-incc, and Bala- niEa II-216a; and Paltus XI- 434d — .See of. 5ec Vaga Theodoric, Saint. See Tewdrig.

Saint —I, Frankish king TV-72b; and

St, Quinctianus XII-613C — n, Frankish king, and .S(.

Columban ll-60b — King of Munster VI1I-641C

— I, King of the Visigoths, and

Aetius I-177d; defeats Attila

II-61b —II, King of the Visigoths XIV-

177c; and Sidonius Apollin-

aris XIII-778b — antipope I-582b; XI-515a — biographer of St. Hildegard

VII-352b — brother of St. Louis the Pious

II-61a — and St. Margaret of Scotland

III-495d —writer IX-58Sa —I, Abbot of Aldersbach I-279d — Prince-Bishop of Basle II-

338d — Bishop-elect of Breslau II-

762b — Bishop of the Cumans XIII-

228a — I, Count of Holland, and Eg- bert of Trier V-32.5d —Bishop of Karinthia VIII-607C — Coimt of Liitzelberg Vll-227d —I, Bishop of Metz X-248c:

and Sigebert of Gembloux

XIII-7S3d — n. Bishop of Metz X-248c —III, Bishop of Metz X-248C — I, Saint, Bishop of Minden X-

323a — II, Bishop of Minden X-323b — n. Bishop of Miinster X-637b —Abbot of St.-Remy XII-765a — .\bbot of St.-Trond, and St.

Trudo XV-69d —Bishop of Urbino XV-222b — Bishop of Verdun, and Wen- rich of Trier XV-588a —of Apoldia, Thomist XIV-

702b —of Avesnes IX-238c — of Beringhausen, Prince-Abbot

of Corvcv XV-603d —OF CHARTRES, Platonist

philosopher XIV-575d; and

Bernard Sylvester XIV-372b — of Cohnar, mystic VI-306d — of Erbach, Archbishop and

Elector of Mainz IV-789a —of Fleury, monk XV-79a — nl of Isenburg, Bishop of

Miinster X-637b — of Mors, Archbishop of Cologne

IV-I16d — m of Neustria, and St. Wulf-

ram XV-716b — of Trondhjem, chronicler XI-

— of Vribere, work xn-363d — n of Wied, Archbishop of

Trier XV-43b — the Amaling. See Theodoric

the Great — the Fortunate, count XI-237d —THE GREAT, King of the Ostrogoths XIV-576a; XI- 348a; XIII-793C; and Arator I- 67Sd; Arianism III-743c; V- 2.50d; in art (Vischer) XV- 476b; and Boethius n-610d; and Cse.sarius of .\rles III-135C; and Cassiodonis Ill-406a; and Clovis IV-71d; confederation project VI~48.5a; Cosma-s and Damian. Church of Sts. XIII- 171b; and Ennodius V-479a; Felix IV VI-31h; XII-271a; and John I III-lOSc; VIII- 421a; in legend VI-517a; .')19a; IX-121b; and Marseilles IX- 715b; and Odoacer VIII-231d —Palaee: Ravenna (ill.) XII- facing 666; in art at San Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna XI-396d.- Terracina XIV-518C; Verona XV-361a — and papal election XI-4.56b; and Pa\'ia XI-592d; and pris- oners XII-431b: Ravenna, siege of XII-663b: and Rome XIII-16Sa; in Sicily XIII- 774b; St. Svmmachis XIV- 377b; .377d; Synodus Palmaris V^78c; tomb III-709C; tomb (ill.) XlV-facing 576 Theodortcus, prior of Wurzburg, and Thierry of Freiburg XIV- 635b — a Monasterio. See Coelde,

Theodori- Theodoritus, Saint XI-83d Theodoropolis. See Euchais THEODORUS, SAINT XIV- 577a

—LECTOR XIV-577b; 377a; VII-373C; on creed, recitation of lV-479a; on Gennadius I Vl-416a

Theodosia, Saint, martyr XV- llld

— sister of Leander of Se\'ille IX- 102a

— wiie of Leovngild VII-276a

Theodosian Code, and Apotactics I-650b; in Charlemagne's king- dom III-611b; contents IX- 87c; ecclesiastical property IX-117C; glebe VI-582c; and heretics VII-260b; legacies in early Church IX-115d; relics, sale of XII-737a; and sanc- tuar\- XIII-430d; on theatre XIV-559C

— Dynasty, in West XIII-179d

Theodosianopolis, John of. 5ee John of Theodosianopolis

Theodosians, Monophvsites IV- 598a; X-490b

Theodosiopolis, in Armenia. See Erzerum. Diocese of

— in Mesopotamia. See Rhesffina

THEODOSIOPOLIS, in Thrace XIV-.^.77c

THEODOSnjS I, Roman Em- peror XI V-577d; VII-1 Id; IX- 410d; on St. Ambrose I-384d; and St. Ambrose I-385d; Am- philochius of Iconium I-438c; and Arians XII-174d; and Ar- menia I-754b; Ill-lOOd; bap- tism Vn-12b; XIV-633d; and Christianity III-700a; Code of XIII-43(»d; Constantinople, First Council of IV-308a; 425a; VII-12C; Constantinople, Sy- nod of IV-311d; and cousins, marriage of IV-264d; Cross, representations of IV-530b; and divorce IX-696b; Egj-p- tian obelisk I\"-305d; and Egj-ptians Xni-311b; and Encratites V-413b; and Flac- cilla ^lia VI-89c; funeral ora- tion I-387d; Galla Placidia XII-142a: and St. Gregory of Nazianzus VII-12b; heresy VII-260C; and Honorius VII- 460d; and idolatry II-177b; and Jews VIII-391a; and Manichieans XIV-768d; and Maximus I-38.5d; VII-12b; and Persian embassyXI-715d; policy, ecclesiastical III-lOlc; and prisoners XII-431b; and Rhesipna XIII-19a: and St. Paul. BasiHca of Xin-369b; and Theodore of Antioch XIV- 57 Id; Thessalonica. massacre at Xn'-633b: and Valentinian 11 I-3S.-.d: XV-255b; and Visi- goths X\'-476d

Theodosius II, Emperor of the East III-99C; XIV-412b; and Accemetff I-105b; Agios O Thcos I-211b; and Alex- ander of Apamea I-2S5b; and Athemius I-553d; and Armenia Ill-lOOd; and At- tila IX-C44C; Bologna Uni- versity, legend II-t>41c; aa copvist IX-617a; and St. Cviil of Alexandria VI-659d; Ephesus, Council (431) IV- .593c; V-»91d; Ephesus, Rob- ber Council of (449) V-495a; 496c; 632d; and Eudocia- Athenais ll-14d; V-597b; X- 674d; and Eutychcs III-555c; 555d; and Eutychian contro- versy V-19a; 20b; and Illvri- cum II-6.i9d; VI-757d; Isaac of Armenia VIII-176b; and Jews VIII-391a; John of Anti- och VIII-468d; and Julian of Eclanum VIII-558a; and Juve- nal of Jerusalem VI-758b; and 1^0 I IX-1.56b; XII-142d; .562b; and Mesrob X-211c; and Myra V-66Ib: and Xestorian- ism V-494C; and Xestorius X- 755a; 755c; and Nestoriua, wards of XI-607d: Palestine, embassy to VII-185b; and St. Proclus XII-449C; and St. Pulcheria IX-6»4b; XII-5fild; and saint's tunic III-378d; Simeon Stylites, the Elder XIII-79,5c; Sunday legislation III-1.58C: and Theodoret XIV- 57,5a

— in, Byzantine Emperor III- 104b

— brother of Constans II X-507a

—Comes XIV-578a; fall VI-89C

— missionary. South America XIII-62a

— monk, and St. Sophronius XIV-397b

— pilgrim, on Gethsemani VI- 640d; on Holy Sepulchre, loca- tion of VII-426a; and Itiner- arium VIII-254d

— Anti-Patriarch of Alexandria V-635c; X-490b; 491a; XIV- 410c; death IX-215d

— Monophysite Patriarch of An- tioch, writings XIV-412b

— Melchite Patriarch of Antioch (12th cent.) and Balsamon II- 226c

— rV, Melchite Patriarch of An- tioch X-l59b

— VI, Melchite Patriarch of An- tioch X-160a

— Saint, Bishop of Auxerre XIII- 718b

—Bishop of Belgrade II-407b

— Bishop of Cffsarea, and St. Maximus of Constantinople X-80b

— Bishop of Canatha III-244b

—Bishop of Cingoli XI-.339b

— Bishop ot Cotrone IV-423a

—Bishop of Ephesus \'II-620b; Constantinople, synod of VII- 621d

— Anti-patriarch of Jerusalem V- 637a; VII-21Sb; Vni-359b; 359c; X-15Sb; Chalcedon, Council of V-636d; Vni-361c

— Bishop of Lagania VIII-741a

—Bishop of Philadelphia XI- 793b

— Jacobite Bishop of Rhessena XIII-19a

— Bishop of Sagalassus XIII- 324d

— Archbishop of Sassari XIII- 485b

— Bishop of Scythopolis XIII- 648d

— Patriarch of Seleucia, and Church in India XIV-682d

—Bishop of Sidon Xni-778a

— Bishop of Sinigaglia XlV-13d

— Bishop of Sozopolis XIV-166d

— Bishop of Sparta XIV~210a

—Bishop of Svnnada Xl\'-3S7d

— Bishop of Timbrias XIV-726a

—Bishop of Tripolis XV-60d

— Cfesar, and St. Anastasius I- 454d

— FLORENTINI XIV-57Sd; III- 743d: foundations XIV-643c: and Mercy. Sisters of XII-240b

— of Antioch, founds monastery Xin-26c

— of Constantinople, and Paschal I XI-514C

—of Edessa, writings XIV-412b

— Petcherski, Blessed XIII- 261c; as writer XIlI-267d

— the Cenobite, Saint, and Theo- dore of Petra XI-77Sb

— the Great. See Theodosius I, Roman Emperor

— the Yoimger. See Theodosius II. Emperor of the East

Tbeodossia, \'irgin and martyT IV-.597C

Theodota, Bj-zantine Empress, and Constantine VI III-105d; IX-LiSc; XI-50b; and ven- eration of images III-106b

— virgin and martyr IV-597C

Theodotians, heretics X-44Sd: XV-756c; and Divinity of Christ XIV-6n0c

Theodotion, Biblical MS. IX- 630c; Book of Daniel, version IV-62.Td; Old Testament, ver- sion Vn-316d; XIII-723d; XIV-527C; XV-367c; Psalms, version XII-.540C

Theodotus, Saint, martjT IX- 64 5d

—Gnostic VI-598d

— Sam.aritan writer XIII-420c; on Sichemite massacre XIII- 794c

— Bishop of Ancvra, on Blessed Virgin VIl-07.5d; 676a: at Ephesus, Council of V-492d

— I, Anti-patriarch of Constan- tinople VI-762C; VII-623C; XI-51b

Roman numeral indicates volume: arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.