Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/822

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Torelli, Luigia^ foundation I- 483b; VII-53d

ToreUo, Vicenzo XI-6S3d

Torengo, Bishop of Vicenza XV— 405c

Toreno, Jose Maria Guepo, min- ister XIV-lS5d

Torfseus iTorfason), Thormod, Icelandic scholar I-41Sc; VII- 1319b

Torfesson. See Torfaus

Torfou, battle XIII-13d

Torgau, articles of IX-453b; battle IX-6t!4d; XII-524a; convention of \'-7Gld; Luther- an Alliance IX-45Sc; XII- 7040

Torgil Knutsson, execution XIV- 351d

Torgod, ethnological classifica- tion XII-626C

TORIBIO ALFONSO MOGRO- VEJO, SAINT XIV-781a; IX- 25aa; XI-734a; feast, United States II-239d

— de Benavente, missionary VI- 298c; writer VI-299d

— Medina, Jose, Chilian writer XIV-206d

Toribius, Saint, Bishop of Astor- ga, opposes Priscillianism XI- 417d .

Tories, in American Revolution XV-lfl3c; and Daniel O'Con- nell XI-202a; ol Ulster, and Dr. Plunket XII-170a

Torigny, Robert de, historian VII-236a

Torim, mission station XIV— 145b

Torino. .See Turin

Torio, Emilio, Biblical cominis- siou II-557C

Torkos, Andrew, version of the Bible XV-373C

Torlonia, prince III-8a

— Villa, Frascati VI-243b; 244b

— Collection, in National Gal- lery, Rome XIII-16od

Tor Marancino, excavations X- 209c

Tormentoso, Cabo (Cape of Good Hope) IV-77,5c

Tormo, Jose, Bishop of Orihuela XI-:il.')d

Tomabono, Alfonso, bishop, her- barium III-54Ga

Tomabuoni, Francesco, tomb XVI-64a

— Lorenzo VI-546d

— Lucrezia X-120b

— Nicole, Bishop of Borgo San- Sepolcro II-GSGc

— Chapel, Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence VI-546C

Tornacum, Diocese of. See Tour-

Tomafort, Costanza IV-742b

— Pietro Bruno di San Giorgio IV-742b ^ ^ ,

Tomamira, Johannes de, physi- cian X-127d

Tomatore, Lazarist X-3ti6d; 367b

Tomatori, Rocco, Vicar .Apostolic of Eastern Burma IIl-S3a

TORNIELLI, GIROLAMO FRANCESCO XIV-7Slb; in Abyssinia VI-293C; "Annales Sacri" II-302d; annalist XIV- 233c; birthplace XI-134C

Tomovo, battle ll-780a

Toro, town, Spain, battle III- 151d; XII-.302C; Collegiate Church (ill.) XV-749b; Sancho II III-7r,9c

—Gabriel de, orator XIV-200b

— Laws of .\1V lS6d

— Tomas del, Itishop of Carta- Kcria lli-3slb

Toromona Indians XIV-427a


Toronto, town, Irish fever vic- tims VI1I-1.50C; McMastcr University II-280C; St. Mich- ael's Coll.-t:e ll-32.5b; III- 24()c; Univr-rsity XIV-7.S2d


Md; XI



325b; Catholic schools in XIII- .'J05a; Educational and Chun- table Institutes X1V-7S2C; history XIV-781d; map X- facing MO; Our Lady of Chan- ty Conv<;at XII-712c; Re- dcmptorista at XII-685b; Sis-

ters of St. Joseph VIII-515d; statistics III - 23Sa; Syrian Greek Catholic settlement VI- 75 Id; theological seminary at XIII-697d

— Globe, periodical I-505b

— Tribune, periodical I-505b

Toroszewicz, Nicholas, Bishop of Armenian See IX-146b

Torote, Raotd de. Bishop of Ver- dun XV-35 lb

— Robert de. Bishop of Langres VIII-79na

Tor Pignattara, mausoleum III- 515a

Torquatus, Saint, Bishop of St- Paul-Trois-Chateaux XV-230b

— Saint, Apostle of Spain XIV- 177a; XVI-43a; feast, in Mozarabic Rite X-616d

Torquemada, Diego de. Bishop of Tuy XV-lOod

—Juan de, cardinal VII-«79d; XIV-702C; 7S3a; as Abbot of Valladolid XV-25SC; Basle, Council of VII-679d; on Bene- dict, Rule of St. II-437a; as Bishop of Cadiz III-131d; on Decretals, false V-773d; as Dominican XII-36Sd; at Fer- rara VI-112C; in Florence V- 503a; and Gallicanism VI— 355c; on Law, canon XII-365C; on Notes of Church IIl-450d; as Bishop of Orense XI-295d; and Pisa, Council of XII- 114b; Bishop of Sabina XIII- 291b; as Master of the Sacred Palace X-39a: and S. Maria Sopra Minerva XIII-172d; as commendatorj^ Abbot of Su- biaco XIV-321d; "Summa de Ecclesia" I-621C; and Sweyn- heim XIV-357b; theologian XIV-592d; Thomist XIV- 702c

— Juan de, historian VI-299d; on Mexico X-256d; on Mot- oliniaX-602a ; and Bishop Zum- drraga X-257c

— TOMAS de XIV-7S3a: VIII- 36d; XI-772c: XII-368Bc;

Torra, Luis, missionary XV- 749d

Torras y Bages, Jose, Bishop of Vich X\'-t06b

Torre, della, family, burial place XIII-400a

— Filippo della, antiquarian II- 303a; in X-299C

— Giacomo della, of Forli, physi- cian X-127C

— Giovanni Maria della, geologist VI-453b

— Guglielmo della. Bishop of Como IV-lS4a

■ — Guido della. Lord of Piacenza XII-70b; in Milan X-299C

—Jacobus de la. Vicar Apostolic in the Netherlands VII-3SSb

— Marcantonio della, anatomist X-129d

— Martino della. Lord of Milan X-299c;XI-134d;tombX-30lc

— Pegano della X-299b

—Porta deUa, Spoleto XIV-232d

— Ramondo della. Patriarch of ,\quileia XV-1 ISd

— Satumin della, \'icar Apostolic of Hu-nan IH-fi7.5b

— Sineo della. Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus XIII- 307b

— Anguillara, in Trastevcrc, Rome XIII-17r,d

— del Comiine, in Pontremoli XII-234b

— del Greco, Italv, coral fishery XIV-307a

— delle Asse., Milan, and da Vinci XV-442d

—della Milizie, Rome XIII-177a

—del Ora, Seville (ill.) XIII-745

— di Nona, .\lexander VI and I- 29na

Torreggiani, Alf., Bologna cathe- dral II-MOc

— Elzear, Bishop of Armidale I- 74nd

Torregiano, Pietro, and Van de Vel.le XV-270b

Torreion, town. Spain IX-.'ilSc

Torrelles, Raimundo de. Bishop of Majorca l.\ -5,5(')d

Torre Millina, Home XIII-177a

Torrensis, Hieronymus Xl-7.59b

Torrentius, Livinus, Bishop of

Antwerp I-589C Torre Nuova, Tommaso Mahni,

Duke of, palace of I-2S4b — Patria, Diocese of III-408b — PeUice, Waldensian school XV-

530b Torres (Sassari) XIII-4S5a — De, Bishop of Ross XIII-202a — Antonio de, commander, and

Columbus IV-144b — Antonio, Bishop of the Canaries

XIV-783c; Council of Trent

XIII-7S8d • — Baltasar de. See Baltasar de

Torres —Cosmo de VI-234a; mission

VI-44d • — Francisca de IX-318c —FRANCISCO, Hellenist XIV-

783c; S7d; XV-lG3b; 42Sd;

Apostolic constitutions I-636b;

III-280C; Clementine Homilies

IV-39c; Vigor XV^2Sd — Francisco de, explorer IV-

777b — Fulgentius, Abbot of New

Norcia XI-5c — Giovanni de. Archbishop of

Salerno XIII-39.Sa ■ — Juan de, Franciscan yl-299d — ^Ludovico de, .Archbishop of

Monreale X-508C — Luis de, navigator, and New

Guinea X-783b _ — Luis de, theologian, and Vas-

quez XV-275C — Luis Tortolero y. See Tortolero

— Tomas, mart\x X-391a Torre Sanguigna, Rome XIII-

177a Torresano, Andreas IX-634a Torres Bollo, Diego de, Superior

of Pro\'ince of Paraguay XII-

6S9c: and Indians VII-46b;

and Ruiz de Monlova XIII-

223d — de Vera, Juan, governor of

Par.aguav XI-170d — NAHARRO, BARTOLEME

DE XIV-7S3d; I9Sd; and Vi- cente XV-404C — y Ribas, Juan, Bishop of

Minorca X-332b — y Rueda, Marcos de. Bishop of

Yucatan XV-737d — y Sanz, Aurelio, Bishop of

Cienfuegos ni-770c Torretto, Bernardo, Canova and

III-29Sc; in Udine Cathedral

XV-118b Torrez, Gaspar de, Mercedarian

X-198a Torn (Gabu) XIV-379b Torriani, Crema, subjection of


XIV-784a; barometer XII-

60b; XIV-784c; and Castelli

Ill^OSd; on equilibrium XII-

58d; physicist VIII-218b, on

projectiles XII-57b Torricellian vacuum, in barom- eter XIV-784C Torrigiani, Franc. XII-112C Torrigiano, Bartolommeo, and

Campana Ill-22la; Westmin- ster V-253d Torrijos, collegiate church XIV-

7oSa — Bernardo de, at University of

Seville Xin-74RC Torring, Albert von. Bishop of

Rati.-(hon Xll-li58c — Max Prokop von, Bishop of

Hatishnn XII t'..5Sd Torrione, Vatican XV-277C Torriti, Jacopo, mosaicist IV-

126b; VI-5(.5c; X-58Sc; in

I.atcran Basilica IX-15b: St.

Marv Major's XI-398b; Ren-

ais.sance art II1-771C TORRUBIA, JOSfi XIV-7S4d;

geoloKist VI 4."i:!b Torsani, Angelas, Servile XIII-

737b TorselUno, Horatius, Jesuit XIV-

S7a Torsello, church at, apse I-6»9a Torsion Balance, Coulomb XII-

«3d Torstenson, Lennart, general


Torti, Bellarmino X-41.5a Tortiboli, See of IX-40(ic

Tortoise (Vishnu) 11-1480

Tortolero y Torres, Luis III-1780

Tortoli, Ogliastra XI-223d

Torlolini, Bamaba XlII-178d

Tortona, town, and Charles Em- manuel III of Piedmont XII- 77a; and Milan X-'299d

—DIOCESE OF XIV-784d; ca- thedral XIV-784d

Tortora, Aug., on St. Jerome EniiUani VIII-344a

Tortosa, town, Spain III^29b; Berenger IV III-428d; dispute of (1413) XIV-182d; and Genoa VI-419c

— town, Syria, militar>' castle IV- 547d; pilgrimage to XII-95d

—DIOCESE OF XIV-785C; 173d; cathedral XIV-785d; Jesuit institutions XIV-175d; map XlV-facing 200; Obser- vatorj' of the Ebro VI-453c; XIV-189b; 786a; Observatory of the Ebro (Ul.) XIV-785c; pro\Tncial council (1429) XIV- 78od; statistics of reUgious communities III-429d

Torts, in Roman Law IX-8oa

Tortuga, island V-lllb

Tortura Torti, of Bishop An- drewes XIII-123b

Torture, abolition of XIV-769a; XV-677b; heretics XIV-769a; Inquisition VIII-32b; under Roman law XII-567a; witch- craft XV-675b

Torus supraorbitalis XII-621d

Torwood, conventicle (1680) IV- 4fild

Tory (Torach) V-524a

— Geoffrey XII-352a

Torzhestvetmiki XIII-267b

Tosa, school of art VIII-314C

— Province of XIII-75Sc

Tosaphists, on Babylonian Tal- mud XIV-43SC

Tosca, physicist XV-253b

Toscalusai Choctaw chief, and De Soto IIl-692d

Toscanella, town, Italy, church VI-677d; in papal states XIV- 201a

— Diocese of. See Viterbo and Toscanella

Toscanelli, Dominic XIV-786b

—PAOLO DAL POZZO XIV- 7S6b; astrologs- II-22d; and Brunelleseo Ill-Sd; chart II- 392b; and Columbus_ lV-141a; and exploration XV - 386b; and Nicholas of Cusa XI-60C; physician X-129a; XI-61b; portrait XIV-786c; and Ves- pucci XV-384d

Toscanelli's Chart (ill.) XIV- 787b

Toscani, Augusto XI-.594a

"Toscano, Boniface Antonio, Bish- op of Nueva Pamplona XI- 149b

— Pietro, Bishop of Pa\'ia XI- ,5930

Toselli, Floriano. See Bernard of Bolonna

TOSEPHTA XIV-7SSa; XH- i;lSc: XIV-43t>b; on Onkelos X1V-45.5C; on Synagogue XIV- 3S2a

Tosetti, Urbano, on St. Joseph Cala-sanctius XIII-5S8d

Toshiro, ceramist VIII-315a

Tosi, Luigi, Bishop of Pavia XI- 593d , ,

— Paschal XV-563d; Alaskan mission I-250b

— Paul, Bishop of Lahore VIII- 743b

Toss, convent VII-239a

Tossignano, Giovanni di. Blessed. .s'(^f John of Tossignano

TOSTADO, ALONSO XIV- 7.'<Sa: portrait XIV-7SSb; the- ologian XlV-,592d

— Girolamo, Carmelite III-361d

Tostatus, Alonso. See Tostado, Alonso

Tosti, Giovanni XIV-78SC

— LUIGI X1V-788C: Benedictino historian II— 40'Jb; and Leo Xill XVI-17C

Tostola, island, ecclesiastical gov- ernment XIII-191C

Total Abstainers, Association of, Lithuanian XVI-55d

— Depravity, Presbyterian doc- trine XII-392d

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illuatrations.