Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/824

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712c; infallibility VII-793b; 797c; inspiration of Bible \ III- 47b; St. Irenteus I-635a; St. John Chrysostoin VIII-457a; and law, canon IX-58d ; and lit- urgy XIII-71C; Marian proph- ecy XV-46-lBb; St. Michael the Archangel X-276b- Origen XI-308d; St. Paul XI\-632c; Pentateuch XI-652b; Protes- tant attitude XII-496a:_xy- 7b; purgatory XII -o/ (a; Resurrection XII-793a; and revelation XIII-4b; Roman law IX-81c; sacraments XUl- 29Sa; schism in XIII-529d; and Scripture xni-639b; X\- 470a; SjTioptics XIV-391b; Temple of Jerusalem Xl\- 499c; New Testament Xl\- S35c; and theolog>-. dogmatic XIV-SSOc; 581d; and theology, moral XIV-603a; tjOSb; and theosophv XIV-626b; lim- othy and Titus, Epistles to XIV-727d; Trent, Council of XV-7b; Trinity -XIV:^584b; XV-49d; Unity of the Church XV-180d ; Vatican Council XV-308a; Vincent of L6rm3 XV-t40b; Virgin Marj- XIV- 774d; XV-44SC; 468a; vocation

TRAJJITIONALISM XV-lgc; XIV-57Ua; B.alfour XII-29a; Bonald III-o41d; Bonnetty II-677b; condemned l-21Ma; ethical method V-557c; and neo - Scholasticism XII-34b; and revelation XUl-3a; s>s- tems I-216a; theological view XIV-583d; St. Thomas Aqm- nas XIV-596a; 6B8d; Ubaghs XV-114b; Vatican Council vl-

eieb • u -*

Traditionalists, Spanish party

XIV-188b ^,^ „

Traditions of the Elders. See

Elders, Traditions of Traditors III-367a; \-121d,

12fib; IX-2d Tradonico, Pietro, Doge XV-


XlV-lu.ib; and Abyssinian Church I-78c; and Anastasius II I-4.54d; Catholic teaching IV-475C; Tertullian XIV-524C Trafalgar, battle X-691b Trafiord, William, Abbot of

Sawley I-776a; V-477d Tragadorio, Bishop of Oristano

X1-316C Tragsedia Irenai XV-112a Traguriensis, manuscript ix-

409d Tragurion. See Irau . .

Tragus, Hieronymus, physician X-129C J T. • t

Trahinac, Guillaume de, Prior of

Grandmont Vl-716a Train-bearer, in Pontifical Mass XII-232d , , , ,-v-

Trained-bands, of London IX-

347b Trainer, Bernard II-l 15c Training Schools, in America XII-492C; English, Allies 1- 324c „ „,. ....

TRAJAN, Emperor ^^-Jff' XIII-167b; ahmentatura Xll- 238a- Apotheosis of. Mengs X - 189d; Basilica, ,.apse j- 659c; charitable policy 111- i596a; chronoloto' lV-13a; Edessa V-88d; Fossonibrone, bridge VI-154d: and Ignatius of Antioch Vn-r,41c: and Jews VIII-39(1a; N","l'"l" -\'- 70d; Nisibis XI .^^ <'■;;'.'■' -);, 346b; Parthia M ','.?■_;" Plin; IV-fiOld. \"7llf;

—Forum of, Rome XIII-176a; 17lib; I.X-228b

Trajana. See Theopista


TRAJANOPOLIS, Rhodope X\ - ll,b; VI-73Sb

TRALLES XV-16d; and St. Ig- natius of .-intioch I-634C; VII- 645b

Trallianus, Alexander yill-39b

Trance, and aneesthesia I-448b; and charism III-590C; spiritis- tic phenomenon XIV-222b; theosophic XIV-626C

Tranchepain, Mary, Ursulme XI- 7a; XV-228d

Trancoso, Goncalo Femandes, author XII-307d

Trani, town. Italy VIII-222a


• 244

VlTl-375c; IX-lc..!?,'"'.,?,!,': 7na- Rumania XIII -2240, Sifamanca, bridge XIII-391C; Sardica Xnl-472c; fcata a XIII-486a; Sobastopois .\1U 668d; Thcvcsto Xn_-(.34c —Bishop of Malta I^-"'* —Arch of, Benevento ."-<= -Arch of. Via Appia, Rome

-Basufca of , Rome l-OSS": —rolumn of, Rome II-342d,

XllwVeb" (ill.) XV-15d; and

siitUB V 3ilV-34b

Trankebar. .S. e Tranquebar Tranmere, Benedictines at 1—1390 Tranquebar, Protestant mission

IV-726C; VII-733a; IX-S20a TranquiUinus, Saint XIV-720d —Bishop of Tarragona XIV'-459d Transaction, and appeals I-6o3c Transalbingians XIII-i97d Transamund. See Transemund Trans-Caspian, province Xy-9fid Transcendence, Divine v l-bl.ia Transcendental Absolutism,

Schclling XV-l.Sb Transcendental Club XV-lSc TRANSCENDENTALISM XV- 17c; IX-32Sa; Baltimore de- cree II-236C; and Communism IX-69b; Platonic system XIV- 133d; soul, theorj- of I-52ia Transcripts, in Vatican archives

XV-287C; 288d . „ , .

Transemund I, Duke of fepoleto

XIV-233a — n, Duke of Spoleto XIV -233b; 259b; and Gregory III \ I-'89'> Transennffi, of altar I-34/a; IV-

214c . , ,

TRANSEPT XV-18c; aisles I- 237b; apse I-659b; of basi ica II-326c; V-2o9c; in Carolin- gian architecture vl-bbic; cross isle I-237c; English III- 576c- VI-676a; Romanesque V-259c; XV-18d; St. Peters XIII-372d; and Synagogue XIV-382a; Westminster Ca- thedral XV-600a Transfiguration, church, Kien

XV-i9Sc —church, New York 11-69}^ —cathedral, Oribuela XI-31od —cathedral, Sambor XII-533a — church. Mount Sinai III-J42a — churches. United States XI-

564c ,.,, „„

—church, Warsaw XV--556c —OF CHRIST XV-19a; VIII- 380d; X-346c; XIV^143b

in art: Ambrosian Basilica 1-

389c; Bagnacavallo yil-694a; Divine testimony X1V-143D, Moses in the -^-597c; Raphael VI-572C; IX-164d; MI-646d; XIII -173b; (ill.) XII -facing

-Moses X-597C; site VII-289a;

XIV-552b; XV-19b -OF CHRIST, FEAST OF X\- 19d; XVI-llb; Greek Cluirch I-71ld;>. I-72a. Oflice I - ,-,.-,b ■ X 1 1 - 607b ; Russian Church 1-71C

Transfixio. See Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feasts of the Seven

Transformation, in resurrection XIl-792a; in sacrifice Xlll- .32(lc . .

Transformism, and creatiomsm IV 475c; and immanence Vll- 6S-lb . „,

Transforthana nation, Glasgow University VI-.)7Sd ,

Transients, and Tametsi IV-2C

Transito. El, Toledo XIV-3S2a,

— of St. Francis, in Capuchin Rite XIII-77a ,. ,

Transkei. Vicar Apostohc of Natal X-708d

Translation of relics I-3b4d; 3boa; Xn-738b; St. Ambrose I- 398c; Sts. Nabor and Fehx I-398c; Sts. Peter and Paul XIII-374a; of Sts. Protasius and Gervasius I-398C

Translations of the Bible. See Versions of the Bible_

Translucent enamel X-222C

Transmigration of souls. See Metempsychosis

Transmutationists V-659d

Trans Oceanum, Encychcal of Leo XIII IV-449d

Transportation, of immigrants X-29Sa; in political economy XII-214C; as punishment II- il4a

Transportation Bill XV-161c

Trans-Siberian Railway XIII- 239b; 2.50d

Transsumptum, of Bull III-57c

Transubstantiation IV-277c; V- 579b; VIII-16c; XIII-787b; XIV-oS6d; .'EKric I-171d; Amalricians I-379d; Beren- garius II-487a; Cally III-lS9a; and consubstantiation IV- 322b; Cvril of Jertisalem IV- 596d; eariy Church I-408b; Eriugena V-520d; Guitmund VII-81a; Henr>- VIII V-443b and impanation VII-694D

Transitorium. See Communion

.■Vntiphon. ,, , ,. , ir,

Transiturus, Bull of Urban I\

Transitus Maris I-607d;V- 357c; XIV-774d: XV-46la; 471a; 471b

Jerusalem, Orthodox Synod of VIII-367b; St. John Chrj-- sostom VIII^57a; John of Paris VIII^75c; Lanfranc VIII-784C; Lateran decree IX- 18b; Lauda Sion IX-37d; J.Ian- ducator V-3S0c; St. Paschasius Radbertus XI-518b; primitive view I-408b; Protestant view- XII-496b; XIII-6.54d; in " Ra- tisbon Book" V-36c; Ritual- ists XIIl-93a; Scotus XIII- 611a; in Six Articles V-447a; Stephen of Autun XIV-291a; SuiSrez XIV-319d; term first used II-48Sd: V-597c; Ter- tulUan XIV-525a; Thomistic teaching XIV-700d; Vavasour XV-316d; and vestments XV- 389d; Wessel XV-590b; West- minster Confession V-766b; WvcUf XV-722d; 723d — ^Declaration against, English XI-179b; 613d; XIII-124a; 213b Transvaal, town, Buddhists m I-186d; Protestant mission I- lS7b —Prefecture of I-189c; XV-20c — VICARLATE APOSTOLIC OF XV-20a; Irish population VIII- 1.55c; map I-facing ISO; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII- 390c; statistics XV-20C Transverberation of heart, of St.

Teresa XIV-516b Transverse Valley, Jerusalem

Vni-34.5c — Vibrations, Frcsnel XII-60C TRANSYLVANLA, Hungan,- XV- 20c;3reaXV-2-2b;andHungary XV-22a; invasions XV-21a; Lutheranism IX-460b; mar- riage IX-701C; population XV- 22b; Propaganda XII-45(b; Protestants IX-664C; proto- pope XII-.504a; Reformation II-125a; XV-21b; religious statistics XV-22b; revolt VI- 502b; XIV -649b; Rumanians VI -7.50b; 750d; XIII -224d; Sziint6-s mission XIV-419C; Turkish suzerainty XV-21C; Unitarians XV-1.5.'ib Transylvania, U nited States VIII-

(■.22d —DIOCESE OF XV ■22d; 22b —University. Kiiitucky I-461a Trapani, town XUl-772b; and

Genoa VI-119d -DIOCESE OF XV-23b: S. Acostino, Church of (ill.) XV- 23c Trapassi, Pietro. See Metastasio Trapeza. in Greek Church I-

3.'>9b: 3f.2b TRAPEZOPOLIS XV-23d Trapezus XII-234c; X I^ -'-l.^ Trapp. Ernst Christian XI-79l>d

—Joseph IV-266d

Trappistines, in Canada III- 240a; m Japan VIIl-30Sa. See Cistercians: nuns

TRAPPISTS XV-24a; Ill-'f^b; X-488b; abbot-general I-JJb; abbots I-20C; Canada III- 239b; Cape Colony VIII-o92a; Congo IV-236a; 23Fb; G6ramb VI-4(>4a; Gethsemani Abbey VI-541a; Japan VIII-308C; La Trappe lX-35b; Lestrange IX- 199b; MeUeray X-167d; in Mis- souri I-36Sd; O'Gorman XI- 249d; Pfamier XI-785d; Poland XII-195C; Ranc6 XII-639a; Sept-FonsX-603d; XIII-720d; silence XIII-790b; S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane XIII-173a; South Africa VI-645b; statistics II- 460d; Syria XIV-406a; in United States III-7S6b; Wyart XV-721d. See Cistercians Trappola. Constantino, sculptor

TRASILLA AND EMILIAMA, SAINTS X^'-26c; and Gregory the Great VI-780d Trastevere, quarter, Rome xiii-

167a Tratsa, ruins X-244b Trau to-nn lV-510c; cathedral

(ilU IV-607. 1, , . , Y

Traube, Ludwig, pathologist X-

13Sa: 140a Trautson, John Joseph. Count von. Prince-,\rchl iishop of V len- na XV-419d; 422c; and Migaz- zi X-288b ^ , - ,

Travail. Confederation Generale du. See Labour, General Con- federation of . — Maison de, Pans XI-492b —a Domicile. (Euvre du, Paris

XI-492b ^ ^

Travasser. Bernardo. Inqmsitor

VIII-36d . „ ...

TraveUers. Mass for, m Bobbio Missal III-.502b; m parishes XI-499d; Tametsi 1V-2C

in Mohammedan angelology

X-426C Travers. George III-364C —John, martyr V-47od — Thomas, Nonconlormist XI-

— Walter Joseph. See Bede of St. Simon Stock

— William, martyr V-i7Sa

Traversari, Ambrogio, Camald(> lese. See Ambrose of Camaldoh

— Paolo, Lord of Ravenna XII- 664d „ ,,

— Pietro, Lord of Ravenna 11- 664d . .

Traverse, town, Domimcan con- vent Xll-370b

Travertine, in Coliseum IV-lOlb

Trdat, King of Armenia. See Tiridates

Treason, English medieval pun- ishment XII-568a: Greek pun- ishment Xll-566a; and im- peachment, m U. S. X\-164d; and seal of confession XIII- 652d; 663b. Sfe High Treason

-ACCUSATIONS OF XV-26d; .\llen XV-2Sa; Burghley XV-

Treasure, parable XI-464a Treasurer, monastic I-14c; XI- 183d; in Nasortean hierarchy X-7()7b; as sacristan XIII-

— of "the Apostolic Chamber I-

Tre'asury, ancient XIV-496C —Hall of the, in Temple XIV-

— Papal I-<i33d , ^ ,

—of the Church. See Indul-

Treasurer-General, of Camera I-ri33c .

Treaty, breach of. as sin xiv 772a- concordat as I v -1900

Trebellius, Wigand, controversia- list XV- 6filb

TREBIZOND." 'diocese OF XV'-2.-~c; Catholic population 1-79 Ic; Friars Pilgrims XII-

!ti8Ea . „, ,,-

—Empire of I-7S5b: in-112»; lV-304b; Mohammed II XV- 98a