Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/826

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Treviranus, Gottfreid Reinhold, biologist V-656a; IX-240b

Trevisa, John de, Dominican I- 535d; XV-632a

Trevisani, Francesco II-72a

Trevisano, Giovanni, Patriarch of Venice XV-340d

Treviso, town, Francesco I Car- rara in XI-3SBb; Giocondo's work VI-563d; Henry II of Lurn in VI-654C: Pordenone's work Xir-280d; University XV-38d; and Venice XV-337c; and Verona XV-361b

—DIOCESE OF XV-38b; cathe- dral XII-281b; San Vicenzo, Church of II-6S4C

Trevor, John I, Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-333a

■ — John n. Bishop of St. Asaph XIII-333b

Trevoux, town, charity confer- ence XV— 435a; reUgious orders II-416a; Society of the Blessed Sacrament XlV-llla

— Memoires de. See M^moires de Trevoux

Trezel, Marie GabrieUe. See Marie-Gabrielle Trezel

Trezzo, Jacopo da, medallist XI- 15Sa

Tria, Gian Andrea, Bishop of Larino IX-4b

Triad, chemistry II-53C

—German policy VI-511a

— theoaophy XIV-627C

— Wonder-working, .\cts of. See Acta Triadis Thaumaturgse

Triaditzra. See Sofia

Triads, Welsh XV-583a; 586a

Trial, Civil, in King's Court XIII- 656c: OTthout jury XV-161a

— Ecclesiastical IV-447c; judge VIII-545d: privilege XII- 43Sa; witness XV-67Sa

— by Ordeal. See Ordeals

Triangle, symbolism XI-S2d; XV-54a

Trianon, Versailles XV-366b

— system (botany) VIII-570a

Trianus, Valerius XV-753d

Triashell, Saint XI-566b

Tribe XII-620c; Aztec II-170C; civil administration II-552b; Irish II-753d; land tenure VIII-719C; 776c; origin II- 548c

—JEWISH XV-39b; I-54b; II- 553a; in Apocalypse I-596c; 597b; 561a; Aser XV-39c; Benjamin XV-39c; Dan XV- 39c; ephod V^97d; Ephraim XV-39c; Gad XV-39c: Issa- cher XV-39C; Juda XV-39c; Levi XV-39C; Manasses XV- 39c; Nephtali XV-39c; Ruben XV-39c; Simeon XV-39c; ten III-315d; IV-775d; Zabulon XV-39C

Triberg, Redemptorists at XII- 683c

Tribooian (Tribonianus), jurist VIII-579b; IX-88b: Pandects XI^40a; at Sidon XIII-778b

Thbuna, sanctuary XIII-431a. .See Presbytery

Tribunal, Ecclesiastical. iSee Courts, Ecclesiastical

—of Curia XIII-136b; 147b

— of Reason, Nihilist publica- tion XI-7SC

Tribuna Popular, periodical XIII- 404b

Tribune, periodical, Canada XI- 672d

— periodical, France VII-150d: XI-676a

— periodical, Massachusetts VI- 275d

— periodical, Melbourne II-120b; X-l.Wa

— Catholique, periodical XIII- 389b

— of the people. Socialist period- .\1V-Ij2d

Tribunes of the people. Institu- tion of. Home XIII-lGlic

Tribune, periodical, Italy XI- CS3d

Tribur, Councils of (895) VII- 149d; (1060) Adalbert VI- 489c; (1076) VI-794C; VII- 231b; burial regulation IV- 482a; on confession to deacons XI-624a; on homicide XII- e82d


Triburtine Sibyl, fresco XI-738d

Tricala, Greek See of VI-740d



TRICCA (TRICCALA) XV^Oc; VI-73SC; .E3culapiu3,temple of X-123a

Tricea. See Tricala

Trichet, Louise, religious XV- 609a

Trichinopoly, town, pagoda (ill.) VII-724b

—DIOCESE OF XV-40d; VII- 734b; Jesuit college IX-562b; statistics VII-730a

TRICHTJR, VICARIATE APOS- TOLIC OF XV-41b; V-237a; XVI-38C; .50c; statistics VII- 730b

Tricidius, Bishop of Padua XI- 386d; at Malamocco XV-340C

Triclinium, of Lateran palace I.\-10b


Tricoteuses Xll-oOSb

Tricuspid valves, discovered I- 45Sb

Tridacna gigas VII-434d

Trident, svmbohsm I-353b; 462d; IV-,521b

Tridentina et Diversa Germanise, in Vatican archives XV-287C

— Synodus, Decree of Pius X V- 593c

Tridentine Index. See Index Tridentinus

—Rules III-521d

TRIDUIIM XV^ld; XIV-340d: of St. Joseph X-542C

— Litaniarum, in Ambrosian Rite I-398b

Trielle, Our Lady of. See Our Lady of Trielle

Trier, town XlV-213c; French capture X-609b

—DIOCESE OF XV-42a; VI- 396a; Albero de Montreuil I- 259d; archbishopric VI^92b; IX-362d; art V-326a; St. Ath- anasius I-709c; II-38C; Bal- deric II-21Sd; Brouwer's his- tory II-803C

. — cathedral XV-^2c; antiquities X-647c; cloisters (ill.) XV- 43d; pulpit XII-565b; pulpit (ill.) Xll-facing 562; restored XI-53b

— Christian antiquities X-(>47c; chronicle V-594d; congress (1860) V-J03d; council (1148) V-600b; council (1238) II- 275b; Crown of Thorns IV- 541b; dalmatic IV-608c; De- harbe's catechism IV-67Sb; Egbert V-325d; established XV-44b; history XV-42d; Holy Coat VII-400d; Lactan- tius I-230d; legati nati IX- 119a: map Vl-facing 514; Martin of Cochem IV-70a; St. Matthias, relics I-613a; and Metz X-247C; Nicetius XI- 53a; omophorion XI^29c; pat- ronage X-77c; St. Peter, staff of IV-SlOc; pilgrimage XII- 96a: primacy 1-2306; XII- 424a; Priim, Abbey of XII- 519b: relics I-23Qd: VII-400d; rite IX-312C; 797b: seminary XIII-097a: St. Wendelin, tomb of XV-597d

— Ada, manuscript X-247a

Trierarchus IX-300C

Trierische Landeszeitung, period- ical, G.Tiiianv .\l-i;7f.b


Triest, Antoine, Bishop of Ghent VI-543b; tomb V-206c; VI- .544b

— Pierre- Joseph, founder III- 60 Id; I'.O'.ic; VI-r)4.3d

—CAPO D'lSTRIA, DIOCESE OF XV-l.-.b; ami G5rz VI- 6r,.-)a; M.i-hilnrisis Il-lfi6b; periodicals .\l-*'i70a: religious orders. Il-l:i6d: Kite XVI-4b

— Company 111 f.S3b

Triforium V- ^^i.'a; 263a: in

Fr:,i,' 1 I I-. • ;- inreVI-fi67d: GI" 1 il III-.576d

Triga.ili, Si...!. . . i.Monan,'III- 6(;',il, .,,;:,, >.-, I hina VI-451b

Trigctius, pritc'c-t l.\-156c

Trigon, musical X-768d Trigona, Gaetano Maria, cardinal

Ill-lOOa; XI-420d Trigonometry, Baj-ma II-300b:

Casev III-400C; Hipparchus

II-25d Trigos, Peter, theologian XIV-

594b Trigrams III-067C Triguieros, Eugenic, Archbishop

of Goa VI-604b Trikala. See Tricea Trikerion IV-316b; (iU.) XV-

391c Trikke. See Tricala Trilia, Bernard de, Thomist XIV-

702b Trilingue, College of,- Alcala I-

271c TriUeck, John, Bishop of Here- ford VII-255d — Thomas, Bishop of Rochester,

England XIII-102b Trilobites V-663d Trim, See of X-9Sa; XI-55Sb;

shrine XIII-761C Trimbom, Karl XV-502c Trimtirti, Hindu doctrine II-

733b Trinacria (Sicily) XIII-772a Trincavel, Bernard de lll-332b Trincavella, Vellore, physician

X-130d Trinch, John n-620d Trinci, Corrado VI-125a — Nello VI-124d — Nicolo VI-124d; 125a Trincomalee, town III-548b —DIOCESE OF XV-45c: Jesuit

missions (1912) XIV-103c:

statistics VII-730b Trine ad ago VIII-729C —a fuselli VIII-729d Tringtheos Oasis (Farafreh) V-

330d Trinidad, mission, Bolivia X-

1, Cuba III-770C

— island. West Indies XII-291a; Benedict XIV's declaration IV-2b; Church in XII-291a: Jackson VIII-260d; and Lou- vain College I-42oa

Trinita dei Monti, church, Rome I -290b; XIIH75c; XIV- 112c; founded X-325c: fresco III-659d: (ill.) VIII-231, Lor- rain's tomb IX-302c

— dei Monti, convent, Rome VI-177b: Vnl-207a; IX-538d

— dei Pellegrini, church, Rome Vlll-l.Wb

■ — dei Pellegrini, Confraternity of the Vl-1.52a; Xll-9.">a


Trinitarian Bible Society II-546a

TRINITARLANS, ORDER OF XV-45d; I-1S8C; VI-34a: X- 4Bd; XII-752a; Xlll-Slla; XIV-38d; in Africa I-188c; 191a: charities III-599a; habit XV-46d; Irish martyrs VIII- 104a; St. John of Matha IV- 794a; Michael de Sanctis X- 274b: nuns IX-717d; XV-46d; papal approval VIII-16c: in Poland XII-195C; and pris- oners XII-431d: Probabilior- ism XII-442d; S. Carlo, church of XIII-170d; S. Crisogono, church of XIII-171b: sandals V-28a: S. Stefano degli Abis- sini. Church of XIII-173d; scapular XIII-509d; toties quoties indulgence IV-774d; in Valence XV-251b; Wilton XV-647C; See Canons Regular

Trinity, church, Bergamo X-576d

— church, Berne II-50a

—church, Boston II-707a; XVI- 50d

—church. Brooklyn Il-SOOa; VI- 480d:(ill.) II-facing79S

—abbey, Caen II-358d

— college, Cambridge III-212a; 213c; 214d

—hall, Cambridge III-213b; 21.';b: IV-108d

—cathedral. Cariisle III-349d

—church, Celovec VIII-60Sa

— church, Cincinnati III-774C: VI-479a; XII-57ad

— church, Cracow II-578b

-college, Dallas, Texa.i X-367C

— academy, Detroit IV-759d

— church, Detroit IV-759c; VI-

479b — college, Dorchester V-133d — church, Dresden V-158a — cathedral, Dublin V-173a — coUege, Dublin V-177a: VIII- 106b; llOd; Armagh, Book of I-733C; Brehon MSS. II-753a; mcome XII-64Sb; Kells, Book of Vin-614d; Ussher I-733a: women admitted IV-89C — church, Edinburgh V-286b — chtirch, Ely l-245d — church, Fecamp XI-104d — church, Georgetown, D. C. 11-

286b; XV-559a — church, Goa VI-605a — college, Hartford IV-257b —church, Kielce VIII-636C — monastery, London III-292c:

IX-343d —church, Lowell VI-773b — gate, Moscow (ill.) X-592b ■ — monastery, Moscow II-323d;

X^72a — church. New Orleans XI-13b —church. New York V-130d; Vl-lSOd; 773b; XI-3oa; XII- 403a —college, Oxford II-457d; V- 213b; XI-369b: XIII-43a; Benedictines IV-108c:Gibbons' works XIII-646C: and Ushaw XV-234C — church, Philadelphia III-327a;

V-82a; XI-794a — church, Pittsburg XII-123b — chapel, Rome I-323b ^hospital, Rome VI-631C —church, Roskilde XVI-71b — fairs, Russia XIII-239d — shrine, Russia XIII-246C — church, Sacargia I-310d — church, Sassari XIII— 4S5a — monastery, Sergievo V-596a —hospital, Soltre VII-484C — cathedral, Stavanger XVI-76b — college, Toronto XI-2o6c — abbey. Trinity Island VIII-

644a ■ — monastery, Venosa I-lOlb — monastery, Vilna II-323d • — church, Washington, D. C.

XV-5.59b TRINITY, college, Washington. D. C. XV-57d; 560a; XI-129d: endowed VIII-144C; (ill.) XV- 58b —BLESSED XV-47a; 710d; III- 185a; V-32b; VI-13b; 320a; VII-412C; Abelard I-37c; 3Sb; XV-52d: Abrahamites I-57d: d'Ailly I-236c: Alcuin I-278d; Amalrician I-379d; Amico I- 429b; Anastasius IV I-455a; Apostles* Creed I-631d: Apos- tolic Fathers I-639b ; appropria- tion I-65SC — in art; BaIdo\'inetti II-219d; Masaccio IX-768d; Montagna X-511d; mosaics VIII-7o6b; Titian XIV-744d — in Ascension of Isaiaa I-606b; St. Athanasius XI-727a; Atha- nasian Creed II-33c: St. Au- gustine II-90d; 91b: 92d; Au- sonius II-112d; baptism III- 494c: Calvin III-198d; church- es dedicated to XI-563c; 564c: Circuminsession XV-53d; Cle- _ mentine Epistle IV-15d; con-* troversies X— 194d: XV-51a; deism IV-6S0d; Did.\-nms the Blind IV-7S4b: Di%Tne Mis- sion XV-57b: doxologies XV- SOb; Duns Scotus V-197b; Epiphanius of Salamis XIII- 393d: and Eucharist V-573a; feast IX-195d: 198a: XVI-4b; Felix I VI-30a; Gilbert de la Porr^e VI-555a; Gottschalk VI-682C; in Greek theology XV-52d; Gregory of Nazianua VII-12a: 14c; Gregory of Neo- ca:sarca VI I- 1 6c: XV-47b; GUnther Vll-SSd: St>b; Holy- Ghost VII-409b; XV-54C: 55<J; h^-mns 1-21 Id; 392d; indwell- ing VI-70Sa; Johannine Epistle VIII-436a; Justin Martyr VIII-5S5C: Kant VIII-606a; Koran I-310b; Litany of the Saints I.\-291a; LuUy XV- 52d; Mcssalians X-212b: Methodism X-237c: Miche- lians X-279b: Modalists on

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other typos, topics treated; (ill.) := illustrations.