Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/832

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Ua Heodhusa, Maol Brighde.

See O'Hussey, Maelbrighte

Daite II, ICing of the Arabs III- 474d

Ua Liathain, Cormac, Prior of Durrow V-214d

Uargla. See Wargia

UBAGHS, CASIMIR XV-114a; ontologism XI-257C; and tra- ditionalism XV-13d

Ubaid of Tail XI-718a

— Zakani, writer XI-720b

Ubaldi, Baldo degU. Sec Ubaldis, Baldus de

Ubaldini, Azzo XII-601a

—House of VI-105d

— Ruggiere degli. Archbishop of Piaa Xll-lllb

Ubaldis, Baldus de IV-i'i72c; epithet V-74d; on Pcntat.-urh XI-6o4d; at Pisa Xn-112b; at Siena, University of XIII- 782a

— Pietro de VIII-452a

Ubaldo. .See Ubaldus

Ubaldus, Bishop of Ferentino VI- 42d

— SAINT, Bishop of Gubbio XV- 114d; VII-55d; canonized III- 479b

— a Sancto Cajetano. See Giral- di, Ubaldo

— of St. Amand. See Hucbald of St. Amand


—VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF XV-115b; IV-23.5b; IX-317b; map I-facing 180


Ubeda, Luis de. See Escalona


Ubertello, Bishop of Forhmpopoli II-523a

Uberti, Farinata degli IV-631a; VI-lOGc

— Fazio degli, poet VII-58c; VIII-24SC

—House of VI-105d; 106b

— Rameri n degli. Bishop of Rimini XIII-oSc

Ubertini, Rainerio, Bishop of Cortona IV-401d

UBERTINO OF CASALE XV- 116a; XIV-231d; and Bona- gratia II-646b; on "Eternal Gospel" VIII^07c; and Fran- ciscan Spirituals VI-247a; and Grancolas VI-724d: Portiun- cula Indulgence XII-286d

Uberto, Bishop of Palestriua XI- 421c

. — U, Bishop of Rimini XIII- 58c

— Bishop of Vicenzo XV-40.^)C

Ubi Gratise, Constitution of Greg- ory XIII IV-63C

Ubilwynus, Bishop of I.landaff IX-316a

Ubi periculum. Bull of Gregory X in-312b; 338c; IV-192b; XI- 2S7c; 457a

— periculum. Decree of Innocent III XII 272a

— primum, Constitution of Bene- dict XIV V-GS8b

— primum. Bull of Gregory XVI


— primum, Kiu'vclical of Leo


W 1 1Tb; IV- lU9d; on hull

\'ll-2()7c Ubiquity, of God VI-617d; He-

formors. teaching of 1II-202C Ubi Urbaniano, Encyclical of

Pius IX XIII-25Sd Ubricus, founder of Manichicistn.

See Mani — Suffra^ran Bishop of Wloclawek

XV-fiSld Ubygdear I-!22a


XII-109C; Amich's history of XIV-2.5a; and Arimentia I- 740b

UCCELLO (UCCELLI), PAOLO XV-117d; and Baldovinetti II-219d; characteristics XI- 400b; and Masaccio III-408a; and PoUajuola XII-216c; por- trait XV-118a; and San Sepol- cro XIIHSlc; in Urbino XV- 221c

Uchanski, Jacob, Archbishop of Gnesen VI-591b; VIII-60Sb; religious attitude IV-438c; Wloclawek episcopate XV-681C

Uchean Indians VII-754b

Uchtryd, Bishop of Llandaff IX- 316b; and Geoffrey of Mon- mouth VI-42Sa

Uchubaldus of St. Amand. See Huebald of St. Amand

Uchumuch'in, tribe X-4S0a

Uckermiinde, monastery XII- 22od

Udal, John XI-96a

Udalric (Udalrich; Udalricus). .See Ulric

Udalscalch of Maissach, hjTnn- odist VII-SOSc

Udalskalk, Bishop of Augsburg II-74b

Uden, monastery II-786d; XV- 651d

Udengei, deity IV-6S9a

Udgatar, Vedic priests XII-409b

Udiamperur. See Diamper

UDINE, ARCHDIOCESE OF XV-llsb; Vl-ti:.4d; cathedral (ill.) XV-llsd: patriarchs at l-662b: rite XVI-4b

—John of. .See John of Udine

— Loggie di XIV-449d; XV- 27Sa

Uditore Santissimo, archive XV- 2S7c; 290a

Udo, Prince of the Abrodites VI- 681c

— I, Bishop of Naumberg XI- 788a

— Bishop of Strasburg XIV-313C

— Wendic ruler X-107d

Udsson, Svend, Bishop of Aarhus XVI-la

U-du-mi (U-du-mu). See Idu-

Uebelhbr, Georg, Abbot of Wea- sobrunn XV-591d

Uebelin, Ptolemy, edition of XV- .13 Ic

Ueberwasser, abbey VT-326b; X-636b; church X-635b

Ueberweg, Friedrich X-43d; on deism IV-681a; on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-673C

Uepongwe, tribe I-182d

Uemes, river, in Egyptian mj-th- ology V-348c; 3o0b

UexkuU, philosopher X-44b; 45b; XII-675b

Ufa, government XIII-237a

Uflenbach XI-785C

Uffizi Gallery, Fra Angelico's works I-484a; Baldovinetti II- 219d: Bartolommeo II-318d; Boni^nnco II-678d; Bramante Xin-370d; Bril I l-787b; Chris- tian antiquities X-647b; Cor- reggio I-318d; DUrer V-210b; Giulio Romano VI-573d; Pas- signano XI-521c; San Gallo the Elder XIII-444b; Tinto- retto XIV-737b; Titian XIV- 743d; 744b: Vasari XV-274d; Verroccliio's portrait (ill.) XV- 365d; Virgin adoring the Infant .lesua XV-464Gd

Ufiord, John, Arelihislmp of Can- terburv VIII-H.Hc

Uflreducci, Oliverotto, death VI- 44b

Ugahpahti, tribe Xll-.'j92b

Ugakhpa Indians. See Quapaw

Ugan, Nicholas, martyr VIII- 167c

Uganda, Vicariate of XV-205a;

2q5b; martyrs XV-205b; MUl

Hill missionaries XIII-5S7c;

map I-facing 180; Protestant

missions I-lS7d Ugarte, Fernando de Arias y.

See Arias v Ugarte, Fernando

de —Juan de, missionary III-178c;

XI-667d; and Salvatierra

XIII-406C — y Saravia, Augustin de. Bishop

of Guatemala VII-54b Ugbaru. See Gobrx-as Ugbrooke Park, synod XII-171C UGENTO, DIOCESE OF XV-

119b Uggason, Ulfr, skald Vll-G18b UGHELLI, FERDINANDO XV-

119b: VII-376d; XIII-3Slb;

and Bollandists II-633C; and

Casoni II-686b; on Corsica

IV-397a; and Wadding XV-

Ugo" Bishop of Bo\^no II-724C —Bishop of Piacenza XII-70d — Bishop of Santa Severina XIII-

460a Ugo, Lothario di. Count of Vemio

II-519b — di Serra San Quirico, Blessed,

Sylvestrine XIV-373a Ugogos, race Xll-('.2(>d Ugo Laico, Blessed V~744a Ugolino, cardinal. See Gregory

— della Gherardesca. .S'ce Gher-

ardesca — di Maestro Vieri XI-332a — di Prete Ilario X 1-33 Id — of Monte Giorgio. See Brum-

fortc —of Siena V-251d Ugone of Arborea XIII-475C Ugrians, tribe XIII-768a; Deni-

kcr's classification XII-624b;

ethnology XII-626d Ugrin, Archbishop of Kalocsa-

Bacs VIII-595a Ugron, orator VII-562a Ugro-Russki, Ruthenian party

VI-749a; XIII-279b Uguccione, Bishop of Turin XV-

94c — C. Giovanni, Bishop of Oaimo

XI-339a — della Faggiuola. See Fag-

giuola Ugyen Gyatso XIV-719d Uhde, Fritz von, artist XI^02b Uhland, Ludwig VI-526b; XV-

84b; and Barnn Joseph IX-lld Uhlhom, Johazm, on indulgences

VII-786c: on Middle Ages III-

601c; on orphans XI-324d; on

poor relief III-595b; S96b;

XII-237b Uhlich, Gottfrid a S. Elizabetha,

numismatist XIII-.^.SSc UHTRED XV-119C Ui Fighente. See Hv Fidligheinte Uigurs III-678d; XIV-719b Uijini, deity VIII-304C Uitotan Indians VII-75Sb Uitspanningslectuur, periodical


120a: XII-199d Ujfalusy, Abbot of Zircz XV-

761d Ujiji XVI-84b Uj Lap, periodical VII-562b Uj magyar Sion, periodical XV-

745b Ukase, Russian \'II-430a Ukerewe, island, mission X\'-

413d Ukina II-694b Ukiyo-e, school of art \'III-

314d Ukkal, amongst Druzos V-lG7b Ukondono, Justus, convert XI-

331b Ukrainians X111-27SC Ukraintzi, Ruthenian party VI-

749a: Xin-279b

Ukuk, temple II-16b Ulagan, Nicholas. See Ugan Ulam, in Temple XIV-500C Ulan Ch'ap, league X-480a Ulanowski, writer XII-200C Ulfketel, Bishop of Aarhus XVI- la Ulciuium, See of XIII-64Sb Uldall, architect IV-732a Ulderico, cardinal. Bishop of

Todi XIV-754C ULENBERG, KASPAR XV- 120a; Bible revision XV-372C Ulfcytel, Abbot of Croyland

Vlll-lOa ULFILAS XV-120d; II-144b: alphabet XI-40od: Ausentius' life of II-144d: Bible transla- tion I-710C; II-606b; III- 410a; VI-517a: IX-618a; XV- 368c; Bible, facsimile page IX- facing 616; XV- 121; among Visigoths XV-476C Ulfjotr, code VII-619b Ulfsson, James, Archbishop of

Upsala XIV-349a Clfstand, Tniid XVI-43d Ulger, Bishop of Angers I^89d Ulid (Valladolid) XV-258b Ulissypo (Lisbon! IX-2S1C Dlitches, tribe XIII-233C Ull, deity I-775b ULLATHORNE, WILLIAM BERNARD XV-121b; II- 578d: IX-607b; in Adelaide I- 140a; in Australia II-115a; 116c; XIV-365b; and Bene- dictines V-517d; and convict- ism II-114C: on Mother Drane V-133d; on Grant VI-727a; and Griffiths VII-33d; and Mother Hpllahan Vll-llSd; and hierarchy XV-672b; on Irish in Australia II-114b; and Newman X-799c; XV-306b; Weedall XV-575c; works II- 119a ULLERSTON, RICHARD XV-

122c ULLOA, ANTONIO DE XV- 122c; IV-210b; in Louisiana IX-SSOc; XI-8b —FRANCISCO DE XV-122d — Joan, theologian XIV-595a — y Larrios, Francisco, Bishop of

Nicaragua XI— 47b Ulm, capitulation of (1805) X- 691b; cathedral V-179b; XIV- 244b; XV-717a; in Smalkaldic League XIV-5Sb Ulna V-667d Ulphace, hermit IX-144b Ulphacius, Saint, monk of Micy

XI-319a Ulphilas. See Ulfilas Ulpian, basilica, Rome XIII-

176a; library IX-22Sb — jurisconsult IX-S7a; XIII- 743b; on adulterj- I-164a; at. Tvre XV-lllc; on women, status of XV-677a Ulpianus, Saint, martyr XV-

lUd Ulpia Serdica. See Sardica Ulric. See I'lrich Ulrich, Count of ..\ndechs. Prince

Bishop of Passau XI-ol9d —SAINT, Bishop of Augsburg XV-123a; n-<4a; XI-355a: coinage II-78d; cross X-114c: letter forged III-IS6a; pil- grimage II-77d: primer XII- 425c; at Reichenau XII-723b: relics II-74b; 76b; tomb II- 78a; vestments II-7.Sa; and St. Wolfgang .\V-6S3a Ulrich n. Prince Bishop of Basle

II-33Sd — Dukp of Bohemia X-561d — Count of Bregenz X-147a — Blessed, Bishop of Die XV-

2S0c — I, Abbot of Dissentis V— 47a — n. Bishop of Ejchststt V-365a —VI, Prince Abbot of St. Gall \I-347d

Largo typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.