Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/846

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VERCELLONE, CARLO, exegete XV-349C; II-302d; IV-SSb^ and Cozza-Luzi IV~464b: on Dominicans XII-363d: Leon Bible XV-ol9b; on Ontologism XI-237C; Vulgate revision XV- 515c Verchere, missionary, in China

III-671b: IX-747b Verd, Raoul de. Bishop of Reims

Xn-72Sa Verdad CatoUca, periodical VII-

155a Verdade, periodical I\'-773a VERDAGUER, JACINTO XV-

350a; XIV-201d; XV-40fic — Pedro, Vicar Apostolic of

Brownsville III-4a Verdale, shrine III-141C Verdandiorden, temperance so- ciety XIV-4S5b Verde, Cape, discovered VII-

240b Verdejo (Vergegium) XIV-452b Verdelot, pilgrimage X-99b Verden, massacre (783) III-613d;

XV-61Sb —Diocese of IV-789c; VII-128b; XIV-657a; Protestantism XIV-650C; XV-557b Verdet, missionary III-3c VERDI, GIUSEPPE XV-350b; "Mass" IX -306b; portrait XV-350C — Conservatory of Music, Milan

X-301d Verdier, Vicar Apostolic of Tahiti

XIV-430b — Mark, Abbot of Liessies IX-

238d Verdiere, Jesuit, on Russia XIII-

253d Verdon, Bertrand de, foundation

VII-4S4d • — John, Bishop of Ferns VI-4Gb;

VIII-159d — Michael, Bishop of Dunedin

V-191d; XI-41d Verdonck, Rombout, and Rubens

XI 1 1-2 15a Verdun, town, treaty (843) VI- 167b; 487a; IX-362c; XIII- 498b; XV-43a; 352b; Chur III-743b; Helvetia XIV-35Sd; Karinthia VIII-607C —DIOCESE OF XV-350d; IV- 438c; IX-362d; XII-27Sa; an- nals I-534b; cathedral (ill.) XV-351; Council (947) III- 13c; XV-352b; French pos- session IX-364b; XIII-500a; Henry II III-628d; VII-75d; Jesuits XIV-88C; leper houses IX-1S2C; Jean de Lorraine's episcopate 'VII-74c; map VI- facing 188; Notre Dame d'- Avioth XV-352b; Notre Dame de Benolte Vaux XV-352b —Nicolas de X-122b Verdun - sur - Garonne, Pastour-

eaux XI-539d Vendura, Joannes Franciscus, Bishop of Chersonesus 111- 646c Vere, Aubrey IV-763a —Frances XI-102b Vere, De. See De Vere VERECUNDUS, Bishop of Junca

XV-352C: IX-30b Veredeme, Saint, shrine XI-S3d Vere dignum XII-384d Veremundus, Saint, Bishop of

Ivrea VIII-258C Verennes, Pierre Gaultier de.

Sec LavrTciidryc Vere nullius, abbots. See Abbot VerepiEUS, Simon, prayer-book

XII -351b; S.Wb Veresaeff. Sec Sinidlvski, Vin-

Vere Sanctus XIII~433b Veresmarti, Michael VIlI-97d Verethragna II-153b VERGANI, PAOLO XV-353a Vergara, cmvcntion (18.39) XIV-

lS5d — Francisco Ortiz de. Governor

of Paraguay XI-470d; and

Jibaros VII1-40.5C — ^Jocfi Maria, writer XIV-

205d Vergegium (Verdejo) XIV-4S2b Vergenhans, Johannes, jurist

.\\'-83b Verger, Rafael, and Dominicans


— R. J., Bishop of Linares IX-

2(i6a Vergerio, Pier Paolo, apostate

\ll-474a; 702b; XII-707c;

XV-31a; on Luther lX-454b —PIER PAOLO, humanist XV-

3.")3b — Pier Paolo, Bishop of Capo

d"l9tria, philosopher XI-387C Vergier, Henri-Auguste-Georges

du, Comte de la Rochejacque-

lein. See La Rochejacquelein Vergil, poet. See \'irgil — POLYDORE XV-353c; II-

348a; and Adrian of Castello

I-161a Vergilius, name X-674b —OF SALZBURG, SAINT XV-

3o3d; XIII-229C; 411c; 608a;

on antipodes I-582a; VI-449C;

in Carinthia VIII-607b; XIV-

318b — See VirgiUua Vergine addolorata, oratorio

(Scarlatti) XIlI-515d Vergini, delle, monastery VIl-

2.s8a Verginius Ruf us, Lucius, Procon- sul of Upper Germany X-754a Vergium (Urci) I-328a Verhaag, L., missionary II-624b Verhascht, Tobias, and Rubens

Xlll-21.5a Verhaegen, P. J., Jesuit XIII-

3Ci3d: XlV-102b — Theotime, Vicar Apostolic of

Southern Cape of Good Hope

IX-74SC Verhoeven, Abraham, editor XI-

671a Verhovai Egylet Vll-546c Verianus, martyr XV-489a Veridiana, Blessed, anchoress

XV-2e3b Veridicus Henfildanus (Didy-

mus). See Stapleton, Thomas Verily I-407C Verimentanus, Annosus Fedelis.

See Flovd. John Verina, empress I1I-99C; 100c;


RICH XV-354b; IX-05d; XI-

680a; XII-23a Verinopolis. See T'ranopolis Verissa (Berissa) 11-49 Id Verita, periodical, Philadelphia

VIII-205C Verite, periodical, Canada XI-

672d — Frangaise, periodical, Paris VI-

178d; 188a; X-291b Verjus, pioneer priest X-784d Ver Kamp, B., pioneer priest III-

775d Verlaine, Paul, poet VI-203b Verlinden, missionary III~676b Vermand, See of X-115d; XII-

Vermandois, territory XII-2b

— Hugh, Count of, crusade IV- ,54r,b; \Il-Olb; and Urban II XV-211b

— Louis de Bourbon, Comte de, and Flcury Vl-104a

— Simon de, Bishop of Tournai XIV~79,Sd

Vermehren, sculptor IV-732b

Vermigli, Peter Martyr V-37a: X11-707C; and Bcza lll-198b; and Cranmcr IX-767a; mar- riage VI-303d; and Smith XIV- 59d; thalassography VI-451C

Vermiglioli, discovery XI-736b

Vermond, Matthieu Jacques de, and Marie Antoinette IX-06.5d

Vermont, Collin de, painter XV- 230a

—STATE OF XV-354b; area XV-3.54C; Church in Ill-81b; VI-271a; XV-356b; climate XV-3.54d; Constitution XV- 357b; divorce XV-357d; edu- cation XV-356a: French Amer- icans VI-273a; French Cana- dians VI-272a; 273d; French Societies VI-276b; history XV- 355b; legislation XV-357b; legislature and judiciary XV- 35.5a: liquor laws XIV -49a; XV-358a; marriage XV-357d; oaths XV-357C; physical char- acteristics XV-354C; popula- tion XV-355a; resources aV- 354d; seal (ill.) XV-354c; seal of confession Xin-682b; XI-

357d; slavery XV-169b; sta- tistics XV-176b; transporta- tion XV-356b; University XV- 356a Vema, Andreo XIV-761b —LA XV-338b; convent XV- 116b; St. Francis I-702b; VI- 224a; 226a; VIII-472b Vemaccia, Ludovico della XV-

221d Vemacla, name X-G74b Vernacular, in Bible XIll-640a; Poland Xll-191a; Reformers XII-704a; Xni-67b; Tametsi IV- Id Vemay, Notre Dame de. See

Notre Dame de Vemay Vemazza, Battista, writer VIll-

251a — Ettore XV-35SC — TOMMASINA XV-35SC VERNE, JULES XV-35Sd; por- trait XV-SfjSd Vemeihl, Felix de XI-668C Vemet, Emile - Jean - Horace, painter lX-48d; "Leo XII" (ill.) Vl-facing 88 — Felix V111-64C —Horace IV-691C Vemeuil, town, council (755) XI1-722C; St. Genevieve, relic of VI-414C Vemias, Nicolo, physicist XII-

53b Vemicle, pilgrim sign XII-94d;


instrument named for IV-9c Vernon, town. Temple Sisters at

XIV^99a — Dame, Abbess of Mailing XVI-

60a — Hall, Benedictines at I-439C Verocze, See Virovititz Verolet, See Julie V^rolet VEROLI, DIOCESE OF XV-

3.59b VERON, FRANCOIS XV-3.59d;

567d: prayer book XIl-353b Verona, town, Italy, St. Anthony of Padua at l-557d; Campagna at III-220b; Can Grande I, tomb of (ill.) XlV-773d; Charlemagne captures I-155d; III-612C —congress (1822) VII - 399a; Chateaubriand III-640c; Met- temich X-246a — Constantine at IV-296b; Dante at IV-628d; Goths VII-461a; Lombard League VI-254C: manuscripts IX-619d; and Milan X-299d; Novella at XI- 386b; painting, school of V- 787d; Urban III at XV-212b; and Venice VI-499a; XV-338a; Venice, League of IX-339d —DIOCESE OF XV-360b — cathedral XV-360b; Anerio at I-475d; Torbido's works XIV- 780d — churches XV-360b —councils: (983) XV-683b (1184) VII-260C; IX-412d; XV-362b; (1276) XV-362b — history XV-360d; missionary college XII-230C; 230d; 231c; 45Sb; St. Joseph, .\rchconfra- ternity of XI V-124c; S. Zenone, Church of V-259C; scapular XIlI-513d ■ — Giaconda da, architect XIII-

370d — Giovanni da, wood carver XV- 701a; candelabrum (ill.) XV- 699c — Guarino da. See Guarino da

— Institute of (Missionaries of). See Sacred Heart, Sons of the

— Ratherius di XI-.506a

— Fedele, periodical, Italy XI- 6.><4b; XV-362b

Veronensis, collection III-284d

Veronese, Paolo. See Caliari, Paolo

Veronia. See Verona

VERONICA, SAINT XV-362c; in art, Wilhdm of Hcrle XV- G23d: at Bazas Il-6S3c: Boi^ dcalix. legend of II-682b: churclics XI-565a: 565d; house (ill.) XV-362d: legend I-lllb; marriage Xlll-lOOa; Office, Milan Missal XV-363a; statue XIII-372a; Veil of V-251b:

X-5Sla; XIV-123d; in Way the Cross XV-569b; 570d — de Binasco, Saint XV-363a —GIULIANI, SAINT XV-363 III-320b; XII-2o4b; mystic marriage IX-703b: stigma XlV-295b Veronique, Sister, martjT X^

G69b VEROT, AUGUSTIN XV-363 Xlll-4SSb: XlV-332b; cons cration 1I-231C; and papal h falUbility XV-307C; at St. Ai gustine VI-119a; at Vatica Council XV-305b; 307a Verovititz. .See Virovititz Verplank, Gulian C. Vlll-137c VERRAZANO, GIOVANNI D XV-3(;4a; lll-392c; Vll-393i Xl-2Ub; in Canada 111-231. in Maine IX-345C; statue (ill XV-3C4a — Hieronimo da, map XV-364 Verreau, Germain XV-364C VERREAU, HOSPICE

ANTHELME XV-364b Verres, Bishop of Ombus XI

250d — Caius, magistrate XIV-506d Verreydt, F. T. L., missionar

Xll-320d Verri, Alessandro XV-364d — PIETRO XV-364C Verrier, Jean le Xl-lOCd VEROCCHIO, ANDREA DE XV-364d; 340c; XlII-645< "Baptism of Christ" (ill.) XV 442a; and Botticelli II-708< characteristics XI— 400b; an Credi IV-477a; David, statu of (ill.) Xlll-f.icing 646; Fol teguerri's portrait by XII 117b; portrait IV^77a; XV 365d — Giuliano XV-364d Verrolles, Emmanuel- Jean-Fran tois, Vicar -Apostohc lX-5S6d X-482a Verroterie cloisonnee X-220d Vers., abbr. I-26b Versailles, Chateau of, Lebrun' work IX-lOSb; Levau's wor lX-205b: Mansard's work IX 609c; in Revolution XIll 10b —DIOCESE OF XV-366a; cathe dral (ill.) XV-366b; John XXI XI-435a; map Vl-facing 188 Our Ladv of Charity, Conven of Xll-7'l2c — Pierre de. Bishop of Meau:

X-98C —Treaty of (1756) Vin-612a IX-664C; XIII-377a; Balearic Islands II-222a; Saint-Piern Xni-376b — Museum, Halls of the Cru- sades n'-.544a Verse, in .Ambrosian Liturgy I- 401a; in Breriary II-773b; it Greek Divine Office I-I06C ropalic II-113a; of sequence X1I-482C; of New Testament V-629d; Trope XV-65b Versecz, Orthodox Diocese of \'I-

75oa Versiera I-215b Version de Mens, controversy

lX-2n(ic VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE XV~367b; V-700c; .Elfric XV- 374d; Agricola XV-373b; Akh- mimic XVI-80d; Aleutian XV- 374a; Algonquins I-312a; Am- haric XV-36Sb; Aneitumese XV-374a; Aniwa XV-374a; Aquila XV-367b; Arabic 11- 793b; XV-369b; 369d; Armen- ian I-738b; Vlll-176a; X- 21 Id; Xl-)05d; XV-36SC; Ar- moric XV-373d; Arnaud XV- 372a; Arnauld XV-372b; Arn- hcim XV-373a; Athias XV- 372d; .\ugU9ti XV-372d: Au- thorized II-141d; VI-.5S7b; XV-377a; Baltimore, inquiry of ll-241b; BArilny XV-373c; Biushmuric XV-36.Sb; Baaque XV-371d; Bathorv XV-373b; Battak XV-374a; St. Bede XV-374d: Bedell XV-373c; Bcclan XV-373a; Benga XV- 374a: Bengali XV-374a; Beno- ist XV-372«: Beringor XV- 372c; Bernolftk XV-3t)9b: Bf- ron XV-372a; Besse XV-372a;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ iUustratioos.