Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/866

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IV I-455a; and Frederick Bar- barossa VI-253b; 49 Id


Wichpert, Saint. See Wikterp

Wick, town, Scotland, church VI- 43a; and G>£fard VI-551d

Wickhoff, Franz, on Christian art V-248d; on Gentile da Fabri- ano VI-421C

Wicklif. SeeWyclif

Wickram, Jorg VI-521C

Wicksteed, Philip Henry, on Dante IV-631C: 632c: on Dante's De Monarchia IV-629C

Wiclif. See Wyclif

Widdows, ex-monk VII-703b

Widdrington, family, at Wear- mouth XV-572C

— Roger. See Preston, Thomas

Widerad, founds abbey VI-99C

Wideric, Bishop of Siguenza XIII-7SSa

Widl, Adam IX-30a

Widmann, Ambrosius, Chancel- lor of Tiibingen University XV-S3b

— Johannes, physician XV-S3b

Widmanstadt, Albert, system IV~ 3.i3b

WIDMER, JOSEPH XV-6I7b; and Guclir VI Hi la

Widmerpool, Robert, martyrdom V-476a; XV~e21a

Wido. See Guido

Widomofici Codzienne, periodical, Poland XI-6S8b

Widor, Charles XI-SOlc

WIDOW XV-617C; in Apostolic Constitutions I-637a: asceti- cism XIV-617d: Austria U- 615c: Christian attitude XV- 691c: in Didascaha IV-781C; in early Church III-595c: IV- 651c: VII-341d; XI-164a; in India XV-689d; Israelites I- 227a: marriage I-178d: II- 562b: St. Paul XIV-731d: XV- 557c: and religious congrega- tions XV-4,59c: veil XV-321C

Widower, marriage I-178d

Widow's mite, in Canon III- 264c

WIDOKIND, Saxon leader XV- 618a: III-613b: IX-122a: 415b: baptism II-61a: III- 613d: XV-602b: in German legend IX-122a: Saxon insur- rection XV-628b: as Saxon King VII-128a

—OF CORVEY .\V-G18b: VII- 129a

— V of Schwalenberg, Count of Waldeck XV~,527b

Wied, Hermann von der. Arch- bishop of Cologne IV-1 ISc: X- 636a; XV-603C: and Billick II- 566d: and Gropper VII-36c; as Bishop of Paderborn XI- 384d: and Peter Canisius XI- 757a; and Protestantism VII- 37a; XI-767c: Simplex et Pia Deliberatio I-503a

Wiedemann, A. XI-305a

■ — Leonard, Abbot of Ottobeuren XI-358b

Wieder-geld IX-338c

Wiederhold, W. V-22b

Wiegand, Albert, Darwinism V- 6,5Sb

Wieger, Leo Ill-674d

Wieland, Christopher Martin VI- 523d: and Baggescn IV-731a; Don Sih-io Rosala lll-544d

Wielkopolanin, periodical, Poland XI-68Sb

Wielopolski, Aleksander XII- 188b

Wiener, Paul, in Laibach VIII- 743d

— Kircbenzeitung, periodical III- 13a

WIENER - NEUSTADT, DIO- CESE OF .\V i;isc: II-136a; found.-, i Il-l-':td; .\V-419b; Pius VI and .losepli II in II- 127d: suppressed XV-419d;and Vienna, Archdiocese of XIII- 447d

Wieohausen, Germany, Cister- cian foundation VII-120b

Wienker, C, work among Italians VIII-205C

Wiery, Valentin, Prince-Bishop

Wierzbowski, Bishop of Sejny


Wieselgren, Per (Peter) XIV- 483b

Wiesloch, battle of (1622) XIV- 650a; 725a

Wiesmaim, Hermann, Psalms XII-542a

WIEST, STEPHAN XV-618d: at Ingolstadt I-280a: as the- ologian XIV-595d

Wiestner, James IX-65c

Wife, adultery of I-165a: ali- mentation right I-312c: Chris- tian ideal V-783b: lending of I-163d; and Leo XIII I-687d; and St. Paul V-783b; position among savages I-163c; prop- erty, control of IX-692d

Wife*s sister, Jewish marriage writ I-178a

Wiflred, Saint, Abbot of St. Vic- tor IX-716d

Wig, clerical use VII-113d; cler- ical use at Mass X-20d; Thiers, history of III-635C


— Abbot of Waldsassen XV-530C

— John, edits "Centuries" III- 535a: as Lutheran historian VII-376a; and Peter Canisius XI-760d

—Justus Heinrich X-141d

^.S'f.- Venantius

Wigbald. .S., Wigliod

WIGBERT, SAINT XV-619b; XIV-32Sd: and St. Boniface II-657b: and St. Egbert V- 325a: and Frisians XIV-328d; as Abbot of Fritzlar IX-436d; relics Vll-297a


Wigbold. See Wigbod

Wiger, Bishop of Brandenburg II-739d

Wigerich, suffragan Bishop of Metz X-24Sb

— of Lorraine X-248b

Wigferth, Bishop of Winchester. See Wigthegn

Wigger, Winand M., Bishop of Newark X-780C: and Alexians I-307b; St. Joseph of Peace, Sisters of VIII-517d; St. Raphael Society V-403d; in United States VI-4Sld

Wiggers, Joaim., Thomism XIV- 702d

Wiggs, William, and Mayne X- S7a; and Way, WilUam XV- 569a

Wighard, at Rome XV-48Sb

Wightman, Edward, death XIV- 114a

— Rosina, Superior of Sisters of Charity III-608b

Wiglaf, King of Mereia, dethroned V-325b: St. Guthlac, devotion to XII-90C

WIGLEY, GEORGE J. XV-620a; founder "The Universe" XI- 674c

Wigmore, Priory of VII-255C: Canons Regtilar III-292C: Vic- tor, Order of Saint XIII-388C

Wigmund, Bishop of Lichfield I.X-232d

— Bishop of Winchester. See Wigthegn

—Bishop of York XV-734b

Wigram, George Vicesimus IX- 400c

Wigthegn, Bishop of Winchester XV-6.50b

Wigwam VII-749a

Wihbodus, Bishop of Parma XI- .50Ba

Wiho, Saint, Bishop of Osna- hruck VII-128b: XI-341b

Wihtberht. See Wigbcrt

Wihtred, King of Kent, Baccan- ccld. synod of II-1S9C; privi- lege IV-68C; XII-468C

Wijeya, King of Ceylon III- 547d

Wikbold of Holte, Archbishop of Cologne IV~U8b

Wikiup V1I-749C

Wikterp, Saint, Bishop of .\ugs- hurg ll-73d

Wilberforce, E. R., Bishop of C'lii.-li.'^lrr III I^14a

—HENRY WILLIAM \V-620a; ,u,dX,wn,Mn\ 70sc;XI-374c: and Saint-.:.. hn XITl 354d -ROBERT ISAAC .\V

— Samuel, Bishop of Winchester

l.X-605b; and Alhes I-324b — William XV-620a Wilbert, and Bede II-384d Wilbrandt, Adolf Vl-52Sc Wilbur, John, and Quaker schism


XV-620C; 365b Wilcharius, Bishop of Sion XIV-




IIl-92a Bishop of

Wilczek, Bemadii Gncsen L\-145i

WILD, JOHANN .\V-621a; IV- 160d: and Medina X-144d

— Sebastian, Passion Play XI- 534b

Wild-cat Crises, in United States II-254a

Wilde, Oscar, contributor "Irish Monthly" XI-682d

Wildenbruch, Ernst von VI- 528a

Wilder, Burt I-461a

Wilderness, battle (1864) IX- 354b; XV-172d: Guiney at VII-72c; Mulholland at X- 626b

Wilems, Joseph XV-628C

Wilemuth, Abbot of St. Andrews XV-721a

Wilev, William II-705C

Wilfert H, Raimund, Abbot of Tcpl XIV-514b

Wilford, Boniface V-478b

WILFRID, SAINT XV-621d; and St. Acca I-93c; and St. Agatho I-204d; and Aldtrith I-280a; and St. Annemundus IX— 472d; and St. Benedict II-427d: as Benedictine II— 462d: bishopric restored XIII-728C; and St. Ceadda III-470c: and St. Coel- frid III-536b: and Coenred IV-93a; cure of XV-462c: on Easter ni-494a: and St. Ethel- dreda V-5o4c: and Faber V- 740d: in Friesland II-456a; on Galilean Rite VI-357b; Abbey of Hexham VII-318c: at Lin- disfarne IX-269b; missionary labours I-506b: Northumbria, regency of III-537b: patronage X-286c; in Rolls Senes XIII- 120c; at Rome V-598c; VIII- 423b: Schola Cantorum XIII- 547d; Selsea, Diocese of III- 657c; shrine, Canterbury XIII- 762b; and Theodore of Can- terbury I-506b: XIV-571b tonsure III - 486d; Whitby, S>-nod of XV-610a: and S"t, Willibrord XV-645b: as Bishop of York VII-350C: XV-733C 734b

— n. Bishop of York XV-734b and John of Beverley VIII- 470a: resignation V-326b

Wilfrid the Hairy, Count of Bar- celona II-2S9a: III-428C; XV- 406a

Wilfridians V-740d

Wilfrith I, Bishop of Worcester .XV-703d

— n. Bishop of Worcester XV- 704a

Wilgard, at Ravenna VI-488a; VII-699d

WILGEFORTIS XV-622d; IX- 743b; XIV-453d; legend, origin of IX-405a

Wilgred, Bishop of Chester-le- Street V-211d

Wilhelm H, Duke of Bavaria, Council of Basle II-33.5d: 336d

—IV, Duke of Bavaria Il-354d; and Hubert van Evck V-734b; .■md Jesuits XIII-403a

WILHELM V, Duke of Bavaria XV-623b: II-354d; and Greg- ory of Valencia \*II-22d: and Maximilian I X-75d: and Vet- ter XV-394C

Wilhelmine Charter, of Reims X!I-72rib


— von Reichenau, Prince-Bishop of Eichsliitt V-36.'ia: university V-3fi.5d

—See William

Wilhelmsbade, Congress of (17.82) I.\-— '

Wilhelmshohe, town, Germai Napoleon III at X-703a

Wilhelmsstift, College of, 1 hingen XIIl-207d: XV-S3d


—Collegiate Church IX-276a

WUkes, Edward V-477b

—Joseph II-490d; 491b

Wilkesbarre, town, Pennsylval Vl-747d

WUkin, G. A. XIV-790b

Wilkinson, James, Conunandi in-Chief XIV^43a

—John, Garnet, relic of VI-38

—Oswald V-477d

— Thomas Wdiiam, Bishop Hexham and Newcastle VI 31Sd

— WiUiam, and De Lisle IV-69

Wiltatycki, Nalecz, coadjuti Bishop of Cubn IV-567a

WiU (DH-ine) I-332C: VI-61! antecedent VI-620b ; 699b ; C vinism III -199c: conseque VI-620b; 699b: and Divii freedom XIV-584b; and He Ghost VII-412C: Jesus Chr VII-715C: X-502d: and Moi Law V-216b; in Scotism 197b; and the Trinity XV 584c

■WILL (Philosophy) XV-624b: adoration I-152a; and a thetics I 175c; affections of t VI-692b: and alcoholism 274b: and appetite I-65( and attention XV-625c: Be XV-624b: and belief I-2U II-t09c: 410a; Buddha II 29c; Buridan III-78d: a character IlI-5S5c; and cc science IV-271d: definiti X V-624b ; divine sovereign over II-96b; education of X' 625d: and faith V-755d; 75/ XV-174b; and fear XV-44C and feeling XV-624d; as Fii Cause Vl-eiOc: and freedom 11.5d: See Free Will, functi XV-472d: God. predicated I-559b; graces of VI-692a; a habit VII-99b; lOld; a happiness VII-132b: Ha: mann XI-741b; and Hedonis XV-625a: Hobbes XV-625 and hope \-II-467a: XV-474 and hypnotism VII-606C; ai impulse XV-625d; and inc vicfuaHty VII-764C: and i sanity Vni-41d; and inspil tion IV-251d; and intellect 219c: and intention VIII-69 and interest X\'-62.5d: Janse ism XIV-7a: John of Jandui VIII-474a: Kant I-116b: II 432b: XV-625c:andknowled XV-624b: Manichfipism I? 592a; and mercy II-371d; Mi John Stuart XV-625a: ai mind X~321b: and morali XV-473b: and movement XI 626a; object X\-624b: al obligation XI-189c; and pa sions III-344d; XI-534C: P< agianism 1 1 -96a; perseveranc final XI-711d; Plato V-792 and pleasure XV-62oa; ps chology XV-626b: and reas< XII-675a; XIV-8d; XV-625 and right XIII-55c: Roussei II-HOc; Scholasticism II 464a; XV-624c; Schopenhau in-463d: 465d; XI-741a: ai science Xlll-eOOc: Scotism \ 197a

— and sin X1V-4C: 5d; 7c; So: cause XI\'-9a: in venial XH




— KU0t:.Kl laAAl^ ,V\--0-'UD U < 8-1 l.\-<,bC ,1^00

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iUuetrationB.

—and .

temptation XIV-504C: t Thomas XV-624d; Thomis XIV-699C; and violence X\ 446c; and virtue XV-472d: at virtues, cardinal III-344 Wundt XV-625b

Will (Testament) .\rles, Cou cil of (1236) I-727b; Cane law IX-fi7b; charitab bequests III-591a; of ecelesia tics IX-117b; of Francisc. tertiary XIV-tHlc; and legai IX-l!5b; Le Play XII-163 Ohio XI-227d; Pcnnsylvan XI-t344b; and Religious XI 325d; in Roman Law IX-82