Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/900

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Prayer Books XII-350

Primer XII-425

Picture Bibles 11-546

Biblia Pauperum 11-547

Bestiaries 11-529

Religious Instruction V- 78

Jubilee VIII-531

Pilgrimages XII- 85

Easter Customs V-227

Christmas Customs III-727

Chantry III-597

Rosary XIII-184

Beads 11-361

Miracle Plays X-44S

Passion Plays XI-531

Moralities X-557

Boy-Bishop 11-725

Dance of Death lV-617

Asses, Feast of 1-798

Fools, Feast of VI-132

Ecclesiastical Art V-248

Gothic Architecture VI-665

Wood-Carving XV-698

Stalls XIV-243

Metal Work X-218

Ivory VIII-257

Medals X-n2

Mosaics - X-584

Stained Glass XIV-241

Tapestry XIV-449

Organ XI-297

BeUs 11-418

Charity III-597

Poor, Care of XII-238

Hospice VII-475

Bernard of Menthon 11-503

Hospitals VI1-4S0

Hospitallers VlI-476

Insane, Care of VIII- 38

Leprosy IX— 184

Foundhng Asylums VI-159

Monastic Occupations X— 462

Scriptorium XIII-635

Manuscripts IX-614

Manuscripts, Illuminated IX-620

Gutenberg VII- 90

Schools XIII-554

Carlovingian Schools III-349

Universities XV-188

Arts, Bachelor of 1-756

Arts, Master of 1-759

Arts, Faculty of 1-757

Physics XII- 47

Geography VI-447

Libraries IX-227

Arts, Seven Liberal 1-760

Latin Literature IX- 26

Astrology II- 18

Medicine X-125

Anatomy 1-458

Education of the Blind V-306

Feudalism VI- 58

Tenure XIV-512

Land Tenure VIII-775

Mortmain X-579

Chivalry III-691

Military Orders X-304

Guilds VII- 66

Slavery XIV- 36

Benefit of Clergy 11-476

Sanctuary XIII-430

Monies Pietatis X-534

Usury X-235

Jews VIII-390

Witchcraft XI-674

Ordeals XI-276


The Reformation XII-700

Protestantism XII-495

Protestant Confessions of Faith V-760

Fundamental Articles ^T-319

Protestant Rites XIII- 66

Luther IX-438

Lutheranism IX-458

Wittenberg XV-678

Leo X IX-162

Cajetan III-145

Tetzel XIV-539

Eck ' V-271

CochlKUS IV- 79

Discussions V- 35

Melanchthon X-151

Erasmus V-510

Adrian VI 1-159

Cliieregati III-658

Clement VII IV- 24

Campeggio III-223

Peasants, War of the X 1-597

Speyer XIV-214

Charies V III-625

Augsburg II- 75

Smalkaldic League XIV- 58

Anabaptists 1-445

Interims VIII- 77

Zwingli. Xy-772

CEcolampadius XI-213

Calvin III-195

Calvinism III-198

Switzerland XIV-362

Francis I VI-207

Guise, House of VII- 74

Catherine de' Medici III-443

Colloquy at Poissy V- 36

Huguenots VII-527

Lefevre d'Etaples IX-114

St. Bartholomew's Day XIII-333

League IX- 98

Henry IV VII-225

England V-445

Henry VIII VII-222

Clement VII IV- 24

Warham XV-554

Wolsey XV-685

Campeggio ^ . . . . III-223

Thomas More XIV-689

John Fisher VIII-i62

John Forest VlII-463

Pole XII-201

Oath of Supremacy XI-177

Anglicanism 1-498

Anglican Orders 1-491

Book of Common Prayer 11-678

Mary Tudor IX-766

Marian Priests IX-661

Armada 1-727

Book of Martyrs 11-681

Penal Laws •v^?"^^!

Treason, Accusations of ^^ ~ ^f"

Uniforniitv Acts XV-r27

Gunpowder Plot VII- 81

Oath of Allegiance XI-177

Oath of Abjuration XI-179

Oates's Plot XI-171

Test Oath XI-179

English Confessors and Martyrs V^-474

Monasteries, Suppression of X-455

Royal Declaration XlII-213

Scotland XIll-019

Knox VII1-6S0

Established Church of Scotland XII 1-627

Mary Queen of Scots IX-764