Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/921

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Pkaters and Practices

Agape 1-200

Alleluia 1-319

Angelus 1-486

BeU 1^87

Apostolic Blessing 11-602

Athanasian Creed II- 33

Cemeteries, Consecration of III-508

Coronation ceremony lV'-380

Death, Preparation for IV-660

Burial Services Ill- 71

Candles IX-246

Triple Candlestick XV- 58

Catafalque III-427

De Profundis IV-738

Doxology V-150

Exorcism V-710

Libera Me IX-214

Litany IX-286

Litany of Loreto IX-287

Litany of the Holy Name IX-290

Litany of the Saints IX-291

Magnificat XI-141

Nunc Dimittis XI-160

Prayer to the Saints VIII- 72

Prayers for the Dead IV-653

Processions ■ XII-446

Canopy III-297

Relics XII-738

Sacramentals XIII-292

Scapular XIII-508

Way of the Cross XV-569

Blessed Sacrament

Ciborium III-767

Pvx XII-58S

Lunette IX-435

Monstrance XI-344

Hosts 1-349; VII-493

Renewal of XII-785

Reservation XII-784

Tabernacle XIV-424

Sanctuary Lamp VIII-768

Exposition V-713

Forty Hours' Devotion VI-151

Perpetual Adoration 1-152

Benediction 11^65

Altar of Repose XII-776


Congregation of the Sacraments XIII-140

Balsam 11-226

Chrism III-696

Chrismal III-697


Necessity 11-265

Matter, Remote 11-261

Matter, Proximate 11-262

Form 11-262

Minister 11-269

Recipient 11-270

Sponsors 11-272

Place 11-272

Baptistery 11-276

Font 11-275

Ceremonies 11-273

HolyOU 11-272

Salt 11-273

Lighted Candle IX-246

Baptismal Name 11-273


Absolution 1-64

Censures III-531

British Isles in Early Days XI-632

Public Penance XI-629


Administration VII-402

Communion under both Kinds IV-175

Viaticum XV-398


Rite IV-215

Extreme Unction

Rite V-716

Form V-716

Matter, Remote V-724

Matter, Proximate V-724

Burial ritual Ill- 71

Holy Orders XI-279

Ceremonies XI-282


Rite IX-103

Betrothal 11-538

Ceremony IX-703

NuDtial Blessing X- 5

Nuptial Mass X- 5


St. Justin Martyr VIII-580

St. Ambrose 1-383

Pope St. Gregory the Great VI-7S0

St. Andrew of Crete 1-473

Alcuin 1-279

Walafrid Strabo XV-526

Amalarius of Metz 1-376

Florus VI-121

Haymo VII-160

Rabanus Maurus XII-617

Usuard XV-235

Bernold of Constance 11-512

Honorius of Autun VII-461

Stephen of Autun XIV-290

Durandus the Elder V-207

Durandus the Younger V-207

Humbert of Romans VII-542

Radulph of Rivo XII-632

Sixteenth Century

Quiiiones XII-613

Chchtove IV- 58

Cochteus IV- 79

Hittorp VII-380

PameUus XI-435

Sainctes XIII-328

Seventeenth Century

Gavantus VI-399

Menard X-178

Goar VI-606

Morin X-570

Allatius 1-317

Bralion 11-735

Bona 11-645

Eighteenth Century

Mabillon 1X^79

Renaudot XII-769

Bl. Guiseppe Maria Tommasi VI-574

Grancolas VI-724

Martdne XI-721

Muratori X-641

Assemani 1-794

Quirini XII-614

Pope Benedict XIV 11-432

Catalan! 111^27

Bianchini 11-541

Gerbert VI-470

Nineteenth Century

England V-470

Husenbeth VII-589

Gu<-ranger VII- .58

Thalhofer XIV-5.54

Baumer 11-202

Bute, Marquess of Ill- 89