Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/941

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Second Commandmenl

Blasphemy 11-595

Cursing. IV-573

Oaths XI-176

Perjury XI-696


Nature XV-512

Effect of fear VI- 21

Dispensation XV-513

Third Commandment

Presence at Mass on Sundays XIV-335

Presence at Mass on Holy Days XIV-342

Work forbidden on Sundays and Holy

Days XIV-336; 342

Bull: Suprema; disciplina; XIV-342

Fourth Commandment

Obedience to Authority 11-138; XI-182

Parent and child V-782; XI-478; 479

Husband and wife V-782

Master and workman IV-185; VIII-725

Fifth Commandment

Anger 1-489

Abortion 1-47; VIII- 1

Murder VII-441

Justifiable homicide. . 1-210; III-87; 441; XIV-326

Self-defence XIII-691

War XV-546

Capital punishment V-565; XI 1-567

Suicide XIV-326

DueUing V-184

TjTannicide XV-108

Vivisection XV-494

Sixth and Ninth Commarulments

Purity III-637; IX-43S

Internal sin XIV- 5

Infidelity 1-163

Seventh and Tenth Commandments

Justice and right VIII-572; 573; XIII- 55

Ownership VIII-572; XII^64

Property right of the Church XII^66

Property rights of clerics XV-627

Title to property :

Accession 1-95

Occupation IX-81; XII-466

Prescription XII-395; 471

Monopolies X^97

Injustice in general VIII- 10

Cooperation in wrong I-lOO

Theft XIV-564

Occult compensation IV- 186

Strikes VIII-725

Boycotting VIII-726; XVI- 12

Restitution; reparation. . XII-776; I-lOO; III-190 Bankruptcy and moral obligations. . . 11-255

Eighth Commandment

Truth XV-77; 678

Secrets XIII-649; 673

Calumny III-190

Detraction IV-757; XII-776

Lying IX-469

Mental reservations IX-470; X-195

Contracts In general:

Effect of voiding laws IV-332

Essential elements; restrictions. . IV-332; IX-67 Consideration not required for valid- ity IV-332


Interest VIII- 77

Usury XV-235

Monopolistic contracts X-497

Lottery IX-366

Gambling and betting contracts 11-539; IV-375

Speculation XIV-211

Legacies *. IX-115

Commarulments oj the Church

Holy days of obligation XIV-342

Abstinence 1-67

Fasting V-789

Fasting days V-790

Black fast V- 59

Lenten fast IX-152

Ember days V-399

Vigils V-647

Confession, annual IV-155; IX- 18

Communion, Easter Dutv

IV-155; VI-279; VIII-749; XI-517

Support of pastors and Church

IV-155; VIII-750; XIV-296 Marriage:

Forbidden degrees IV-155; VII-697

Forbidden time IV-155; VII-697

Duties of particular slates

Bull: ApostolicsE servitutis 1-647

Clerics :

Dress IV-50; 419

Celibacy III-481; 487

CeUbacy, in Oriental Churches 111-487

Office VII-500

Things forbidden IV-50

Parish Priests VIII-749; XI-507


Religious Ufe XII-748

Vocations XV-500

Postulants XII-319

Novices XII-144

Profession XI-452

Manifestation of conscience IX-597


In general VIII-749

Judges XI-191

Advocates 11-256; XI-192

Medical men 1-47; 448; 11-256; XI-192

Teachers XI-193

Secret Societies XIV- 71


Meaning and object XIII-292

Agnus Dei 1-220

Ashes 1-775

Beads 11-361

Bells n-422

Blessed bread 11-750

Blessed palms XIII-293

Blessings 11-601

Candles III-601

Holy water VII-432

Oils VII-421

Sacraments in general

Nature and necessity XIII-295; 301

Reviviscence XIII-304

Matter and form XIII-298

Minister XIII-303; V-682

Attention and intention XIII-303

Holiness XIII-303

Duty of administering XI-508

Duty of refusing V-682; VIII-74

Recipient VI-426; XIII-297 ; 304

Reiteration XIl-774; XIII-304