Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/237

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of men, 530 secular and 45 regular clergy, 23 broth- The religious communities of men established

ers, about 600 sisters, 2 seminaries, 200 seminarians, in the diocese include: Franciscans (12 convents,

2 secondary schools for boys, 7 for girls, 7 elemen- 73 religious) ; Dominicans (3 convents, 12 religious) ;

tary schools, 23 homes, 63 asylums, 12 hojspitals, Mercedarians (3 convents, 28 religious): Aug-

and 1 day nursery. About 10 of the jivhlic institu- ustianians (1 convent, 5 reli^ous) ; Capuchins (3

tions permit the priests to minister in them, and convents, 25 religious); Jesuits (2 residences, 15

2 of the schools are assisted by the government, religious); Clerks Regular of the Pious Schools

Besides the Propagation of the Faith, and various (1 college, 11 religious); Salesians (1 house, 20

other missionary works, 2 societies are formed religious); Redemptorists (2 residences, 22 re-

among the clergy, and about 250 among the laity of ligious) ; Missionaries of the Immacidate Heart

different parishes. Six Catholic periodicals are pub- of Maiy (2 .residences, 17 religious); Discalced

lished here.* Trinitanans (1 residence, 19 religious); Discalced

Oomplcc. PsTCHCxxnc*.. See PBTCH< g^^'tri^JZl^Z^ ^roSW^e^fei^

Oompostela ( or Santiago DflGAUCiA)fARCHDiocESB Schools (2 collejges, 18 Brothers). Eighteen Con- or (Comfobtkllanenbib; cf. C. E., IV-187d), in gregations of religious women are established here; the province of Galicia, Spain. The archbishop of the Discalced Trmitarians, Conceptionists, Religious this ancient see bears the title of major chaplain of the Sacred Heart, Sisters of Providence, Daugh- of his majesty, judge ordinary of the royal chapel, ters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sisters of house and court, and major notary of Leon. At the Immaculate Conception, Sisters of the Good present (1022) the see is filled by His Eminence Shepherd of Angers, Little Sisters of the Poor, Cardinal Martin de Herrera y de la Iglesia, bom Sacramentines, Hospital Sisters of the Sacred in Aldeadavila de la Ribera, Spain, in 1835, ap- Heart, Sisters of Providence of Corenc (Grenoble), pointed Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, 5 July. Mercedarians, Servants of Jesus, Sisters of the 1875, transferred 14 Februaiy, 1889, Senator and House of Mary, Sisters of St. Joseph, Protectors member of the Royal CouncU, created cardinal 19 of Childhood, Sisters of the Infant Jesus of AuriUac, April, 1897. He is assisted by an auxiliary, at Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, present Rt. Rev. Ramir Fernandez y Valbuena, and Sisters of the Holy Cross. These congrega- appointed 7 July, 1911, titular Bishop of SciUium. tions have in all 56 houses and 599 religious. By This archdiocese which covers an area of 5,341 the latest census (1907) the total population of sq. miles and comprises a Catholic population of this territory, which comprises 45,000 sq. miles, 900,000, is credited by the 1920 statistics with 1,137 numbered 1,113,000, of whom all were (jatholio parishes, 980 priests, 1,137 churches, 837 chapels, except a few thousand Araucan infidels and a 14 convents with 212 religious, and 664 Sisters. small number who have strayed from the Faith.

Compromise (cf. C. E., IV-189) .-Compromise By 1920 statistics the diocese is.credited with 68

by option is the only kind mentioned in the Code. Panshes, 6 sub-panshes, 3 ^minan«j, and 122 secular

U the person chosen to settle the controversy is to P^^f!' ^",5?,^°1!^^ institutions and soci-

decide by the principles of the law he is known as ^^'^ ^^ established.

an aibiter, if by the principles of equity, he is an Oondave (cf. C. E., IV-192) .—Papal elections arbitrator. Gnly those suits that may be settled ^re held in accordance with the Constitution by transaction (q.v.) may be compromised. Lay- Vacante Sede Apostolica" of Pius X, dated 25 men or those who have been judicially declared December, 1904. At the first of the general pre- cxcommunicated or mfamous cannot a^ validlv as paratory meetings which are to take place from arbiters; reli^ous must not accept the office without the day of the pope's death till the day when the leave of their superiors. At an election by com- cardinals enter the conclave, the "Commissum No- promise the person delegated to vote m the name bia" of Pius X abolishing the Veto and the "Pras- of all cannot declare himself elected ; and if several decessores Nostri" of Leo XHI, with the annexed have been so delegated none of them can of his instructions concerning elections, are to be read and own accord procure his own election by voting with ^he cardinals present must swear to observe them the other delegates wishing to elect him. If the ^nd the prescriptions of the 'Tacante Sede Apos- election is m connection with a clerical college the tolica," and also if they are elected never to cease

^^*S must be pnests, otherwise the election vindicating the rights of the pope, especiaUy the

would be mvahd. civil power of the Holy See; furthermore, they

Codex jur, eon,, 1929-81. ^^^ g^^^j. ^^^^ ^^y ^^^^ ^j^^j^. assistants wiU ob-

Oonaty, Thomas J. See Monterey and Los serve secrecy, even after the election, as to all that

Angelis Diocese of. takes place in the conclave, unless in as far as they

' are expressly dispensed by the pope. Inspiration,

Ooneepci6n, Diocese op (Sanctibsima Con- compromise, and oalloting are the only three meth-

CBPciONis; cf. C. £., rV-190b), in Chile, South ods of election now recognized as vahd, accession

America, suffragan of Santiago de Chile, Rt. Rev. having been abolished. Neither the violation of

Luis Enrique Izqierdo y Vargas, appointed to this the enclosure nor the crime of simonv now invali-

see 26 January, 1906, died 7 August, 1917, and was daties an election, a provision adopted to eliminate

succeeded by the present incumbent, Rt. Rev. Gil- any occasion for disputing the validity of the pro-

bert Fuenzalida y Guzman, bom in Talca, 1868, he ceedings. As the interval of ten days between the

made his studies at the seminaries of Talca, Santiago death of the pope and the beginning of the con-

and the Latin-American College at Rome, served as clave proved to be insufficient to enable cardinals

rector of the seminary of Talca, and then of San- from distant countries like Brazil, Canada, and

tiago, member of the coimcil of public instruction, the United States to reach Rome in time for the

dean of the faculty of theology of the state in 1905, election, Pius XI meeting the wishes of the car-

and was appointed 20 February, '1918. In 1920 a dinals at the recent conclave, has modified certain

new parish was erected in the diocese, under the prescriptions laid down in the Vacante Sede."

title of Our Lady of Mercy, and entrusted to the The interval of ten days has been extended to

Mercedarians, and the following year a new church fifteen full days; cardinals are empowered to add

of St. Joseph was entrusted to the Capuchins, two or three days more, but they must enter the