Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/35

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fluence in the political life of Gaul, and in the year; hence sixteen years complete are required eighth century took part in negotiations between for a first profession and twenty-one complete for the papacy and the Carlo vingian kings. The mix- a perpetual profession, whether simple or solemn, ture of politics and religion brought about great The law by which a higher age was required in abuses, and in 1128 St. Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble the cases of lay-brothers has now been abolished, came to St. Maurice to reform the monastery. It A master of novices must be at least thirty-five was he who introduced the Canons Regular of St. years old, though his sociiia or assistant, need only Augustine into the abbey, where they have re- be thirty. Ordinary and extraordinary confessors mained ever since. During the Reformation the of nuns, whether they be secular or religious priests, abbey remained true to the Faith owing largely must as a rule have completed their fortietn year. to the courage of Abbot Bartholomew IV, but suf- While respecting the constitutions of religious in- fered severely during the sixteenth and seventeenth stitutes requiring more stringent qualifications, the centuries as a result of the intrusion of Valais Code prescribes that generals of orders or superior- statesmanship into the inner life of the monastery, esses of monasteries of nuns with solemn vows However in the seventeenth century the reforming should be at least forty years old; but other higher seal of two holy abbots, Peter IV, Odet (1640-^57) superiors need only be thirty. It is unlawful for and Joseph I, Franc (16G8-86), brought about a anyone to receive tonsure before beginning his renewal of activities. For centuries it has never theological studies, and the ages of twenty-one, been as prosperous as it is to-day (1922). .It is twenty-two, and twenty-four are required for the immediately subject to the Holy See, and since reception of the sub-diaconate, the diaconate, and 1840 the abbot has carried the title of titular Bishop the priesthood respectively. Finally bishops, vicars of Bethlehem. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. capitular, diocesan officials (i. e. judges), and canons Joseph Mari^tan, bom in Val d'llliez, Switzeriand, penitentiary must have completed their thirtieth 1847, studied at St. Maurice and the University year.

of Fribourg, entered the Canons Regular of St. *«<«,. tn_ /a e r^ n -r a^ai^x

Augustine £ 1894, was ordained in 1899, appointed ^^' Diocese of (Aoinnum: cf C E., I-209b),

abbot 13 August, 1914, and consecrated bishop 6 comprises the Department of Lot-et-Garonne in

December foflowing. The bishop has under his ?Vance and w suffragan of Bor^^^^

jurisdiction 6 pari^es and a rectorate, comprising i^^^'^^^^V^^^^i, L?Vu^^- ^^^^SS^ Sagot du

about 3000* soiils. There are twenty clergy of the Y^^T'"' ^a^-^^^^^^S f^^.fS!^J^' ^""^ '5

Order who act as teachers in the school of St. the diocese of La Rochelle 1857, he was ordwned

Maurice, which counts about 3000 pupils. Eight YtJ^K ™?^^, *^H^^*u^^«?,^« ?5. °^ ,^. ^^^^^^

other parishes which are under the jurisdiction of 1894 and director of the "Bulletm religienx," and

the Bishop of Sion, are also served by these priests. aPPpinted bishop 21 February, 1906.

Acta f^f n T? T oAisjN T^ u u J il Siuce the ycar 348, whcn the regular appointment

Age (cf. C. E., I.206d).--To be bound by ec ^^ bishops to this s^e commenced, there W been

^ T «nl^ f^-Tl^o^Ji ot.tL\^^*f f T ^1^ 82 bishop, of whom 4 have been canonized, 2 were

old imleas It. 18 otherwise expressly stated; below patriarchs and 3 cardinals. In 1920 there were

^J,X 'iw«i!«w'SH'^i«'ni?'te ^^ ^'083 Catholics in the diocese, 47 parishes and

parvulua, mfans), and is not held responsible; after 397' succursal parishes.

the age of seven a person is presumed to have the ' •'"^^"™* yt^iuy^^. « « * « 

use of reason. Puberty begins in males at fourteen Agnes, Saint, Sisters op. See Saint Agnes, Sis-

€om];>lete, in females at twelve complete. However, '^^^ ^^*

marriage is invalid if contracted Dy males imder Agra, Archdiocese op (Agraensib; cf. C. E.,

sixteen or females imder fourteen. The imputa- I-225a), in British India, is bounded on the North

bility of crime is to be considered lessened by minor by the Archdiocese of Simla, on the east by the

age in proportion ajs the person is nearer to in- Diocese of Allahabad, on the south and west by

fancv, unless the contrary is clear. Persons who the Diocese of Ajmer. Upon the erection of the

are below the age of puberty are excused by the Archdiocese of Simla, 13 September, 1910, the Dio-

Church from all canomcal penalties latcB sententioe. cese of Lahore and the Prefecture Apostolic of

that is those inciured independently of a judicial Kashmir and Kafiristan, which had formerly been

sentence; however, if the children have reached sufifragans of Agra, were made suffragans of the

the use of reason, they are to be corrected for their new archdiocese.

faults just as children are corrected at school. Per- Most Rev. Charles Gentili, who was appointed

sons who have reached the age of puberty and who Archbishop of Agra 27 August, 1898, died 31 Decem-

induce these younger children to commit an offense ber, 1916, and was succeeded by the present incum-

or who concur with them in a crime incur the bent, Most Rev. Raphael Bemacchioni, b. in

gpualties attached to the violation of the law. Tuscany, 1854, who went to the mission of Agra

finors reach their majority on completing their in 1884, and was appointed Archbishop of Agra 7

^^•S?*^*;^^ ?®*^' . !_• J 1 1, VI- August, 1917. The episcopal residence is at Agra

The law of abstinence bmds all those who have in the winter and at Barlowganj in the summer.

completed their seventh year; that of fasting is Besides the Capuchins who have charge of this

obligatory only on those who have finished their mission, the Brothers of St. Patrick, Sisters of Jesus

twenty-first but not their fifty-mnth year. Sponsors and Mary, and Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi are

at baptism or confirmation should as a rule haye also established here. In addition to the parochial

reached their fourteenth year. In the Latin Rite schools at Sashkar there are in all thirteen schools

children ordinarily are not to be confirmed untU conducted by these religious orders, with a total

they are about seven. Chdchren should receive Holy of 1^668 children under instruction. In 1920 there

Conmiumon when they imderstand m a way suit- ^gre 8,915 Catholics in this territory, 27 parishes,

able to their years the mysteries necessarily (necea- 30 Capuchin Fathers and 12 native priests, 115 sis-

^tatemedtt) tp be believed for salvation, and when ters, 27 churches or chapels. 22 principal mission

they can receive it with due reverence, their con- stations and 26 secondary ones, and 7 orphanages

^^^"rpP^ parents or guardians being judges of ^ith 800 orphans. this. The obligation of confession begins with the

use of reason. No one can begin his religious Agram, Archdiocese op. See Zagrab.

novitiate validly before completing his fifteenth Agrla, Diocesb of. See Eger.