Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/394

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according to the curriculum of their college at altar-boy, the superioress of the house, and the

Geoigetown. Bishop Fenwick died 10 August, 1846, majority of those present during Benediction,

and was buried in the college cemetery. A few The Sisters keep up perpetual adoration and recite

days before his death, however, on 6 August, he every day in Latin the hturgical office of Our Lady.

had ceded full control and possession of the in- By their life of piety and solitude they constitute

stitution with buildings and grounds free of incum- the praying portion of the Holy Family, whiph is

brance to the Fathers. a wholly active congregation.

On 14 July, 1852, a fire destroyed the entire cen- In communities requiring it, lay Sisters, designated

tral building, and the very existence of the institu- by the name of Sisters oj St, Martha, ^re especially

tion was threatened by this serious loss. However, devoted to manual labor. They she^ in all the

the Rt. Rev. John B. Fitzpatrick, then Bishop of privileges of the religious state and of community

Boston, determined that the college should not life in the same way as all the members of the

perish, and on 3 October, 1853, it was ready, en- Holy Family.

larged, and remodeled to receive students. Never- To supply these works with subjects qualified to

theless, the effect of the calamity on the young secure the aim the foimder had in view m institut-

institution is evident in the interruption of graduat- ing them, novitiates are established at Talenoe,

ing classes from 1852 to 1858. near Bordeaux; Hortaleza, near Madrid; Rock

The new college encountered difficulties in ob- Ferry, England; Rome, Italy; Bellair, Africa; and taining a charter, and although the petition was in Canada. As a consequence of persecution and presented in 1849 the charter was not granted until war, a certain number of houses having been closed 1865, when the influence of the Civil War had in France, the institute, has at present (1^1) 2CQ caused all differences of opinion regarding it to be houses with 3618 Sisters in charge of 30,000 children set aside. However, dunng this period the stu- and 15,000 poor ax^d sick, dents were not deprived of the benefits of gradua- tion, as Georgetown College conferred degrees on Holy Family, Littlb Sistbbb op thb (cf. C. £., all who were graduated from 184^^2 and from VII-408b) . — ^This congregation, with mother-house 1858-65. In 1^5 a new building was completed at Sherbrooke, P. Q., Canada, numbers 44 missions, containing a thoroughly equipped gymnasium, and 794 professed Sisters, 49 novices, and 21 postulants, in 1905 and 1913 two more buildings were added There are 8 establishments in the United States, to the college. The graduates of the college from •» , « j, « .^, ^ , 1849 to 1920 inclusive number 2165, and in 1920-21 ,™^y *^fSr^'«^'^^?. ^' ™" ^^®^ Orleans; the college registered 733 students. The Rev. James cf- C. E., yil-408a) .—This congregation of colored J. Carlin, S.J., president of the college, is assisted Sisters, with novitiate at New Orieans, La., con- by a faculty of 64 members. ducts establishments in the Archdiocese of New

Orleans and the Dioceses of Galveston, San

Holy Famfly, Congeubgation op the (cf. C. E.. Antonio, and Mobile. There are 145 Sisters, 11

VII-407d).— This institute, founded by Abb6 novicos and 2 postulants with 3100 pupils under

Noailles in 1820, now comprises three branches ^^^eir instruction.

which have their own government and their own ttaIv ViLmiiv c*am..« «« -,,,- /a tv^

life. They are: (1) S^ters of St, Joseph, whose ,c^r\ ^liii^^^JZ/f^ a^^^^

special aim is the adoption and education of young JoTo^hJ^iul^^hifK^A^^^^^ '\^^ Francisco m

oVphans. This congregation, which has at all tim^ ^?^ qL^r^^'^in^^^^^ ^,^o^%'k*'° ^T""® '^'Tk"

met with the warSiest empathy from all classes fJuL^J ?^ q^Sn^f SL^\%n^^ i fi^« 

of^society, directs oiThanag^^^ PVance and Spain, fcis^o'knd^

the Immaculate Conception, whose princi is the education * different classes

The mother-house U in B"ordeaux (2) sSem o/ F«nc.8co. and Uie Very Rev, J. J Prenderga^t. The

Conception, whose principal work T^ ^°^^ V^ ^u'^," iJ^iU ^^^ <«techetiad in- » and Ltrurtion of youtfc of the «t™«t'«? o^ P"W'c school children, the aasistiM of nf on/.;ot« T« ^n/« Or..:., !?«». pastors m Sunday schools, the seeking out of children ?l!°^^f\,}tFT^'JlTL^^r. of neglectful or indifferent parents tolnduce them to

le estab- children

whools*"£ou^"of refui'T'anrworWooi^""^^^ ^^^^ mothers are obliged to work during the day.

iSL th^ vLit ??e' Sck andThe^oor The ^^ **^« P^^^* ^'^^ *^e Sisters have under their Spi^otm^Vf^ Rordp^nT (^ %S^^ nf ' ffJ^ spiritual Care thousands of children. They assist whSs cfcid^^^^^^ 2t^; '^ 23 Sunday schools in the city and suburbs of

these chief works is added another entirely charit- ^Si^^' n^n OptrnH fn^an T^. T^ fcji

able work: the Sisters visit the sick poor, nurse }^Ll^L i?^^^'^^ :'^

them, and watch by them as far as the ewe r^uires. M^!i°?../5^i??^ '^ *^^ ^"^ estabhshed m

In populous centers they associate with themselves ^^"^t^^™ California.

charitable ladies whose co-operation enables them Holy Family of Nazareth, Sistebs of the (cf.

to heli> a peater number of poor. They are estab- C. E., VII-408a).— The mother-house of this con-

lished in the chief towns of Irance, Spam, England, gregation is at Rome, Italy, and the provincial

Italy, Ceylon, South Africa, and the two Americas, house for America is at Des Plaines, 111. In the

The mother-house is in Bordeaux. United States the Sisters conduct institutions in

The last establishment of the founder was the the archdioceses of Boston, Chicago, and Phila-

work of the Solitary Sisters, devoted to contempla- delphia, and in the dioceses of Brooklyn, Cleveland,

tion. He founded them with a view to setting up Columbus. Detroit, Erie, Fort Wayne, Hartford,

a living and permanent votive offering of thanks- Peoria, Pittsburgh, Scranton, Sprii^eld, and Sjrra-

giving for the great Eucharistic miracle of 3 Feb- cuse. There are in the United States 1030 pro-

ruary, 1822. On this date the officiating priest at fessed Sisters, 75 novices, and 40 postulants, in

Benediction in the Convent of the Ladies or Loreto, charge of 57 parochial schools with 50,000 pupils,

at Bordeaux, beheld an apparition of Our Lord 2 orphanages, 2 hospitals caring for 186 patients

within the monstrance which held the Sacred Host, daily and 4957 during the year, 1 academy with

this miraculous appearance being testified to by the 32 boarders and 307 day scholars, and 1 day nursery.