Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/771

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The ten savings banks had deposits amounting to passed by the same legislature. In 1915 a threatened

$16,648,228 and 61,000 depositors. The State debt uprising among the Piute Indians was averted by the

in 1920 was $3,435,000; the assessed valuation of prompt action of the United States government in

property $675,000,000. sending General Hug^ L. Scott, chief of staff, to adjust

Education. — In 1920 the population of school age the difficulty,

numbered 159,339, of whom 116,385 (73%) attended The Federal prohibition amendment was ratified

school. School attendance for 20 weeks annually on 15 January, 1919, the suffrage amendment, 30

(10 consecutive), and in large cities for 30 weeks September, 1919. There are now 64 members in the

(10 consecutive), is compulsory on children from State Legislature, 18 in the Senate and 46 in the

eight to sixteen years of age. In 1918 onlv six House.

States exceeded Utah in the percentage of population Durins the European War, Utah contributed 17.-

enrolled in public schools. Utah's percentage being 362 solcuers (.46% of the United States Armv).

24.3 in comparison with Nevada's 12.7%. In this The members of the national guard joined the 40th

year the 642 public elementary schools had 3449 Division at Camp Kearny. California; those of the

teachers and 110,193 enrolled pupils; 43 public high national army, the 91st Division at Camp Lewis,

schools with 471 teachers ana 10,097 pupUs. Ac- Washington. The summary of the casualties of

cording to a late report of the United Stiates Bureau Utah men in the American Expeditionary Force is as

of Education, there are just 21 States which expend follows: deceased, 7 officers, 295 men; prisoners, 7

more per capita of the school population than Utah, men; wounded, 17 officers, 680 men.

The expenditure for educational purposes was $5, TTfi>n«*ii4- a b/i»tx,/^.<.. ^- m, »« » «,.««.„«^-. ^

536,554nhe value of the school proj£rtni2,86^ C E^V 2$?^ S^^Lffn ^p N^fvSnH^^^

Bibie reading in the public schools wneitWiienmttcd Sl•?:'^Y7T^¥;^?*^*^J!?%®,?®^^?^^ ?^®

dared to be public centers where citizens could meet T^T^rtS^^TI . i^^^^^^ i,myuc, «*u

and discuss any subjects or questions reUting to ^«^*'r^??^' j^^^^ ?^5?^^ * ^t""^* ^^^^^ .

educatiomd, economic, artistic^ and other inteLte S^rt^L*fc,2i;l!^^^^^

of citizens. In 1919 it was voted that upon a majority }^S^^* f^rl^^^'^f'^ *^® archdiocese recwitiy

vote of taxpayers of any voting preclact having i fc^^'J^^l®"^*'?^ ""^n •P^^^'^f w wT^"

school population of noteless thii 1200, the couSty T^^..f ut^^""^.'^ P"^^ ^^w^^lif ^.S!

school toird can establish a standard Wgh schooL ^^^'®1 ??^ f^^^^^T?^ rrnS"^?! /^^m ^l^itf^^

but junior and senior years may not be ^blished a^io^.**^® fumtives who came here from the warrmg

until the need is detemined bv the State Board of countnes, and also gave assistance to sick and

within twelve miles of an existig high school. Re- ntSSJ^^J^il.^^? ^ri^hi^? VwK^r

turned soldiers and sailora werl giwn instruction ^^^.^SfSS 5 ,Pf^**' 420 churches, 1

in the Agricultural CoUege and uSveisity without ^^^Zh^^^J^J^ ^'JLXi?LnS f^l^.ui

charge ofentrance fees. ^°^^ ^ ^k '^' ^ ^^^^ 2°o ^ '^^^

R£joioN.-The Mormons are stiU the most d«a;P[. 299 lay brothere, 6 major and 2 mmor senu-

was then $4,313,908. Divorce seems to be on the ^ttjT^iiT:* 5" ♦! oi7 iT* t i '^•Tv iTJ iT^ j

increase in tlie Stete as is seen in the f oUowing stetis- S?l"^ "*^^^l?i3?^ f?'"^^ S*^ 18 teachers and

tics: 226 divorces in 1896; 387 in 1906; 661 m 1916. ** Rupils, 6 normal schools with 94 teachers and 276

For further relicioiiB and educational atntifitim am P«P>1b. 3 dlSCiphnanan schools With 9 teachers and

£t Ll^'ctJr?D.orE8z1r*'°"'^ '***"*"*' "** ^^r\%^^^^ '^^^^'^^ elementary

Recent History and LsQisLATioN.-In 1911 f^^^llT^J^^ **51??*J2 ?*';?®'*^S"F^ •°**n"

laws were passed to prevent the employment of ^^*f^ '^"^^ ^}^ *? ifuchen anS 576 pupfls.

children miSrfourteen in such establisCents as ,^®ii^S »^H*f hpShi^iW^«'t^.^!^rf

breweries and mines; restrictions were also placed on ^* '^^T^'^ ,^^lf^. ^'^^'^ T 8"?'^'^'?^

the employment of women. The selling or giving the mumcipl authonties; idl othw schoob aw miUv

awayoftotaccoinanyformtominorswJforbSdeJ? fupport»d6ythe«)VCTnment. The various chantabfe

Pro4aon was made for the employment of convict ^>tut'OM '°*'Tf*K^ **'*T*^ 5»««o°«y o'K»»»««»-

labor for the construcUon of roaas. In 1913 the J^"*^' Hte^/?J *^ IJS^ *"** ^iS"**,' ■"* °'?T*

indeterminate sentence was granted to persons con- '"*^» ^ ^^!^U?°mF^T^' i^ ' day

victed of crime, and a measuSTprovided Ifor mothers' "^ffi^L^^™^^^'* ,!^"in !^Zf?SS"l^Sf

pensions A gene«d prohibition law was p^ > ^d ScShr ^IriSicte ^ubK^ "tA

1917 M»d strengthened by amendments forbidding y^^j^ ^^^ archdiocese has lost three prominent clergy

the mtroduction of hquor mto the State. In the by the deaths of Mgr. Theodore Roes, canon capitufii

same year an industrial board was created and put and dean, Mgr. Andreas Jansen, and Mgr. Brouwer,

in duu^ of the Workmen's Compensation law, also vicar general.