Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 2.djvu/424

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authorizing them to set on foot by ApostoHc au- thority, the inquiry (processus) with regard to the fame of sanctity and miracles in general. This per- mission is granted by rescript, and such remissorial letters are prepared and sent to the bishops by the postulator-general. In case the eyewitnesses be of advanced age, other remissorial letters are usually granted for the purpose of opening a process known as "inchoative" concerning the particular ^•irtues and miracles of the person in question. Tliis is done in order that the proofs may not be lost (ne pereanl probafiones), and such inchoative process precedes that upon the miracles and virtues in general.

(11) While the Apostolic process concerning the reputation of sanctity is under way outside of Rome, documents are being prepared by the procurator of the cause for the discussion de non cultn, or absence of cultus, and at the appointed time an ordinary meeting (congregatio) is held in which the matter is investigated; if it be foimd that the decree of I'r- ban VIII has been complied with, another decree provides that further steps may be taken.

(12) When the inquiry concerning the reputation of sanctity (super famd) has arrived in Rome, it is ojjened (as already described in speaking of the or- dinary processes, and with the same formalities in regard to rescripts), then translated into Italian, summarized, and declared valid. The documents super jamA in general are prepared by the advocate, and at the proper time, in an ordinarj- meeting of the cardinals of the Congregation of Rites, the ques- tion is discussed: whether there is evidence of a general repute for sanctity and miracles of this ser- vant of God. If the answer is favourable, a decree embodying this result is published.

(13) New remissorial letters are then sent to the bishops in partibus for Apostolical processes with re- gard to the reputation for sanctity and miracles in particular. These processes must be finished within eighteen months and when they are received in Rome are opened, as above described, and by virtue of an equal number of rescripts, by the cardinal prefect, translated into Italian, and their summary authen- ticated by the Chancellor of the Congregation of Rites.

(14) The advocate of the cause next prepares the documents (positio) which have reference to the dis- cussion of the validity of all the preceding processes, informative and Apostolic.

(15) This discussion is held in the meeting called congregatio Totalis from the fact that it is only judges of the Rota who vote. If the difficulties of the pro- motor of the Faith are satisfactorilj' answered, the decree establishing the vaUdity of the inquiries or processes is published.

(16) Jleanwhile all necessary preparation is made for the discussion of the question (dubium): Is there evidence that the venerable servant of God practised virtues both theological and cardinal, and in an heroic degree? (.-In constet de virtutibus Ven. servi Dei, tarn theologicis quam cardinalibus , in heroico gradu?) In the causes of confessors this step is of primary im- portance. The point is discussed in three meetings or congregations called respectively, ante-preparatory, preparatory, and general. The first of these meetings is held in the palace of the cardinal relator (reporter) of the cause, and in it only consul tors of the Congre- gation of Sacred Rites are allowed to vote; the second takes place in the Vatican, and again only the afore- said consultors vote, though on this occasion in presence of the Cardinals of the Congregation of Rites, and with their chairman, or prefect, presiding; the third is also held in the Vatican, and at it the pope presides, and both cardinals and consultors vote. For each of these congregations the advocate of the cause prepares and prints official reports (posiliones) , called respectively report, new report.

final report, concerning the virtues, etc.,- -posHio. positio nova, positio novissima, stiper virtutibus. In each case, before proceeding to the subsequent meet- ing, a majority of the consultors must decide that the difficulties of the promotor of the Faith have been satisfactorily solved.

(17) When the Congregation of Rites in the above described general meeting has decided favourably, the pope is asked to sign the solemn decree which asserts that there exists evidence of the heroic vir- tues of the servant of God. This decree is not pub- lished until after the pope, having commended the matter to God in prayer, gives a final consent and confirms by his supreme sentence the decision of the congregation.

(18) The miracles now remain to be proved, of which two of the first class are required in case the practice of virtues in the heroic degree has been proved, in both ordinary and Apostolic inquiries or processes, by eyewitnesses — three, if the eyewitnesses were found only in the ordinary processes; four, if the virtues were proven onlj- by hearsay (de auditu) witnesses. If the miracles have been sufficiently proven in the Apostolic processes (super virtutibus) already declared valid, steps are taken at once to prepare the documents with regard to miracles (super miraculis). If in the Apostolic processes only general mention has been made of the miracles, new Apostolic processes must be opened, and conducted after the manner already described for proving the practice of virtues in an heroic degree.

(19) The discussion of the particular miracles pro- ceeds in exactly the same way and in the same order as that of the virtues. If the decisions be favourable, the general meeting of the congregation is followed by a decree, confirmed by the pope, in which it is announced that there is proof of miracles. It must be noted here that in the positio for the ante-pre- paratory congregation there are required, and are printed, opinions of two physicians, one of whom has been chosen by the postulator, the other by the Congregation of Rites. Of the three reports (po- siliones) above mentioned, and which are now also required, the first is prepared in the usual way; the second consists of an exposition of the heroic virtues of the servant of God, an information, and a reply to later observations of the promotor of the Faith; the last consist s only of an answer t o his final observat ions.

(20) When the miracles have been proved, another meeting of the Congregation of Rites is held in which it is debated once, and only once, whether or not, given the approbation of the virtues and miracles, it be safe to proceed with the solemnities of beatifi- cation. If a majority of the consultors be favour- able, a decree to this effect is issued by the pope, and at the time appointed by him the solemn beatification of the servant of God takes place in the Vatican Basilica, on which occasion a pontifical Brief is issued permitting the public cultus and veneration of the beatified person now known as Blessed (Beatus).

(b) The Beatification of Martyrs.

(1) The causes of martjTs are conducted in the same way as those of confessors as far as the in- formative processes and those de non cultu and ad introductionetn causa' are concerned. But when once the commission of introduction has been appointed they advance mucli more rapidly.

(2) Xo remissorial letters are granted for Apostolic processes concerning the general reputation for martjTdom and miracles; the letters sent call for an immediate investigation into the fact of martyrdom, its motive, and the particular miracles alleged. There is no longer a discussion of the general reputation for martjTdom or miracles.

(3) The miracles are not discussed, as formerly, in separate meetings, but in the same meetings that deal with the fact and the motive of the martyrdom.