Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 3.djvu/14

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COLEMAN, CARYL, B.A., Pelham Manor, New York.

CONNOLLY, GEORGE A., A.M., LL.B., San Fran- cisco.

CORBETT, JOHN, S.J., Professor of Holy Scrip- ture, Woodstock College, Maryland.

CORDIER, HENRI, Chinese Mandarin of the Third Class, Professor, School for Oriental Living Languages, Paris.

CROWNE, J. VINCENT, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in English, College of the City of New Yi irk.

CURRAN, JOHN JOSEPH, B.C.L., LL.D., Judge of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec.

CUTHBERT, Father, O.S.F.C, Hassocks, Sussex, England.

D'ALTON, E. A., M.R.I.A., Athenry, Ireland.

DELAMARRE, LOUIS N., Ph.D., Instructor in French, College of the City of New York.


DELAUNOIT, LEOPOLD, S.J., Fiscal Advocate of the Diocese of Calcutta.

DERRY, GEORGE HERMAN, S.J., Professor of Latin, Greek and Comparative Literature, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- setts.

DE SMEDT, CH., S.J., Brussels.

DESMOND, HUMPHRY J., A.B., A.M., Milwaukee,


DE WAAL, Mgr. ANTON WLADIMIR, Domestic Prelate and Prothonotary Apostolic, Rector of the Campo Santo Tedesco, Rome.

DIETERICH, KARL, Ph.D., Leipzig-Conewitz, Germany.

DINNEEN, MICHAEL FRANCIS, S.T.D., Profes- sor of Moral Theology, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

1)[i INNE, X. E., S.B., M.D., Librarian to the Leg- islatirk of Quebec.

DONOHUE, THOMAS A.. S. I'D.. M.K., Buffalo.

DONOVAN'. STEPHEN M., O.F.M., Franciscan Monastery, Washington.

DOUGHERTY, Mother MARY CECILIA, Supe- rior General, St. Joseph's Convent of Mt.

( lARME] . I >> r.i Ql i . low \.

DOUGHTY, MMIII'H, C.M.G., F.R.S.C, M.A., Litt.I)., Dominion Archivist, Ottawa.

DRISCOLL, JAMES F., President of St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

DRISCOLL, JOHN THOMAS, A.M., S.T.L., Fonda, New York.

DUBRAY, C. A, S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Phil- osophy, Marist College, Washington.

DUFFY, DANIEL P., S.S., A.M., S.T.L., J.C.L., Professor of Holy Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

DUFFY, JAMES A., Cheyenne, Wyoming.

DUFFY, P. L., S.T.D., LL.D, Auditor of the Dio- cesan Curia, Charleston, South Carolina.

DUNFORD, DAVID, Diocesan Inspector of Schools, Hoddesdon, Herts, England.

DUNN, JOSEPH, Ph.D., Professor of Celtic Lan- guages and Literature, Catholic University - of America, Washington.

DUNPHY, Sister MARY AMBROSE, Mt. St. Vin- cent on the Hudson, Yonkers, New York.

EGAN, ANDREW, O.F.M., Professor of Theol- ogy, The Friary, Forest Gate, London.

ELLIOTT, WALTER, C.S.P., Professor, Apos- tolic Mission House, Washington.

ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIN, O.F.M., Watson- ville, California.

FANNING, WILLIAM H. W., S.J., Professor of Church History and Canon Law, St. Louis University, St. Louis.

FENLON, JOHN F., S.S., S.T.D., President of St. Austin's College, Brookland, D. C, Pro- fessor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Semin- ary, Baltimore.

FISCHER-COLBRIE, AUGUST. S.T.D., Bishop of Kaschau, Member of Magnates' House, Kas- chau, Hungary.

FORD, JEREMIAH, D.M., A.B., A.M., Ph.D.,

Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages, Harvard University.


FOURNET, PIERRE AUGUSTE, S.S., Professor of Belles-Lettres, College de Montreal.

FOX, WILLIAM, B.S., M.E., Associate Professor of Physics. College of the City of New York.

FUENTES, VENTURA, A.B., M.D., Instructor, College of the City of New Yore.

CANS, LEO, J. CD., 1'rofessoh of Canon Law, The St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota.

GARDNER, EDMUND GAHHATT, M.A. (Cam- bridge), London.