Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 3.djvu/227

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Descartes are explained ami defended. He worked with great zeal for the conversion of Protestants, and gave conferences in which lie endeavoured to solve their difficulties. For the same purpose he composed a book on the Eucharist, "Durand com- mente, ou accord de la philosophic avec la theologie touchant la transsubstantiation de l'eucharistie" (Caen, 1700). In it he denies the existence of abso- lute accidents and, instead of a transubstantiation, admits a transformation. Before and after the con- secration the matter of the bread remains the same; by the consecration the matter of the bread becomes ( he matter of the body of Christ. A publisher in Caen was asked to print sixty copies of the work to be sent to competent judges before making it public. In fact, eight hundred copies were printed immediately and sold. At once the book became the subject of many discussions and was bitterly denounced. On 30 March, 1701,BishopdeNesmondof Baycux condemned seventeen propositions taken from ('ally's work as "false, rash, erroneous, scandalous, injurious to the Council of Trent (Sess. XIII, c. iv and canon ii), destructive of the real presence of the body of Christ in the Eucharist, and leading to heresy concerning transubstantiation". Cally made a public retrac- tion on 21 April of the same year. In addition to the works already mentioned he wrote "Doctrine here- tique et schismatique touchant la primautd du pape enseignee par les jesuites dans leur college de Caen" (1644) ; " Discours en forme d'homelies sur les myste- res, sur les miracles et sur les paroles de Notre-Sei- gneur Jesus-Christ qui sont dans l'evangile" (Caen, 1703), and published a new edition with commentaries of Boethius's work, "De consolatione philosophica" (Caen, 1695).

PlCOT, Memoires pour serr'r n Vhixtoirc erclesiaxtique pendant le ;v« sirrle <M e.l . Paris, ls.w, I, 229; Werner. Der heilige Thomas von Aquino (Ratisbon, 1889), III, 555; Mangenot in Diet, de thiol, cath., II, 1368.


Calmedia, Diocese of. See Bosa, Diocese op.

Calmet, Dom Augistin, celebrated exegetist; b. at Menil-la-Horgne, near Commercy, Lorraine, France, 26 Feb.. 1672; d. at the Abbey of Senones, near Saint-Die, 25 Oct., 1757. He was educated at the Benedictine priory of Breuil, and in 1688 joined the same order in the Abbey of St-Mansuy at Toul, where he was admitted to profession 23 Oct. of the following year. After his ordination, 17 March, 1696, he was appointed to teach philosophy and the- ology at the Abbey of Moyen-Moutier. Here with the help of his brethren he began to gather the mate- rial for his commentary of the Bible, which he com- pleted at Miinster in Alsace where he was sent in 1704 as sub-prior and professor of exegesis. The first volume appeared at Paris in 1707 with the title "Commentaire littoral sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament"; the last of the twenty- three quarto volumes, owing to various delays, was published only in 1716. To satisfy the demand for the work a second edition in twenty-six volumes quarto was issued 1714-1720, and a third, enlarged, edition in nine volumes folio 1724-1726. A Latin translation by Mansi was published at Lucca, 1730- 1738, in nine folio volumes, with new editions at Augsburg (1756, eight volumes folio) and Wiirzburg (17s9. nineteen volumes quarto) ; another Latin translation by F. Vccelli appeared at Venice and Frankfort (1730, six volumes folio). This shows how much the commentary was esteemed. But while it was received with high praise, even by Protestants, critics were not wanting, among whom may be men- tioned the Oratorian Kichard Simon. It cannot be denied that in spite of its merits and great erudition it is in some respects open to criticism. Difficult passages are often passed over lightly, and too fre- quently different explanations of a text are set down

without a hint to the reader as to which is the right or the preferable one.

The work inaugurated a new method of Biblical exegesis, inasmuch as its author very sensibly de- parted from the general custom of giving an allegori- cal (mystical) and tropological (moral) interpretation besides the literal, and confined himself to the latter. The most valuable part of the commentary were the introductory prefaces to the several books and 114 learned dissertations on special topics. These he published separately with nineteen new ones in three volumes, under the title "Dissertations qui peuvent servir de prolegomenes a. 1'Ecriture Sainte" (Paris, 1720). The collection met with such success that two editions were printed at Amsterdam in 1722, the title being changed to "Tresors d'antiquites saerees et profanes". It was translated into English (Oxford, 1726), Latin (by Mansi, Lucca. 1729). Hutch (Rotter- dam, 1728), German (Bremen, 1738, 1744, and 1747) and Italian. In the meanwhile he had prepared two other works closely connected with Biblical exegesis: (1) "Histoire de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament et des Juifs" (Paris, 1718), which went through sev- eral editions, and was translated into English (Lon- don, 1740), German (Augsburg. 1759) and Latin (ib. 1788); (2) " Dictionnaire historique, critique, chro- nologique, geographique et litteral de la Bible" (Paris, 1720, two vols, folio), a supplement (also foiio) was added in 172S. An improved and en- larged edition in four folio volumes was published in 1730, which has several times been reprinted, the last time in Migne, "Encyclopedic theologique", I-IV. It, too, was translated into Latin and the principal European languages. The English translation by D'Oyley and Colson (1732), revised and with addi- tions by Taylor (1795), went through many editions in a larger and a compendious form. In his later years Calmet published some further Biblical disser- tations in the "Bible de Vence" (1742). Among his other published works may be mentioned: (1) "His- toire universelle sacree et profane, depuis le com- mencement du monde jusqu'a nos jours" (St las- burg, 1735, quarto), in which he follows the ideas enunciated in Bossuet's "Discours sur l'histoire uni- verselle"; (2) "Histoire ecclesiastique et civile de la Lorraine" (Nancy, 172S), of great value for the his- tory of that province; (3) " Bibliotheque Lorraine" (Nancy, 1751), containing his autobiography (pp. 209-217); (4) "Commentaire litteral, historique et moral sur la regie de S. Benott " (Paris, 1734). Calmet was a pious religious as well as a learned man. In recognition of these qualities he was elected prior of Lay-Saint-Christophe in 1715, abbot of St-Leopold at Nancy in 1719, and of Senones in 1729; he was also twice entrusted with the office of president or supe- rior general of the congregation. Benedict XIII wished to confer the episcopal dignity upon him, but his humility could not be brought to accept the honour.

Fanoe, Viedti R. P D. Aug. Calmet (Senones, 1762); Mag- giolo, Eloge historique de D. A. Calmet (Nancy, is:!!* 1 ; Digot, Xotiee bioqraphique r! lilt/ mire sur !). A uauslin Calmet ( N'ancv, 1860); Bazelaire. Dom Calmet et la Conor. i» Saint- Vanne in Le Correspondent (1S45), 70:i-727. 846-874; Hurter, Nomcn- clator; Mangenot in Vio., Dirt, de la Bible, II, 72 sq.

F. Bechtel.

Calne, Council op. See Dunstan, Saint.

Caloe, a titular see of Asia Minor, mentioned as Kaloe and Keloue in inscriptions of the third century, Kalose in Hierocles' "Synecdemos" (660); as Kalloe, Kaloe, and even Kolone in Parthey's "Notitiic epis- copatuum", where it figures from the sixth to the twelfth or thirteenth century. Caloe must he iden- tified with the modern village of Kilis, Keles, or Kelas, a nahii in the vilayet of Smyrna, to the south- west of Ala-Shehir (ancient Philadelphia), in the upper valley of the Kutchuk-Mendcrcs (Caystrusl. There was in Lydia a Lake Koloc, near which the