Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 3.djvu/429

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marvellous. In addition to his masterpiece, men- tion may be made of: "St. Francis receiving the Stigmata" (Vienna); "Triumph of Galatea" (Lon- don). Among his numerous plates the best and most celebrated are: "Antonio Carracci" (his father); "Tiziano Vecelli"; "The Repose in Egypt". Annibale, painter, etcher, and engraver, brother of Agostino, b. at Bologna, 3 November, 1560; d. in Rome. 15 July, 1609. The boy's father, after much persuasion by Lodovico an uncle, was induced to let Annibale study painting instead of learning the trade of tailor, and Lodovico became his first teacher. After a visit to Parma and a study of the masters in that city, Annibale accompanied his brother Agostino to Venice and worked with him there. He returned to Bologna in 15cS9, and with his uncle and brother opened the Academy of the Incamminati or Desiderosi, called later the "School of the Eclectics" and the "School of the Carracci",

and etched plates the best is: "The Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin ", called the " Caprarola Christ ". Antonio Marziale, an Italian painter, the natural son of Agostino Carracci, b. in Venice, 1583; d. in Rome, 1618. He began his art studies early and proved an apt scholar. He was taught first by his father, and later and chiefly by his uncle Annibale for whom he developed a deep affection. With Annibale he went to Rome where most of his work was done. Cardinal Tonti employed the talented youth to decorate his chapel, and on its completion he was commissioned to paint the chapel of St. Charles Borromeo, and a frieze in one of the rooms of the pope's palace at Monte Cavallo. His easel pictures were few. and are to-day exceedingly rare. In 1609, when his uncle and teacher, Annibale, died, he showed his devotion by burying him with great .solemnity near the tomb of Raphael. His wa an uneventful career. Chief among his works are:

whose object was to " revive " art . In ItiOO Annibale wint to Rome, whither Cardinal Odoardo Farnese had invited him, to decorate the splendid Farnese Palace. This was his greatest achievement, and up to and through Sir Joshua Reynolds's time Annibale was ranked with Raphael. Poussin says of t He Farnese decorations, "in them he surpassed every artist who preceded him". Agostino assisted him in this work but left before a year was over, either from Annibale's jealousy, as some assert, or because nf the latter's quarrelsome disposition. In any event, Annibale Btands as the most distinguished of the five Carracci, and in perfection of drawing, delicacy of colour, anil grace in modelling closely approaches tin (.Id masters. "The Three Maries" is his finest easel picture, ami both in feeling and handling is beautiful and impressive. Although a founder of the Dexidi rust, his land-rapes possess great charm even as backgrounds, and. what was unusual then,

he painted landscapes where figures were but ac- ce orii i, and also worked in genre. Mis etchings

and engravings, however, are much inferior to his

paintings, and, compared with Agostino's work with

the graver, conventional and amateurish. When

Annibale died, his nephew Antonio, to whom he

was benefactor, teacher, and friend, gave him a splendid burial in the Pantheon. Among his prin- cipal paintings are: "The Three Maries" .i Howard, England); "Holy Family" (Berlin); "Por- trait of Himself" (Florence); " La Vierge aux Cerises" (Paris); "Pieta" (St. Petersburg). Of his engraved

"The Flood" (Louvre i ; "Christ healing a blind man" (Modena); "Lute Player" (Modena).

Francesco, painter and engraver, son of Giovanni Antoniol larracci, b. in Bologna, 1595; Rome, 1622. The father was a brother of Agostino and Annibale. Francesco was a youth of great talent and promise.

He was taught by Lodovico in the Academy of the Incamminati, but left the school to start one in

opposition to his teacher, calling it the "True School of the Carracci". Like the other members of the Carracci family he taught, engraved, and painted. His "Adoration" iti the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Bologna, is not only his masterpiece but an excellent piece of vigorous painting. The "True School" was not a success, anil, his students leaving

him, Francesco went to Rome ami made am. i her attempt to found an academy, only to fail again. He died in abject poverty, lb- left a few engravings after the works of Lodovico ami Annibale.

Lodovico, painter, etcher, engraver, and founder of the " Eclectic School " ol painting b al Bologna, 21 April, 1555; d. there, 13 November, 1619. He was of humble origin, and his brother Antonio was a

tailor by trade. Slow, plodding, but determined the young Lodovico wa advised by his masters,

font ana. and Tintoretto, to abandon his chosen career of art, and his fellow-students jeered him. calling him "the ox" on account of his physical and mental characteristics. But neither teachers nor pupils could turn him from the path he had marked out for himself. He travelled throughout Italy to