Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 3.djvu/69

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French law. Finally, ordinary matters of adminis- tration are attended to by a commission composed of three members, chosen for three years by the old and the newly elected churchwardens. Each one of the three churchwardens is in charge for a year, i. c., he performs the functions of treasurer and must render an account to the assembly. The parish priest is president of the fabric and represents the bishop. All the important accounts must lie approved of by the latter (Beaudry, "Code des cures, marguilliers, et paroissiens", Montreal, 1S70; Gignac, "Compen- dium juris canonici ail usuni cleri Canadensis," Quebec, 1901; Migneault, " Droit paroissial", Mon- treal (1891).

For other countries, see Sagmuller, "Lehrbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts" (782, 795). In English speaking countries fabrics properly so called do not exist. In England ecclesiastical property is given in trust to reliable men. The bishops them- selves regulate the administration of these goods. In Ireland the trustees are the bishop, the vicar- general, the parish priest and sometimes other re- liable persons (First and Second Synod of West- minster, XIV, 4, and VIII, 1-21; Provincial Synod of Maynooth, is;."., tit. xxix, nos. 270-277; Collectio Lacensis, III, 926, 980). In the United Stairs property is often given in trust to the bishop, and in cases where the parishes are civilly incorporated, sometimes the bishop forms the corporation sole; sometimes the administration of the property be- longs to a board of trustees composed of the bishop, his vicar-general, the pastor of the church, and two lay trustees (Taunton, The Law of the Church, London, 1900, 310-317). In accordance with the Third Council of Baltimore (nos. 284-287) the bishop of each diocese judges whether or not it is wise to establish councilmen or a board of trustees; he fixes their number and the mode of their election. Tiny are subject to the authority of the parish priest and the bishop. The relations of the State to church property, especially in English-speaking countries, will be treated in the articles Property, Eccle- siastical: Incorporation; Trustee System.

Van de Bergt, De ecclesns i Utrecht. 1874); Van Gameren, De oratoriia domeaticia I I.ouvain, 1861); Many, Parlectwnee de loci* sacris (Paris. 1904 I; GalaNTE, La condizione giuridica delle cose nacre (Koine, 1903); la Tour, De ecclesiis rus- ticemis atate Carolingiea (Bordeaux, 1890); Thomas,^ droit de propriiU dea laiquea aur lea igliaea (Pans, 1906^; Kcnsti.e, Die deutsche Pfnrrei und ihr Ri CM zu A uaaang den M. A . (Stutt-

fart, 190.11; Thomassims. Yd. el nor. erct. discip. (Paris, 1691), 'ars. Ill, lib. II. eh. xxxvi; Ci.kmf.nt. Recherches but la et les fabriques du commencement, du A*/// . Melanges d'orch. el d'hist. de VEcole jrnncaise de Rome (1895), XVI, 387-418; Von Scherer, Handbuch des Kirchenrechles (Graz, 1898), II, 624-648 (bibliography); Lksetre, La paroisse (Paris. 19011 1; Yering. Lehrbuch des kathol. oriental, und prot. Kirchenrechts 1 3d ed.. Freiburg. 1893). 778 sqq.; 803 sqq.; Per- maneder, Die kirchl. Baulast (1838); new ed. by Kiedle, (1890 .

A. Van Hove. Bukarest (Bucarestiensis; Rumanian, Bucaresci "City of Enjoyment"), Archdiocese of, comprises the Kingdom of Rumania, of which Bukarest is the capital, excluding Moldavia, and contains, according to the archdiocesan year-book for 1907, about 50,000 Catholics of the Latin Rite, 4,000 to 5,000 Uniat Rumanians, chiefly immigrants from Transylvania, Banat, and Bukowina, and a few hundred I'niat Ar- menians. In the citv of Bukarest which in 1905 had 285,445 inhabitants there are about 202,000 Orthodox Greeks and 13,000 Jews. The city is situated in a swampy plain on both sides of the Dimbobitza which is here crossed by about a dozen bridges. It is noted for many stately edifices, and the semi-Oriental ap- pearance of its older quarters is heightened by the numerous gardens and the bright domes of its Greek churches. The Catholic cathedral chapter consists at present of 1 canons, 1 honorary canon, and 4 honorary canons outside the diocese. There are in the archdio- cese 40 priests (in addition to the archbishop), includ-

ing 2 Passionists, 1 Benedictine, and 1 Dominican; 24 parishes, one of the Greek-Rumanian Rite; 45 churches including 23 parish churches. The training of the clergy is provided for in the archiepiscopal semi- nary at Bukarest, which has four professors and nine- teen seminarists; six seminarists are being trained outside the diocese. The opposition of the Rumanian Government has hitherto rendered the establishment of a Catholic college impossible. Catholic primary schools exist in all parishes. In the city of Bukarest are twenty-six Brothers of the Christian Schools who conduct three schools, with an attendance of 1,028. The English Ladies, numbering about 252, have two houses in Bukarest, one each in Braila, Craiova, and Turnu Severin, and conduct five boarding schools with 705 pupils, eight primary schools for girls with an attendance of 1,493, and one orphanage with 20 chil- dren. The Dames de Sion have one foundation in Bukarest, with thirty-seven sisters and conduct a boarding school with an attendance of 133; the Sisters of Mercy one foundation with four sisters. The Hungarians have established nine Catholic schools (two in Bukarest), attended by about 945 children. In addition to the above-mentioned orders, the Passionists have one house with four members. The most important churches are: the cathedral, dedicated to St. Joseph, a three-naved Gothic edifice, the largest Catholic church in the country, which was completed in 18S4; and the Baratsia, an early church of the Franciscans, destroyed by fire in 1848 and since rebuilt.

History. — For the history of the Catholic Church in the territory now comprised within the Archdiocese of Bukarest see Rumania. The present archdiocese was erected by Pope Leo XIII, 27 April, 1883. Bukarest, however, had previously been the residence of Catholic bishops, viz., the Bishops of Nicopolis, Bulgaria, who were also Administrators Apostolic of Waliachia, and had resided at Rustchuk. Bishop Paulus Davanlia (1777-1804) left Rustchuk and lived at the Franciscan monastery at Bukarest (1792-93), where he also died. His successor, Franciscus Ferreri transferred his residence to Cioplea, a village near Bukarest founded in 1812 by Bulgarian refugees, but he was prevented from entering Bukarest by the opposition of the Greek orthodox bishop. Only in 1847 was Bishop Josephus Molajoni able to establish his residence in Bukarest. His successor, Angelus Parsi, restored the episcopal palace, which had been destroyed by fire in 1847, and in 18.52 brought to Bu- karest the English Ladies, and in 1861 the Brothers of the Christian Schools. In 1863 Bishop Parsi was succeeded by Josephus Pluym, since 1869 Patriarchal Vicar of Constantinople, who in turn was followed by Ignatius Paoli. After the establishment of Ru- mania as a kingdom, a movement was set on foot by the Government to release the Catholic subjects from dependence on a foreign bishop, and negotiations were begun with Rome. In 1883 Pope Leo XIII erected two dioceses in Rumania immediately subject to the Holy See, the Archdiocese of Bukarest and the Diocese of Jassy. The first archbishop was Ignatius Paoli, succeeded in turn by Paulus Josephus Palma (1885-92); Otto Zardetti "(1894-95), who was the second Bishop of St. Cloud, Minnesota, U. S. A. (1889-94), when he was transferred to Bukarest. He resigned this last office in 1895 and died in Rome, on 9 May, 1902; Xaverius Hornstcin (1896-1905), who built a new episcopal residence and for the second time called the Brothers of the Christian Schools to Bukarest; Raymundus Netzhammer, O. S. B., born at Erzingen, Baden, 19 January, 1862, professed in the Benedictine monastery at Einsiedeln, ISM, and con- secrated Archbishop of Bukarest 16 September, 1905.

Schematismus Arehidieecesi* Latin,! Bueareatienaia (Bucha- rest, 1907 ); it contains also a history of the archdiocese with a bibliography and other items of interest. Joseph LlNS.