Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 4.djvu/19

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Tables of Abbreviations

The follownng tables and notes are intended to guide readers of The Catholic Encycxopedia in interpreting those abbreviations, signs, or technical phrases which, for economy of space, w-ill be most fre- quently used in the work. For more general information see the article Abbreviations, Ecclesiastical.

I. — General Abbreviations.

a article.

ad an at the year (Lat. ad annum).

an., ann the year, the years (Lat. annii.i,


ap in (Lat. apud).

art article.

.4s.syr Assyrian.

A. S Anglo-Saxon.

A. V Authorized Version (i.e. tr. of the

Bible authorized for \ in the Anglican Church — the so-called "King James", or "Protestant Bible").

b bom.

Bk Book.

Bl Blessed.

C, c about (Lat. circa); canon; chap-

ter; compagnie.

can canon.

cap chapter (Lat. caput — used only

in Latin context).

cf compare (Lat. confer).

cod codex.

col column.

concl conclusion.

const., constit. . . .Lat. constitutio.

cura by the industry of.

d died.

diet dictionary (Fr. dictionnaire).

disp. Lat. disputatio.

diss Lat. dissertatio.

dist Lat. distindio.

D. V Douay Version.

ed., edit edited, edition, editor.

Ep., Epp letter, letters (Lat. epistola).

Fr French.

gen genus.

Gr Greek.

H. E., Hist. Eccl. .Ecclesiastical History.

Heb., Hebr Hebrew.

ib., ibid in the same place (Lat. ibidem).

Id the same person, or author (Lat.


inf below (Lat. infra).

It Italian.

1. c.,loc. cit at the place quoted (Lat. lor^


Lat Latin.

lat latitude.

lib book (Lat. liber).

long longitude.

Mon Lat. Monumcnta.

MS., MSS manuscript, manuscripts.

n., no number.

N. T New Testament.

Nat National.

Old Fr., O. Fr. . . .Old French.

op. cit iu the work quoted (Lat. open


Ord Order.

O. T Old Testament.

p., pp page, pages, or (in Latin ref- erences) pars (part).

par paragraph.

pa-taim in various places.

pt part.

Q Quarterly (a periodical), e.g.

"Church Quarterly".

Q-i QQ-. quEest. . . .question, questions (Lat. quwstio).

q. V which [title] see (Lat. quod vide).

Rev Review (a periodical).

R. S RoUs Series.

R. V Revised Version.

S., SS Lat. Sanclwi, Sancli, "Saint",

"Saints" — used in this Ency- clopedia only in Latin context.

Sept Septuagint.

Sess Session.

Skt Sanskrit.

Sp Spanish.

sq., sqq following page, or pages (Lat.


St., Sts Saint, Saints.

sup Above (Lat. supra).

s. V Under the corresponding title

(Lat. suh voce).

torn volume (Lat. lomus).