Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 4.djvu/853

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)olis until July, 1879, when he was transferred to iet, to act as chaplain of the State prison. At Jol- hc was also spiritual director of the School Sisters St. Francis. In August, 18S0, he was appointed )erior and pa.stor of the German parish of Joliet, and Jul)', 1882, he received a like position at Chilli- he, Mis.souri. In 1885 and in 1891 Father Cleinen- s was elected definitor of the Franciscan province

he Sacred Heart; in 1886 he was made superior of

boys' orphanage at Watsonville, California. He 3 appointed 22 July, 1896, the first commissary for

■ newly erected Franciscan commissariat of the

ific Coast, but died shortly after receiving this

ce and was buried at Santa Barbara. Father mentine was a very industrious man, who in his re time translated a number of useful works, some which have been published. Among these are: he Seraphic Octave", or "Retreat" (1883); "Life 3t. Francisco Solano"; "Life of Blessed Crescentia ess"; "May Devotions" (1884). His original tings are: "Manual for the Sisters of the Third ler" (1884); "St. Francis Manual" (1884). He ] wrote for several periodicals, and left in manu- ipt translations from the Spanish of the lives of

her Junipero Serra and Father Antonio Margil.

iNGLF.HARiiT. The F TancUcaTis in California (1897); Ar- e^ of the Province and Commissariat of the Sacred Heart.

Zephyrin Englehardt.

)huoda, wife of Bernard, Duke of Septimania.

only source of information on her life is her

iber Manualis " which was written for the education her son William. The name Dhuoda which is in- ited in the Manual ' ' is latinized by her as Dodana, odana, and Dhuodana. Dhuoda was a member I noble family, and married, 24 June, 824, Bernard, of St. William of Gellone, godson and favourite of ig Louis the Pious, Duke of Septimania, and also, ler at that time or a little later. Count of Barce- a. Her first son, William, was born 29 November, i, and the second, Bernard, 22 March, 841. The anual" was begun .30 November, 841, at Uzes i\v Department of Card), and completed 2 Febru- ', 84:5. She was then separated from both her hus- id and her two sons, William being at the Court of irles the Bald, and Bernard having been taken ly before baptism to his father in Aquitaine. )bably Dhuoda did not live long after completing • work, as she speaks of herself as weak and near ith, her sorrow at the thought that she 1 not see William in his manhood, and writes herself I epitaph which she desires him to engrave on her lib. Thus she may have been spared the .sorrow of iwing her husband's condemnation for rebellion 4), and the death of her two sons who were also ed, William in 850, and Bernard in 872, after fully disregarding their mother's good lessons, e "Manual", consisting of seventy-three cliapters it including the introduction, invocation, pro- ne, etc.), is an important document for general his- y and especially for the history of education. It s published by Bondurand in 18S7 from a manu- ipt of the seventeenth century in the Biblioth^que tionale, I'aris, and from fragments of a manuscript of

■ ( 'arli>vingian ejrach, found in the library of Nimes. fi>re that date, only a few passages had been pub- «-d by Mabillon and reproduced in Migne's "Pa- logy . It is a treatise on Christian virtues, re- iling the author's remarkable qualities of heart and nd, her intense affection for her sons and her hus- nd, notwithstanding the latter's intrigues at the urt (seeMartin, Histoirede France, II, .3S(;.sqq.). We d numerous quotations from Holy Scripture, allu- ns to Scriptural facts, and some references to pro- le writers. The expression is in some instances 3cure and even incorrect from the point of view of ssical latinity, but the many images, comparisons, d allegories, the use in some chapters of verse and

IV — 49

acrostics, the beauty and nobleness of the thoughts, the earnestness and love of the writer which are mani- fest throughout the whole work, always keep the reader's interest alive. It was really a "honeyed beverage which Dhuoda had [jrepared for her son: — Istimi [liboUum] tibi et fratri, ut prosit, quod collegi

festinans, Velut melliflmim potum, favisque permixtum, III ril.iiiii .iri-.. Ill il. ■gustos sem|.)i'r adhortor.

I'- ' ' i; '/ ./•/>/."."/.! I I'aris, l.«S7); Comptes- ! , /„,,Ti,./i-.(,; (P.Tris, lS8.i). 223, 236;

Ki / '■'../,,., /".i./.iiwaiA- (Freiburg. 1890),

III '■' lull ,', ci: !,..,,,! i he il/anua; with a short intro- ilu>i, :, . M III 1 /iirum ord. .S. Benfd. (Venice.

17; I !\ I I !■ Ml .NE. /». L.. CVI. 109; Hisloire

tlll.,n:n ,1 -',, /■■...:;,, .|',i:i^. 1 7, IM — ), V, 17.


Diaconicum (Or. hiaKoviKhv), in the Greek Church the liturgical book specifying the functions of the dea- con; it is also the name given to the Oraliones pro pace (SmKoviKd) to be said by him before the people. Primarily, however, the word denoted an annex to the Christian basilica, where necessary supplies for the service of the altar were kept and preparations were made for the Holy Sacrifice. The diaconicum is dis- tinct from the prothesis, a small room where the offer- ings of the people were received. In large churches the iliaconicuin majus comprised several rooms: the salulfitorium, for reception and audiences of the bishop; the tlwsaurariu/n, where sacred vessels and books were kept ; and the diacon icum properly so called. Possibly the Cireek jra(7ro06piov, where the Holy Eucharist was reserved, was simply the diaconicum. Prothesis and diaconicum are ordinarily on either side of the apse. In Syrian churches, where they are regu- larly foimd, they are built on a rectangular plan and have two stories. They also exist in Byzantine churches, in the basilicas of Africa and frequently even in the churches of other regions.

Kraus. Geschichte dec christlichen Kunst (Freiburg im Br., 1896), I, 300; Idem, Real-Encyckl. d. chriatl. Alterlhumer (Frei- burg, 1882), I, 358.

R. Maere. Diadochus. See Marcus Di.\dochus.

Diakovar (Croatian, Djakovo), see of the Bishop of the united Dioceses of Bosnia or Diakoviir and Sir- mium (Szerdm) (Bosniensis seu Diacovensis et Sirmi- ensis), a municipality of Slavonia (Austria-Hungary), in the county of Virovititz (Hungarian Verocze). Dia- kovdr is the seat of a dLstrict court; in 1900 it contained 6824 inhabitants, mostly Catholics, of whom 65 per cent were Serbs and 28 per cent Germans. The fine cathedral, completed in 1883 by Friedrich Schmidt from the plans of Karl Riisncr, is a Romanesque- Gothic edifice, 256 feet long and 197 feet wide; it has two towers, each about 276 feet high, and, in addition, a cupola about 203 feet high. The interior is decor- ated with frescoes by Seitz, father and son, and the organ has 3(K)0 pipes. Among the other important buildings are the episcopal seminary founded by BLshop Mandi(5 in 1807 and altered in 1858 by Bishop Strossmayer, the provincial house of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross, and the episcopal palace. Diakoviir is of Roman origin. On the imperial road from Sissek to Sirmium there was a large station named Certissa, which disappeared during the migra- tions of the fourth and fifth centuries. The site is not again mentioned before the thirteenth century, when Coloman, brother of King Bela IV, gave the "Posses- sio Diaco" to the Bishop of Bosnia. After the re- establishment of the Diocese of Sirmivnn (q.v.) by Gregoi-y IX, 20 January, 1229, the lived at Bosna Seraj in Bosnia, but in 1246 he transferred his see to Diakovar after Gregory IX, on account of the troubles with the Bogomili, withdrew the Diocese of Bosnia from its subjection to the Archdiocese of Ra- gusa and made it suffragan to the Archdiocese of Kalocsa.