Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 6.djvu/317

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Formio (17S7), Freiburg and all Breisgau was ceded to was completed in the fourteenth century. In 1354,

the Duke of Modena, but a little later, by the Treaty the choir (Late Gothic) was begun, but operations

of Prcsburg US05), it reverted to the house of Ziihrin- were suspended in 1370, and resumed only after a

gen. Thecitysworeallegiance to the new Archduke of lapse of one hundred years. In 1513, the cathedral

Baden on 30 Jan., 1S06. The new government imme- was practically finished. The minster is rich in art

diately abolished most of the monasteries and con- treasures, of which the most notable are: the painting

vents, or converted them into educational institutions, over the main altar by Hans Baldung (1511-17) ; the

It abolished also the ancient representative system of choir-chajiel with paintings by the elder Lucas Cran-

the "estates", or the three ranks of the social order ach and Hans Holbein (the Elder and the Younger);

(clergy, nobles, bourgeois). In 1S21, Freiburg became the artistic windows in the side-aisles, dating in part

the metropolitan see of the newly-founded province of from the fourteenth centiu-y ; lastly the decorations in

the Upper Rhine (see Baden), "and in 1827 the first the vestibule with an aggregate of over 200 figures,

archbishop took pos.session of the see. In the revolu- tion of 1848-49, Freiburg played an important part, becoming at its close the seat of the provisional revolu- tionary government. Since then the city has flourished wonderfully ; the mmiber of its inhabitants has in- creased from 25,000 in 1872 to nearly 80,000 at the pres- ent time (190'J), and its uni- versity is attended by 2900 students.

Freiburg is the residence of an archbishop, metro- politan of the ecclesiastical province of the Upper Rhine, and is the seat of his ecclesiastical administra- tion, and of one of the deaneries of the Including the recently in- corporated suburbs, the city has now 7 Catholic par- ishes, one parochial curacy {Pjarrkuratie), 22 churches and chapels; 68 priests; 17 institutions of the Vin- centian Sisters of Charity (212 members); 4 houses of the Franciscan Si.sters of Charity (39 members) ; 5 convents of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross (61 members) ; a theological faculty at the university, an archiepi.scopal theiilngical

seminary; an archicpiscopal residential gymnasium; a derStadi und Univ Catholic high school for girls, etc. The most promi- nent among the numerous charitable institutions con- ducted by Catholic sisterhoods are: St. Joseph's Hospital; St. Charles' Home (for pensioners); St. Ann's Home, for women engaged in; St. (Ts'gs)"' Mary's Home, for servant girls, with employment part, I9i bureau; St. Francis' Home for the aged; St. Eliza- ""- beth's Home (house-keeping and boarding school); Home for apprentices and journeymen, etc. Catholic sisters are also in charge of a number of institutions belonging to the municipality, for example the Hos- pital of the Holy Ghost, the Home for Beneficed Clergymen, the Kartause (poor-house), the People's Kitchen, the orphan asylum in Giinterstal, and the large clinical hospital connected with the university.

The Cathedral, Freiburg

Umgehungen (:3rcl ed., 1S401: Ba burg (18S2-S3); Kiepert, Frri'... ,


Stadt Freihurg (1S91 and 1901 1; -< (1895); Fr. " • - •

ntiquitif^^. aiii 1S67); Schnin. Oherrheiji^ (sir 1S17). For the sfer :u Frrihur

one of the most elaborate examples of medieval theo- logical symbolism and popu- larly attributed to Albert the Great. Among the other churches are: St. Martin's (Gothic), erected for the Franciscans during the thirteenth and fom^eenth centuries, renovated and ornamented with a tower, 1876-93 (Hansjakob, St. Martin zu Freiburg im Breisgau als Kloster und ri:irni. Freiburg, 1890); the liiiNcrsity church (1630- lU), erected by the Jesuits (Baroque) and used by the Old Catholics 1875-94; the church of the Sacred Heart, erected 1892-97 (Later Ro- manesque and Rhenish Transition style); St. John's (1894-99); St. Michael's Chapel in the old cemetery (1744), the vestibule of which is decorated with a remark able "Dance of Heath".

For a complete bibliography 1 >t t tie city of P'reiburgseeKlENiTZ AN'n Wagner, Litleratur der Laji- ,lr.i- und Volkskunde dc.i Grossher- !oglum.i Baden (Karlsruhe. 1901), II, aOS-a 18; and. for the historio- graphy of the city. Albert. Die Gf'^ihirhlRchreihungderStadtFrei- t'lirqim Breisgau in alter und never (Freiburg. 1902). Important «-c'rks are: Schreiber. Urkun- dcnbueh der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau (1828-66); Idem. Geseh. lat Freiburg (1857-60): Idem, Freiburg j

blulter (Fr

h. der Stadt Frei-

ir. - -".; Biid (1SS9):

' ' ' rhreibung der i J , / '.;s nlte Freiburg ro.'^gau, 'h' - ' ■ -' J, rr Bouten, pub- i Aurin rKi rs AM. l.x'iivEERs of Baden rr,,!u,r,, im Br. I, ml l_ mijebung (Stutt- ..„tril.uli..n<iarfi,M-t « ilh in the follow- M ,;7 ,l,r G'.x. /As,/,,,//, etc., for the history, r customs of Freiburg and vicinity (since since 1S73); Zeilsehrift f. d. Gesch. des H; Freiburger Addr&^s-Kalender (since seeGt;l,,Es. Vnsercr Lieben Frauen Miin- ratr.I. rnll.iin-, 1S97); Idem, Der alte . ' 1/ ' (1902); Kempf and

- '/
,'),;i; Bat'mgarten, Das

^'nr' 'FTr, I'liH, ; Freiburger Munster-

The Archdiocese. — Statistics. — It includes the

They also conduct two kindergartens, four industrial Grand Duchy of Baden (q. v.), the Hohenzollern pos-

schools, two house-keeping schools, and five schools sessions of the Prussian Crown, bounded by Baden

for small children. and Wurtemberg, together with some few places in

The minster, one of the few existing Gothic cathe- Wiirtemberg. The Catholic population is 1,263,280,

drals, complctcl in the MidiUe.^ges, ranks first among .according to the census of 1905. The suffragans of

the city cliurchcs. Its oldest parts, the transept and Freiburg are the Bishops of Fulda, Limburg, Mainz,

the intersect ion of nave and tran.sept, were constructed and Rottenburg. The archbishop is elected by the

during the thirteenth century in Romanesque style, cathedral chapter, but the names of the candidates

The new part (Early (Jothic) was begun in 1250, when must be submitted to the sovereign, who has the riglit

the corner-stone of the tower (380 feet) was laid, and to cancel the names of candidates not acceptable to